blob: aab4123308845b4a50a401e0d4ae512ec18b2829 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{ name: "pattgen",
clock_primary: "clk_i",
bus_interfaces: [
{ protocol: "tlul", direction: "device" }
regwidth: "32",
// OUTPUT pins
available_output_list: [
{ name: "pda0_tx", desc: "Serial output data bit for pattern generation on Channel 0" }
{ name: "pcl0_tx", desc: "Clock corresponding to pattern data on Channel 0" }
{ name: "pda1_tx", desc: "Serial output data bit for pattern generation on Channel 1" }
{ name: "pcl1_tx", desc: "Clock corresponding to pattern data on Channel 1" }
interrupt_list: [
{ name: "done_ch0"
desc: "raise if pattern generation on Channel 0 is complete"
{ name: "done_ch1"
desc: "raise if pattern generation on Channel 1 is complete"
alert_list: [
{ name: "fatal_fault",
desc: '''
This fatal alert is triggered when a fatal TL-UL bus integrity fault is detected.
param_list: [
{ name: "NumRegsData",
type: "int",
default: "2",
desc: "Number of data registers per each channel",
local: "true"
// REGISTER definition
registers: [
// CTRL register
{ name: "CTRL",
desc: "PATTGEN control register",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
resval: "0",
name: "ENABLE_CH0",
desc: "Enable pattern generator functionality for Channel 0",
tags: [// don't write (e.g. 1'b1) to enable bit
// because DUT can operate with zero values programmed to registers - it affects several other csrs
{ bits: "1",
resval: "0",
name: "ENABLE_CH1",
desc: "Enable pattern generator functionality for Channel 1",
tags: [// don't write (e.g. 1'b1) to enable bit
// because DUT can operate with zero values programmed to registers - it affects several other csrs
{ bits: "2",
resval: "0",
name: "POLARITY_CH0",
desc: "Clock (`pcl`) polarity for Channel 0. If low, `pda` signal changes on falling edge of pcl signal, otherwise pda changes on rising edge. Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ bits: "3",
resval: "0",
name: "POLARITY_CH1",
desc: "Clock (`pcl`) polarity for Channel 1. If high, `pda` signal changes on falling edge of `pcl` signal, otherwise pda changes on rising edge. Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ name: "PREDIV_CH0",
desc: "PATTGEN pre-divider register for Channel 0",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0",
resval: "0",
name: "CLK_RATIO",
desc: "Clock divider ratio fpr Channel 0 (relative to I/O clock). Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ name: "PREDIV_CH1",
desc: "PATTGEN pre-divider register for Channel 1",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0",
resval: "0",
name: "CLK_RATIO",
desc: "Clock divider ratio for Channel 1 (relative to I/O clock). Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ multireg: {
name: "DATA_CH0",
desc: "PATTGEN seed pattern multi-registers for Channel 0."
count: "NumRegsData",
cname: "PATTGEN",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0",
resval: "0",
name: "DATA",
desc: "Seed pattern for Channel 0 (1-64 bits). Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ multireg: {
name: "DATA_CH1",
desc: "PATTGEN seed pattern multi-registers for Channel 1."
count: "NumRegsData",
cname: "PATTGEN",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
fields: [
{ bits: "31:0",
resval: "0",
name: "DATA",
desc: "Seed pattern for Channel 1 (1-64 bits). Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ name: "SIZE",
desc: "PATTGEN pattern length",
swaccess: "rw",
hwaccess: "hro",
fields: [
{ bits: "5:0",
resval: "0",
name: "LEN_CH0",
desc: "Length of the seed pattern for Channel 0, minus 1. Valid values: 0..63. Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ bits: "15:6",
resval: "0",
name: "REPS_CH0",
desc: "Number of pattern repetitions for Channel 0, minus 1. Valid values: 0..1023. Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ bits: "21:16",
resval: "0",
name: "LEN_CH1",
desc: "Length of the seed pattern for Channel 1, minus 1. Valid values: 0..63. Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."
{ bits: "31:22",
resval: "0",
name: "REPS_CH1",
desc: "Number of pattern repetitions for Channel 1, minus 1. Valid values: 0..1023. Note that writes to a channel's configuration registers have no effect while the channel is enabled."