blob: 93d809e98e02520d7f55adb1cb879f71d7263e99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// N:1 arbiter module
// Verilog parameter
// N: Number of request ports
// DW: Data width
// DataPort: Set to 1 to enable the data port. Otherwise that port will be ignored.
// This is a tree implementation of a round robin arbiter. It has the same behavior as the PPC
// implementation in prim_arbiter_ppc, and also uses a prefix summing approach to determine the next
// request to be granted. The main difference with respect to the PPC arbiter is that the leading 1
// detection and the prefix summation are performed with a binary tree instead of a sequential loop.
// Also, if the data port is enabled, the data is muxed based on the local arbitration decisions at
// each node of the arbiter tree. This means that the data can propagate through the tree
// simultaneously with the requests, instead of waiting for the arbitration to determine the winner
// index first. As a result, this design has a shorter critical path than other implementations,
// leading to better ovberall timing.
// Note that the currently winning request is held if the data sink is not ready. This behavior is
// required by some interconnect protocols (AXI, TL). The module contains an assertion that checks
// this behavior.
// Also, this module contains a request stability assertion that checks that requests stay asserted
// until they have been served. This assertion can be gated by driving the req_chk_i low. This is
// a non-functional input and does not affect the designs behavior.
// See also: prim_arbiter_ppc
`include ""
module prim_arbiter_tree #(
parameter int N = 8,
parameter int DW = 32,
// Configurations
// EnDataPort: {0, 1}, if 0, input data will be ignored
parameter bit EnDataPort = 1,
// Derived parameters
localparam int IdxW = $clog2(N)
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input req_chk_i, // Used for gating assertions. Drive to 1 during normal
// operation.
input [ N-1:0] req_i,
input [DW-1:0] data_i [N],
output logic [ N-1:0] gnt_o,
output logic [IdxW-1:0] idx_o,
output logic valid_o,
output logic [DW-1:0] data_o,
input ready_i
// req_chk_i is used for gating assertions only.
logic unused_req_chk;
assign unused_req_chk = req_chk_i;
`ASSERT_INIT(CheckNGreaterZero_A, N > 0)
// this case is basically just a bypass
if (N == 1) begin : gen_degenerate_case
assign valid_o = req_i[0];
assign data_o = data_i[0];
assign gnt_o[0] = valid_o & ready_i;
assign idx_o = '0;
end else begin : gen_normal_case
// align to powers of 2 for simplicity
// a full binary tree with N levels has 2**N + 2**N-1 nodes
logic [2**(IdxW+1)-2:0] req_tree;
logic [2**(IdxW+1)-2:0] prio_tree;
logic [2**(IdxW+1)-2:0] sel_tree;
logic [2**(IdxW+1)-2:0] mask_tree;
logic [2**(IdxW+1)-2:0][IdxW-1:0] idx_tree;
logic [2**(IdxW+1)-2:0][DW-1:0] data_tree;
logic [N-1:0] prio_mask_d, prio_mask_q;
for (genvar level = 0; level < IdxW+1; level++) begin : gen_tree
// level+1 C0 C1 <- "Base1" points to the first node on "level+1",
// \ / these nodes are the children of the nodes one level below
// level Pa <- "Base0", points to the first node on "level",
// these nodes are the parents of the nodes one level above
// hence we have the following indices for the Pa, C0, C1 nodes:
// Pa = 2**level - 1 + offset = Base0 + offset
// C0 = 2**(level+1) - 1 + 2*offset = Base1 + 2*offset
// C1 = 2**(level+1) - 1 + 2*offset + 1 = Base1 + 2*offset + 1
localparam int Base0 = (2**level)-1;
localparam int Base1 = (2**(level+1))-1;
for (genvar offset = 0; offset < 2**level; offset++) begin : gen_level
localparam int Pa = Base0 + offset;
localparam int C0 = Base1 + 2*offset;
localparam int C1 = Base1 + 2*offset + 1;
// this assigns the gated interrupt source signals, their
// corresponding IDs and priorities to the tree leafs
if (level == IdxW) begin : gen_leafs
if (offset < N) begin : gen_assign
// forward path (requests and data)
// all requests inputs are assigned to the request tree
assign req_tree[Pa] = req_i[offset];
// we basically split the incoming request vector into two halves with the following
// priority assignment. the prio_mask_q register contains a prefix sum that has been
// computed using the last winning index, and hence masks out all requests at offsets
// lower or equal the previously granted index. hence, all higher indices are considered
// first in the arbitration tree nodes below, before considering the lower indices.
assign prio_tree[Pa] = req_i[offset] & prio_mask_q[offset];
// input for the index muxes (used to compute the winner index)
assign idx_tree[Pa] = offset;
// input for the data muxes
assign data_tree[Pa] = data_i[offset];
// backward path (grants and prefix sum)
// grant if selected, ready and request asserted
assign gnt_o[offset] = req_i[offset] & sel_tree[Pa] & ready_i;
// only update mask if there is a valid request
assign prio_mask_d[offset] = (|req_i) ?
mask_tree[Pa] | sel_tree[Pa] & ~ready_i :
end else begin : gen_tie_off
// forward path
assign req_tree[Pa] = '0;
assign prio_tree[Pa] = '0;
assign idx_tree[Pa] = '0;
assign data_tree[Pa] = '0;
logic unused_sigs;
assign unused_sigs = ^{mask_tree[Pa],
// this creates the node assignments
end else begin : gen_nodes
// local helper variable
logic sel;
// forward path (requests and data)
// each node looks at its two children, and selects the one with higher priority
assign sel = ~req_tree[C0] | ~prio_tree[C0] & prio_tree[C1];
// propagate requests
assign req_tree[Pa] = req_tree[C0] | req_tree[C1];
assign prio_tree[Pa] = prio_tree[C1] | prio_tree[C0];
// data and index muxes
// Note: these ternaries have triggered a synthesis bug in Vivado versions older
// than 2020.2. If the problem resurfaces again, have a look at issue #1408.
assign idx_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? idx_tree[C1] : idx_tree[C0];
assign data_tree[Pa] = (sel) ? data_tree[C1] : data_tree[C0];
// backward path (grants and prefix sum)
// this propagates the selction index back and computes a hot one mask
assign sel_tree[C0] = sel_tree[Pa] & ~sel;
assign sel_tree[C1] = sel_tree[Pa] & sel;
// this performs a prefix sum for masking the input requests in the next cycle
assign mask_tree[C0] = mask_tree[Pa];
assign mask_tree[C1] = mask_tree[Pa] | sel_tree[C0];
end : gen_level
end : gen_tree
// the results can be found at the tree root
if (EnDataPort) begin : gen_data_port
assign data_o = data_tree[0];
end else begin : gen_no_dataport
logic [DW-1:0] unused_data;
assign unused_data = data_tree[0];
assign data_o = '1;
// This index is unused.
logic unused_prio_tree;
assign unused_prio_tree = prio_tree[0];
assign idx_o = idx_tree[0];
assign valid_o = req_tree[0];
// the select tree computes a hot one signal that indicates which request is currently selected
assign sel_tree[0] = 1'b1;
// the mask tree is basically a prefix sum of the hot one select signal computed above
assign mask_tree[0] = 1'b0;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_mask_reg
if (!rst_ni) begin
prio_mask_q <= '0;
end else begin
prio_mask_q <= prio_mask_d;
// assertions //
// KNOWN assertions on outputs, except for data as that may be partially X in simulation
// e.g. when used on a BUS
`ASSERT_KNOWN(ValidKnown_A, valid_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(GrantKnown_A, gnt_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(IdxKnown_A, idx_o)
// grant index shall be higher index than previous index, unless no higher requests exist.
##1 valid_o && ready_i && $past(ready_i) && $past(valid_o) &&
|(req_i & ~((N'(1) << $past(idx_o)+1) - 1)) |->
idx_o > $past(idx_o))
// we can only grant one requestor at a time
`ASSERT(CheckHotOne_A, $onehot0(gnt_o))
// A grant implies that the sink is ready
`ASSERT(GntImpliesReady_A, |gnt_o |-> ready_i)
// A grant implies that the arbiter asserts valid as well
`ASSERT(GntImpliesValid_A, |gnt_o |-> valid_o)
// A request and a sink that is ready imply a grant
`ASSERT(ReqAndReadyImplyGrant_A, |req_i && ready_i |-> |gnt_o)
// A request and a sink that is ready imply a grant
`ASSERT(ReqImpliesValid_A, |req_i |-> valid_o)
// Both conditions above combined and reversed
`ASSERT(ReadyAndValidImplyGrant_A, ready_i && valid_o |-> |gnt_o)
// Both conditions above combined and reversed
`ASSERT(NoReadyValidNoGrant_A, !(ready_i || valid_o) |-> gnt_o == 0)
// check index / grant correspond
`ASSERT(IndexIsCorrect_A, ready_i && valid_o |-> gnt_o[idx_o] && req_i[idx_o])
if (EnDataPort) begin: gen_data_port_assertion
// data flow
`ASSERT(DataFlow_A, ready_i && valid_o |-> data_o == data_i[idx_o])
// requests must stay asserted until they have been granted
`ASSUME(ReqStaysHighUntilGranted0_M, |req_i && !ready_i |=>
(req_i & $past(req_i)) == $past(req_i), clk_i, !rst_ni || !req_chk_i)
// check that the arbitration decision is held if the sink is not ready
`ASSERT(LockArbDecision_A, |req_i && !ready_i |=> idx_o == $past(idx_o),
clk_i, !rst_ni || !req_chk_i)
// FPV-only assertions with symbolic variables
`ifdef FPV_ON
// symbolic variables
int unsigned k;
bit ReadyIsStable;
bit ReqsAreStable;
// constraints for symbolic variables
`ASSUME(KStable_M, ##1 $stable(k))
`ASSUME(KRange_M, k < N)
// this is used enable checking for stable and unstable ready_i and req_i signals in the same run.
// the symbolic variables act like a switch that the solver can trun on and off.
`ASSUME(ReadyIsStable_M, ##1 $stable(ReadyIsStable))
`ASSUME(ReqsAreStable_M, ##1 $stable(ReqsAreStable))
`ASSUME(ReadyStable_M, ##1 !ReadyIsStable || $stable(ready_i))
`ASSUME(ReqsStable_M, ##1 !ReqsAreStable || $stable(req_i))
// A grant implies a request
`ASSERT(GntImpliesReq_A, gnt_o[k] |-> req_i[k])
// if request and ready are constantly held at 1, we should eventually get a grant
ReqsAreStable && ReadyIsStable && ready_i && req_i[k] |->
strong(##[0:$] gnt_o[k]))
// if N requests are constantly asserted and ready is constant 1, each request must
// be granted exactly once over a time window of N cycles for the arbiter to be fair.
for (genvar n = 1; n <= N; n++) begin : gen_fairness
integer gnt_cnt;
ReqsAreStable && ReadyIsStable && ready_i && req_i[k] &&
$countones(req_i) == n |->
##n gnt_cnt == $past(gnt_cnt, n) + 1)
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_cnt
if (!rst_ni) begin
gnt_cnt <= 0;
end else begin
gnt_cnt <= gnt_cnt + gnt_o[k];
// requests must stay asserted until they have been granted
`ASSUME(ReqStaysHighUntilGranted1_M, req_i[k] && !gnt_o[k] |=>
req_i[k], clk_i, !rst_ni || !req_chk_i)
endmodule : prim_arbiter_tree