| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| // Enables coverage on the entire DUT. Limits the port only toggle coverage to |
| // the DUT IOs. |
| |
| +tree tb.dut |
| -module pins_if // DV construct. |
| -module clk_rst_if // DV construct. |
| // Prim_alert/esc pairs are verified in FPV and DV testbenches. |
| -moduletree prim_alert_sender |
| -moduletree prim_alert_receiver |
| -moduletree prim_esc_sender |
| -moduletree prim_esc_receiver |
| -moduletree prim_prince // prim_prince is verified in a separate DV environment. |
| -moduletree prim_lfsr // prim_lfsr is verified in FPV. |
| |
| begin tgl |
| -tree tb |
| +tree tb.dut 1 |
| +module prim_alert_sender |
| +module prim_alert_receiver |
| +module prim_esc_sender |
| +module prim_esc_receiver |
| +module prim_prince |
| +module prim_lfsr |
| end |
| |
| begin assert |
| // These three assertions in prim_lc_sync check when `lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t` input is neither `On` |
| // or `Off`, it is interrupted to the correct `On` or `Off` after one clock cycle. This behavior |
| // is implemented outside of IP level design thus these assertions are not covered in IP level |
| // testbenchs. |
| // TODO: check these assertions in top-level or FPV. |
| -assert PrimLcSyncCheckTransients_A |
| -assert PrimLcSyncCheckTransients0_A |
| -assert PrimLcSyncCheckTransients1_A |
| end |