blob: 1fadd5c3d649fdff220c0e39b072b3c5a3399627 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
import topgen.lib as lib
from topgen.clocks import Clocks
from topgen.resets import Resets
num_mio_inputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \
num_mio_outputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \
num_mio_pads = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['pads']
num_dio_inputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \
num_dio_outputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \
num_dio_total = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \
top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inputs'] + \
num_im = sum([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["inter_signal"]["external"]])
max_sigwidth = max([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["pinmux"]["ios"]])
max_sigwidth = len("{}".format(max_sigwidth))
cpu_clk = top['clocks'].hier_paths['top'] + "clk_proc_main"
unused_resets = lib.get_unused_resets(top)
unused_im_defs, undriven_im_defs = lib.get_dangling_im_def(top["inter_signal"]["definitions"])
has_toplevel_rom = False
for m in top['memory']:
if m['type'] == 'rom':
has_toplevel_rom = True
module top_${top["name"]} #(
// Manually defined parameters
% if not lib.is_rom_ctrl(top["module"]):
parameter BootRomInitFile = "",
% endif
// Auto-inferred parameters
% for m in top["module"]:
% if not lib.is_inst(m):
<% continue %>
% endif
// parameters for ${m['name']}
% for p_exp in [p for p in m["param_list"] if p.get("expose") == "true" ]:
p_type = p_exp.get('type')
p_type_word = p_type + ' ' if p_type else ''
p_lhs = f'{p_type_word}{p_exp["name_top"]}'
p_rhs = p_exp['default']
% if 12 + len(p_lhs) + 3 + len(p_rhs) + 1 < 100:
parameter ${p_lhs} = ${p_rhs}${"" if loop.parent.last & loop.last else ","}
% else:
parameter ${p_lhs} =
${p_rhs}${"" if loop.parent.last & loop.last else ","}
% endif
% endfor
% endfor
) (
% if num_mio_pads != 0:
// Multiplexed I/O
input ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_in_i,
output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_out_o,
output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_oe_o,
% endif
% if num_dio_total != 0:
// Dedicated I/O
input ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_in_i,
output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_out_o,
output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_oe_o,
% endif
% if "pinmux" in top:
// pad attributes to padring
output prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr_t [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_attr_o,
output prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr_t [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_attr_o,
% endif
% if num_im != 0:
// Inter-module Signal External type
% for sig in top["inter_signal"]["external"]:
${lib.get_direction(sig)} ${lib.im_defname(sig)} ${lib.bitarray(sig["width"],1)} ${sig["signame"]},
% endfor
% endif
// All externally supplied clocks
% for clk in top['clocks'].typed_clocks().ast_clks:
input ${clk},
% endfor
// All clocks forwarded to ast
output clkmgr_pkg::clkmgr_out_t clks_ast_o,
output rstmgr_pkg::rstmgr_out_t rsts_ast_o,
input scan_rst_ni, // reset used for test mode
input scan_en_i,
input prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t scanmode_i // lc_ctrl_pkg::On for Scan
// JTAG IDCODE for development versions of this code.
// Manufacturers of OpenTitan chips must replace this code with one of their
// own IDs.
// Field structure as defined in the IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) specification,
// section 12.1.1.
localparam logic [31:0] JTAG_IDCODE = {
4'h0, // Version
16'h4F54, // Part Number: "OT"
11'h426, // Manufacturer Identity: Google
1'b1 // (fixed)
import tlul_pkg::*;
import top_pkg::*;
import tl_main_pkg::*;
import top_${top["name"]}_pkg::*;
// Compile-time random constants
import top_${top["name"]}_rnd_cnst_pkg::*;
// Signals
logic [${num_mio_inputs - 1}:0] mio_p2d;
logic [${num_mio_outputs - 1}:0] mio_d2p;
logic [${num_mio_outputs - 1}:0] mio_en_d2p;
logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_p2d;
logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_d2p;
logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_en_d2p;
% for m in top["module"]:
% if not lib.is_inst(m):
<% continue %>
% endif
block = name_to_block[m['type']]
inouts, inputs, outputs = block.xputs
// ${m["name"]}
% for p_in in inputs + inouts:
logic ${lib.bitarray(p_in.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${}_p2d;
% endfor
% for p_out in outputs + inouts:
logic ${lib.bitarray(p_out.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${}_d2p;
logic ${lib.bitarray(p_out.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${}_en_d2p;
% endfor
% endfor
# Interrupt source 0 is tied to 0 to conform RISC-V PLIC spec.
# So, total number of interrupts are the number of entries in the list + 1
interrupt_num = sum([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["interrupt"]]) + 1
logic [${interrupt_num-1}:0] intr_vector;
// Interrupt source list
% for m in top["module"]:
block = name_to_block[m['type']]
% if not lib.is_inst(m):
<% continue %>
% endif
% for intr in block.interrupts:
% if intr.bits.width() != 1:
logic [${intr.bits.width()-1}:0] intr_${m["name"]}_${};
% else:
logic intr_${m["name"]}_${};
% endif
% endfor
% endfor
// Alert list
prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [alert_pkg::NAlerts-1:0] alert_tx;
prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [alert_pkg::NAlerts-1:0] alert_rx;
% if not top["alert"]:
for (genvar k = 0; k < alert_pkg::NAlerts; k++) begin : gen_alert_tie_off
// tie off if no alerts present in the system
assign alert_tx[k].alert_p = 1'b0;
assign alert_tx[k].alert_n = 1'b1;
% endif
## Inter-module Definitions
% if len(top["inter_signal"]["definitions"]) >= 1:
// define inter-module signals
% endif
% for sig in top["inter_signal"]["definitions"]:
${lib.im_defname(sig)} ${lib.bitarray(sig["width"],1)} ${sig["signame"]};
% endfor
## Mixed connection to port
## Index greater than 0 means a port is assigned to an inter-module array
## whereas an index of 0 means a port is directly driven by a module
// define mixed connection to port
% for port in top['inter_signal']['external']:
% if port['conn_type'] and port['index'] > 0:
% if port['direction'] == 'in':
assign ${port['netname']}[${port['index']}] = ${port['signame']};
% else:
assign ${port['signame']} = ${port['netname']}[${port['index']}];
% endif
% elif port['conn_type']:
% if port['direction'] == 'in':
assign ${port['netname']} = ${port['signame']};
% else:
assign ${port['signame']} = ${port['netname']};
% endif
% endif
% endfor
## Partial inter-module definition tie-off
// define partial inter-module tie-off
% for sig in unused_im_defs:
% for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']):
${lib.im_defname(sig)} unused_${sig["signame"]}${idx};
% endfor
% endfor
// assign partial inter-module tie-off
% for sig in unused_im_defs:
% for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']):
assign unused_${sig["signame"]}${idx} = ${sig["signame"]}[${idx}];
% endfor
% endfor
% for sig in undriven_im_defs:
% for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']):
assign ${sig["signame"]}[${idx}] = ${sig["default"]};
% endfor
% endfor
## Inter-module signal collection
% for m in top["module"]:
% if m["type"] == "otp_ctrl":
// OTP HW_CFG Broadcast signals.
// TODO(#6713): The actual struct breakout and mapping currently needs to
// be performed by hand.
assign csrng_otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read =;
assign entropy_src_otp_en_entropy_src_fw_read =;
assign entropy_src_otp_en_entropy_src_fw_over =;
assign sram_ctrl_main_otp_en_sram_ifetch =;
assign lc_ctrl_otp_device_id =;
assign lc_ctrl_otp_manuf_state =;
assign keymgr_otp_device_id =;
logic unused_otp_hw_cfg_bits;
assign unused_otp_hw_cfg_bits = ^{
% endif
% endfor
// See #7978 This below is a hack.
// This is because ast is a comportable-like module that sits outside
// of top_earlgrey's boundary.
assign clks_ast_o = ${top['clocks'].hier_paths['top'][:-1]};
assign rsts_ast_o = ${top['resets'].hier_paths['top'][:-1]};
// ibex specific assignments
// TODO: This should be further automated in the future.
assign rv_core_ibex_irq_timer = intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_hart0_timer0;
assign rv_core_ibex_hart_id = '0;
## Not all top levels have a rom controller.
## For those that do not, reference the ROM directly.
% if lib.is_rom_ctrl(top["module"]):
assign rv_core_ibex_boot_addr = ADDR_SPACE_ROM_CTRL__ROM;
% else:
assign rv_core_ibex_boot_addr = ADDR_SPACE_ROM;
% endif
## Not all top levels have a lifecycle controller.
## For those that do not, always enable ibex.
% if not lib.is_lc_ctrl(top["module"]):
assign rv_core_ibex_lc_cpu_en = lc_ctrl_pkg::On;
% endif
// Struct breakout module tool-inserted DFT TAP signals
pinmux_jtag_breakout u_dft_tap_breakout (
.req_i (pinmux_aon_dft_jtag_req),
.rsp_o (pinmux_aon_dft_jtag_rsp),
.tck_o (),
.trst_no (),
.tms_o (),
.tdi_o (),
.tdo_i (1'b0),
.tdo_oe_i (1'b0)
// Wire up alert handler LPGs
prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t [alert_pkg::NLpg-1:0] lpg_cg_en;
prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t [alert_pkg::NLpg-1:0] lpg_rst_en;
# get all known typed clocks and add them to a dict
# this is used to generate the tie-off assignments further below
clocks = top['clocks']
assert isinstance(clocks, Clocks)
typed_clocks = clocks.typed_clocks()
known_clocks = {}
for clk in typed_clocks.all_clocks():
known_clocks.update({top['clocks'].hier_paths['lpg'] + clk.split('clk_')[-1]: 1})
# get all known resets and add them to a dict
# this is used to generate the tie-off assignments further below
resets = top['resets']
assert isinstance(resets, Resets)
output_rsts = resets.get_top_resets()
known_resets = {}
for rst in output_rsts:
for dom in top['power']['domains']:
if rst.shadowed:
path = lib.get_reset_lpg_path(top, resets.get_reset_by_name(, True, dom)
path: 1
path = lib.get_reset_lpg_path(top, resets.get_reset_by_name(, False, dom)
path: 1
% for k, lpg in enumerate(top['alert_lpgs']):
// ${lpg['name']}
cg_en = top['clocks'].hier_paths['lpg'] + lpg['clock_connection'].split('.clk_')[-1]
rst_en = lib.get_reset_lpg_path(top, lpg['reset_connection'])
known_clocks[cg_en] = 0
known_resets[rst_en] = 0
assign lpg_cg_en[${k}] = ${cg_en};
assign lpg_rst_en[${k}] = ${rst_en};
% endfor
// tie-off unused connections
<% k = 0 %>\
% for clk, unused in known_clocks.items():
% if unused:
prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t unused_cg_en_${k};
assign unused_cg_en_${k} = ${clk};<% k += 1 %>
% endif
% endfor
<% k = 0 %>\
% for rst, unused in known_resets.items():
% if unused:
prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t unused_rst_en_${k};
assign unused_rst_en_${k} = ${rst};<% k += 1 %>
% endif
% endfor
// Peripheral Instantiation
<% alert_idx = 0 %>
% for m in top["module"]:
if not lib.is_inst(m):
block = name_to_block[m['type']]
inouts, inputs, outputs = block.xputs
port_list = inputs + outputs + inouts
max_sigwidth = max(len( for x in port_list) if port_list else 0
max_intrwidth = (max(len( for x in block.interrupts)
if block.interrupts else 0)
% if m["param_list"] or block.alerts:
${m["type"]} #(
% if block.alerts:
w = len(block.alerts)
slice = str(alert_idx+w-1) + ":" + str(alert_idx)
.AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[${slice}])${"," if m["param_list"] else ""}
% endif
% for i in m["param_list"]:
.${i["name"]}(${i["name_top" if i.get("expose") == "true" or i.get("randtype", "none") != "none" else "default"]})${"," if not loop.last else ""}
% endfor
) u_${m["name"]} (
% else:
${m["type"]} u_${m["name"]} (
% endif
% for p_in in inputs + inouts:
% if loop.first:
// Input
% endif
.${lib.ljust("cio_""_i",max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${}_p2d),
% endfor
% for p_out in outputs + inouts:
% if loop.first:
// Output
% endif
.${lib.ljust("cio_""_o", max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${}_d2p),
.${lib.ljust("cio_""_en_o",max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${}_en_d2p),
% endfor
% for intr in block.interrupts:
% if loop.first:
// Interrupt
% endif
.${lib.ljust("intr_""_o",max_intrwidth+7)} (intr_${m["name"]}_${}),
% endfor
% if block.alerts:
% for alert in block.alerts:
// [${alert_idx}]: ${}<% alert_idx += 1 %>
% endfor
.alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[${slice}] ),
.alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[${slice}] ),
% endif
## TODO: Inter-module Connection
% if m.get('inter_signal_list'):
// Inter-module signals
% for sig in m['inter_signal_list']:
## TODO: handle below condition in
% if sig['type'] == "req_rsp":
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"req")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "req")}),
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"rsp")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "rsp")}),
% elif sig['type'] == "io":
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"io")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "io")}),
% elif sig['type'] == "uni":
## TODO: Broadcast type
## TODO: default for logic type
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% if m["type"] == "rv_plic":
.intr_src_i (intr_vector),
% endif
% if m["type"] == "pinmux":
.periph_to_mio_i (mio_d2p ),
.periph_to_mio_oe_i (mio_en_d2p ),
.mio_to_periph_o (mio_p2d ),
.periph_to_dio_i (dio_d2p ),
.periph_to_dio_oe_i (dio_en_d2p ),
.dio_to_periph_o (dio_p2d ),
% endif
% if m["type"] == "alert_handler":
// alert signals
.alert_rx_o ( alert_rx ),
.alert_tx_i ( alert_tx ),
// synchronized clock gated / reset asserted
// indications for each alert
.lpg_cg_en_i ( lpg_cg_en ),
.lpg_rst_en_i ( lpg_rst_en ),
% endif
% if block.scan:
% endif
% if block.scan_reset:
% endif
% if block.scan_en:
% endif
// Clock and reset connections
% for k, v in m["clock_connections"].items():
.${k} (${v}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in m["reset_connections"].items():
% if lib.is_shadowed_port(block, port):
.${lib.shadow_name(port)} (${lib.get_reset_path(top, reset, True)}),
% endif:
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(top, reset)})${"," if not loop.last else ""}
% endfor
% endfor
// interrupt assignments
<% base = interrupt_num %>\
assign intr_vector = {
% for intr in top["interrupt"][::-1]:
<% base -= intr["width"] %>\
intr_${intr["name"]}, // IDs [${base} +: ${intr['width']}]
% endfor
1'b 0 // ID [0 +: 1] is a special case and tied to zero.
// TL-UL Crossbar
% for xbar in top["xbar"]:
name_len = max([len(x["name"]) for x in xbar["nodes"]]);
xbar_${xbar["name"]} u_xbar_${xbar["name"]} (
% for k, v in xbar["clock_connections"].items():
.${k} (${v}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in xbar["reset_connections"].items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(top, reset)}),
% endfor
## Inter-module signal
% for sig in xbar["inter_signal_list"]:
<% assert sig['type'] == "req_rsp" %>\
// port: ${sig['name']}
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"req")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "req")}),
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"rsp")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "rsp")}),
% endfor
% endfor
% if "pinmux" in top:
// Pinmux connections
// All muxed inputs
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "input"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_in') %>\
assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = mio_p2d[${literal}];
% endif
% endfor
// All muxed outputs
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "output"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_out') %>\
assign mio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% endif
% endfor
// All muxed output enables
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "output"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_out') %>\
assign mio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% endif
% endfor
// All dedicated inputs
<% idx = 0 %>\
logic [${num_dio_total-1}:0] unused_dio_p2d;
assign unused_dio_p2d = dio_p2d;
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\
% if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]:
assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = dio_p2d[${literal}];
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]:
assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = dio_p2d[${literal}];
% endif
% endfor
// All dedicated outputs
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\
% if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]:
assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]:
assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = 1'b0;
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["output"]:
assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% endif
% endfor
// All dedicated output enables
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\
% if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]:
assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]:
assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = 1'b0;
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["output"]:
assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% endif
% endfor
% endif
// make sure scanmode_i is never X (including during reset)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(scanmodeKnown, scanmode_i, clk_main_i, 0)