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# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Definitions for the base group of instructions. See insns.yml for
# the detailed format.
- mnemonic: add
rv32i: true
synopsis: Add
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: addi
rv32i: true
synopsis: Add Immediate
operands: [grd, grs1, imm]
scheme: I
imm: imm
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: lui
rv32i: true
synopsis: Load Upper Immediate
- grd
- name: imm
type: uimm
scheme: U
imm: imm
rd: grd
opcode: b01101
- mnemonic: sub
rv32i: true
synopsis: Subtract
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0100000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: sll
rv32i: true
synopsis: Logical left shift
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b001
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: slli
rv32i: true
synopsis: Logical left shift with Immediate
- grd
- grs1
- &shamt-operand
name: shamt
type: uimm
scheme: Is
arithmetic: b0
shamt: shamt
rs1: grs1
funct3: b001
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: srl
rv32i: true
synopsis: Logical right shift
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: srli
rv32i: true
synopsis: Logical right shift with Immediate
- grd
- grs1
- *shamt-operand
scheme: Is
arithmetic: b0
shamt: shamt
rs1: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: sra
rv32i: true
synopsis: Arithmetic right shift
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0100000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: srai
rv32i: true
synopsis: Arithmetic right shift with Immediate
- grd
- grs1
- *shamt-operand
scheme: Is
arithmetic: b1
shamt: shamt
rs1: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: and
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise AND
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b111
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: andi
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise AND with Immediate
operands: [grd, grs1, imm]
scheme: I
imm: imm
rs1: grs1
funct3: b111
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: or
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise OR
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b110
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: ori
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise OR with Immediate
operands: [grd, grs1, imm]
scheme: I
imm: imm
rs1: grs1
funct3: b110
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: xor
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise XOR
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b100
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: xori
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise XOR with Immediate
operands: [grd, grs1, imm]
scheme: I
imm: imm
rs1: grs1
funct3: b100
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: lw
rv32i: true
synopsis: Load Word
- grd
- name: offset
abbrev: "off"
- grs1
syntax: <grd>, <offset>(<grs1>)
scheme: I
imm: offset
rs1: grs1
funct3: b010
rd: grd
opcode: b00000
doc: |
Loads a 32b word from address `offset + grs1` in data memory, writing the result to `grd`.
Unaligned loads are not supported.
Any address that is unaligned or is above the top of memory will result in an error (setting bit `bad_data_addr` in `ERR_BITS`).
This instruction takes 2 cycles.
type: mem-load
target: [offset, grs1]
bytes: 4
- mnemonic: sw
rv32i: true
synopsis: Store Word
- grs2
- name: offset
abbrev: "off"
- grs1
syntax: <grs2>, <offset>(<grs1>)
scheme: S
imm: offset
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b010
opcode: b01000
doc: |
Stores a 32b word in `grs2` to address `offset + grs1` in data memory.
Unaligned stores are not supported.
Any address that is unaligned or is above the top of memory will result in an error (setting bit `bad_data_addr` in `ERR_BITS`).
type: mem-store
target: [offset, grs1]
bytes: 4
- mnemonic: beq
rv32i: true
synopsis: Branch Equal
operands: &beq-operands
- grs1
- grs2
- &branch-offset-operand
name: offset
abbrev: "off"
pc-rel: true
type: simm<<1
straight-line: false
scheme: B
imm: offset
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
opcode: b11000
- mnemonic: bne
rv32i: true
synopsis: Branch Not Equal
operands: *beq-operands
straight-line: false
scheme: B
imm: offset
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b001
opcode: b11000
- mnemonic: jal
rv32i: true
synopsis: Jump And Link
- grd
- *branch-offset-operand
straight-line: false
trailing-doc: |
The JAL instruction has the same behavior as in RV32I, jumping by the given offset and writing `PC+4` as a link address to the destination register.
OTBN has a hardware managed call stack, accessed through `x1`, which should be used when calling subroutines.
Do so by using `x1` as the link register: `jal x1, <offset>`.
scheme: J
imm: offset
rd: grd
opcode: b11011
- mnemonic: jalr
rv32i: true
synopsis: Jump And Link Register
operands: [grd, grs1, offset]
straight-line: false
trailing-doc: |
The JALR instruction has the same behavior as in RV32I, jumping by `<grs1> + <offset>` and writing `PC+4` as a link address to the destination register.
OTBN has a hardware managed call stack, accessed through `x1`, which should be used when calling and returning from subroutines.
To return from a subroutine, use `jalr x0, x1, 0`.
This pops a link address from the call stack and branches to it.
To call a subroutine through a function pointer, use `jalr x1, <grs1>, 0`.
This jumps to the address in `<grs1>` and pushes the link address onto the call stack.
scheme: I
imm: offset
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
rd: grd
opcode: b11001
- mnemonic: csrrs
rv32i: true
synopsis: Atomic Read and Set bits in CSR
operands: [grd, csr, grs1]
doc: |
Reads the value of the CSR `csr`, and writes it to the destination GPR `grd`.
The initial value in `grs1` is treated as a bit mask that specifies bits to be set in the CSR.
Any bit that is high in `grs1` will cause the corresponding bit to be set in the CSR, if that CSR bit is writable.
Other bits in the CSR are unaffected (though CSRs might have side effects when written).
scheme: I
imm: csr
rs1: grs1
funct3: b010
rd: grd
opcode: b11100
type: csr
target: [csr]
- mnemonic: csrrw
rv32i: true
synopsis: Atomic Read/Write CSR
operands: [grd, csr, grs1]
doc: |
Atomically swaps values in the CSR `csr` with the value in the GPR `grs1`.
Reads the old value of the CSR, and writes it to the GPR `grd`.
Writes the initial value in `grs1` to the CSR `csr`.
If `grd == x0` the instruction does not read the CSR or cause any read-related side-effects.
scheme: I
imm: csr
rs1: grs1
funct3: b001
rd: grd
opcode: b11100
type: csr
target: [csr]
- mnemonic: ecall
rv32i: true
synopsis: Environment Call
operands: []
straight-line: false
doc: |
Triggers the `done` interrupt to indicate the completion of the
scheme: I
imm: b000000000000
rs1: b00000
funct3: b000
rd: b00000
opcode: b11100
- mnemonic: loop
synopsis: Loop (indirect)
- name: grs
doc: Name of the GPR containing the number of iterations
- &bodysize-operand
name: bodysize
abbrev: sz
type: uimm+1
doc: Number of instructions in the loop body
straight-line: false
doc: |
Repeats a sequence of code multiple times.
The number of iterations is read from `grs`, treated as an unsigned value.
The number of instructions in the loop is given in the `bodysize` immediate.
The `LOOP` instruction doesn't support a zero iteration count.
If the value in `grs` is zero, OTBN stops, setting bit `loop` in `ERR_BITS`.
Starting a loop pushes an entry on to the [loop stack](../#loop-stack).
If the stack is already full, OTBN stops, setting bit `loop` in `ERR_BITS`.
`LOOP`, `LOOPI`, jump and branch instructions are all permitted inside a loop but may not appear as the last instruction in a loop.
OTBN will stop on that instruction, setting bit `loop` in `ERR_BITS`.
For more information on how to correctly use `LOOP` see [loop nesting](../#loop-nesting).
scheme: loop
bodysize: bodysize
grs: grs
- mnemonic: loopi
synopsis: Loop Immediate
- name: iterations
type: uimm
doc: Number of iterations
- *bodysize-operand
straight-line: false
doc: |
Repeats a sequence of code multiple times.
The number of iterations is given in the `iterations` immediate.
The number of instructions in the loop is given in the `bodysize` immediate.
The `LOOPI` instruction doesn't support a zero iteration count.
If the value of `iterations` is zero, OTBN stops with the `ErrCodeLoop` error.
Starting a loop pushes an entry on to the [loop stack](../#loop-stack).
If the stack is already full, OTBN stops, setting bit `loop` in `ERR_BITS`.
`LOOP`, `LOOPI`, jump and branch instructions are all permitted inside a loop but may not appear as the last instruction in a loop.
OTBN will stop on that instruction, setting bit `loop` in `ERR_BITS`.
For more information on how to correctly use `LOOPI` see [loop nesting](../#loop-nesting).
scheme: loopi
bodysize: bodysize
iterations: iterations
- mnemonic: nop
synopsis: No Operation
rv32i: true
operands: []
doc: A pseudo-operation that has no effect.
- ADDI x0, x0, 0
- mnemonic: li
synopsis: Load Immediate
rv32i: true
operands: [grd, imm]
doc: |
Loads a 32b signed immediate value into a GPR. This uses ADDI and LUI,
expanding to one or two instructions, depending on the immediate (small
non-negative immediates or immediates with all lower bits zero can be
loaded with just ADDI or LUI, respectively; general immediates need a LUI
followed by an ADDI).
python-pseudo-op: true
- mnemonic: la
synopsis: Load absolute address
rv32i: true
operands: [grd, imm]
doc: |
Loads an address given by a symbol into a GPR. This is represented
as a LUI and an ADDI.
python-pseudo-op: true
- mnemonic: ret
synopsis: Return from subroutine
rv32i: true
operands: []
straight-line: false
- JALR x0, x1, 0