blob: cac35cf7afcd1fd2642e40461e7cf2810e3d5928 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
This file is the "auto-generated DIF library header template", which
provides some mandatory DIFs prototypes, that are similar across all IPs.
This template is rendered into a .inc file that is included by the semi-
auto-generated DIF header file (see util/make_new_dif/dif_template.h.tpl).
Note, since this template is designed to manifest as a non-standalone header
it has the file extension, .inc.
For more information, see:
Note, this template requires the following Python objects to be passed:
1. ip: See util/ for the definition of the `ip` obj.
// This file is auto-generated.
* @file
* @brief <a href="/hw/ip/${ip.name_snake}/doc/">${ip.name_upper}</a> Device Interface Functions
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_base.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
* A handle to ${ip.name_snake}.
* This type should be treated as opaque by users.
typedef struct dif_${ip.name_snake} {
* The base address for the ${ip.name_snake} hardware registers.
mmio_region_t base_addr;
} dif_${ip.name_snake}_t;
% if len(ip.irqs) > 0:
* A ${ip.name_snake} interrupt request type.
typedef enum dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq {
% for irq in ip.irqs:
* ${irq.description}
## This handles the GPIO IP case where there is a multi-bit interrupt.
% if irq.width > 1:
% for irq_idx in range(irq.width):
kDif${ip.name_camel}Irq${irq.name_camel}${irq_idx} = ${loop.index},
% endfor
## This handles the RV Timer IP where there are different ENABLE/STATE/TEST
## IRQ registers per hart.
% elif ip.name_snake == "rv_timer":
kDif${ip.name_camel}Irq${irq.name_camel} = ${loop.index % int(ip.parameters["N_TIMERS"].default)},
## This handles all other IPs.
% else:
kDif${ip.name_camel}Irq${irq.name_camel} = ${loop.index},
% endif
% endfor
} dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_t;
* A snapshot of the state of the interrupts for this IP.
* This is an opaque type, to be used with the `dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_get_state()`
* function.
typedef uint32_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_state_snapshot_t;
* Returns whether a particular interrupt is currently pending.
* @param ${ip.name_snake} A ${ip.name_snake} handle.
% if ip.name_snake == "rv_timer":
* @param hart_id The hart to manipulate.
% endif
* @param[out] snapshot Out-param for interrupt state snapshot.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_get_state(
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_t *${ip.name_snake},
% if ip.name_snake == "rv_timer":
uint32_t hart_id,
% endif
dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_state_snapshot_t *snapshot);
* Returns whether a particular interrupt is currently pending.
* @param ${ip.name_snake} A ${ip.name_snake} handle.
* @param irq An interrupt request.
* @param[out] is_pending Out-param for whether the interrupt is pending.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_is_pending(
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_t *${ip.name_snake},
dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_t irq,
bool *is_pending);
* Acknowledges a particular interrupt, indicating to the hardware that it has
* been successfully serviced.
* @param ${ip.name_snake} A ${ip.name_snake} handle.
* @param irq An interrupt request.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_acknowledge(
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_t *${ip.name_snake},
dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_t irq);
* Forces a particular interrupt, causing it to be serviced as if hardware had
* asserted it.
* @param ${ip.name_snake} A ${ip.name_snake} handle.
* @param irq An interrupt request.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_force(
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_t *${ip.name_snake},
dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_t irq);
% if ip.name_snake != "aon_timer":
* A snapshot of the enablement state of the interrupts for this IP.
* This is an opaque type, to be used with the
* `dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_disable_all()` and `dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_restore_all()`
* functions.
typedef uint32_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_enable_snapshot_t;
* Checks whether a particular interrupt is currently enabled or disabled.
* @param ${ip.name_snake} A ${ip.name_snake} handle.
* @param irq An interrupt request.
* @param[out] state Out-param toggle state of the interrupt.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_get_enabled(
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_t *${ip.name_snake},
dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_t irq,
dif_toggle_t *state);
* Sets whether a particular interrupt is currently enabled or disabled.
* @param ${ip.name_snake} A ${ip.name_snake} handle.
* @param irq An interrupt request.
* @param state The new toggle state for the interrupt.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_set_enabled(
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_t *${ip.name_snake},
dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_t irq,
dif_toggle_t state);
* Disables all interrupts, optionally snapshotting all enable states for later
* restoration.
* @param ${ip.name_snake} A ${ip.name_snake} handle.
% if ip.name_snake == "rv_timer":
* @param hart_id The hart to manipulate.
% endif
* @param[out] snapshot Out-param for the snapshot; may be `NULL`.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_disable_all(
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_t *${ip.name_snake},
% if ip.name_snake == "rv_timer":
uint32_t hart_id,
% endif
dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_enable_snapshot_t *snapshot);
* Restores interrupts from the given (enable) snapshot.
* @param ${ip.name_snake} A ${ip.name_snake} handle.
% if ip.name_snake == "rv_timer":
* @param hart_id The hart to manipulate.
% endif
* @param snapshot A snapshot to restore from.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_restore_all(
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_t *${ip.name_snake},
% if ip.name_snake == "rv_timer":
uint32_t hart_id,
% endif
const dif_${ip.name_snake}_irq_enable_snapshot_t *snapshot);
% endif
% endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus