blob: bf1bb227dca46ebd1a067b1c0aac80ad4efd5dc6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for prim_fifo
waive -rules {ONE_BIT_MEM_WIDTH} -location {} -msg {Memory '' has word width which is single bit wide} \
-comment "It is permissible that a FIFO has a wordwidth of 1bit"
waive -rules {INPUT_NOT_READ} -location {} -regexp {Input port '(clk_i|rst_ni)' is not read from, instance.*Depth=0\)} \
-comment "In passthrough mode, clk and reset are not read form within this module"
waive -rules {ASSIGN_SIGN} -location {} -msg {Signed target 'i' assigned unsigned value 'PTR_WIDTH - 3'} \
-comment "Parameter PTR_WIDTH is unsigned, but integer i is signed. This is fine. Changing the integer to unsigned might \
cause issues with the for loop never exiting, because an unsigned integer can never become < 0."
waive -rules NOT_READ -location {} -regexp {Signal 'nc_decval_msb' is not read} \
-comment "Store temporary values. Not used intentionally"
waive -rules VAR_INDEX_RANGE -location {prim_fifo_*} -regexp {maximum value .* may be too large for 'storage'} \
-comment "index is protected by control logic"
waive -rules EXPLICIT_BITLEN -location {prim_fifo_*} -regexp {Bit length not specified for constant '1'} \
-comment "index is protected by control logic"
## prim_fifo_async_sram_adapter
waive -rules ARITH_CONTEXT -location {} \
-regexp {(r|w)_wptr_v.*_rptr_v} \
-comment "The pointer value width is determined. Remove the casting for readability"