blob: 28391d89e8da8f8b230d9139e83f5b8c7f4272a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for TLUL elements lint
# socket 1:N
waive -rules INVALID_COMPARE -location {} -regexp {Comparison '.dev_select_t == NWD'.*can never be true} \
-comment "lint appears to be confused about the width expansion of NWD'(2)'"
waive -rules MIXED_SIGN -location {} -regexp {Unsigned operand .* and signed .NWD} \
-comment "is there a way to make NWD'(idx)' an unsigned operand?"
waive -rules HIER_NET_NOT_READ -location {} -regexp {a_(address|data|mask|param|size|user.*)' in module 'tlul_socket_1n'} \
-comment "request collateral is not used in \[N\] case, just for error response"
waive -rules NOT_READ -location {} -regexp {'tl_t_p.a_ready' is not read from in module 'tlul_socket_1n'} \
-comment "a_ready not needed, goes into FIFO"
waive -rules INTEGER -location {} -msg {'idx' of type int used as a non-constant value} \
-comment "This compares int idx (signed) with a multibit logic variable (unsigned), which is fine"
# err_rsp
waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -location {} -regexp {Input port 'tl_h_i.a_.*' is not read from in module 'tlul_err_resp'} \
-comment "error response does not require command/address information"
waive -rules CONST_OUTPUT -location {} -regexp {Output 'tl_h_o.d_.*' is driven by constant} \
-comment "error response hard codes reponse data collateral"