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# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# A machine readable description of the ISA
# This is used for generating documentation, but also for random test
# and decoder generation.
# The instruction groups (valid values for the "group" field in
# instruction entries). Used for documentation where groups appear in
# the order of this list and instructions are listed by group. This
# list must be nonempty.
- key: base
title: Base Instruction Subset
doc: |
The base instruction set of OTBN is a limited 32b instruction set.
It is used together with the 32b wide General Purpose Register file.
The primary use of the base instruction set is the control flow in applications.
The base instruction set is an extended subset of [RISC-V's RV32I_Zcsr](
Refer to the [RISC-V Unprivileged Specification]( for a detailed instruction specification.
Not all RV32 instructions are implemented.
The implemented subset is shown below.
Many instructions in the base instruction set have an equivalent in the big number instruction subset, enabling processor logic to be shared between the instruction subsets.
- key: bignum
title: Big Number Instruction Subset
doc: |
All Big Number (BN) instructions operate on the wide register file WREG.
# Instruction encoding schemes
# These define the mapping between instruction operands and bits in the
# encoding. A scheme names zero or more named fields. It can also inherit from
# zero or more other schemes.
# The direct fields of a scheme are defined as a dictionary, mapping a field
# name (which will be matched up with instruction operands) to a value. In
# general, this value is itself a dictionary with the following keys:
# bits: A list of ranges of bits. A range is written <msb>-<lsb>, where both
# are integers (and msb >= lsb). Multiple ranges can be separated by
# commas. A degenerate range (with msb == lsb) can be written as a bare
# integer. Required.
# value: Optional. If specified, this should be a binary string for a fixed
# value for this field, prefixed with a "b" (to avoid the YAML parser
# reading it as a decimal number). Underscores in the string are
# ignored (to make it easier to show grouping) and 'x' means don't
# care.
# shift: Optional. If specified, this is the number of bits to shift the
# encoded value left to get the logical value.
# For brevity, if value and shift have their default values, the bits string
# can be used as the value for the field.
# A scheme can inherit from other schemes by listing their names in a 'parents'
# attribute. If the child scheme needs to set the value of a parents' field to
# something fixed, it can do so with the following syntax:
# parent_name(field_name=b11101, field_name2=b111)
# The fields of a scheme are recursively defined to be its direct fields plus
# the fields all its ancestors.
# A scheme is called complete if its fields cover the entire range of bits
# (0-31) and partial otherwise.
# A partial scheme that sets the bottom two bits to 2'b11 (as for all RISC-V
# uncompressed instructions) and defines an 'opcode' field for bits 6-2
# (standard for RV32I instructions)
opcode: 6-2
bits: 1-0
value: b11
# A partial scheme defining a funct3 field in bits 14-12 (used in most RV32I
# instructions, and most BN.* custom instructions)
funct3: 14-12
# RISC-V "R-type" encoding (reg <- fun(reg, reg))
- rv
- funct3
funct7: 31-25
rs2: 24-20
rs1: 19-15
rd: 11-7
# RISC-V "I-type" encoding (reg <- fun(imm, reg))
- rv
- funct3
imm: 31-20
rs1: 19-15
rd: 11-7
# RISC-V "I-type" encoding sub-type for shifts (reg <- fun(imm, reg))
- rv
- funct3
arithmetic: 30
shamt: 24-20
rs1: 19-15
rd: 11-7
bits: 31,29-25
value: b000000
# RISC-V "S-type" encoding (_ <- fun(reg, imm))
- rv
- funct3
imm: 31-25,11-7
rs2: 24-20
rs1: 19-15
# RISC-V "B-type" encoding (like S, but different immediate layout; used for
# branches)
- rv
- funct3
bits: 31,7,30-25,11-8
shift: 1
rs2: 24-20
rs1: 19-15
# RISC-V "U-type" encoding (reg <- fun(imm))
- rv
bits: 31-12
shift: 12
rd: 11-7
# RISC-V "J-type" encoding (like U, but different immediate layout; used for
# jumps)
- rv
bits: 31,19-12,20,30-21
shift: 1
rd: 11-7
# A partial scheme for custom instructions with opcode b00010
- rv(opcode=b00010)
# A partial scheme for custom instructions with opcode b01010
- rv(opcode=b01010)
# A partial scheme for custom instructions with opcode b01110
- rv(opcode=b01110)
# A partial scheme for custom instructions with opcode b11110
- rv(opcode=b11110)
# A partial scheme for instructions that produce a dest WDR.
wrd: 11-7
# A partial scheme for instructions that take two source WDRs and produce a
# dest WDR.
- wrd
wrs2: 24-20
wrs1: 19-15
# A partial scheme that defines the 'fg' field (for <flag_group> operands)
fg: 31
# A partial scheme that defines the shift fields (type and bytes)
shift_type: 30
shift_bytes: 29-25
# A partial scheme that defines a function field at bit 31 for OTBN logical
# operations
funct31: 31
# A partial scheme for specialized 2 bit function field, we need a reduced
# size in the lower two bits of funct3 as RSHI spills over 1 bit from its
# immediate
funct2: 13-12
# A specialised encoding for the loop instruction (only one source, no
# destination)
- custom3
- funct2(funct2=b00)
bodysize: 31-20
grs: 19-15
bits: 14,11-7
value: bxxxxxx
# A specialised encoding for the loopi instruction (which, unusually, has 2
# immediates)
- custom3
- funct2(funct2=b01)
bodysize: 31-20
iterations: 19-15,11-7
bits: 14
value: bx
# Used wide logical operations (bn.and, bn.or, bn.xor).
- custom1
- wdr3
- funct3
- shift
- funct31
# Used for bn.not (no second source reg).
- custom1
- shift
- funct31
- wrd
wrs1: 24-20
bits: 19-15
value: bxxxxx
# Used for the wide reg/reg ALU instructions.
- custom1
- wdr3
- funct3
- shift
- fg
# Used for the wide bn.addi and bn.subi instructions.
- custom1
- wrd
- funct3
- fg
sub: 30
imm: 29-20
wrs: 19-15
# Used for bn.addm, bn.subm
- custom1
- wdr3
- funct3
sub: 30
bits: 31,29-25
value: bxxxxxx
# Used for bn.mulqacc
- custom2
- wdr3
wb: 31-30
dh: 29
qs2: 28-27
qs1: 26-25
bits: 14-13
shift: 6
z: 12
# Unusual scheme used for bn.rshi (the immediate bleeds into the usual funct3
# field)
- custom3
- wdr3
imm: 31-25,14
funct2: 13-12
# Used by bn.sel.
- custom0
- wdr3
- funct3(funct3=b000)
- fg
bits: 30-27
value: bxxxx
flag: 26-25
# Used by bn.cmp and bn.cmpb
- custom0
- wdr3(wrd=bxxxxx)
- funct3
- shift
- fg
# Used by bn.lid and bn.sid
- custom0
- funct3
bits: 24-22,31-25
shift: 4
spp: 21
dpp: 20
rs: 19-15
rd: 11-7
# Used by and bn.movr
- custom0
- funct3(funct3=b110)
indirect: 31
bits: 30-22
value: bxxxxxxxxx
spp: 21
dpp: 20
src: 19-15
dst: 11-7
# Used by bn.wsrrs and bn.wsrrw
- custom0
- funct3(funct3=b111)
write: 31
wcsr: 27-20
wrs: 19-15
wrd: 11-7
bits: 30-28
value: bxxx
# The instructions. Instructions are listed in the given order within
# each instruction group. There are the following fields:
# mnemonic: Instruction mnemonic (required)
# group: The instruction group in which this instruction should
# appear. Defaults to the first entry in the insn-groups
# list. (optional)
# rv32i: A boolean. If true, this instruction came from the RV32I ISA.
# Optional, defaults to false.
# synopsis: A longer name for this instruction. If set, used as a subtitle in
# the generated documentation. (optional)
# operands: A list of operand names. These have a special syntax, described
# below. (required)
# syntax: The syntax for the operands to the instruction. If not given,
# this is assumed to be the operands in order, separated by commas.
# If given, it should be a string with operand names in angle
# brackets ("<foo>, <bar>"). Any other non-whitespace characters
# are taken to be required literal syntax. So "foo<bar>" means "the
# string 'foo', followed by the bar operand".
# doc: Documentation for the instruction in markdown. (optional)
# decode: Python pseudocode for decoding instruction objects (optional)
# operation: Python pseudocode for the operation of the instruction (optional)
# note: Text that should appear in a callout banner at the top of the
# instruction documentation. (optional)
# glued-ops: A boolean. If true, the first operand in the syntax can appear
# immediately after the mnemonic (with no space). Optional,
# defaults to false.
# trailing-doc: Documentation that should appear after the syntax example but
# before the operand table. Useful for things like alternative
# assembly syntax, or deviations from the usual meaning of the
# instruction. (optional)
# The operands field should be a list, corresponding to the operands in the
# order they will appear in the syntax. Each operand is either a string (the
# operand name) or a dictionary. In the latter case, it has the following
# fields:
# name: The name of the operand. Required and must be unique.
# type: The type of the operand. A string. If this can be figured out
# from the operand name, it is optional. See below for a list of
# possible operand types and the rules for recognising them
# automatically.
# doc: A fragment of markdown that documents the operand
# The valid operand types are as follows:
# gpr: The name of a general purpose register. Syntax "grs" for a
# source; "grd" for a destination.
# wdr: The name of a wide register. Syntax "wrs" for a source;
# "wrd" for a destination.
# csr: The name of a CSR. Syntax "csr" (always considered a destination)
# wsr: The name of a WSR. Syntax "wsr" (always considered a destination)
# immediate: An immediate operand. Syntax "imm<n>" where n is the number of
# bits or just imm for an unspecified width.
# enum: An immediate with weird syntax. The syntax is "enum(a,b,c,d)"
# where a..d are the different possible syntaxes that can be used.
# The values are interpreted as immediates in enumeration order (so
# a is 0; d is 3).
# option: A 1-bit immediate with weird syntax. Written "option(foo)" to
# mean that if the string "foo" appears then the immediate has
# value 1 and if it doesn't the immediate has value 0.
# Operand types are inferred from names as follows:
# grd: GPR destination
# grs, grs<n> GPR source
# wrd: WDR destination
# wrs, wrs<n> WDR source
# csr CSR name
# wsr WSR name
# imm, imm<n> Immediate
# offset Immediate (unspecified width)
- mnemonic: add
rv32i: true
synopsis: Add
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: addi
rv32i: true
synopsis: Add Immediate
operands: [grd, grs1, imm]
scheme: I
imm: imm
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: lui
rv32i: true
synopsis: Load Upper Immediate
operands: [grd, imm]
scheme: U
imm: imm
rd: grd
opcode: b01101
- mnemonic: sub
rv32i: true
synopsis: Subtract
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0100000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: sll
rv32i: true
synopsis: Logical left shift
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b001
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: slli
rv32i: true
synopsis: Logical left shift with Immediate
- grd
- grs1
- &shamt-operand
name: shamt
type: imm
scheme: Is
arithmetic: b0
shamt: shamt
rs1: grs1
funct3: b001
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: srl
rv32i: true
synopsis: Logical right shift
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: srli
rv32i: true
synopsis: Logical right shift with Immediate
- grd
- grs1
- *shamt-operand
scheme: Is
arithmetic: b0
shamt: shamt
rs1: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: sra
rv32i: true
synopsis: Arithmetic right shift
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0100000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: srai
rv32i: true
synopsis: Arithmetic right shift with Immediate
- grd
- grs1
- *shamt-operand
scheme: Is
arithmetic: b1
shamt: shamt
rs1: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: and
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise AND
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b111
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: andi
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise AND with Immediate
operands: [grd, grs1, imm]
scheme: I
imm: imm
rs1: grs1
funct3: b111
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: or
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise OR
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b110
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: ori
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise OR with Immediate
operands: [grd, grs1, imm]
scheme: I
imm: imm
rs1: grs1
funct3: b110
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: xor
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise XOR
operands: [grd, grs1, grs2]
scheme: R
funct7: b0000000
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b100
rd: grd
opcode: b01100
- mnemonic: xori
rv32i: true
synopsis: Bitwise XOR with Immediate
operands: [grd, grs, imm]
scheme: I
imm: imm
rs1: grs
funct3: b100
rd: grd
opcode: b00100
- mnemonic: lw
rv32i: true
synopsis: Load Word
operands: [grd, offset, grs1]
syntax: <grd>, <offset>(<grs1>)
scheme: I
imm: offset
rs1: grs1
funct3: b010
rd: grd
opcode: b00000
trailing-doc: |
Unaligned accesses are not supported.
Any unaligned access will result in an error.
- mnemonic: sw
rv32i: true
synopsis: Store Word
operands: [grs2, offset, grs1]
syntax: <grs2>, <offset>(<grs1>)
scheme: S
imm: offset
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b010
opcode: b01000
trailing-doc: |
Unaligned accesses are not supported.
Any unaligned access will result in an error.
- mnemonic: beq
rv32i: true
synopsis: Branch Equal
operands: [grs1, grs2, offset]
scheme: B
imm: offset
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
opcode: b11000
- mnemonic: bne
rv32i: true
synopsis: Branch Not Equal
operands: [grs1, grs2, offset]
scheme: B
imm: offset
rs2: grs2
rs1: grs1
funct3: b001
opcode: b11000
- mnemonic: jal
rv32i: true
synopsis: Jump And Link
operands: [grd, offset]
trailing-doc: |
The JAL instruction has the same behavior as in RV32I, jumping by the given offset and writing `PC+4` as a link address to the destination register.
OTBN has a hardware managed call stack, accessed through `x1`, which should be used when calling subroutines.
Do so by using `x1` as the link register: `jal x1, <offset>`.
scheme: J
imm: offset
rd: grd
opcode: b11011
- mnemonic: jalr
rv32i: true
synopsis: Jump And Link Register
operands: [grd, grs1, offset]
trailing-doc: |
The JALR instruction has the same behavior as in RV32I, jumping by `<grs1> + <offset>` and writing `PC+4` as a link address to the destination register.
OTBN has a hardware managed call stack, accessed through `x1`, which should be used when calling and returning from subroutines.
To return from a subroutine, use `jalr x0, x1, 0`.
This pops a link address from the call stack and branches to it.
To call a subroutine through a function pointer, use `jalr x1, <grs1>, 0`.
This jumps to the address in `<grs1>` and pushes the link address onto the call stack.
scheme: I
imm: offset
rs1: grs1
funct3: b000
rd: grd
opcode: b11001
- mnemonic: csrrs
rv32i: true
synopsis: Atomic Read and Set bits in CSR
operands: [grd, csr, grs]
scheme: I
imm: csr
rs1: grs
funct3: b010
rd: grd
opcode: b11100
- mnemonic: csrrw
rv32i: true
synopsis: Atomic Read/Write CSR
operands: [grd, csr, grs]
scheme: I
imm: csr
rs1: grs
funct3: b001
rd: grd
opcode: b11100
- mnemonic: ecall
rv32i: true
synopsis: Environment Call
operands: []
doc: |
Triggers the `done` interrupt to indicate the completion of the
scheme: I
imm: b000000000000
rs1: b00000
funct3: b000
rd: b00000
opcode: b11100
- mnemonic: loop
synopsis: Loop (indirect)
- name: grs
doc: Name of the GPR containing the number of iterations
- &bodysize-operand
name: bodysize
type: imm
doc: Number of instructions in the loop body
note: &loop-note |
The LOOP and LOOPI instructions are under-specified, and improvements
to them are being discussed. See for up-to-date
doc: |
Repeat a sequence of code multiple times. The number of iterations is a
GPR value. The length of the loop is given as immediate.
trailing-doc: |
Alternative assembly notation: The size of the loop body is given by the
number of instructions in the parentheses.
LOOP <grs> (
# loop body
scheme: loop
bodysize: bodysize
grs: grs
- mnemonic: loopi
synopsis: Loop Immediate
- name: iterations
type: imm
doc: Number of iterations
- *bodysize-operand
note: *loop-note
doc: |
Repeat a sequence of code multiple times. The number of iterations is
given as an immediate, as is the length of the loop. The number of
iterations must be larger than zero.
trailing-doc: |
Alternative assembly notation. The size of the loop body is given by the
number of instructions in the parentheses.
LOOPI <iterations> (
# loop body
scheme: loopi
bodysize: bodysize
iterations: iterations
- mnemonic: bn.add
group: bignum
synopsis: Add
operands: &bn-add-operands
- name: wrd
doc: Name of the destination WDR
- name: wrs1
doc: Name of the first source WDR
- name: wrs2
doc: Name of the second source WDR
- &bn-shift-type-operand
name: shift_type
type: enum(<<, >>)
doc: |
The direction of an optional shift applied to `<wrs2>`.
- &bn-shift-bytes-operand
name: shift_bytes
type: imm5
doc: |
Number of bytes by which to shift `<wrs2>`. Defaults to 0.
- &bn-flag-group-operand
name: flag_group
type: imm1
doc: Flag group to use. Defaults to 0.
syntax: &bn-add-syntax |
<wrd>, <wrs1>, <wrs2>[<shift_type> <shift_bytes>B][, FG<flag_group>]
doc: |
Adds two WDR values, writes the result to the destination WDR and updates
flags. The content of the second source WDR can be shifted by an
immediate before it is consumed by the operation.
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
fg = DecodeFlagGroup(flag_group)
sb = UInt(shift_bytes)
st = DecodeShiftType(shift_type)
operation: |
b_shifted = ShiftReg(b, st, sb)
(result, flags_out) = AddWithCarry(a, b_shifted, "0")
WDR[d] = result
FLAGS[flag_group] = flags_out
scheme: bnaf
fg: flag_group
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b000
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.addc
group: bignum
synopsis: Add with Carry
operands: *bn-add-operands
syntax: *bn-add-syntax
doc: |
Adds two WDR values and the Carry flag value, writes the result to the
destination WDR, and updates the flags. The content of the second source
WDR can be shifted by an immediate before it is consumed by the
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
fg = DecodeFlagGroup(flag_group)
sb = UInt(shift_bytes)
st = DecodeShiftType(shift_type)
operation: |
b_shifted = ShiftReg(b, st, sb)
(result, flags_out) = AddWithCarry(a, b_shifted, FLAGS[flag_group].C)
WDR[d] = result
FLAGS[flag_group] = flags_out
scheme: bnaf
fg: flag_group
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b010
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.addi
group: bignum
synopsis: Add Immediate
- name: wrd
doc: Name of the destination WDR
- name: wrs
doc: Name of the source WDR
- name: imm
doc: Immediate value
- *bn-flag-group-operand
syntax: |
<wrd>, <wrs>, <imm> [, FG<flag_group>]
doc: |
Adds a zero-extended immediate to the value of a WDR, writes the result
to the destination WDR, and updates the flags.
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
fg = DecodeFlagGroup(flag_group)
i = ZeroExtend(imm, WLEN)
operation: |
(result, flags_out) = AddWithCarry(a, i, "0")
WDR[d] = result
FLAGS[flag_group] = flags_out
scheme: bnai
fg: flag_group
sub: b0
imm: imm
wrs: wrs
funct3: b100
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.addm
group: bignum
synopsis: Pseudo-Modulo Add
operands: [wrd, wrs1, wrs2]
doc: |
Adds two WDR values, subtracts the value of the MOD WSR once if
the result is equal or larger than MOD, and writes the result to
the destination WDR. This operation is a modulo addition if the
sum of the two input registers is smaller than twice the value
of the MOD WSR. Flags are not used or saved.
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
operation: |
(result, ) = AddWithCarry(a, b, "0")
if result >= MOD:
result = result - MOD
WDR[d] = result
scheme: bnam
sub: b0
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b101
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.mulqacc
group: bignum
synopsis: Quarter-word Multiply and Accumulate
- &mulqacc-zero-acc
name: zero_acc
type: option(.Z)
doc: Zero the accumulator before accumulating the multiply result.
- &mulqacc-wrs1
name: wrs1
doc: First source WDR
- &mulqacc-wrs1-qwsel
name: wrs1_qwsel
type: imm2
doc: |
Quarter-word select for `<wrs1>`.
Valid values:
- `0`: Select `wrs1[WLEN/4-1:0]` (least significant quarter-word)
- `1`: Select `wrs1[WLEN/2:WLEN/4]`
- `2`: Select `wrs1[WLEN/4*3-1:WLEN/2]`
- `3`: Select `wrs1[WLEN-1:WLEN/4*3]` (most significant quarter-word)
- &mulqacc-wrs2
name: wrs2
doc: Second source WDR
- &mulqacc-wrs2-qwsel
name: wrs2_qwsel
type: imm2
doc: |
Quarter-word select for `<wrs2>`.
Valid values:
- `0`: Select `wrs1[WLEN/4-1:0]` (least significant quarter-word)
- `1`: Select `wrs1[WLEN/2:WLEN/4]`
- `2`: Select `wrs1[WLEN/4*3-1:WLEN/2]`
- `3`: Select `wrs1[WLEN-1:WLEN/4*3]` (most significant quarter-word)
- &mulqacc-acc-shift-imm
name: acc_shift_imm
type: imm2
doc: |
How many quarter-words (`WLEN/4` bits) to shift the `WLEN/2`-bit multiply result before accumulating.
syntax: |
[<zero_acc>] <wrs1>.<wrs1_qwsel>, <wrs2>.<wrs2_qwsel>, <acc_shift_imm>
glued-ops: true
doc: |
Multiplies two `WLEN/4` WDR values, shifts the product by `<acc_shift_imm>` and adds the result to the accumulator.
For versions of the instruction with writeback, see `BN.MULQACC.WO` and `BN.MULQACC.SO`.
decode: |
writeback_variant = None
zero_accumulator = DecodeMulqaccZeroacc(zero_acc)
d = None
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
d_hwsel = None
a_qwsel = DecodeQuarterWordSelect(wrs1_qwsel)
b_qwsel = DecodeQuarterWordSelect(wrs2_qwsel)
operation: &mulqacc-operation |
a_qw = GetQuarterWord(a, a_qwsel)
b_qw = GetQuarterWord(b, b_qwsel)
mul_res = a_qw * b_qw
if zero_accumulator:
ACC = 0
ACC = ACC + (mul_res << (acc_shift_imm * WLEN / 4))
if writeback_variant == 'shiftout':
if d_hwsel == 'L':
WDR[d][WLEN/2-1:0] = ACC[WLEN/2-1:0]
elif d_hwsel == 'U':
WDR[d][WLEN-1:WLEN/2] = ACC[WLEN/2-1:0]
ACC = ACC >> (WLEN/2)
elif writeback_variant == 'writeout':
WDR[d] = ACC
scheme: bnaq
wb: b00
dh: bx
qs2: wrs2_qwsel
qs1: wrs1_qwsel
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
acc: acc_shift_imm
z: zero_acc
wrd: bxxxxx
- mnemonic: bn.mulqacc.wo
group: bignum
synopsis: Quarter-word Multiply and Accumulate with half-word writeback
- *mulqacc-zero-acc
- &mulqacc-wrd
name: wrd
doc: Destination WDR.
- *mulqacc-wrs1
- *mulqacc-wrs1-qwsel
- *mulqacc-wrs2
- *mulqacc-wrs2-qwsel
- *mulqacc-acc-shift-imm
syntax: |
[<zero_acc>] <wrd>, <wrs1>.<wrs1_qwsel>, <wrs2>.<wrs2_qwsel>, <acc_shift_imm>
glued-ops: true
doc: |
Multiplies two `WLEN/4` WDR values, shifts the product by `<acc_shift_imm>` and adds the result to the accumulator.
Writes the resulting accumulator to `<wrd>`.
decode: |
writeback_variant = 'writeout'
zero_accumulator = DecodeMulqaccZeroacc(zero_acc)
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
d_hwsel = None
a_qwsel = DecodeQuarterWordSelect(wrs1_qwsel)
b_qwsel = DecodeQuarterWordSelect(wrs2_qwsel)
operation: *mulqacc-operation
scheme: bnaq
wb: b01
dh: bx
qs2: wrs2_qwsel
qs1: wrs1_qwsel
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
acc: acc_shift_imm
z: zero_acc
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic:
group: bignum
synopsis: Quarter-word Multiply and Accumulate with half-word writeback
- *mulqacc-zero-acc
- *mulqacc-wrd
- name: wrd_hwsel
type: enum(L,U)
doc: |
Half-word select for `<wrd>`.
A value of `L` means the less significant half-word; `U` means the more significant half-word.
- *mulqacc-wrs1
- *mulqacc-wrs1-qwsel
- *mulqacc-wrs2
- *mulqacc-wrs2-qwsel
- *mulqacc-acc-shift-imm
syntax: |
[<zero_acc>] <wrd>.<wrd_hwsel>,
<wrs1>.<wrs1_qwsel>, <wrs2>.<wrs2_qwsel>, <acc_shift_imm>
glued-ops: true
doc: |
Multiplies two `WLEN/4` WDR values, shifts the product by `<acc_shift_imm>` and adds the result to the accumulator.
Next, shifts the resulting accumulator right by half a word.
The bits that are shifted out are written to a half-word of `<wrd>`, selected with `<wrd_hwsel>`.
decode: |
writeback_variant = 'shiftout'
zero_accumulator = DecodeMulqaccZeroacc(zero_acc)
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
d_hwsel = DecodeHalfWordSelect(wrd_hwsel)
a_qwsel = DecodeQuarterWordSelect(wrs1_qwsel)
b_qwsel = DecodeQuarterWordSelect(wrs2_qwsel)
operation: *mulqacc-operation
scheme: bnaq
wb: b1x
dh: wrd_hwsel
qs2: wrs2_qwsel
qs1: wrs1_qwsel
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
acc: acc_shift_imm
z: zero_acc
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.sub
group: bignum
synopsis: Subtraction
operands: &bn-sub-operands
- name: wrd
doc: Name of the destination WDR
- name: wrs1
doc: Name of the first source WDR
- name: wrs2
doc: Name of the second source WDR
- *bn-shift-type-operand
- *bn-shift-bytes-operand
- *bn-flag-group-operand
syntax: *bn-add-syntax
doc: |
Subtracts the second WDR value from the first one, writes the result to the destination WDR and updates flags.
The content of the second source WDR can be shifted by an immediate before it is consumed by the operation.
decode: &bn-sub-decode |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
fg = DecodeFlagGroup(flag_group)
sb = UInt(shift_bytes)
st = DecodeShiftType(shift_type)
operation: |
b_shifted = ShiftReg(b, st, sb)
(result, flags_out) = AddWithCarry(a, -b_shifted, "0")
WDR[d] = result
FLAGS[flag_group] = flags_out
scheme: bnaf
fg: flag_group
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b001
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.subb
group: bignum
synopsis: Subtract with borrow
operands: *bn-sub-operands
syntax: *bn-add-syntax
doc: |
Subtracts the second WDR value and the Carry from the first one, writes the result to the destination WDR, and updates the flags.
The content of the second source WDR can be shifted by an immediate before it is consumed by the operation.
decode: *bn-sub-decode
operation: |
b_shifted = ShiftReg(b, st, sb)
(result, flags_out) = AddWithCarry(a, -b_shifted, ~FLAGS[flag_group].C)
WDR[d] = result
FLAGS[flag_group] = flags_out
scheme: bnaf
fg: flag_group
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b011
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.subi
group: bignum
synopsis: Subtract Immediate
- name: wrd
doc: Name of the destination WDR
- name: wrs
doc: Name of the source WDR
- name: imm
doc: Immediate value
- *bn-flag-group-operand
syntax: <wrd>, <wrs>, <imm> [, FG<flag_group>]
doc: |
Subtracts a zero-extended immediate from the value of a WDR, writes the result to the destination WDR, and updates the flags.
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
fg = DecodeFlagGroup(flag_group)
i = ZeroExtend(imm, WLEN)
operation: |
(result, flags_out) = AddWithCarry(a, -i, "0")
WDR[d] = result
FLAGS[flag_group] = flags_out
scheme: bnai
fg: flag_group
sub: b1
imm: imm
wrs: wrs
funct3: b100
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.subm
group: bignum
synopsis: Pseudo-modulo subtraction
operands: [wrd, wrs1, wrs2]
doc: |
Subtracts the second WDR value from the first WDR value, performs a modulo operation with the MOD WSR, and writes the result to the destination WDR.
This operation is equivalent to a modulo subtraction as long as `wrs1 - wrs2 >= -MOD` holds.
This constraint is not checked in hardware.
Flags are not used or saved.
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
operation: |
(result, ) = AddWithCarry(a, -b, "0")
if result >= MOD:
result = result - MOD
WDR[d] = result
scheme: bnam
sub: b1
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b101
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.and
group: bignum
synopsis: Bitwise AND
operands: &bn-and-operands
- name: wrd
doc: Name of the destination WDR
- name: wrs1
doc: Name of the first source WDR
- name: wrs2
doc: Name of the second source WDR
- *bn-shift-type-operand
- *bn-shift-bytes-operand
syntax: &bn-and-syntax |
<wrd>, <wrs1>, <wrs2> [, <shift_type> <shift_bytes>B]
doc: |
Performs a bitwise and operation.
Takes the values stored in registers referenced by `wrs1` and `wrs2` and stores the result in the register referenced by `wrd`.
The content of the second source register can be shifted by an immediate before it is consumed by the operation.
decode: &bn-and-decode |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
sb = UInt(shift_bytes)
st = DecodeShiftType(shift_type)
operation: |
b_shifted = ShiftReg(b, st, sb)
result = a & b_shifted
WDR[d] = result
scheme: bna
funct31: b0
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b110
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.or
group: bignum
synopsis: Bitwise OR
operands: *bn-and-operands
syntax: *bn-and-syntax
doc: |
Performs a bitwise or operation.
Takes the values stored in WDRs referenced by `wrs1` and `wrs2` and stores the result in the WDR referenced by `wrd`.
The content of the second source WDR can be shifted by an immediate before it is consumed by the operation.
decode: *bn-and-decode
operation: |
b_shifted = ShiftReg(b, st, sb)
result = a | b_shifted
WDR[d] = result
scheme: bna
funct31: b1
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b110
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.not
group: bignum
synopsis: Bitwise NOT
- name: wrd
doc: Name of the destination WDR
- name: wrs
doc: Name of the source WDR
- *bn-shift-type-operand
- *bn-shift-bytes-operand
syntax: |
<wrd>, <wrs> [, <shift_type> <shift_bytes>B]
doc: |
Negates the value in `<wrs>`, storing the result into `<wrd>`.
The source value can be shifted by an immediate before it is consumed by the operation.
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
sb = UInt(shift_bytes)
st = DecodeShiftType(shift_type)
operation: |
a_shifted = ShiftReg(a, st, sb)
result = ~a_shifted
WDR[d] = result
scheme: bna
funct31: b0
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs
wrs1: bxxxxx
funct3: b111
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.xor
group: bignum
synopsis: Bitwise XOR
operands: *bn-and-operands
syntax: *bn-and-syntax
doc: |
Performs a bitwise xor operation.
Takes the values stored in WDRs referenced by `wrs1` and `wrs2` and stores the result in the WDR referenced by `wrd`.
The content of the second source WDR can be shifted by an immediate before it is consumed by the operation.
decode: *bn-and-decode
operation: |
b_shifted = ShiftReg(b, st, sb)
result = a ^ b_shifted
WDR[d] = result
scheme: bnaf
fg: b1
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b111
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.rshi
group: bignum
synopsis: Concatenate and right shift immediate
- name: wrd
doc: Name of the destination WDR
- name: wrs1
doc: Name of the first source WDR
- name: wrs2
doc: Name of the second source WDR
- name: imm
doc: |
Number of bits to shift the second source register by. Valid range: 0..(WLEN-1).
syntax: |
<wrd>, <wrs1>, <wrs2> >> <imm>
doc: |
The concatenation of the content from the WDRs referenced by `wrs1` and `wrs2` (`wrs1` forms the upper part) is right shifted by an immediate value and truncated to WLEN bit.
The result is stored in the WDR referenced by `wrd`.
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
shift_bit = Uint(imm)
operation: |
WDR[d] = (((a << WLEN) | b) >> shift_bit)[WLEN-1:0]
scheme: bnr
imm: imm
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct2: b11
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.sel
group: bignum
synopsis: Flag Select
- name: wrd
doc: Name of the destination WDR
- name: wrs1
doc: Name of the first source WDR
- name: wrs2
doc: Name of the second source WDR
- *bn-flag-group-operand
- name: flag
type: enum(C, M, L, Z)
doc: |
Flag to check. Valid values:
- C: Carry flag
- M: MSB flag
- L: LSB flag
- Z: Zero flag
syntax: |
<wrd>, <wrs1>, <wrs2>, [FG<flag_group>.]<flag>
doc: |
Returns in the destination WDR the value of the first source WDR if the flag in the chosen flag group is set, otherwise returns the value of the second source WDR.
decode: |
d = UInt(wrd)
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
fg = DecodeFlagGroup(flag_group)
flag = DecodeFlag(flag)
operation: |
flag_is_set = FLAGS[fg].get(flag)
WDR[d] = wrs1 if flag_is_set else wrs2
scheme: bns
fg: flag_group
flag: flag
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.cmp
group: bignum
synopsis: Compare
operands: &bn-cmp-operands
- name: wrs1
doc: Name of the first source WDR
- name: wrs2
doc: Name of the second source WDR
- *bn-shift-type-operand
- *bn-shift-bytes-operand
- *bn-flag-group-operand
syntax: &bn-cmp-syntax |
<wrs1>, <wrs2>[, <shift_type> <shift_bytes>B][, FG<flag_group>]
doc: |
Subtracts the second WDR value from the first one and updates flags.
This instruction is identical to BN.SUB, except that no result register is written.
decode: &bn-cmp-decode |
a = UInt(wrs1)
b = UInt(wrs2)
fg = DecodeFlagGroup(flag_group)
sb = UInt(shift_bytes)
st = DecodeShiftType(shift_type)
operation: |
b_shifted = ShiftReg(b, st, sb)
(, flags_out) = AddWithCarry(a, -b_shifted, "0")
FLAGS[flag_group] = flags_out
scheme: bnc
fg: flag_group
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b001
- mnemonic: bn.cmpb
group: bignum
synopsis: Compare with Borrow
operands: *bn-cmp-operands
syntax: *bn-cmp-syntax
doc: |
Subtracts the second WDR value from the first one and updates flags.
This instruction is identical to BN.SUBB, except that no result register is written.
decode: *bn-cmp-decode
operation: |
(, flags_out) = AddWithCarry(a, -b, ~FLAGS[flag_group].C)
FLAGS[flag_group] = flags_out
scheme: bnc
fg: flag_group
shift_type: shift_type
shift_bytes: shift_bytes
wrs2: wrs2
wrs1: wrs1
funct3: b011
- mnemonic: bn.lid
group: bignum
synopsis: Load Word (indirect source, indirect destination)
- name: grd
doc: Name of the GPR referencing the destination WDR
- name: grs1
doc: |
Name of the GPR containing the memory byte address.
The value contained in the referenced GPR must be WLEN-aligned.
- name: offset
doc: |
Offset value.
Must be WLEN-aligned.
- name: grs1_inc
type: option(++)
doc: |
Increment the value in `<grs1>` by WLEN/8 (one word).
Cannot be specified together with `grd_inc`.
- name: grd_inc
type: option(++)
doc: |
Increment the value in `<grd>` by one.
Cannot be specified together with `grs1_inc`.
syntax: |
<grd>[<grd_inc>], <offset>(<grs1>[<grs1_inc>])
doc: |
Calculates a byte memory address by adding the offset to the value in the GPR `grs1`.
The value from this memory address is then copied into the WDR pointed to by the value in GPR `grd`.
After the operation, either the value in the GPR `grs1`, or the value in `grd` can be optionally incremented.
- If `grs1_inc` is set, the value in `grs1` is incremented by the value WLEN/8 (one word).
- If `grd_inc` is set, the value in `grd` is incremented by the value 1.
Only aligned (to WLEN sized regions) accesses are supported.
Any unaligned access will result in an error.
TODO: how to handle overflows?
decode: |
rd = UInt(grd)
rs1 = UInt(grs1)
offset = UInt(offset)
operation: |
mem_addr = GPR[rs1] + offset
wdr_dest = GPR[rd]
if grs1_inc and grd_inc:
raise Unsupported() # prevented in encoding
if mem_addr % (WLEN / 8):
raise Unaligned()
mem_index = mem_addr // (WLEN / 8)
WDR[wdr_dest] = LoadWlenWordFromMemory(mem_index)
if grs1_inc:
GPR[rs1] = GPR[rs1] + (WLEN / 8)
if grd_inc:
GPR[rd] = GPR[rd] + 1
scheme: bnxid
imm: offset
spp: grs1_inc
dpp: grd_inc
rs: grs1
funct3: b100
rd: grd
- mnemonic: bn.sid
group: bignum
synopsis: Store Word (indirect source, indirect destination)
- name: grs1
doc: |
Name of the GPR containing the memory byte address.
The value contained in the referenced GPR must be WLEN-aligned.
- name: grs2
doc: Name of the GPR referencing the source WDR.
- name: offset
doc: |
Offset value.
Must be WLEN-aligned.
- name: grs1_inc
type: option(++)
doc: |
Increment the value in `<grs1>` by WLEN/8 (one word).
Cannot be specified together with `grs2_inc`.
- name: grs2_inc
type: option(++)
doc: |
Increment the value in `<grs2>` by one.
Cannot be specified together with `grs1_inc`.
syntax: |
<grs1>[<grs1_inc>], <offset>(<grs2>[<grs2_inc>])
doc: |
Calculates a byte memory address by adding the offset to the value in the GPR `grs1`.
The value from the WDR pointed to by `grs2` is then copied into the memory.
After the operation, either the value in the GPR `grs1`, or the value in `grs2` can be optionally incremented.
- If `grs1_inc` is set, the value in `grs1` is incremented by the value WLEN/8 (one word).
- If `grs2_inc` is set, the value in `grs2` is incremented by the value 1.
Only aligned (to WLEN sized regions) accesses are supported.
Any unaligned access will result in an error.
decode: |
rs1 = UInt(grs1)
rs2 = UInt(grs2)
offset = UInt(offset)
operation: |
mem_addr = GPR[rs1] + offset
wdr_src = GPR[rs2]
if grs1_inc and grs2_inc:
raise Unsupported() # prevented in encoding
if mem_addr % (WLEN / 8):
raise Unaligned()
mem_index = mem_addr // (WLEN / 8)
StoreWlenWordToMemory(mem_index, WDR[wdr_src])
if grs1_inc:
GPR[rs1] = GPR[rs1] + (WLEN / 8)
if grs2_inc:
GPR[rs2] = GPR[rs2] + 1
scheme: bnxid
imm: offset
spp: grs1_inc
dpp: grs2_inc
rs: grs1
funct3: b101
rd: grs2
- mnemonic:
group: bignum
synopsis: Copy content between WDRs (direct addressing)
operands: [wrd, wrs]
decode: |
s = UInt(wrs)
d = UInt(wrd)
operation: WDR[d] = WDR[s]
scheme: bnmov
indirect: b0
spp: bx
dpp: bx
src: wrs
dst: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.movr
group: bignum
synopsis: Copy content between WDRs (register-indirect addressing)
- name: grd
doc: Name of the GPR containing the destination WDR.
- name: grs
doc: Name of the GPR referencing the source WDR.
- name: grd_inc
type: option(++)
doc: |
Increment the value in `<grd>` by one.
Cannot be specified together with `grs_inc`.
- name: grs_inc
type: option(++)
doc: |
Increment the value in `<grs>` by one.
Cannot be specified together with `grd_inc`.
syntax: |
<grd>[<grd_inc>], <grs>[<grs_inc>]
doc: |
Copy WDR contents between registers with indirect addressing.
Optionally, either the source or the destination register address can be incremented by 1.
decode: |
s = UInt(grs)
d = UInt(grd)
operation: |
WDR[GPR[d]] = WDR[GPR[s]]
if grs_inc:
GPR[s] = GPR[s] + 1
if grd_inc:
GPR[d] = GPR[d] + 1
scheme: bnmov
indirect: b1
spp: grs_inc
dpp: grd_inc
src: grs
dst: grd
- mnemonic: bn.wsrrs
group: bignum
synopsis: Atomic Read and Set Bits in WSR
operands: [wrd, wsr, wrs]
scheme: wcsr
write: b0
wcsr: wsr
wrs: wrs
wrd: wrd
- mnemonic: bn.wsrrw
group: bignum
synopsis: Atomic Read/Write WSR
operands: [wrd, wsr, wrs]
scheme: wcsr
write: b1
wcsr: wsr
wrs: wrs
wrd: wrd