blob: cfc36dacae3552857b3ba73c174d0178c02c9aae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Rules for generating OTP images.
The rules in this file are used to generate a JSON file that describe the OTP
configuration which is then consumed to produce the OTP VMEM image file for
preloading the OTP in FPGA synthesis or simulation.
def _otp_json_impl(ctx):
"""Bazel rule for generating JSON specifications for OTP configurations."""
otp = {}
# Seed to be used for generation of partition randomized values.
# Can be overridden by the OTP image generation tool.
otp["seed"] = "01931961561863975174"
# Assemble all OTP paritions
# The partition and item names must correspond with the OTP memory map.
otp["partitions"] = [
"name": "CREATOR_SW_CFG",
"items": {
# Use software mod_exp implementation for signature
# verification. See the definition of `hardened_bool_t` in
# sw/device/lib/base/hardened.h.
# Mark the first two keys as valid and remaining as invalid
# since we have currently only two keys. See the definition of
# `hardened_byte_bool_t` in sw/device/lib/base/hardened.h.
"CREATOR_SW_CFG_KEY_IS_VALID": "0x4b4b4b4b4b4ba5a5",
# Enable use of entropy for countermeasures. See the definition
# of `hardened_bool_t` in sw/device/lib/base/hardened.h.
# ROM execution is enabled if this item is set to a non-zero
# value.
"CREATOR_SW_CFG_ROM_EXEC_EN": "0xffffffff",
# Value to write to the cpuctrl CSR in `rom_init()`.
# See:
# Value of the min_security_version_rom_ext field of the
# default boot data.
# Value of the min_security_version_bl0 field of the default
# boot data.
# Enable the default boot data in PROD and PROD_END life cycle
# states. See the definition of `hardened_bool_t` in
# sw/device/lib/base/hardened.h.
"name": "OWNER_SW_CFG",
"items": {
# Enable bootstrap. See `hardened_bool_t` in
# sw/device/lib/base/hardened.h.
# Set to 0x739 to use the ROM_EXT hash measurement as the key
# manager attestation binding value.
# Set the enables to kAlertEnableNone.
# See `alert_enable_t` in
# sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/drivers/alert.h
# Set the esclation policies to kAlertEscalateNone.
# See `alert_escalate_t`
# in sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/drivers/alert.h
# Set the classifiactions to kAlertClassX.
# See `alert_class_t` in
# sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/drivers/alert.h
# Set the classifiactions to kAlertClassX.
# See `alert_class_t` in
# sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/drivers/alert.h
# Set the alert accumulation thresholds to 0 per class.
"OWNER_SW_CFG_ROM_ALERT_ACCUM_THRESH": ["0x00000000"] * 4,
# Set the alert timeout cycles to 0 per class.
# Set the alert phase cycles to 0,10,10,0xFFFFFFFF for classes
# A and B, and to all zeros for classes C and D.
"name": "HW_CFG",
# If set to true, this computes the HW digest value and locks the
# partition.
"lock": True,
"items": {
"DEVICE_ID": "<random>",
# Cryptolib and chip-level tests require access to the CSRNG
# software interfaces.
# Cryptolib and chip-level tests require access to the
# entropy_src FW data interface.
# Cryptolib and chip-level tests require access to the
# entropy_src FW override interface.
"name": "SECRET0",
"lock": True,
"items": {
"TEST_UNLOCK_TOKEN": "<random>",
"TEST_EXIT_TOKEN": "<random>",
"name": "SECRET1",
"lock": True,
"items": {
"FLASH_ADDR_KEY_SEED": "<random>",
"FLASH_DATA_KEY_SEED": "<random>",
"SRAM_DATA_KEY_SEED": "<random>",
"name": "SECRET2",
"lock": False,
"items": {
"RMA_TOKEN": "<random>",
"CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE0": "<random>",
"CREATOR_ROOT_KEY_SHARE1": "<random>",
"name": "LIFE_CYCLE",
"state": ctx.attr.lc_state,
# Can range from 0 to 16.
# Note that a value of 0 is only permissible in RAW state.
"count": ctx.attr.lc_count,
# For every partition with an "items" dictionary, expand the dictionary of
# key:value pairs into a list of dicts, each of the form
# {
# "name": key,
# "value": value
# }
# This format is expected by the OTP image generation tool
for partition in otp["partitions"]:
if "items" in partition.keys():
items = partition["items"]
partition["items"] = [{"name": k, "value": items[k]} for k in items.keys()]
file = ctx.actions.declare_file("{}.json".format(
ctx.actions.write(file, json.encode_indent(otp))
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([file]))
otp_json = rule(
implementation = _otp_json_impl,
attrs = {
# Valid life cycle states can be found in the life cycle state
# definition file (default: hw/ip/lc_ctrl/data/lc_ctrl_state.hjson)
"lc_state": attr.string(doc = "Life cycle state", default = "RMA"),
"lc_count": = "Life cycle count", default = 8),
def _otp_image(ctx):
output = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".24.vmem")
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add("--lc-state-def", ctx.file.lc_state_def)
args.add("--mmap-def", ctx.file.mmap_def)
args.add("--img-cfg", ctx.file.src)
args.add("--out", "{}/{}.BITWIDTH.vmem".format(output.dirname,
outputs = [output],
inputs = [
arguments = [args],
executable = ctx.executable._tool,
return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([output]), runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [output]))]
otp_image = rule(
implementation = _otp_image,
attrs = {
"src": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"lc_state_def": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//hw/ip/lc_ctrl/data:lc_ctrl_state.hjson",
doc = "Life-cycle state definition file in Hjson format.",
"mmap_def": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data:otp_ctrl_mmap.hjson",
doc = "OTP Controller memory map file in Hjson format.",
"_tool": attr.label(
default = "//util/design:gen-otp-img",
executable = True,
cfg = "exec",