blob: fb2e72996cffb7ac41b9956ababd80ca66188fe9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "chip"
// TODO: remove the common testplans if not applicable
import_testplans: ["hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/csr_testplan.hjson",
// TODO #5484, comment these 2 lines out because spi host memory is dummy
// "hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/mem_testplan.hjson",
testpoints: [
// IO Peripherals //
// UART (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_uart_tx_rx
desc: '''Verify transmission of data over the TX and RX port.
SW test sends a known payload over the TX port. The testbench, at the same time
sends a known payload over RX. On reception, both payloads are checked for integrity.
SW validates the reception of TX watermark, RX watermark, and the TX empty interrupts.
Choosing the max supported baud rate for the UART is sufficient.
Verify each UART instance at the chip level independently. Verify there is no aliasing
on all UART ports across the instances.
milestone: V1
tests: ["chip_sw_uart_tx_rx"]
name: chip_uart_rx_overflow
desc: '''Verify the RX overflow interrupt.
The testbench sends a random payload of size greater than the RX fifo size (32). The SW
ignores the received the data to allow the RX overflow interrupt to assert.
Verify each UART instance at the chip level independently. Verify there is no aliasing
on all UART ports across the instances.
milestone: V1
tests: ["chip_sw_uart_tx_rx"]
name: chip_uart_tx_rx_alt_clk_freq
desc: '''Verify the transmission of UART while randomizing the core clock frequency.
Run the chip_uart_tx_rx test with the core clock frequency randomized between known
TODO: Find out what the range is for the core clock frequency randomization.
milestone: V1
tests: []
// GPIO (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_gpio_out
desc: '''Verify GPIO outputs.
SW test configures the GPIOs to be in the output mode. The test walks a 1 through the
pins. The testbench checks the value for correctness and verifies that there is no
aliasing between the pins.
milestone: V1
tests: ["chip_sw_gpio"]
name: chip_gpio_in
desc: '''Verify GPIO inputs.
The SW test configures the GPIOs to be in input mode. The testbench walks a 1 through
the pins. SW test ensures that the GPIO values read from the CSR is correct.
milestone: V1
tests: ["chip_sw_gpio"]
name: chip_gpio_irq
desc: '''Verify GPIO interrupts.
The SW test configures the GPIOs to be in input mode and enables all of them to generate
an interrupt. The testbench walks a 1 through the pins. SW test ensures that the
interrupt corresponding to the right pin is seen.
milestone: V1
tests: ["chip_sw_gpio"]
// SPI_DEVICE (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_spi_device_tx_rx
desc: '''Verify the transmission of data on the chip's SPI device port.
The testbench sends a known payload over the chip's SPI device input port. The SW test,
at the same time sends a known payload out over the chip's SPI device output port. On
reception, both payloads are checked for integrity. SW validates the reception of RX
fifo full, RX fifo over level, TX fifo under level, RX overflow and TX underflow
interrupts. Run with min and max SPI clk frequencies. Also, run with single, dual and
quad SPI modes. Also, ensure that the spi_device does not recieve transactions when the
csb is high.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_sw_spi_device_tx_rx"]
name: chip_spi_device_eeprom
desc: '''Verify the SPI device in EEPROM mode.
SW puts the SPI device in EEPROM mode and allows a firmware image (a.k.a. a known
payload) to be downloaded into the in-built EEPROM. SW verifies the integrity of the
payload upon reception by reading the EEPROM. Details TBD since the feature is NA yet.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_spi_device_pass_through
desc: '''Verifies the pass through mode from an end-to-end perspective.
- Configure the SPI device and host in pass through mode.
- Send a random payload over the SPI device interface (chip IOs) from the testbench.
- Verify the integrity of the payload received on the SPI host interface, also at chip
- Run with min and max SPI clk frequencies. Run with single, dual and quad SPI modes.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_spi_device_pass_through_filter
desc: '''Verifies the command filtering mechanism in passthrough mode.
- Extend the chip_spi_device_pass_through test.
- Program the cmd_filter_* CSRs to filter out certain commands.
- Verify that only the payloads that are not filtered show up on the SPI host interface
at chip IOs.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// SPI_HOST (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_spi_host_tx_rx
desc: '''Verify the transmission of data on the chip's SPI host port.
- Program the SPI host to send a known payload out of the chip on the SPI host ports.
- At the same time, the testbench transfers a known payload from device to host on the
SPI host interface.
- The SPI device monitor in the testbench grabs the host payload and verifies its
- The SW verifies the device payload for integrity and services the SPI event interrupt.
- Run with min and max SPI clk frequencies and with single, dual and quad SPI modes.
Verify all SPI host instances in the chip.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// I2C (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_i2c_host_tx_rx
desc: '''Verify the transmission of data over the chip's I2C host interface.
- Program the I2C to be in host mode.
- The SW test writes a known payload over the chip's I2C host interface, which is
received and verified by the testbench for correctness.
- SW validates the reception of FMT watermark and trans complete interrupts.
- Verify the virtual / true open drain capability.
Verify all instances of I2C in the chip.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_i2c_device_tx_rx
desc: '''Verify the transmission of data over the chip's I2C device interface.
- Program the I2C to be in device mode.
- The testbench writes a known payload over the chip's I2C device interface, which is
received and verified by the SW test for correctness.
- SW validates the reception of RX watermark and trans complete interrupts.
- Verify the virtual / true open drain capability.
Verify all instances of I2C in the chip.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// USB (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_usb_fs_se_tx_rx
desc: '''Verify the transmission of single-ended data over the USB at full speed. As a part of
this test, the enablement of USB pullup is also expected to be verified.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_usb_fs_df_tx_rx
desc: '''Verify the transmission of data over the USB at full speed. As a part of this test,
the enablement of USB pullup is also expected to be verified. In this test, the USB is
configured in differential mode.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_usb_vbus
desc: '''Verify that the USB device can detect the presence of VBUS from the USB host.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_usb_suspend
desc: '''Verify that the USB device can detect the presence of VBUS from the USB host.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sleep_usb_suspend
desc: '''Same as the above, but tested with low power entry/exit.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// PINMUX (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_pin_mux
desc: '''Verify the MIO muxing at input and output sides.
SW programs MIO INSEL and OUTSEL CSRs to connect and verify each muxed source. At the
moment, GPIOs are the only mux inputs.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sleep_pin_mio_dio_val
desc: '''Verify the MIO output values in deep sleep state.
SW programs the MIO OUTSEL CSRs to to ensure that in deep sleep it randomly picks
between tie-0, tie-1 or hi-Z for all muxed outputs coming from non-AON IPs. If an AON
peripheral output is muxed, then that peripheral's output is selected to ensure in deep
sleep the peripheral can continue its signaling even in deep sleep. The testbench
verifies the correctness of the reflected values once the chip goes into deep sleep.
This is replicated for DIO pins as well.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sleep_pin_wake
desc: '''Verify pin wake up from deep sleep state.
Verify one of the 8 possible MIO or DIO pad inputs (randomly configured) can cause the
chip to wake up from sleep state. Verifying wake on posedge is sufficient for the chip
level integration testing. Upon wake up, SW reads the wake cause CSR to verify
milestone: V2
tests: []
// PADCTRL tests:
name: chip_padctrl_attributes
desc: '''Verify pad attribute settings for all MIO and DIO pads.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// PATTGEN (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_pattgen_ios
desc: '''Verify pattern generation to chip output pads.
- Program the pattgen to generate a known pattern in each lane.
- Program the pinmux to route the chosen output to the chip IOs.
- Verify that the correct pattern is seen on the IOs by hooking up the pattgen monitor.
- Validate the reception of the done interrupt.
- Verify both pattgen channels independently.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// PWM (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_sleep_pwm_pulses
desc: '''Verify PWM signaling to chip output pads during deep sleep.
- Program each PWM output to pulse in a known pattern.
- Program the pinmux to route the chosen PWM output to the chip IOs.
- Program the pwrmgr to go to deep sleep state, with AON timer wakeup.
- Initiate the sleep state by issuing a WFI.
- Verify that in the sleep state, the PWM signals are active and pulsing correctly, by
hooking up the PWM monitor.
- Repeat the steps for all 6 PWM signals.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// System Peripherals //
// XBAR (pre-verified IP) tests:
name: chip_data_integrity
desc: '''
Verify the alert signaling mechanism due to data integrity violation.
An automated SW test which performs the following for each IP:
- Pick a CSR to write.
- Corrupt a random control / data / integrity bit at the CPU source using SV force.
- Verify that the device detects the integrity violation causing an alert.
- Verify the alert upto the NMI stage.
- Now pick a CSR to read.
- Corrupt a random control / data / integrity bit at the device using SV force.
- Verify that the CPU detects the integrity violation causing an alert.
- Verify the alert upto the NMI stage.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// RV_DM (JTAG) tests:
name: chip_jtag_csr_rw
desc: '''
Verify accessibility of CSRs as indicated in the RAL specification.
- Shuffle the list of CSRs first to remove the effect of ordering.
- Write all CSRs via JTAG interface with a random value.
- Shuffle the list of CSRs yet again.
- Read all CSRs back and check their values for correctness while adhering to the CSR's
access policies.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rv_dm_cpu_debug_mem
desc: '''Verify access to the debug mem from the CPU.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rv_dm_jtag_debug_mem
desc: '''Verify access to the debug mem from the external JTAG interface.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rv_dm_cpu_debug_req
desc: '''Verify debug request to Ibex while it is actively executing.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rv_dm_ndm_reset_req
desc: '''Verify non-debug reset req initiated from RV_DM when the chip is awake.
Read CSRs / mem within all IPs in the chip to ensure that they are reset to the original
values. Read CSRs / mem in the debug domain to ensure that the values survive the reset.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sleep_rv_dm_ndm_reset_req
desc: '''Verify non-debug reset req initiated from RV_DM when the chip is in deep sleep.
Read CSRs / mem within all IPs in the chip to ensure that they are reset to the original
values. Read CSRs / mem in the debug domain to ensure that the values survive the reset.
There are also other modules such as clk, pwr, rstmgr which survive this reset. Verify
those as well.
TODO: `rv_dm` currently is not on the AON domain, so this feature does not exist ATM.
Need discussion with SW/Nuvoton.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rv_dm_jtag_tap_sel
desc: '''Verify ability to select all available TAPs.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rv_dm_lc_disabled
desc: '''Verify that the debug capabilities are disabled in certain life cycle stages.
Verify that the debug mem is inaccessible from the CPU as well as external JTAG.
Details TBD. X-ref'ed with the LC tests.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// RV_TIMER (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_timer
desc: '''Verify the timeout interrupt assertion.
- Configure the RV_TIMER to generate interrupt after a set timeout.
- Issue a WFI to wait for the interrupt to trigger.
- Service the interrupt when it triggers; verify that it came from rv_timer.
- Verify that the interrupt triggered only after the timeout elapsed.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_sw_rv_timer_irq"]
// AON_TIMER (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_aon_timer_wakeup_irq
desc: '''Verify the AON timer wake up interrupt in normal operating state.
- Program the PLIC to let the AON time wake up interrupt the CPU.
- Program the AON timer to generate the wake up timeout interrupt after some time.
- Issue a WFI to wait for the interrupt to trigger.
- Service the interrupt when it triggers; verify that it came from AON timer.
- Verify that the interrupt triggered only after the timeout elapsed.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aon_timer_sleep_wakeup
desc: '''Verify that AON timer can wake up the chip from a deep sleep state.
- Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is in the POR reset
- Program the pwrmgr to go to deep sleep state (clocks off, power off).
- Program the AON timer to wake up the chip in a reasonable amount of time.
- Have the CPU issue WFI to signal the pwrmgr to go into sleep state.
- Verify via assertion checks, the wake up request occurs after the timeout has elapsed.
- After reset followed by AON timer wake up, read the reset cause register to confirm
the AON timer wake up phase.
- After the test sequence is complete, read the wake up threshold register - it should
not be reset.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aon_timer_clks_resets
desc: '''Verify that the correct clocks and resets are connected to the AON timer.
- The chip_aon_timer_deep_sleep_wakeup achieves this goal.
- Verify via connectivity assertion checks, the right clocks and resets from clkmgr and
rstmgr are connected to AON timer.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aon_timer_wdog_bark_irq
desc: '''Verify the watchdog bark reception in normal state.
- Program the PLIC to let the wdog bark signal interrupt the CPU.
- Program the AON timer wdog to 'bark' after some time and enable the bark interrupt.
- Service the bark interrupt upon reception.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aon_timer_wdog_lc_escalate
desc: '''Verify that the LC escalation signal disables the AON timer wdog.
- Program the AON timer wdog to 'bark' after some time and enable the bark interrupt.
- Program the alert handler to escalate on alerts upto phase 1 (i.e. stop after wipe
- Trigger an alert to cause an escalation condition before the wakeup signal asserts.
- Wait for sufficiently long time to ensure that the bark interrupt does not trigger,
to prove that the wdog was disabled.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aon_timer_wdog_bite_reset
desc: '''Verify the watchdog bite causing reset in the normal state.
- Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is in the POR reset
- Program the AON timer wdog to 'bark' after some time.
- Let the bark escalate to bite, which should result in a reset request.
- After reset, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is now in
the wdog reset phase.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aon_timer_sleep_wdog_bite_reset
desc: '''Verify the watchdog bite causing reset in sleep state.
- Repeat the steps in chip_aon_timer_wdog_bite_reset test, but with following changes:
- Program the pwrmgr to go to deep sleep state (clocks off, power off).
- Issue a WFI after programming the wdog, so that the reset request due to bite occurs
during deep sleep state.
- After reset, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm that the SW is now in
the wdog reset phase.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aon_timer_sleep_wdog_sleep_pause
desc: '''Verify that the wdog can be paused in sleep state.
- Repeat the steps in chip_aon_timer_sleep_wakeup test, but with following changes:
- Program the wdog to 'bite' a little sooner than the AON timer wake up.
- Also, program the wdog to pause during sleep.
- Issue a WFI after programming the wdog, so that the reset request occurs during deep
sleep state.
- After reset followed by AON timer wake up, read the reset cause register to confirm
that the AON timer woke up the chip, not the wdog reset.
- Un-pause the wdog and service the bark interrupt.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// PLIC (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_plic_all_irqs
desc: '''Verify all interrupts from all peripherals aggregated at the PLIC.
The automated SW test enables all interrupts at the PLIC to interrupt the core. It uses
the `intr_test` CSR in each peripheral to mock assert an interrupt, looping through all
available interrupts in that peripheral. The ISR verifies that the right interrupt
occurred. This is used as a catch-all interrupt test for all peripheral integration
testing within which functionally asserting an interrupt is hard to achieve or not of
high value.
milestone: V2
tests: [""]
name: chip_plic_sw_irq
desc: '''Verify the SW interrupt to the CPU.
Enable all peripheral interrupts at PLIC. Enable all types of interrupt at the CPU core.
Write to the MSIP CSR to generate a SW interrupt to the CPU. Verify that the only
interrupt that is seen is the SW interrupt.
milestone: V2
tests: [""]
name: chip_plic_nmi_irq
desc: '''Verify the NMI interrupt to the CPU and correctness of the cause.
TBD if multiple NMI irqs are OR-ed into the CPU (example - NMI from alert handler and
the watchdog bark), then map each test to this testpoint.
milestone: V2
tests: [""]
// CLKMGR tests:
name: chip_sw_clk_off_trans
desc: '''Verify the ability to turn off the transactional clock via SW.
Ensure that activity in any of the IPs running on this clock prevents the clock from
actually being turned off. Verify that turning off this clock does not affect the other
derived clocks.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sw_clk_off_peri
desc: '''Verify the ability to turn off the peripheral clock via SW.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_clk_div
desc: '''Verify clk division logic is working correctly.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_clkmgr_external_clk_src
desc: '''Verify the clkmgr switches to the correct clk src during certain LC states.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// PWRMGR tests:
name: chip_pwrmgr_cold_boot
desc: '''Verify the cold boot sequence through the wiggling of `por_rst_n`.
This mainly ensures that both FSMs are properly reset on the POR signal. Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_sleep_all_wake_ups
desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into normal sleep state and be woken up by ALL wake up
This verifies ALL wake up sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is
working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_sleep_all_reset_reqs
desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into normal sleep state and be reset by ALL reset req
This verifies ALL reset sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is
working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_all_wake_ups
desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into deep sleep state and be woken up by ALL wake up
This verifies ALL wake up sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is
working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_dif_pwrmgr_smoketest",
name: chip_pwrmgr_deep_sleep_all_reset_reqs
desc: '''Verify that the chip can go into deep sleep state and be reset up by ALL reset req
This verifies ALL reset sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is
working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_all_reset_reqs
desc: '''Verify that the chip can be reset by ALL available reset sources.
This verifies ALL reset sources. This also verifies that the pwrmgr sequencing is
working correctly as expected. X-ref'ed with all individual IP tests.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_bad_main_pok
desc: '''Verify the effect of main_pok de-assertion in the middle of low power entry / exit
FSM transition.
The main_pok from AST is randomly forced to flip while in the middle of a FSM
transition. This is done on all normal / deep sleep / reset request tests.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_b2b_sleep_reset_req
desc: '''Verify that the pwrmge sequences sleep_req and reset req coming in almost at the same
time, one after the other.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_debug_sleep
desc: '''Verify that when the chip being in "debuggable" state prevent the low power entry.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_sleep_wake_req_disabled
desc: '''Verify that the chip cannot be woken up from sleep from a wake up source that is
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_reset_req_disabled
desc: '''Verify that the chip cannot be reset from a reset source that is disabled.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_sleep_reset_req_disabled
desc: '''Verify that the chip cannot be woken up from sleep from a reset source that is
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_sleep_disabled
desc: '''Verify that the chip does not go to sleep on WFI when low power hint is 0.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_sleep_wake_up_fall_through
desc: '''Verify that the chip sleep falls through when an interrupt arrives just in time
before the pwrmgr iniitates the low power entry.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_pwrmgr_sleep_abort
desc: '''Verify that the chip sleep transition aborts due to an active flash / lifecycle / OTP
milestone: V2
tests: []
// RSTMGR tests:
// ALERT_HANDLER (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_alert_handler_alerts
desc: '''Verify all alerts coming into the alert_handler.
An automated SW test, which does the following (applies to all alerts in all IPs):
- Program the alert_test CSR in each block to trigger each alert one by one.
- Ensure that all alerts are properly connected to the alert handler and cause the
escalation paths to trigger.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_alert_handler_escalations
desc: '''Verify all alert escalation paths.
Verify all escalation paths triggered by an alert.
- Verify the first escalation results in NMI interrupt serviced by the CPU.
- Verify the second results in device secrets to be wiped - read via SW to confirm.
- Verify the third results in device being put in scrap state, via the LC JTAG TAP.
- Verify the fourth results in chip reset.
- Ensure that all escalation handshakes complete without errors.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_alert_handler_irqs
desc: '''Verify all classes of alert handler interrupts to the CPU.
X-ref'ed with the automated PLIC test.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_alert_handler_entropy
desc: '''Verify the alert handler entropy input to ensure pseudo-random ping timer.
- Force `alert_handler_ping_timer` input signal `wait_cyc_mask_i` to `4'bff` to shorten
the simulation time.
- Verify that the alert_handler can request EDN to provide entropy.
- Ensure that the alert ping handshake to all alert sources and escalation receivers
complete without errors.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_alert_handler_edn_reset
desc: '''Verify that the EDN clock / reset is connected to alert_handler.
- Ensure that the ping timer LFSR resets when the EDN logic is held in reset.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_alert_handler_crashdump
desc: '''Verify the alert handler crashdump signal.
When the chip resets due to alert escalating to cause the chip to reset, verify the
reset cause to verify the alert crashdump.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// LC_CTRL (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_lc_ctrl_alert_handler_escalation
desc: '''Verify that the escalation signals from the alert handler are connected to LC ctrl.
- Trigger an alert to initiate the escalations.
- Check that the escalation signals are connected to the LC ctrl:
- First escalation has no effect on the LC ctrl
- Second escalation should cause the `lc_escalation_en` output to be asserted. Read
the LC_STATE CSR to confirm that it is in the escalate state.
- Verify that the escalate_en and check_bypass_en signals are asserted. X-ref'ed
with the respective IP tests that consume these signals.
- Third escalation should cause the LC ctrl to transition to the virtual scrap state.
At this stage, the CPU is not operational. Read the LC_STATE CSR via backdoor and
confirm that it is is in the scrap state.
- Verify that all decoded outputs except for escalate_en and check_bypass_en are
disabled. X-ref'ed with the respective IP tests that consume these signals.
X-ref'ed with chip_lc_ctrl_broadcast test, which verifies the connectivity of the LC
decoded outputs to other IPs.
X-ref'ed with alert_handler's escalation test.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_jtag_access
desc: '''Verify enable to access LC ctrl via JTAG.
Using the JTAG agent, write and read LC ctrl CSRs, verify the read value for
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_jtag_trst
desc: '''Verify the JTAG test reset input connection to LC ctrl.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg
desc: '''Verify the device_ID and ID_state CSRs
- Preload the hw_cfg partition in OTP ctrl with random data.
- Read the device ID and the ID state CSRs to verify their correctness.
- Reset the chip and repeat the first 2 steps to verify a different set of values.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg"]
name: chip_lc_ctrl_init
desc: '''Verify the LC ctrl initialization on power up.
Verify that the chip powers up correctly on POR.
- The pwrmgr initiates a handshake with OTP ctrl and later, with LC ctrl in subsequent
FSM states. Ensure that the whole power up sequence does not hang.
- Verify with connectivity assertion checks, the handshake signals are connected.
- Ensure that no interrupts or alerts are triggered.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_transitions
desc: '''Verify the LC ctrl can transition from one state to another valid state.
- Initiate an LC ctrl state transition.
- Ensure that the LC program request is received by the OTP ctrl.
- Verify the updated data output from OTP ctrl to LC ctrl is correct.
- Ensure that there is no background or otp_init error.
- Verify that the LC ctrl has transitioned to the programmed state after a reboot.
X-ref'ed chip_otp_ctrl_program.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_kmac_req
desc: '''Verify the token requested from KMAC.
- For conditional transition, the LC ctrl will send out a token request to KMAC.
- Verify that the KMAC returns a hashed token, which should match one of the
transition token CSRs.
X-ref'ed with chip_kmac_lc_req.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_kmac_reset
desc: '''Verify the effect of putting the KMAC logic in reset.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_key_div
desc: '''Verify the keymgr div output to keymgr.
- Verify in different LC states, LC ctrl outputs the correct `key_div_o` to keymgr.
- Verify that the keymgr uses the given `key_div_o` value to compute the keys.
X-ref'ed with chip_keymgr_lc_key_div_o.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_broadcast
desc: '''Verify broadcast signals from lc_ctrl.
- Preload the LC partition in the OTP ctrl with the following states: RMA, DEV,
TEST_LOCKED[N] & SCRAP (tested in chip_lc_ctrl_escalation).
- Verify that the following broadcast signals are having the right effect in the
respective IPs that consume them:
- lc_dft_en_o: impacts clkmgr, pinmux, OTP ctrl & AST
- lc_nvm_debug_en_o: impacts flash ctrl
- lc_hw_debug_en_o: impacts pinmux, SRAM ctrl (main and ret) & the debug module
- lc_cpu_en_o: impacts the CPU
- lc_keymgr_en: impacts keymgr
- lc_escalate_en_o: impacts SRAM ctrl, AES & OTP ctrl
- lc_clk_byp_req_o: impacts clkmgr (handshake with lc_clk_byp_ack_i)
- lc_flash_rma_req_o: impacts flash ctrl (handshake with lc_flash_ram_ack_i)
- lc_flash_rma_seed_o: impacts flash ctrl
- lc_check_byp_en_o: impacts OTP ctrl
- lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_o: impacts flash ctrl & OTP ctrl
- lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_o: impacts flash ctrl
- lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_o: impacts flash ctrl
- lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_o: impacts flash ctrl
- lc_seed_hw_rd_en_o: impacts flash ctrl & OTP ctrl
X-ref'ed with the respective IP tests that consume these signals.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_scanmode
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of scanmode to LC ctrl.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_lc_ctrl_scanmode_reset
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of scanmode reset to LC ctrl.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// SYSRST_CTRL (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_sysrst_ctrl_inputs
desc: '''Verify that the SYSRST ctrl input pin values can be read.
- Drive a known value on ac_reset, ec_rst_l, pwrb and key* pins at the chip IOs.
- Read the pin_in_value CSR to check for correctness.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sysrst_ctrl_outputs
desc: '''Verify that the SYSRST ctrl output pin values can be set.
- Drive a known value on ac_reset, ec_rst_l, pwrb and key* pins at the chip IO inputs.
- Verify that SYSRST ctrl correctly loops them back to the chip IO outputs.
- Write the pin_allowed_ctl register to allow some of the pins to be overridden with
either 0 or 1 or both.
- Write the pin_out_ctl register to enable the override on some of the pins.
- Write the pin_out_value register to set known values on those pins.
- Verify that at the chip IO outputs, pins on which override should be active is
reflecting the overridden values. All others should reflect the values driven on chip
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sysrst_ctrl_in_irq
desc: '''Verify the SYSRST ctrl can detect an input combination to signal an interrupt.
- Program a specific combination of transitions on pwrb, key*, ac_present and ec_reset_l
pins to trigger an interrupt by writing to key_intr_ctl register.
- Program the key_intr_debounce_ctl register to debounce an appropriate time.
- Enable the interrupt at SYSRST ctrl as well as at the PLIC.
- Glitch the inputs at the chip IOs before stabilizing on the programmed transitions.
- SW services the interrupt when triggered, verifies the pin input value and
key_intr_status for correctness and clears the interrupt status.
- Verify separately, eack key combination sufccessfully generates an interrupt.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sysrst_ctrl_sleep_gsc_wakeup
desc: '''Verify the SYSRST ctrl can wake up the chip from deep sleep.
- Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm we are in POR reset phase.
- Program one of the com_sel_ctl_* CSRs to choose a set of inputs to be detected as
a low power wake up signal.
- Program the associated detection timer.
- Program the detection outcome CSR's (com_out_ctl) interrupt bit to 1.
- Program the pwrmgr to put the chip in deep sleep state and wake up on GSC wake up
- Issue a WFI to bring the chip in low power state.
- After the chip has entered low power mode, set the SYSRST ctrl inputs at the chip IOs
to the programmed combination for the duration of the detection timer.
- Read the reset cause register to confirm wake up from low power exit phase.
- Read the pwrmgr wake up status register to confirm GSC wake up.
- Read the pin input value and the combo_intr_status CSRs to verify the correct
combination on inputs woke up the chip from sleep.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sysrst_ctrl_gsc_reset
desc: '''Verify the SYSRST ctrl can reset the chip from normal state.
- Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm we are in POR reset phase.
- Program one of the com_sel_ctl_* CSRs to choose a set of inputs to be detected as
the GSC reset signal.
- Program the associated detection timer.
- Program the detection outcome CSR's (com_out_ctl) GSC reset bit to 1.
- After some time, set the SYSRST ctrl inputs at the chip IOs to the programmed
combination for the duration of the detection timer.
- The pwrmgr will power cycle the chip once it receives the GSC reset input.
- Read the reset cause register after boot up to confirm peripheral reset phase.
- Read the pwrmgr reset status register to confirm GSC reset.
- Read the com_sel_ctl_* CSR in SYSRST ctrl we programmed earlier - it should have been
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sysrst_ctrl_sleep_gsc_reset
desc: '''Verify the SYSRST ctrl can reset the chip from deep sleep.
- Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm we are in POR reset phase.
- Program one of the com_sel_ctl_* CSRs to choose a set of inputs to be detected as
the GSC reset signal.
- Program the associated detection timer.
- Program the detection outcome CSR's (com_out_ctl) GSC reset bit to 1.
- Program the pwrmgr to put the chip in deep sleep state and allow it to be reset by GSC
reset bit.
- Issue a WFI to bring the chip in low power state.
- After the chip has entered low power mode, set the SYSRST ctrl inputs at the chip IOs
to the programmed combination for the duration of the detection timer.
- The pwrmgr will power cycle the chip from the deep sleep state once it receives the
GSC reset input.
- Read the reset cause register after boot up to confirm peripheral reset phase.
- Read the pwrmgr reset status register to confirm GSC reset.
- Read the com_sel_ctl_* CSR in SYSRST ctrl we programmed earlier - it should have been
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sysrst_ctrl_z3_wakeup
desc: '''Placeholder for new z3 wakeup feature.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// ADC_CTRL (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_adc_ctrl_debug_cable_irq
desc: '''Verify that the ADC correctly detects the voltage level programmed for each channel.
- Program both ADC channels to detect mutually exclusive range of voltages. Setting only
one filter CSR is sufficient.
- Program the ADC intr ctrl CSR to detect the selected filter on both channels.
Enable the debug cable interrupt at ADC ctrl as well as PLIC.
- Enable the ADC ctrl to run with defaults in normal mode (depending on simulation
- Verify through assertion checks, the ADC with AST stays powered down periodically in
slow scan mode.
- After some time, force the ADC output of AST to be a value within the programmed range
for each channel. Glitch it out of range for some time before stabilizing to ensure
that debouce logic works.
- Service the debug cable irq. Read the intr status register to verify that the selected
filter caused the interrupt to fire. Read the ADC channel value register to verify the
correctness of the detected value that was forced in the AST for each channel.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_adc_ctrl_sleep_debug_cable_wakeup
desc: '''Verify that in deep sleep, ADC ctrl can signal the ADC within the AST to power down.
- Read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm we are in POR reset phase.
- Follow the same steps as chip_adc_ctrl_debug_cable_irq, but instead of programming the
selected filter to interrupt, program it to wake up the chip from sleep.
- Program the pwrmgr to put the chip in deep sleep state and wake up on debug cable
- Issue a WFI to bring the chip in low power state.
- After some time, force the ADC output of AST to be a value within the programmed
filter range. That should cause the pwrmgr to wake up.
- Read the reset cause register to confirm wake up from low power exit phase.
- Read the pwrmgr wake up status register to confirm wake up was due to debug cable
- Read the ADC channel value register to verify the correctness of the detected value
that was forced in the AST.
- Repeat for both ADC channels.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// Security Peripherals //
// AES (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_aes_enc
desc: '''Verify the AES operation.
Write a 32-byte key and a 16-byte plain text to the AES registers and trigger the AES
computation to start. Wait for the AES operation to complete by polling the status
register. Check the digest registers for correctness against the expected digest value.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aes_entropy
desc: '''Verify the AES entropy input used by the internal PRNGs.
- Write the initial key share, IV and data in CSRs (known combinations).
- Configure the entropy_src to generate entropy in LFSR mode.
- Write the PRNG_RESEED bit to reseed the internal state of the PRNG.
- Poll the status idle bit to ensure reseed operation is complete.
- Trigger the AES operation to run and wait for it to complete.
- Check the digest against the expected value.
- Write the KEY_IV_DATA_IN_CLEAR and DATA_OUT_CLEAR trigger bits to 1 and wait for it to
complete by polling the status idle bit.
- Read back the data out CSRs - they should all read garbage values.
- Assertion check verifies that the internal states (data_in, key share and IV are also
garbage, i.e. different from the originally written values.
- Assertion checks proves that all interfaces are connected across AST RNG, ES, CSRNG,
EDN and AES.
- Predict the generated entropy bits and check against the observed for correctness.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aes_edn_reset
desc: '''Verify that the EDN clock / reset is connected to AES.
- Ensure that the PRNG within AES resets when the EDN logic is held in reset.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aes_lc_escalate_en
desc: '''Verify the effect of LC escalate en signal on AES.
- Trigger an LC escalatation signal by writing to alert_test CSR (in some other IP).
- Trigger an AES operation to run.
- When the escalation kicks in, verify that the AES is in the error state.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aes_idle
desc: '''Verify AES idle signaling to clkmgr.
- Write the AES clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate AES clk is ready to be gated.
Verify that the AES clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (AES is idle).
- Initiate an AES operation with a known key, plain text and digest.
Verify that the AES clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 1 (AES is not idle),
before the AES operation is complete.
- After the AES operation is complete, verify the digest for correctness.
Verify that the AES clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 0 again (AES is idle),
after the AES operation is complete.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_aes_sideload
desc: '''Verify the AES sideload mechanism.
Details TBD, design updates pending.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// HMAC (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_hmac_enc
desc: '''Verify HMAC operation.
SW test verifies an HMAC operation with a known key, plain text and digest (pick one of
the NIST vectors). SW test verifies the digest against the pre-computed value. Verify
the HMAC done and FIFO empty interrupts as a part of this test.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_hmac_idle
desc: '''Verify the HMAC clk idle signal to clkmgr.
- Write the HMAC clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate HMAC clk is ready to be gated.
Verify that the HMAC clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (HMAC is idle).
- Initiate an HMAC operation with a known key, plain text and digest.
Verify that the HMAC clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 1 (HMAC is not idle),
before the HMAC operation is complete.
- After the HMAC operation is complete, verify the digest for correctness.
Verify that the HMAC clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 0 again (HMAC is idle),
after the HMAC operation is complete.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// KMAC pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_kmac_enc
desc: '''Verify the SHA3 operation.
SW test verifies SHA3 operation with a known key, plain text and digest (pick one of
the NIST vectors). SW validates the reception of kmac done and fifo empty interrupts.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_kmac_app_keymgr
desc: '''Verify the keymgr interface to KMAC.
- Configure the keymgr to start sending known message data to the KMAC.
- Keymgr should transmit a sideloaded key to the KMAC as well.
- KMAC should finish hashing successfully (not visible to SW) and return digest to
- This digest is compared against the known digest value for correctness.
- Verify that the keymgr has received valid output from the KMAC.
X-ref'ed with keymgr test.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_kmac_app_lc
desc: '''Verify the LC interface to KMAC.
- Configure the LC_CTRL to start a token hash using KMAC interface.
- KMAC should finish hashing successfully (not visible to SW) and return digest to
X-ref'ed with LC_CTRL test/env.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_kmac_app_rom
desc: '''Verify the ROM interface to KMAC.
- Backdoor initialize ROM memory immediately out of reset.
- ROM will send message to the KMAC containing its memory contents,
- KMAC will hash and return the digest to the ROM.
- ROM will compare received digest against its first 8 logical memory lines for
X-ref'ed with ROM_CTRL test/env.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_kmac_entropy
desc: '''Verify the EDN interface to KMAC.
Requires `EnMasking` parameter to be enabled.
SW randomly configures the KMAC in any hashing mode/strength, and enable EDN mode.
Randomly enable/disable the `entropy_timer`.
// TODO - error handling is not complete, do not enable `wait_timer` yet.
KMAC should send request to EDN once `CmdStart` is written, and should send out another
request to EDN when either:
- `entropy_timer` runs down (assuming it is non-zero)
- a hash operation is completed, KMAC will refresh its internal entropy state
SW verifies that KMAC produces the correct digest value.
TODO: This is pending security review discussion. It is unclear if this feature will be
X-ref'ed with EDN test/env.
milestone: V3
tests: []
name: chip_kmac_edn_reset
desc: '''Verify that the EDN clock / reset is connected to KMAC.
- Ensure that the `entropy_timer` resets when the EDN logic is held in reset.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_kmac_idle
desc: '''Verify the KMAC idle signaling to clkmgr.
- Write the KMAC clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate KMAC clk is ready to be gated.
Verify that the KMAC clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (KMAC is idle).
- Initiate an KMAC operation with a known key, plain text and digest.
Verify that the KMAC clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 1 (KMAC is not idle),
before the KMAC operation is complete.
- After the KMAC operation is complete, verify the digest for correctness.
Verify that the KMAC clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 0 again (KMAC is idle),
after the KMAC operation is complete.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// ENTROPY_SRC (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_entropy_src_ast_rng_req
desc: '''Verify the RNG req to ast.
- Program the entropy src in normal RNG mode.
- Route the entropy data received from RNG to the FIFO.
- Verify that the FIFO depth is non-zero via SW - indicating the reception of data over
the AST RNG interface.
- Verify the correctness of the received data with assertion based connectivity checks.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_entropy_src_ast_fips
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of rng_fips_o feedback signal to RNG.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_entropy_src_csrng
desc: '''Verify the transfer of entropy bits to CSRNG.
Verify the entropy valid interrupt.
At the CSRNG, validate the reception of entropy req interrupt.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_entropy_src_cs_aes_halt
desc: '''Verify the aes halt handshake with CSRNG.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_entropy_src_fuse_en_fw_read
desc: '''Verify the fuse input entropy_src.
- Initialize the OTP with this fuse bit set to 1.
- Perform an entropy request operation.
- Read the entropy_data_fifo via SW; verify that it reads valid values.
- Reset the chip, but this time, initialize the OTP with this fuse bit set to 0.
- Perform an entropy request operation.
- Read the internal state via SW; verify that it reads all zeros this time.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// CSRNG tests:
name: chip_csrng_edn_cmd
desc: '''Verify incoming command interface from EDN.
- Have each EDN instance issue an instantiate command to CSRNG.
- When done, verify the reception of cmd req done interrupt.
- Check the data returned to EDN via connectivity assertion checks.
- TODO: explore the ability to generate predictable data and verify the received value.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_csrng_fuse_en_sw_app_read
desc: '''Verify the fuse input to CSRNG.
- Initialize the OTP with this fuse bit set to 1.
- Issue an instantiate command to request entropy.
- Verify that SW can read the internal states.
- Reset the chip and repeat the steps above, but this time, with OTP fuse bit set to 0.
- Verify that the SW reads back all zeros when reading the internal states.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_csrng_lc_hw_debug_en
desc: '''Verify the effect of LC HW debug enable on CSRNG.
TODO: This is pending SCA security review and might be removed.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// EDN (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_edn_entropy_reqs
desc: '''Verify the entropy requests from all peripherals.
Verify that there are no misconnects between each peripheral requesting entropy.
TODO: system level scenario: have all entropy sources request entropy in the same test
one after to show boot to post boot load, cycling all entropy blocks off and on again.
Ensure there are no deadlocks and everything works as expected.
X'ref'ed with each IP test that requsts entropy from EDN.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// KEYMGR (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
// OTBN (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_otbn_op
desc: '''Verify an OTBN operation.
SW test directs the BIGNUM engine to perform an operation. The BIGNUM SW image is
backdoor loaded into OTBN IMEM. SW validates the reception of the otbn done interrupt.
SW also verifies the correctness of the OTBN operation using a reference model. Details
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otbn_imem_uncorrectable_alert
desc: '''Verify the imem uncorrectable alert from OTBN.
Inject 2 bit errors within the IMEM SRAM inside OTBN via backdoor and ensure that this
alert propagates to an NMI.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otbn_dmem_uncorrectable_alert
desc: '''Verify the dmem uncorrectable alert from OTBN.
Inject 2 bit errors within the DMEM SRAM inside OTBN via backdoor and ensure that this
alert propagates to an NMI.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otbn_reg_uncorrectable_alert
desc: '''Verify the reg uncorrectable alert from OTBN.
Details TBD. Ensure that this alert propagates to an NMI.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otbn_mem_encr
desc: '''Verify the encryption of the mem within OTBN using the key provided by the OTP.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otbn_idle
desc: '''Verify the OTBN idle signal to clkmgr.
- Write the OTBN clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate OTBN clk is ready to be gated.
Verify that the OTBN clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (OTBN is idle).
- Initiate an OTBN operation with a known key, plain text and digest.
Verify that the OTBN clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 1 (OTBN is not idle),
before the OTBN operation is complete.
- After the OTBN operation is complete, verify the digest for correctness.
Verify that the OTBN clk hint status within clkmgr now reads 0 again (OTBN is idle),
after the OTBN operation is complete.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// Memory & Controllers //
// ROM_CTRL (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_rom_access
desc: '''Verify that the CPU can access the rom contents.
- Verify that the CPU can fetch instructions from the ROM.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rom_ctrl_ast_cfg
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of AST cfg signals to the ROM ctrl.
- In open source, this is verified by a simple connectivity assertion check.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rom_ctrl_integrity_check
desc: '''Verify that the ROM ctrl performs the integrity check of the ROM on power up.
- In non-PROD LC state, the computed digest does not have to match the top 8 words in
the ROM. Verify that we can successfully power up the chip in this case.
- In PROD LC state, verify that the pwrmgr does not fully power up if the computed
digest does not match the top 8 words of the ROM.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_rom_ctrl_reset_glitch
desc: '''Verify that a glitch on the ROM ctrl's reset input is triggered as a fatal alert.
- In normal boot up from POR, the ROM contents are checked for validity using KMAC.
- After boot up, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm POR reset phase.
- SW goes into idle state (nothing to do).
- The testbench randomly glitches the ROM ctrl's reset input, which causes ROM ctrl to
re-check the contents for validity.
- Verify that the KMAC detects the repeat presentation of data from ROM ctrl as a fatal
alert and the chip is rebooted via the alert escalation path.
- After boot up, read the reset cause register in rstmgr to confirm reset due to alert
milestone: V2
tests: []
// SRAM (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_sram_scrambled_access
desc: '''Verify scrambled memory accesses to both main and retention SRAMs.
- Trigger both SRAMs to fetch a new key and nonce from the OTP_CTRL
- Drive the CPU to perform random accesses to both RAMs and verify these operations
complete successfully by using the backdoor interface
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sleep_sram_ret_contents
desc: '''Verify that the data within the retention SRAM survives low power entry-exit.
Ensure that the data within the retention SRAM survives ALL low power entry-exit
TODO: how to deal with the scramble keys on low power exit?
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sram_execution
desc: '''Verify that CPU can fetch data from both SRAMs when in executable mode.
- Load instruction data into the SRAMs.
- Configure main/ret SRAMs to allow instruction execution.
- Have the CPU fetch the instruction data from the SRAMs and verify that SW can finish
the test successfully.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sram_lc_escalation
desc: '''Verify the LC escalation path to the SRAMs.
- Configure the LC_CTRL to trigger an escalation request to the SRAMs.
- Verify that the SRAMs stop accepting and responding to new memory requests.
- Reset the system to exit the terminal escalation state.
- Re-initialize the SRAMs and verify that they can now respond correctly to
any further memory requests.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// OTP (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_otp_ctrl_init
desc: '''Verify the OTP ctrl initialization on chip power up.
Verify that the chip powers up correctly on POR.
- The pwrmgr initiates a handshake with OTP ctrl and later, with LC ctrl in subsequent
FSM states. Ensure that the whole power up sequence does not hang.
- Verify with connectivity assertion checks, the handshake signals are connected.
- Ensure that no interrupts or alerts are triggered.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_keys
desc: '''Verify the proliferation of keys to security peripherals.
- Verify the correctness of keys provided to SRAM ctrl (main & ret), flash ctrl, keymgr,
(note that keymgr does not have handshake), and OTBN.
X-ref'ed with IP tests that consume these signals.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_entropy
desc: '''Verify the entropy interface from OTP ctrl to EDN.
This is X-ref'ed with the chip_otp_ctrl_keys test, which needs to handshake with the EDN
to receive some entropy bits before the keys for SRAM ctrl and OTBN are computed.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_edn_reset
desc: '''Verify the effect of putting the EDN domain in reset on OTP ctrl.
Verify that the computed nonce for SRAM is reset?
Verify all entropy data used for various things are reset.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_program
desc: '''Verify the program request from lc_ctrl.
- Verify that upon an LC state transition request, LC ctrl signals the OTP ctrl with a
program request.
- Verify that the OTP ctrl generates the LC data output correctly and is sent to the LC
ctrl before it is reset.
- Verify that the `lc_check_byp_en_i` from LC ctrl is set.
- Ensure that the whole operation does not raise any interrupts or alerts or errors.
- After reset, verify that the LC state transition completed successfully by reading the
LC state and LC count CSRs.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_program_error
desc: '''Verify the otp program error.
- Initiate an illegal program request from LC ctrl to OTP ctrl (example: issue program
request when the lc_cnt is at max value).
- Verify that the LC ctrl triggers an alert when the OTP ctrl responds back with a
program error.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_hw_cfg
desc: '''Verify the correctness of otp_hw_cfg bus in all peripherals that receive it.
Preload the OTP ctrl's `hw_cfg` partition with random data and verify that all
consumers of the hardware configuration bits are receiving the correct values.
Xref'ed with corresponding IP tests that receive these bits.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_sw_lc_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg"]
name: chip_otp_ctrl_lc_signals
desc: '''Verify the broadcast signals from LC ctrl.
- `lc_escalate_en_i`: read the error code CSR and verify that it reflects an FSM error
state due to the escalation signal triggering.
- `lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i`: verify that the secret2 partition is locked.
- `lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i`: verify that the keymgr outputs a default value when enabled.
- `lc_dft_en_i`: verify that the test interface within OTP ctrl is accessible.
- `lc_check_byp_en_i`: verify that the background check during LC ctrl state
programming passes when enabled.
`X-ref'ed with chip_otp_ctrl_program.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_ast
desc: '''Verify the power sequencing signals to AST, as well as the alert.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_external_voltage
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of the external voltage signal to OTP ctrl.
Details TBD.
TODO; This signal is not connected in the design yet.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_otp_ctrl_scan
desc: '''Verify the connectivity of the scan signals to OTP ctrl.
Details TBD.
TODO; This signal is not connected in the design yet.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// FLASH (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_flash_host_access
desc: '''Verify access to the flash mem.
Verify that the CPU can read the flash mem contents.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_sw_flash_ctrl_access"]
name: chip_flash_ctrl_ops
desc: '''Verify flash ctrl ops.
Verify that the CPU can read / program and erase the flash mem. Pick an operation on
both data and info partitions. Erase both, bank and page. SW validates the reception of
prog empty, prog level, rd full, rd level and op done interrupts.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_flash_ctrl_scramble
desc: '''Verify flash scrambling via the controller.
Verify that the CPU can program and read back data via the flash ctrl with scrambling
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_flash_scramble
desc: '''Verify flash scrambling via the host interface.
Verify that the CPU read data from the flash with scrambling enabled.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_flash_ast_pwr_dwn
desc: '''Verify that power down signaling from AST to flash.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_flash_test_mode
desc: '''Verify that flash test mode and flash volt signaling from chip IOs.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// Analog Peripherals //
// AST (pre-verified IP) integration tests:
name: chip_ast_clk_outputs
desc: '''Verify that the AST generates the 4 clocks when requested by the clkmgr.
Verify the clock frequencies are reasonably accurate. Verify that when the clkmgr
deasserts the enable (on account of low power entry), the clocks are turned off. Verify
that when turned on (low power exit), the clocks are glitch free.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_ast_clk_rst_inputs
desc: '''Verify the clk and rst inputs to AST (from `clkmgr`).
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_ast_sys_clk_jitter
desc: '''Verify that the AST sys clk jitter control.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_ast_usb_clk_calib
desc: '''Verify the USB clk calibration signaling.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_ast_alerts
desc: '''Verify the alerts from AST aggregating into the sensor_ctrl.
X-ref'ed with `chip_sensor_ctrl_ast_alerts`.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// SENSOR_CTRL tests:
name: chip_sensor_ctrl_ast_alerts
desc: '''Verify the alerts from AST aggregating into the sensor_ctrl.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sensor_ctrl_ast_status
desc: '''Verify the io power ok status from AST.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
// System level scenarios //
name: chip_sw_dif_smoketest
desc: '''Run smoke tests developed for each DIF.
The DIF smoke tests are developed by the SW team to test each block's DIF
implementation. We need to ensure that they work in DV as well.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_dif_aes_smoketest",
// TODO(lowrisc/opentitan#7505): Debug CSRNG generate bits mismatch.
// "chip_dif_csrng_smoketest",
name: chip_coremark
desc: '''Run the coremark benchmark on the full chip.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_sw_coremark"]
name: chip_sw_boot
desc: '''Verify the full flash image download with bootstrap signal set.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_bootstrap"]
name: chip_secure_boot
desc: '''Verify the secure boot flow.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_prod_os
desc: '''Run the OpenTitan TockOS that will be deployed in production.
Run the TockOS image in DV. The advantage of doing so is running Tock with the full
suite of design assertions and other checks in place in the DV environment.
milestone: V2
tests: ["chip_sw_opentitan_tock"]
name: chip_lc_walkthrough
desc: '''Walk through the life cycle stages reseting the chip each time.
Verify that the features that should indeed be disabled are indeed disabled.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_device_ownership
desc: '''Walk through device ownership stages and flows.
Details TBD.
milestone: V2
tests: []
name: chip_sram_nmi_wipe
desc: '''Verify SRAM behavior during an NMI escalation.
- Trigger an NMI through the alert handler path to cause a system shutdown.
- SW should trigger a memory "initialization", fully randomizing RAM contents
and initiating another key request.
- Verify that the RAMs are "wiped" once this operation completes.
milestone: V2
tests: []