blob: 1d5a06ccc7ea4d8c5ca63025d3f77ae9b2f286f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Primitive hardened counter module
// This module implements two styles of hardened counting
// 1. Duplicate count
// There are two copies of the relevant counter and they are constantly compared.
// 2. Cross count
// There is an up count and a down count, and the combined value must always
// combine to the same value
// This counter supports a generic clr / set / en interface.
// When clr_i is set, the counter clears to 0
// When set_i is set, the down count (if enabled) will set to the max value
// When neither of the above is set, increment the up count(s) or decrement the down count.
// Note there are many other flavor of functions that can be added, but this primitive
// module initially favors the usage inside keymgr and flash_ctrl.
// The usage of set_cnt_i is as follows:
// When doing CrossCnt, set_cnt_i sets the maximum value as well as the starting value of down_cnt.
// When doing DupCnt, set_cnt_i sets the starting value of up_cnt. Note during DupCnt, the maximum
// value is just the max possible value given the counter width.
module prim_count import prim_count_pkg::*; #(
parameter int Width = 2,
parameter bit OutSelDnCnt = 1, // 0 selects up count
parameter prim_count_style_e CntStyle = CrossCnt
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input clr_i,
input set_i,
input [Width-1:0] set_cnt_i,
input en_i,
input [Width-1:0] step_i, // increment/decrement step when enabled
output logic [Width-1:0] cnt_o,
output logic err_o
// if output selects downcount, it MUST be the cross count style
`ASSERT_INIT(CntStyleMatch_A, OutSelDnCnt ? CntStyle == CrossCnt : 1'b1)
localparam int CntCopies = (CntStyle == DupCnt) ? 2 : 1;
// clear up count whenever there is an explicit clear, or
// when the max value is re-set during cross count.
logic clr_up_cnt;
assign clr_up_cnt = clr_i |
set_i & CntStyle == CrossCnt;
// set up count to desired value only during duplicate counts.
logic set_up_cnt;
assign set_up_cnt = set_i & CntStyle == DupCnt;
cmp_valid_e cmp_valid;
logic [CntCopies-1:0][Width-1:0] up_cnt_d, up_cnt_d_buf;
logic [CntCopies-1:0][Width-1:0] up_cnt_q;
logic [Width-1:0] max_val;
logic err;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
max_val <= '{default: '1};
end else if (set_i && (CntStyle == CrossCnt)) begin
max_val <= set_cnt_i;
for (genvar i = 0; i < CntCopies; i++) begin : gen_cnts
// up-count
assign up_cnt_d[i] = (clr_up_cnt) ? '0 :
(set_up_cnt) ? set_cnt_i :
(en_i & up_cnt_q[i] < max_val) ? up_cnt_q[i] + step_i :
prim_buf #(
) u_buf (
prim_flop #(
) u_cnt_flop (
if (CntStyle == CrossCnt) begin : gen_cross_cnt_hardening
logic [Width-1:0] down_cnt;
logic [Width-1:0] sum;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
cmp_valid <= CmpInvalid;
end else if (clr_i) begin
cmp_valid <= CmpInvalid;
end else if ((cmp_valid == CmpInvalid) && set_i) begin
cmp_valid <= CmpValid;
// down-count
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
down_cnt <= '0;
end else if (clr_i) begin
down_cnt <= '0;
end else if (set_i) begin
down_cnt <= set_cnt_i;
end else if (en_i && down_cnt > '0) begin
down_cnt <= down_cnt - step_i;
logic msb;
assign {msb, sum} = down_cnt + up_cnt_q[0];
assign cnt_o = OutSelDnCnt ? down_cnt : up_cnt_q[0];
assign err = max_val != sum | msb;
(cmp_valid == CmpValid) && ((down_cnt + up_cnt_q[0]) != {1'b0, max_val}) |-> err_o)
`ASSERT(CrossCntErrBackward_A, err_o |->
(cmp_valid == CmpValid) && ((down_cnt + up_cnt_q[0]) != {1'b0, max_val}))
end else if (CntStyle == DupCnt) begin : gen_dup_cnt_hardening
// duplicate count compare is always valid
assign cmp_valid = CmpValid;
assign cnt_o = up_cnt_q[0];
assign err = (up_cnt_q[0] != up_cnt_q[1]);
`ASSERT(DupCntErrForward_A, up_cnt_q[0] != up_cnt_q[1] |-> err_o)
`ASSERT(DupCntErrBackward_A, err_o |-> up_cnt_q[0] != up_cnt_q[1])
// If the compare flag is not a valid enum, treat it like an error
assign err_o = (cmp_valid == CmpValid) ? err :
(cmp_valid == CmpInvalid) ? '0 : 1'b1;
// Down counter assumption to control underflow
if (CntStyle == CrossCnt && OutSelDnCnt) begin : gen_down_cnter_assumptions
`ASSUME(DownCntStepInt_A, cmp_valid == CmpValid |-> max_val % step_i == 0)
// Up counter assumption to control overflow
end else begin : gen_up_cnter_assumptions
logic [Width:0] unused_cnt;
assign unused_cnt = up_cnt_q[0] + step_i;
logic unused_incr_cnt;
assign unused_incr_cnt = (cmp_valid == CmpValid) & !clr_i & !set_i;
`ASSUME(UpCntOverFlow_A, unused_incr_cnt && !err |-> ~unused_cnt[Width])
// Helper variables to hold the previous valid `cnt_o` and `step_i` when `en_i` is set.
logic [Width-1:0] past_cnt_o, past_step_i;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
past_cnt_o <= cnt_o;
past_step_i <= step_i;
end else if (en_i) begin
past_cnt_o <= cnt_o;
past_step_i <= step_i;
// Clear and set should not be seen at the same time
`ASSUME(SimulClrSet_A, clr_i || set_i |-> clr_i != set_i)
`ASSERT(OutClr_A, clr_i |=> cnt_o == 0)
// When `en_i` is set without `clr_i` and `set_i`, and counter does not reach max/min value,
// we expect `cnt_o` to increment or decrement base on `step_i`.
!(clr_i ||set_i) throughout en_i ##[1:$] en_i && max_val > cnt_o && cnt_o > 0 |->
(CntStyle == DupCnt || !OutSelDnCnt) ? cnt_o - past_cnt_o == past_step_i :
past_cnt_o - cnt_o == past_step_i)
// When `set_i` is set, at next clock cycle:
// 1). For duplicate counter, sets the `cnt_o` to `set_cnt_i`.
// 2). For cross up counter, sets the `max_value` to `set_cnt_i`.
// 3). For cross down counter, sets the `cnt_o` and `max_value` to `set_cnt_i`.
`ASSERT(OutSet_A, ##1 set_i |=>
(CntStyle == DupCnt || OutSelDnCnt) ? cnt_o == $past(set_cnt_i) : cnt_o == 0)
// This logic that will be assign to one, when user adds macro
// ASSERT_PRIM_COUNT_ERROR_TRIGGER_ALERT to check the error with alert, in case that prim_count
// is used in design without adding this assertion check.
logic unused_assert_connected;
`ASSERT_INIT(AssertConnected_A, unused_assert_connected === 1'b1)
endmodule // prim_count
`ASSERT(NAME_, $rose(PRIM_HIER_.err_o) |-> ##[1:MAX_CYCLES_] $rose(ALERT_.alert_p)) \
`ifdef INC_ASSERT \
assign PRIM_HIER_.unused_assert_connected = 1'b1; \