| # Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| # |
| # waiver file for rv_dm lint |
| |
| # rv_dm |
| waive -rules HIER_NET_NOT_READ -location {rv_dm.sv} -regexp {Net 'hartsel\[19:1\]' in module 'rv_dm'} \ |
| -comment "These bits are not used since the system has only one hart." |
| waive -rules IFDEF_CODE -location {rv_dm.sv} -regexp {DMIDirectTAP} \ |
| -comment "That's fine." |
| waive -rules CLOCK_MUX -location {rv_dm.sv} \ |
| -regexp {Clock 'tck_muxed' is driven by a multiplexer here, used as a clock} \ |
| -comment "The signal is coming out of a prim_clock_mux2 block." |
| waive -rules CLOCK_USE -location {rv_dm.sv} \ |
| -msg {'clk_i' is connected to 'prim_clock_mux2' port 'clk1_i',} \ |
| -comment "This is needed such that the clock can be properly controlled during scanmode." |
| waive -rules CLOCK_USE -location {rv_dm.sv} \ |
| -msg {'clk_i' is connected to 'prim_clock_mux2' port 'clk1_i',} \ |
| -comment "This clock usage is OK and is due to hand instantiated primitives on the clock line." |
| |
| # dmi_jtag_tap |
| waive -rules CLOCK_MUX -location {dmi_jtag_tap.sv} -regexp {Clock 'tck_n' is driven by a multiplexer here, used as a clock at dmi_jtag_tap.sv} \ |
| -comment "This is permissible for now, but should be revised as soon as ASIC targets come into play." |
| waive -rules INV_CLOCK -location {dmi_jtag_tap.sv} -regexp {'tck_i' is inverted, used as clock at dmi_jtag_tap.sv} \ |
| -comment "This is permissible for now, but should be revised as soon as ASIC targets come into play." |
| waive -rules CLOCK_DRIVER -location {dmi_jtag_tap.sv} -msg {'tck_n' is driven by instance 'i_tck_inv' of module 'prim_clock_inv'} \ |
| -comment "This is due to clocking primitives on the clock line." |
| waive -rules CLOCK_DRIVER -location {dmi_jtag_tap.sv} -msg {'clk_no' driven in module 'prim_clock_inv' by port 'gen_*.clk_no' at prim_clock_inv.} \ |
| -comment "This is due to clocking primitives on the clock line." |
| waive -rules CLOCK_DRIVER -location {dmi_jtag_tap.sv} -regexp {'clk_no' driven in module .* by port 'gen_scan.u_size_only_mux2.X' at.*} \ |
| -comment "This is due to clocking primitives on the clock line." |
| waive -rules CLOCK_DRIVER -location {dmi_jtag_tap.sv} -msg {'X' driven in module 'SEN_MUXI2_S_4' at} \ |
| -comment "This is permissible for now as it appears to be related to how lint translates the LIB - but it should be reviewed before tapeout." |
| waive -rules CLOCK_USE -location {dmi_jtag_tap.sv} -msg {'tck_i' is connected to 'prim_clock_inv' port 'clk_i', and used as a clock at dmi_jtag_tap} \ |
| -comment "This is a clock inverter in the design." |
| |
| |
| # dm_csrs |
| waive -rules CONST_FF -location {dm_csrs.sv} -regexp {Flip-flop 'dmcontrol_q.*' is driven by constant zero} \ |
| -comment "Parts of this struct are constantly set to zero." |
| waive -rules CONST_FF -location {dm_csrs.sv} -regexp {Flip-flop 'abstractauto_q.*' is driven by constant zero.} \ |
| -comment "Parts of this struct are constantly set to zero." |
| waive -rules CONST_FF -location {dm_csrs.sv} -regexp {Flip-flop 'sbcs_q.sbaccess(8|16|64|128|\[17\]|\[19\])' is driven by constant zero} \ |
| -comment "Parts of this struct are constantly set to zero." |
| waive -rules CONST_FF -location {dm_csrs.sv} -regexp {Flip-flop 'sbcs_q.sbasize\[(9:5|11)\]' is driven by constant zero} \ |
| -comment "Parts of this struct are constantly set to zero." |
| waive -rules CONST_FF -location {dm_csrs.sv} -regexp {Flip-flop 'sbcs_q.sbversion\[31:30\]' is driven by constant zero.} \ |
| -comment "Parts of this struct are constantly set to zero." |
| waive -rules CASE_SEL_EXPR -location {dm_csrs.sv} -regexp {Expression 'dm::dm_csr_e.*as case selector} \ |
| -comment "acceptable use" |
| waive -rules NOT_READ -location {dm_csrs.sv} -regexp {Signal 'dmcontrol.(clrresethaltreq|dmactive|haltreq|hartreset|hartselhi|hartsello|hasel|ndmreset|resumereq|setresethaltreq|zero[0-1])' is not read from} \ |
| -comment "These signals are not needed by dm_csrs module" |
| waive -rules NOT_READ -location {dm_csrs.sv} -regexp {Signal 'a_abstractcs.(busy|datacount|progbufsize|zero[0-3])' is not read from} \ |
| -comment "These signals are not needed by dm_csrs module" |
| waive -rules ARITH_CONTEXT -location {dm_csrs.sv} \ |
| -regexp {Bitlength of arithmetic operation '{dm_csr_addr} - {dm::Data0}' is self-determined in this context} \ |
| -comment "Values from the same enum can safely be subtracted." |
| |
| |
| # dm_mem |
| waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -location {dm_mem.sv} -regexp {Input port 'hartsel_i\[19:1\]' is not read from.*} \ |
| -comment "These bits are not used since the system has only one hart." |
| waive -rules ARITH_CONTEXT -location {dm_mem.sv} -regexp {Bitlength.*DbgAddressBits.*self-determined} \ |
| -comment "should be no concern about loss of bit accuracy" |
| waive -rules ONE_BRANCH -location {dm_mem.sv} -regexp {unique case statement has only one branch} \ |
| -comment "easier to write this way for extendability" |
| waive -rules NOT_READ -location {dm_mem.sv} -regexp {Signal 'ac_ar.(regno.13.|zero1)' is not read from in module 'dm_mem'} \ |
| -comment "These bits and fields are not used, but all other bits and fields are used" |
| |
| # dm_sba |
| waive -rules HIER_BRANCH_NOT_READ -location {dm_sba.sv} -regexp {Net 'dmactive_i' is not read from in module 'dm_sba'} \ |
| -comment "This signal is only used in an assertion" |
| waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -location {dm_sba.sv} -regexp {Input port 'dmactive_i' is not read from in module 'dm_sba'} \ |
| -comment "This input is only used by an assertion" |
| |
| # dm_pkg |
| waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -location {dm_pkg.sv} -regexp {Input port 'imm.0.' is not read from in function '(jal|auipc)'} \ |
| -comment "These functions use all bits of input imm, except for bit 0" |
| |
| # debug_rom and dm_mem |
| waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -location {debug_rom.sv} -regexp {Input port 'addr_i.(2:0|63:8).' is not read from in module 'debug_rom'} \ |
| -comment "These bits are not used, but the remaining address bits are used" |
| waive -rules HIER_NET_NOT_READ -location {dm_mem.sv} -regexp {Connected net 'addr_i.(2:0|31:8).' at debug_rom.sv} \ |
| -comment "These bits are not used, but the remaining address bits are used" |
| |
| # dmi_jtag |
| waive -rules HIER_NET_NOT_READ -location {dmi_jtag.sv} -regexp {Net 'dmi_resp.resp' is not read from in module 'dmi_jtag'} \ |
| -comment "This part of the struct is not read from within this module." |
| waive -rules NOT_READ -location {dmi_jtag.sv} -regexp {Signal 'dmi_resp.resp' is not read from in module 'dmi_jtag'} \ |
| -comment "This part of the struct is not read from within this module." |