blob: 5cd0584ca111828bb2bc54740376f6d61ea81567 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_otp_ctrl.h"
* Enum that encodes the expectation for the check_dai_access_error function.
typedef enum { kExpectPassed, kExpectFailed } exp_test_result_t;
* Check whether we got an access error in the DAI.
* The test passes depending on the expectation argument.
* I.e., if the expectation is that we get an access error (exp_result ==
* kExpectFailed), but the DAI does not report any error, the test will fail.
void otp_ctrl_testutils_dai_access_error_check(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp_ctrl,
exp_test_result_t exp_result,
int32_t address);
* Waits for the DAI operation to finish (busy wait).
void otp_ctrl_testutils_wait_for_dai(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp_ctrl);
* Issues a partition lock and waits for the DAI operation to finish (busy
* wait).
void otp_ctrl_testutils_lock_partition(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
uint64_t digest);