| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // Flash Controller module. |
| // |
| |
| package flash_ctrl_pkg; |
| |
| // design parameters that can be altered through topgen |
| parameter int NumBanks = flash_ctrl_reg_pkg::RegNumBanks; |
| parameter int PagesPerBank = flash_ctrl_reg_pkg::RegPagesPerBank; |
| parameter int BusPgmResBytes = flash_ctrl_reg_pkg::RegBusPgmResBytes; |
| |
| // fixed parameters of flash derived from topgen parameters |
| parameter int DataWidth = 64; |
| parameter int MetaDataWidth = 12; |
| parameter int InfoTypes = 2; // How many types of info per bank |
| |
| // The following hard-wired values are there to work-around verilator. |
| // For some reason if the values are assigned through parameters verilator thinks |
| // they are not constant |
| parameter int InfoTypeSize [InfoTypes] = '{ |
| 4, |
| 4 |
| }; |
| parameter int InfosPerBank = max_info_pages('{ |
| 4, |
| 4 |
| }); |
| parameter int WordsPerPage = 128; // Number of flash words per page |
| parameter int BusWidth = top_pkg::TL_DW; |
| parameter int MpRegions = 8; // flash controller protection regions |
| parameter int FifoDepth = 16; // rd / prog fifos |
| parameter int InfoTypesWidth = prim_util_pkg::vbits(InfoTypes); |
| |
| // flash phy parameters |
| parameter int DataByteWidth = prim_util_pkg::vbits(DataWidth / 8); |
| parameter int BankW = prim_util_pkg::vbits(NumBanks); |
| parameter int InfoPageW = prim_util_pkg::vbits(InfosPerBank); |
| parameter int PageW = prim_util_pkg::vbits(PagesPerBank); |
| parameter int WordW = prim_util_pkg::vbits(WordsPerPage); |
| parameter int AddrW = BankW + PageW + WordW; // all flash range |
| parameter int BankAddrW = PageW + WordW; // 1 bank of flash range |
| parameter int AllPagesW = BankW + PageW; |
| |
| // flash ctrl / bus parameters |
| // flash / bus width may be different from actual flash word width |
| parameter int BusBytes = BusWidth / 8; |
| parameter int BusByteWidth = prim_util_pkg::vbits(BusBytes); |
| parameter int WidthMultiple = DataWidth / BusWidth; |
| // Number of bus words that can be programmed at once |
| parameter int BusPgmRes = BusPgmResBytes / BusBytes; |
| parameter int BusPgmResWidth = prim_util_pkg::vbits(BusPgmRes); |
| parameter int BusWordsPerPage = WordsPerPage * WidthMultiple; |
| parameter int BusWordW = prim_util_pkg::vbits(BusWordsPerPage); |
| parameter int BusAddrW = BankW + PageW + BusWordW; |
| parameter int BusBankAddrW = PageW + BusWordW; |
| parameter int PhyAddrStart = BusWordW - WordW; |
| |
| // fifo parameters |
| parameter int FifoDepthW = prim_util_pkg::vbits(FifoDepth+1); |
| |
| // The end address in bus words for each kind of partition in each bank |
| parameter logic [PageW-1:0] DataPartitionEndAddr = PagesPerBank - 1; |
| parameter logic [PageW-1:0] InfoPartitionEndAddr [InfoTypes] = '{ |
| InfoTypeSize[0] - 1, |
| InfoTypeSize[1] - 1 |
| }; |
| |
| //////////////////////////// |
| // All memory protection, seed related parameters |
| // Those related for seed pages should be template candidates |
| //////////////////////////// |
| |
| // parameters for connected components |
| parameter int SeedWidth = 256; |
| |
| // life cycle provision write enable usage |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| FlashWrLcCreatorSeedPriv, |
| FlashWrLcMgrIf, |
| FlashWrLcInfoCfg, |
| FlashWrLcLast |
| } flash_lc_provision_wr_en_e; |
| |
| // life cycle provision read enable usage |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| FlashRdLcOwnerSeedPriv, |
| FlashRdLcMgrIf, |
| FlashRdLcInfoCfg, |
| FlashRdLcLast |
| } flash_lc_provision_rd_en_e; |
| |
| // lcmgr phase enum |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| PhaseSeed, |
| PhaseRma, |
| PhaseNone, |
| PhaseInvalid |
| } flash_lcmgr_phase_e; |
| |
| // alias for super long reg_pkg typedef |
| typedef flash_ctrl_reg_pkg::flash_ctrl_reg2hw_bank0_info0_page_cfg_mreg_t info_page_cfg_t; |
| typedef flash_ctrl_reg_pkg::flash_ctrl_reg2hw_mp_region_cfg_mreg_t mp_region_cfg_t; |
| |
| // memory protection specific structs |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [InfoTypesWidth-1:0] sel; |
| logic [AllPagesW-1:0] addr; |
| } page_addr_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| page_addr_t page; |
| flash_lcmgr_phase_e phase; |
| info_page_cfg_t cfg; |
| } info_page_attr_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| flash_lcmgr_phase_e phase; |
| mp_region_cfg_t cfg; |
| } data_region_attr_t; |
| |
| // flash life cycle / key manager management constants |
| // One page for creator seeds |
| // One page for owner seeds |
| // One page for isolated flash page |
| parameter int NumSeeds = 2; |
| parameter int SeedBank = 0; |
| parameter int SeedInfoSel = 0; |
| parameter int CreatorSeedIdx = 0; |
| parameter int OwnerSeedIdx = 1; |
| parameter int CreatorInfoPage = 1; |
| parameter int OwnerInfoPage = 2; |
| parameter int IsolatedInfoPage = 3; |
| |
| // which page of which info type of which bank for seed selection |
| parameter page_addr_t SeedInfoPageSel [NumSeeds] = '{ |
| '{ |
| sel: SeedInfoSel, |
| addr: {SeedBank, CreatorInfoPage} |
| }, |
| |
| '{ |
| sel: SeedInfoSel, |
| addr: {SeedBank, OwnerInfoPage} |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // which page of which info type of which bank for isolated partition |
| parameter page_addr_t IsolatedPageSel = '{ |
| sel: SeedInfoSel, |
| addr: {SeedBank, IsolatedInfoPage} |
| }; |
| |
| // hardware interface memory protection rules |
| parameter int HwInfoRules = 3; |
| parameter int HwDataRules = 1; |
| |
| parameter info_page_cfg_t CfgAllowRead = '{ |
| en: 1'b1, |
| rd_en: 1'b1, |
| prog_en: 1'b0, |
| erase_en: 1'b0, |
| scramble_en: 1'b0, |
| ecc_en: 1'b0, // TBD, update to 1 once tb supports ECC |
| he_en: 1'b1 |
| }; |
| |
| parameter info_page_cfg_t CfgAllowReadErase = '{ |
| en: 1'b1, |
| rd_en: 1'b1, |
| prog_en: 1'b0, |
| erase_en: 1'b1, |
| scramble_en: 1'b0, |
| ecc_en: 1'b0, // TBD, update to 1 once tb supports ECC |
| he_en: 1'b1 // HW assumes high endurance |
| }; |
| |
| parameter info_page_attr_t HwInfoPageAttr[HwInfoRules] = '{ |
| '{ |
| page: SeedInfoPageSel[CreatorSeedIdx], |
| phase: PhaseSeed, |
| cfg: CfgAllowRead |
| }, |
| |
| '{ |
| page: SeedInfoPageSel[OwnerSeedIdx], |
| phase: PhaseSeed, |
| cfg: CfgAllowRead |
| }, |
| |
| '{ |
| page: SeedInfoPageSel[OwnerSeedIdx], |
| phase: PhaseRma, |
| cfg: CfgAllowReadErase |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| parameter data_region_attr_t HwDataAttr[HwDataRules] = '{ |
| '{ |
| phase: PhaseRma, |
| cfg: '{ |
| en: 1'b1, |
| rd_en: 1'b1, |
| prog_en: 1'b0, |
| erase_en: 1'b1, |
| scramble_en: 1'b0, |
| ecc_en: 1'b0, |
| he_en: 1'b1, // HW assumes high endurance |
| base: '0, |
| size: '{default:'1} |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| |
| //////////////////////////// |
| // Flash operation related enums |
| //////////////////////////// |
| |
| // Flash Operations Supported |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| FlashOpRead = 2'h0, |
| FlashOpProgram = 2'h1, |
| FlashOpErase = 2'h2, |
| FlashOpInvalid = 2'h3 |
| } flash_op_e; |
| |
| // Flash Program Operations Supported |
| typedef enum logic { |
| FlashProgNormal = 0, |
| FlashProgRepair = 1 |
| } flash_prog_e; |
| parameter int ProgTypes = 2; |
| |
| // Flash Erase Operations Supported |
| typedef enum logic { |
| FlashErasePage = 0, |
| FlashEraseBank = 1 |
| } flash_erase_e; |
| |
| // Flash function select |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| NoneSel, |
| SwSel, |
| HwSel |
| } flash_sel_e; |
| |
| // Flash tlul to fifo direction |
| typedef enum logic { |
| WriteDir = 1'b0, |
| ReadDir = 1'b1 |
| } flash_flfo_dir_e; |
| |
| // Flash partition type |
| typedef enum logic { |
| FlashPartData = 1'b0, |
| FlashPartInfo = 1'b1 |
| } flash_part_e; |
| |
| // Flash controller to memory |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic req; |
| logic scramble_en; |
| logic ecc_en; |
| logic he_en; |
| logic rd; |
| logic prog; |
| logic pg_erase; |
| logic bk_erase; |
| flash_part_e part; |
| logic [InfoTypesWidth-1:0] info_sel; |
| logic [BusAddrW-1:0] addr; |
| logic [BusWidth-1:0] prog_data; |
| logic prog_last; |
| flash_prog_e prog_type; |
| mp_region_cfg_t [MpRegions:0] region_cfgs; |
| logic [127:0] addr_key; |
| logic [127:0] data_key; |
| logic rd_buf_en; |
| } flash_req_t; |
| |
| // default value of flash_req_t (for dangling ports) |
| parameter flash_req_t FLASH_REQ_DEFAULT = '{ |
| req: '0, |
| scramble_en: '0, |
| ecc_en: '0, |
| he_en: '0, |
| rd: '0, |
| prog: '0, |
| pg_erase: '0, |
| bk_erase: '0, |
| part: FlashPartData, |
| info_sel: '0, |
| addr: '0, |
| prog_data: '0, |
| prog_last: '0, |
| prog_type: FlashProgNormal, |
| region_cfgs: '0, |
| rd_buf_en: '0 |
| }; |
| |
| // memory to flash controller |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [ProgTypes-1:0] prog_type_avail; |
| logic rd_done; |
| logic prog_done; |
| logic erase_done; |
| logic rd_err; |
| logic [BusWidth-1:0] rd_data; |
| logic init_busy; |
| } flash_rsp_t; |
| |
| // default value of flash_rsp_t (for dangling ports) |
| parameter flash_rsp_t FLASH_RSP_DEFAULT = '{ |
| prog_type_avail: '{default: '1}, |
| rd_done: 1'b0, |
| prog_done: 1'b0, |
| erase_done: 1'b0, |
| rd_err: '0, |
| rd_data: '0, |
| init_busy: 1'b0 |
| }; |
| |
| //////////////////////////// |
| // The following inter-module should be moved to OTP/LC |
| //////////////////////////// |
| |
| // otp to flash_ctrl |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [127:0] addr_key; |
| logic [127:0] data_key; |
| // TBD: this signal will become multi-bit in the future |
| logic seed_valid; |
| logic prog_repair_en; |
| } otp_flash_t; |
| |
| // lc to flash_ctrl |
| typedef struct packed { |
| // TBD: this signal will become multi-bit in the future |
| logic rma_req; |
| logic [BusWidth-1:0] rma_req_token; |
| } lc_flash_req_t; |
| |
| // flash_ctrl to lc |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic rma_ack; |
| logic [BusWidth-1:0] rma_ack_token; |
| } lc_flash_rsp_t; |
| |
| // flash_ctrl to keymgr |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [NumSeeds-1:0][SeedWidth-1:0] seeds; |
| } keymgr_flash_t; |
| |
| parameter keymgr_flash_t KEYMGR_FLASH_DEFAULT = '{ |
| seeds: '{ |
| 256'h9152e32c9380a4bcc3e0ab263581e6b0e8825186e1e445631646e8bef8c45d47, |
| 256'hfa365df52da48cd752fb3a026a8e608f0098cfe5fa9810494829d0cd9479eb78 |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // place holder for interface to EDN, replace with real one later |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic valid; |
| logic [3:0] entropy; |
| } edn_entropy_t; |
| |
| // default value of otp_flash_t |
| // These are hardwired default values that should never be used. |
| // Real values are individualized and supplied from OTP. |
| parameter otp_flash_t OTP_FLASH_DEFAULT = '{ |
| seed_valid: 1'b1, |
| prog_repair_en: 1'b1 |
| }; |
| |
| parameter lc_flash_req_t LC_FLASH_REQ_DEFAULT = '{ |
| rma_req: 1'b0, |
| rma_req_token: '0 |
| }; |
| |
| parameter edn_entropy_t EDN_ENTROPY_DEFAULT = '{ |
| valid: 1'b1, |
| entropy: '0 |
| }; |
| |
| // dft_en jtag selection |
| typedef enum logic [2:0] { |
| FlashLcTckSel, |
| FlashLcTdiSel, |
| FlashLcTmsSel, |
| FlashLcTdoSel, |
| FlashLcJtagLast |
| } flash_lc_jtag_e; |
| |
| // find the max number pages among info types |
| function automatic integer max_info_pages(int infos[InfoTypes]); |
| int current_max = 0; |
| for (int i = 0; i < InfoTypes; i++) begin |
| if (infos[i] > current_max) begin |
| current_max = infos[i]; |
| end |
| end |
| return current_max; |
| endfunction // max_info_banks |
| |
| |
| endpackage : flash_ctrl_pkg |