| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| ${gencmd} |
| <% |
| import re |
| import topgen.lib as lib |
| |
| num_mio_inputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \ |
| top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['inputs'] |
| num_mio_outputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \ |
| top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['outputs'] |
| num_mio_pads = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['pads'] |
| |
| num_dio_inputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \ |
| top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inputs'] |
| num_dio_outputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \ |
| top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['outputs'] |
| num_dio_total = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \ |
| top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inputs'] + \ |
| top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['outputs'] |
| |
| num_im = sum([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["inter_signal"]["external"]]) |
| |
| max_sigwidth = max([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["pinmux"]["ios"]]) |
| max_sigwidth = len("{}".format(max_sigwidth)) |
| |
| clks_attr = top['clocks'] |
| cpu_clk = top['clocks']['hier_paths']['top'] + "clk_proc_main" |
| cpu_rst = top["reset_paths"]["sys"] |
| dm_rst = top["reset_paths"]["lc"] |
| esc_clk = top['clocks']['hier_paths']['top'] + "clk_io_div4_timers" |
| esc_rst = top["reset_paths"]["sys_io_div4"] |
| |
| unused_resets = lib.get_unused_resets(top) |
| unused_im_defs, undriven_im_defs = lib.get_dangling_im_def(top["inter_signal"]["definitions"]) |
| |
| has_toplevel_rom = False |
| for m in top['memory']: |
| if m['type'] == 'rom': |
| has_toplevel_rom = True |
| |
| %>\ |
| module top_${top["name"]} #( |
| // Auto-inferred parameters |
| % for m in top["module"]: |
| % if not lib.is_inst(m): |
| <% continue %> |
| % endif |
| % for p_exp in filter(lambda p: p.get("expose") == "true", m["param_list"]): |
| parameter ${p_exp["type"]} ${p_exp["name_top"]} = ${p_exp["default"]}, |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| // Manually defined parameters |
| % if has_toplevel_rom: |
| parameter BootRomInitFile = "", |
| % endif |
| parameter ibex_pkg::regfile_e IbexRegFile = ibex_pkg::RegFileFF, |
| parameter bit IbexICache = 1, |
| parameter bit IbexPipeLine = 0, |
| parameter bit SecureIbex = 1 |
| ) ( |
| // Reset, clocks defined as part of intermodule |
| input rst_ni, |
| |
| % if num_mio_pads != 0: |
| // Multiplexed I/O |
| input ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_in_i, |
| output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_out_o, |
| output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_oe_o, |
| % endif |
| % if num_dio_total != 0: |
| // Dedicated I/O |
| input ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_in_i, |
| output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_out_o, |
| output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_oe_o, |
| % endif |
| |
| % if "pinmux" in top: |
| // pad attributes to padring |
| output prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr_t [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_attr_o, |
| output prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr_t [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_attr_o, |
| % endif |
| |
| % if num_im != 0: |
| |
| // Inter-module Signal External type |
| % for sig in top["inter_signal"]["external"]: |
| ${"input " if sig["direction"] == "in" else "output"} ${lib.im_defname(sig)} ${lib.bitarray(sig["width"],1)} ${sig["signame"]}, |
| % endfor |
| |
| // Flash specific voltages |
| inout [1:0] flash_test_mode_a_io, |
| inout flash_test_voltage_h_io, |
| |
| // OTP specific voltages |
| inout otp_ext_voltage_h_io, |
| |
| % endif |
| input scan_rst_ni, // reset used for test mode |
| input scan_en_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t scanmode_i // lc_ctrl_pkg::On for Scan |
| ); |
| |
| // JTAG IDCODE for development versions of this code. |
| // Manufacturers of OpenTitan chips must replace this code with one of their |
| // own IDs. |
| // Field structure as defined in the IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) specification, |
| // section 12.1.1. |
| localparam logic [31:0] JTAG_IDCODE = { |
| 4'h0, // Version |
| 16'h4F54, // Part Number: "OT" |
| 11'h426, // Manufacturer Identity: Google |
| 1'b1 // (fixed) |
| }; |
| |
| import tlul_pkg::*; |
| import top_pkg::*; |
| import tl_main_pkg::*; |
| import top_${top["name"]}_pkg::*; |
| // Compile-time random constants |
| import top_${top["name"]}_rnd_cnst_pkg::*; |
| |
| // Signals |
| logic [${num_mio_inputs - 1}:0] mio_p2d; |
| logic [${num_mio_outputs - 1}:0] mio_d2p; |
| logic [${num_mio_outputs - 1}:0] mio_en_d2p; |
| logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_p2d; |
| logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_d2p; |
| logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_en_d2p; |
| % for m in top["module"]: |
| % if not lib.is_inst(m): |
| <% continue %> |
| % endif |
| <% |
| block = name_to_block[m['type']] |
| inouts, inputs, outputs = block.xputs |
| %>\ |
| // ${m["name"]} |
| % for p_in in inputs + inouts: |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(p_in.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${p_in.name}_p2d; |
| % endfor |
| % for p_out in outputs + inouts: |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(p_out.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${p_out.name}_d2p; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(p_out.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${p_out.name}_en_d2p; |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| |
| <% |
| # Interrupt source 0 is tied to 0 to conform RISC-V PLIC spec. |
| # So, total number of interrupts are the number of entries in the list + 1 |
| interrupt_num = sum([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["interrupt"]]) + 1 |
| %>\ |
| logic [${interrupt_num-1}:0] intr_vector; |
| // Interrupt source list |
| % for m in top["module"]: |
| <% |
| block = name_to_block[m['type']] |
| %>\ |
| % if not lib.is_inst(m): |
| <% continue %> |
| % endif |
| % for intr in block.interrupts: |
| % if intr.bits.width() != 1: |
| logic [${intr.bits.width()-1}:0] intr_${m["name"]}_${intr.name}; |
| % else: |
| logic intr_${m["name"]}_${intr.name}; |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| |
| <% add_spaces = " " * len(str((interrupt_num-1).bit_length()-1)) %> |
| logic [0:0]${add_spaces}irq_plic; |
| logic [0:0]${add_spaces}msip; |
| logic [${(interrupt_num-1).bit_length()-1}:0] irq_id[1]; |
| logic [${(interrupt_num-1).bit_length()-1}:0] unused_irq_id[1]; |
| |
| // this avoids lint errors |
| assign unused_irq_id = irq_id; |
| |
| // Alert list |
| prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [alert_pkg::NAlerts-1:0] alert_tx; |
| prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [alert_pkg::NAlerts-1:0] alert_rx; |
| |
| % if not top["alert"]: |
| for (genvar k = 0; k < alert_pkg::NAlerts; k++) begin : gen_alert_tie_off |
| // tie off if no alerts present in the system |
| assign alert_tx[k].alert_p = 1'b0; |
| assign alert_tx[k].alert_n = 1'b1; |
| end |
| % endif |
| |
| ## Inter-module Definitions |
| % if len(top["inter_signal"]["definitions"]) >= 1: |
| // define inter-module signals |
| % endif |
| % for sig in top["inter_signal"]["definitions"]: |
| ${lib.im_defname(sig)} ${lib.bitarray(sig["width"],1)} ${sig["signame"]}; |
| % endfor |
| |
| ## Mixed connection to port |
| ## Index greater than 0 means a port is assigned to an inter-module array |
| ## whereas an index of 0 means a port is directly driven by a module |
| // define mixed connection to port |
| % for port in top['inter_signal']['external']: |
| % if port['conn_type'] and port['index'] > 0: |
| % if port['direction'] == 'in': |
| assign ${port['netname']}[${port['index']}] = ${port['signame']}; |
| % else: |
| assign ${port['signame']} = ${port['netname']}[${port['index']}]; |
| % endif |
| % elif port['conn_type']: |
| % if port['direction'] == 'in': |
| assign ${port['netname']} = ${port['signame']}; |
| % else: |
| assign ${port['signame']} = ${port['netname']}; |
| % endif |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| |
| ## Partial inter-module definition tie-off |
| // define partial inter-module tie-off |
| % for sig in unused_im_defs: |
| % for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']): |
| ${lib.im_defname(sig)} unused_${sig["signame"]}${idx}; |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| // assign partial inter-module tie-off |
| % for sig in unused_im_defs: |
| % for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']): |
| assign unused_${sig["signame"]}${idx} = ${sig["signame"]}[${idx}]; |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| % for sig in undriven_im_defs: |
| % for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']): |
| assign ${sig["signame"]}[${idx}] = ${sig["default"]}; |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| ## Inter-module signal collection |
| |
| // Unused reset signals |
| % for k, v in unused_resets.items(): |
| logic unused_d${v.lower()}_rst_${k}; |
| % endfor |
| % for k, v in unused_resets.items(): |
| assign unused_d${v.lower()}_rst_${k} = ${lib.get_reset_path(k, v, top['resets'])}; |
| % endfor |
| |
| // Non-debug module reset == reset for everything except for the debug module |
| logic ndmreset_req; |
| |
| // debug request from rv_dm to core |
| logic debug_req; |
| |
| // processor core |
| rv_core_ibex #( |
| .PMPEnable (1), |
| .PMPGranularity (0), // 2^(PMPGranularity+2) == 4 byte granularity |
| .PMPNumRegions (16), |
| .MHPMCounterNum (10), |
| .MHPMCounterWidth (32), |
| .RV32E (0), |
| .RV32M (ibex_pkg::RV32MSingleCycle), |
| .RV32B (ibex_pkg::RV32BNone), |
| .RegFile (IbexRegFile), |
| .BranchTargetALU (1), |
| .WritebackStage (1), |
| .ICache (IbexICache), |
| .ICacheECC (1), |
| .BranchPredictor (0), |
| .DbgTriggerEn (1), |
| .SecureIbex (SecureIbex), |
| .DmHaltAddr (ADDR_SPACE_DEBUG_MEM + dm::HaltAddress[31:0]), |
| .DmExceptionAddr (ADDR_SPACE_DEBUG_MEM + dm::ExceptionAddress[31:0]), |
| .PipeLine (IbexPipeLine) |
| ) u_rv_core_ibex ( |
| // clock and reset |
| .clk_i (${cpu_clk}), |
| .rst_ni (${cpu_rst}[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk_esc_i (${esc_clk}), |
| .rst_esc_ni (${esc_rst}[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .ram_cfg_i (ast_ram_1p_cfg), |
| // static pinning |
| .hart_id_i (32'b0), |
| .boot_addr_i (ADDR_SPACE_ROM_CTRL__ROM), |
| // TL-UL buses |
| .tl_i_o (main_tl_corei_req), |
| .tl_i_i (main_tl_corei_rsp), |
| .tl_d_o (main_tl_cored_req), |
| .tl_d_i (main_tl_cored_rsp), |
| // interrupts |
| .irq_software_i (msip), |
| .irq_timer_i (intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0), |
| .irq_external_i (irq_plic), |
| // escalation input from alert handler (NMI) |
| .esc_tx_i (alert_handler_esc_tx[0]), |
| .esc_rx_o (alert_handler_esc_rx[0]), |
| // debug interface |
| .debug_req_i (debug_req), |
| // crash dump interface |
| .crash_dump_o (rv_core_ibex_crash_dump), |
| // CPU control signals |
| .lc_cpu_en_i (lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en), |
| .pwrmgr_cpu_en_i (pwrmgr_aon_fetch_en), |
| .core_sleep_o (pwrmgr_aon_pwr_cpu.core_sleeping), |
| |
| // dft bypass |
| .scan_rst_ni, |
| .scanmode_i |
| ); |
| |
| // Debug Module (RISC-V Debug Spec 0.13) |
| // |
| |
| rv_dm #( |
| .NrHarts (1), |
| .IdcodeValue (JTAG_IDCODE) |
| ) u_dm_top ( |
| .clk_i (${cpu_clk}), |
| .rst_ni (${dm_rst}[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .hw_debug_en_i (lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en), |
| .scanmode_i, |
| .scan_rst_ni, |
| .ndmreset_o (ndmreset_req), |
| .dmactive_o (), |
| .debug_req_o (debug_req), |
| .unavailable_i (1'b0), |
| |
| // bus device with debug memory (for execution-based debug) |
| .tl_d_i (main_tl_debug_mem_req), |
| .tl_d_o (main_tl_debug_mem_rsp), |
| |
| // bus host (for system bus accesses, SBA) |
| .tl_h_o (main_tl_dm_sba_req), |
| .tl_h_i (main_tl_dm_sba_rsp), |
| |
| //JTAG |
| .jtag_req_i (pinmux_aon_rv_jtag_req), |
| .jtag_rsp_o (pinmux_aon_rv_jtag_rsp) |
| ); |
| |
| assign rstmgr_aon_cpu.ndmreset_req = ndmreset_req; |
| assign rstmgr_aon_cpu.rst_cpu_n = ${top["reset_paths"]["sys"]}[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]; |
| |
| // Struct breakout module tool-inserted DFT TAP signals |
| pinmux_jtag_breakout u_dft_tap_breakout ( |
| .req_i (pinmux_aon_dft_jtag_req), |
| .rsp_o (pinmux_aon_dft_jtag_rsp), |
| .tck_o (), |
| .trst_no (), |
| .tms_o (), |
| .tdi_o (), |
| .tdo_i (1'b0), |
| .tdo_oe_i (1'b0) |
| ); |
| |
| ## Memory Instantiation |
| % for m in top["memory"]: |
| <% |
| resets = m['reset_connections'] |
| clocks = m['clock_connections'] |
| %>\ |
| % if m["type"] == "ram_1p_scr": |
| <% |
| data_width = int(top["datawidth"]) |
| full_data_width = data_width + int(m["integ_width"]) |
| dw_byte = data_width // 8 |
| addr_width = ((int(m["size"], 0) // dw_byte) -1).bit_length() |
| sram_depth = (int(m["size"], 0) // dw_byte) |
| max_char = len(str(max(data_width, addr_width))) |
| %>\ |
| // sram device |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_req; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_gnt; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_we; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_intg_err; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(addr_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_addr; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(full_data_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_wdata; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(full_data_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_wmask; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(full_data_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rdata; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rvalid; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(2, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rerror; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(${addr_width}), |
| .SramDw(${data_width}), |
| .Outstanding(2), |
| .CmdIntgCheck(1), |
| .EnableRspIntgGen(1), |
| .EnableDataIntgGen(0), |
| .EnableDataIntgPt(1) |
| ) u_tl_adapter_${m["name"]} ( |
| % for key in clocks: |
| .${key} (${clocks[key]}), |
| % endfor |
| % for key, value in resets.items(): |
| .${key} (${value}), |
| % endfor |
| .tl_i (${m["name"]}_tl_req), |
| .tl_o (${m["name"]}_tl_rsp), |
| .en_ifetch_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][3]["top_signame"]}), |
| .req_o (${m["name"]}_req), |
| .req_type_o (), |
| .gnt_i (${m["name"]}_gnt), |
| .we_o (${m["name"]}_we), |
| .addr_o (${m["name"]}_addr), |
| .wdata_o (${m["name"]}_wdata), |
| .wmask_o (${m["name"]}_wmask), |
| .intg_error_o(${m["name"]}_intg_err), |
| .rdata_i (${m["name"]}_rdata), |
| .rvalid_i (${m["name"]}_rvalid), |
| .rerror_i (${m["name"]}_rerror) |
| ); |
| |
| <% |
| mem_name = m["name"].split("_") |
| mem_name = lib.Name(mem_name[1:]) |
| %>\ |
| prim_ram_1p_scr #( |
| .Width(${full_data_width}), |
| .Depth(${sram_depth}), |
| .EnableParity(0), |
| .LfsrWidth(${data_width}), |
| .StatePerm(RndCnstSramCtrl${mem_name.as_camel_case()}SramLfsrPerm), |
| .DataBitsPerMask(1), // TODO: Temporary change to ensure byte updates can still be done |
| .DiffWidth(8) |
| ) u_ram1p_${m["name"]} ( |
| % for key in clocks: |
| .${key} (${clocks[key]}), |
| % endfor |
| % for key, value in resets.items(): |
| .${key} (${value}), |
| % endfor |
| |
| .key_valid_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_req.valid), |
| .key_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_req.key), |
| .nonce_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_req.nonce), |
| .init_req_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][2]["top_signame"]}_req.req), |
| .init_seed_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][2]["top_signame"]}_req.seed), |
| .init_ack_o (${m["inter_signal_list"][2]["top_signame"]}_rsp.ack), |
| |
| .req_i (${m["name"]}_req), |
| .intg_error_i(${m["name"]}_intg_err), |
| .gnt_o (${m["name"]}_gnt), |
| .write_i (${m["name"]}_we), |
| .addr_i (${m["name"]}_addr), |
| .wdata_i (${m["name"]}_wdata), |
| .wmask_i (${m["name"]}_wmask), |
| .rdata_o (${m["name"]}_rdata), |
| .rvalid_o (${m["name"]}_rvalid), |
| .rerror_o (${m["name"]}_rerror), |
| .raddr_o (${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_rsp.raddr), |
| .intg_error_o(${m["inter_signal_list"][4]["top_signame"]}), |
| .cfg_i (ram_1p_cfg_i) |
| ); |
| |
| assign ${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_rsp.rerror = ${m["name"]}_rerror; |
| |
| % elif m["type"] == "rom": |
| <% |
| data_width = int(top["datawidth"]) |
| full_data_width = data_width + int(m['integ_width']) |
| dw_byte = data_width // 8 |
| addr_width = ((int(m["size"], 0) // dw_byte) -1).bit_length() |
| rom_depth = (int(m["size"], 0) // dw_byte) |
| max_char = len(str(max(data_width, addr_width))) |
| %>\ |
| // ROM device |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_req; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(addr_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_addr; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(full_data_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rdata; |
| logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rvalid; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(${addr_width}), |
| .SramDw(${data_width}), |
| .Outstanding(2), |
| .ErrOnWrite(1), |
| .CmdIntgCheck(1), |
| .EnableRspIntgGen(1), |
| .EnableDataIntgGen(1) // TODO: Needs to be updated for intgerity passthrough |
| ) u_tl_adapter_${m["name"]} ( |
| % for key in clocks: |
| .${key} (${clocks[key]}), |
| % endfor |
| % for key, value in resets.items(): |
| .${key} (${value}), |
| % endfor |
| |
| .tl_i (${m["name"]}_tl_req), |
| .tl_o (${m["name"]}_tl_rsp), |
| .en_ifetch_i (tlul_pkg::InstrEn), |
| .req_o (${m["name"]}_req), |
| .req_type_o (), |
| .gnt_i (1'b1), // Always grant as only one requester exists |
| .we_o (), |
| .addr_o (${m["name"]}_addr), |
| .wdata_o (), |
| .wmask_o (), |
| .intg_error_o(), // Connect to ROM checker and ROM scramble later |
| .rdata_i (${m["name"]}_rdata[${data_width-1}:0]), |
| .rvalid_i (${m["name"]}_rvalid), |
| .rerror_i (2'b00) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_rom_adv #( |
| .Width(${full_data_width}), |
| .Depth(${rom_depth}), |
| .MemInitFile(BootRomInitFile) |
| ) u_rom_${m["name"]} ( |
| % for key in clocks: |
| .${key} (${clocks[key]}), |
| % endfor |
| % for key, value in resets.items(): |
| .${key} (${value}), |
| % endfor |
| .req_i (${m["name"]}_req), |
| .addr_i (${m["name"]}_addr), |
| .rdata_o (${m["name"]}_rdata), |
| .rvalid_o (${m["name"]}_rvalid), |
| .cfg_i (rom_cfg_i) |
| ); |
| |
| % elif m["type"] == "eflash": |
| |
| // host to flash communication |
| logic flash_host_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_type_e flash_host_req_type; |
| logic flash_host_req_rdy; |
| logic flash_host_req_done; |
| logic flash_host_rderr; |
| logic [flash_ctrl_pkg::BusWidth-1:0] flash_host_rdata; |
| logic [flash_ctrl_pkg::BusAddrW-1:0] flash_host_addr; |
| logic flash_host_intg_err; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(flash_ctrl_pkg::BusAddrW), |
| .SramDw(flash_ctrl_pkg::BusWidth), |
| .Outstanding(2), |
| .ByteAccess(0), |
| .ErrOnWrite(1), |
| .CmdIntgCheck(1), |
| .EnableRspIntgGen(1), |
| .EnableDataIntgGen(1) |
| ) u_tl_adapter_${m["name"]} ( |
| % for key in clocks: |
| .${key} (${clocks[key]}), |
| % endfor |
| % for key, value in resets.items(): |
| .${key} (${value}), |
| % endfor |
| |
| .tl_i (${m["name"]}_tl_req), |
| .tl_o (${m["name"]}_tl_rsp), |
| .en_ifetch_i (tlul_pkg::InstrEn), // tie this to secure boot somehow |
| .req_o (flash_host_req), |
| .req_type_o (flash_host_req_type), |
| .gnt_i (flash_host_req_rdy), |
| .we_o (), |
| .addr_o (flash_host_addr), |
| .wdata_o (), |
| .wmask_o (), |
| .intg_error_o(flash_host_intg_err), |
| .rdata_i (flash_host_rdata), |
| .rvalid_i (flash_host_req_done), |
| .rerror_i ({flash_host_rderr,1'b0}) |
| ); |
| |
| flash_phy u_flash_${m["name"]} ( |
| % for key in clocks: |
| .${key} (${clocks[key]}), |
| % endfor |
| % for key, value in resets.items(): |
| .${key} (${value}), |
| % endfor |
| .host_req_i (flash_host_req), |
| .host_intg_err_i (flash_host_intg_err), |
| .host_req_type_i (flash_host_req_type), |
| .host_addr_i (flash_host_addr), |
| .host_req_rdy_o (flash_host_req_rdy), |
| .host_req_done_o (flash_host_req_done), |
| .host_rderr_o (flash_host_rderr), |
| .host_rdata_o (flash_host_rdata), |
| .flash_ctrl_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][0]["top_signame"]}_req), |
| .flash_ctrl_o (${m["inter_signal_list"][0]["top_signame"]}_rsp), |
| .lc_nvm_debug_en_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][2]["top_signame"]}), |
| .flash_bist_enable_i, |
| .flash_power_down_h_i, |
| .flash_power_ready_h_i, |
| .flash_test_mode_a_io, |
| .flash_test_voltage_h_io, |
| .flash_alert_o, |
| .scanmode_i, |
| .scan_en_i, |
| .scan_rst_ni |
| ); |
| |
| % else: |
| // flash memory is embedded within controller |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| ## Peripheral Instantiation |
| |
| <% alert_idx = 0 %> |
| % for m in top["module"]: |
| <% |
| if not lib.is_inst(m): |
| continue |
| |
| block = name_to_block[m['type']] |
| inouts, inputs, outputs = block.xputs |
| |
| port_list = inputs + outputs + inouts |
| max_sigwidth = max(len(x.name) for x in port_list) if port_list else 0 |
| max_intrwidth = (max(len(x.name) for x in block.interrupts) |
| if block.interrupts else 0) |
| %>\ |
| % if m["param_list"] or block.alerts: |
| ${m["type"]} #( |
| % if block.alerts: |
| <% |
| w = len(block.alerts) |
| slice = str(alert_idx+w-1) + ":" + str(alert_idx) |
| %>\ |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[${slice}])${"," if m["param_list"] else ""} |
| % endif |
| % for i in m["param_list"]: |
| .${i["name"]}(${i["name_top" if i.get("expose") == "true" or i.get("randtype", "none") != "none" else "default"]})${"," if not loop.last else ""} |
| % endfor |
| ) u_${m["name"]} ( |
| % else: |
| ${m["type"]} u_${m["name"]} ( |
| % endif |
| % for p_in in inputs + inouts: |
| % if loop.first: |
| |
| // Input |
| % endif |
| .${lib.ljust("cio_"+p_in.name+"_i",max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${p_in.name}_p2d), |
| % endfor |
| % for p_out in outputs + inouts: |
| % if loop.first: |
| |
| // Output |
| % endif |
| .${lib.ljust("cio_"+p_out.name+"_o", max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${p_out.name}_d2p), |
| .${lib.ljust("cio_"+p_out.name+"_en_o",max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${p_out.name}_en_d2p), |
| % endfor |
| % for intr in block.interrupts: |
| % if loop.first: |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| % endif |
| .${lib.ljust("intr_"+intr.name+"_o",max_intrwidth+7)} (intr_${m["name"]}_${intr.name}), |
| % endfor |
| % if block.alerts: |
| % for alert in block.alerts: |
| // [${alert_idx}]: ${alert.name}<% alert_idx += 1 %> |
| % endfor |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[${slice}] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[${slice}] ), |
| % endif |
| ## TODO: Inter-module Connection |
| % if m.get('inter_signal_list'): |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| % for sig in m['inter_signal_list']: |
| ## TODO: handle below condition in lib.py |
| % if sig['type'] == "req_rsp": |
| .${lib.im_portname(sig,"req")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "req")}), |
| .${lib.im_portname(sig,"rsp")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "rsp")}), |
| % elif sig['type'] == "uni": |
| ## TODO: Broadcast type |
| ## TODO: default for logic type |
| .${lib.im_portname(sig)}(${lib.im_netname(sig)}), |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % endif |
| % if m["type"] == "rv_plic": |
| |
| .intr_src_i (intr_vector), |
| .irq_o (irq_plic), |
| .irq_id_o (irq_id), |
| .msip_o (msip), |
| % endif |
| % if m["type"] == "pinmux": |
| |
| .periph_to_mio_i (mio_d2p ), |
| .periph_to_mio_oe_i (mio_en_d2p ), |
| .mio_to_periph_o (mio_p2d ), |
| |
| .mio_attr_o, |
| .mio_out_o, |
| .mio_oe_o, |
| .mio_in_i, |
| |
| .periph_to_dio_i (dio_d2p ), |
| .periph_to_dio_oe_i (dio_en_d2p ), |
| .dio_to_periph_o (dio_p2d ), |
| |
| .dio_attr_o, |
| .dio_out_o, |
| .dio_oe_o, |
| .dio_in_i, |
| |
| % endif |
| % if m["type"] == "alert_handler": |
| // alert signals |
| .alert_rx_o ( alert_rx ), |
| .alert_tx_i ( alert_tx ), |
| % endif |
| % if m["type"] == "otp_ctrl": |
| .otp_ext_voltage_h_io, |
| % endif |
| % if block.scan: |
| .scanmode_i, |
| % endif |
| % if block.scan_reset: |
| .scan_rst_ni, |
| % endif |
| % if block.scan_en: |
| .scan_en_i, |
| % endif |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| % for k, v in m["clock_connections"].items(): |
| .${k} (${v}), |
| % endfor |
| % for k, v in m["reset_connections"].items(): |
| .${k} (${v})${"," if not loop.last else ""} |
| % endfor |
| ); |
| |
| % endfor |
| // interrupt assignments |
| <% base = interrupt_num %>\ |
| assign intr_vector = { |
| % for intr in top["interrupt"][::-1]: |
| <% base -= intr["width"] %>\ |
| intr_${intr["name"]}, // IDs [${base} +: ${intr['width']}] |
| % endfor |
| 1'b 0 // ID [0 +: 1] is a special case and tied to zero. |
| }; |
| |
| // TL-UL Crossbar |
| % for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| <% |
| name_len = max([len(x["name"]) for x in xbar["nodes"]]); |
| %>\ |
| xbar_${xbar["name"]} u_xbar_${xbar["name"]} ( |
| % for k, v in xbar["clock_connections"].items(): |
| .${k} (${v}), |
| % endfor |
| % for k, v in xbar["reset_connections"].items(): |
| .${k} (${v}), |
| % endfor |
| |
| ## Inter-module signal |
| % for sig in xbar["inter_signal_list"]: |
| <% assert sig['type'] == "req_rsp" %>\ |
| // port: ${sig['name']} |
| .${lib.im_portname(sig,"req")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "req")}), |
| .${lib.im_portname(sig,"rsp")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "rsp")}), |
| |
| % endfor |
| |
| .scanmode_i |
| ); |
| % endfor |
| |
| % if "pinmux" in top: |
| // Pinmux connections |
| // All muxed inputs |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| % if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "input"]: |
| <% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_in') %>\ |
| assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = mio_p2d[${literal}]; |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| |
| // All muxed outputs |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| % if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "output"]: |
| <% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_out') %>\ |
| assign mio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""}; |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| |
| // All muxed output enables |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| % if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "output"]: |
| <% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_out') %>\ |
| assign mio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""}; |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| |
| // All dedicated inputs |
| <% idx = 0 %>\ |
| logic [${num_dio_total-1}:0] unused_dio_p2d; |
| assign unused_dio_p2d = dio_p2d; |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| <% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\ |
| % if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]: |
| assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = dio_p2d[${literal}]; |
| % elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]: |
| assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = dio_p2d[${literal}]; |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| |
| // All dedicated outputs |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| <% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\ |
| % if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]: |
| assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""}; |
| % elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]: |
| assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = 1'b0; |
| % elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["output"]: |
| assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""}; |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| |
| // All dedicated output enables |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| <% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\ |
| % if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]: |
| assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""}; |
| % elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]: |
| assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = 1'b0; |
| % elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["output"]: |
| assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""}; |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| |
| % endif |
| |
| // make sure scanmode_i is never X (including during reset) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(scanmodeKnown, scanmode_i, clk_main_i, 0) |
| |
| endmodule |