blob: 39267810cd80d811c9978de6fff6472cb10a50f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Key manager top level
`include ""
module keymgr_ctrl import keymgr_pkg::*; (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// lifecycle enforcement
input en_i,
// faults that can occur outside of operations
input regfile_intg_err_i,
input shadowed_err_i,
output logic state_intg_err_o,
// Software interface
input op_start_i,
input keymgr_ops_e op_i,
input [CdiWidth-1:0] op_cdi_sel_i,
output logic op_done_o,
output keymgr_op_status_e status_o,
output logic [ErrLastPos-1:0] error_o,
output logic [FaultLastPos-1:0] fault_o,
output logic data_en_o,
output logic data_valid_o,
output logic wipe_key_o,
output keymgr_working_state_e working_state_o,
output logic sw_binding_unlock_o,
output logic init_o,
// Data input
input otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_keymgr_key_t root_key_i,
output keymgr_gen_out_e hw_sel_o,
output keymgr_stage_e stage_sel_o,
output logic [CdiWidth-1:0] cdi_sel_o,
// KMAC ctrl interface
output logic adv_en_o,
output logic id_en_o,
output logic gen_en_o,
output hw_key_req_t key_o,
input kmac_done_i,
input kmac_input_invalid_i, // asserted when selected data fails criteria check
input kmac_fsm_err_i, // asserted when kmac fsm reaches unexpected state
input kmac_op_err_i, // asserted when kmac itself reports an error
input kmac_cmd_err_i, // asserted when more than one command given to kmac
input [Shares-1:0][KeyWidth-1:0] kmac_data_i,
// prng control interface
input [Shares-1:0][RandWidth-1:0] entropy_i,
input prng_reseed_ack_i,
output logic prng_reseed_req_o,
output logic prng_en_o
localparam int EntropyWidth = LfsrWidth / 2;
localparam int EntropyRounds = KeyWidth / EntropyWidth;
localparam int EntropyRndWidth = prim_util_pkg::vbits(EntropyRounds);
localparam int CntWidth = EntropyRounds > CDIs ? EntropyRndWidth : CdiWidth;
// Enumeration for working state
// Encoding generated with:
// $ ./util/design/ -d 5 -m 11 -n 10 \
// -s 4101887575 --language=sv
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: --
// 4: --
// 5: |||||||||||||||||||| (54.55%)
// 6: |||||||||||||||| (45.45%)
// 7: --
// 8: --
// 9: --
// 10: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 5
// Maximum Hamming distance: 6
// Minimum Hamming weight: 2
// Maximum Hamming weight: 8
localparam int StateWidth = 10;
typedef enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
StCtrlReset = 10'b1101100001,
StCtrlEntropyReseed = 10'b1110010010,
StCtrlRandom = 10'b0011110100,
StCtrlRootKey = 10'b0110101111,
StCtrlInit = 10'b0100000100,
StCtrlCreatorRootKey = 10'b1000011101,
StCtrlOwnerIntKey = 10'b0001001010,
StCtrlOwnerKey = 10'b1101111110,
StCtrlDisabled = 10'b1010101000,
StCtrlWipe = 10'b0000110011,
StCtrlInvalid = 10'b1011000111
} keymgr_ctrl_state_e;
// Enumeration for operation handling
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
} keymgr_op_state_e;
keymgr_ctrl_state_e state_q, state_d;
keymgr_op_state_e op_state_q, op_state_d;
// There are two versions of the key state, one for sealing one for attestation
// Among each version, there are multiple shares
// Each share is a fixed multiple of the entropy width
logic [CDIs-1:0][Shares-1:0][EntropyRounds-1:0][EntropyWidth-1:0] key_state_q, key_state_d;
logic [CntWidth-1:0] cnt;
logic [CdiWidth-1:0] cdi_cnt;
logic key_update;
logic data_update;
logic kmac_out_valid;
logic invalid_op;
logic disabled;
// disable is treated like an advanced call
logic advance_sel;
logic disable_sel;
logic gen_id_sel;
logic gen_out_sw_sel;
logic gen_out_hw_sel;
logic gen_out_sel;
logic gen_sel;
// states fall out of sparsely encoded range
logic state_intg_err_q, state_intg_err_d;
// error types
logic op_err;
logic op_fault_err;
logic op_fault_err_q;
logic op_fault_err_d;
assign op_fault_err = op_fault_err_q | op_fault_err_d;
// req/ack interface with op handling fsm
logic op_req;
logic op_ack;
logic op_update;
logic random_req;
logic random_ack;
// req from main control fsm to key update controls
logic wipe_req;
assign advance_sel = op_start_i & op_i == OpAdvance & en_i;
assign gen_id_sel = op_start_i & op_i == OpGenId & en_i;
assign gen_out_sw_sel = op_start_i & op_i == OpGenSwOut & en_i;
assign gen_out_hw_sel = op_start_i & op_i == OpGenHwOut & en_i;
assign gen_out_sel = gen_out_sw_sel | gen_out_hw_sel;
assign gen_sel = gen_id_sel | gen_out_sel;
// disable is selected whenever a normal operation is not, and when
// keymgr is disabled
assign disable_sel = (op_start_i & !(gen_sel | advance_sel)) |
// requestion from working state to operation handling FSM
logic adv_req, id_req, gen_req;
assign adv_req = op_req & (advance_sel | disable_sel);
assign id_req = op_req & gen_id_sel;
assign gen_req = op_req & gen_out_sel;
// unlock sw binding configuration whenever an advance call is made without errors
assign sw_binding_unlock_o = adv_en_o & op_ack & ~|error_o;
// check incoming kmac data validity
assign kmac_out_valid = valid_data_chk(kmac_data_i[0]) & valid_data_chk(kmac_data_i[1]);
// error definition
assign op_fault_err_d = |fault_o | ~kmac_out_valid | op_fault_err_q;
assign op_err = kmac_input_invalid_i | invalid_op;
// key update conditions
assign key_update = advance_sel | disable_sel;
// external collateral update conditions
assign data_update = gen_sel;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
state_intg_err_q <= '0;
op_state_q <= StIdle;
end else begin
state_intg_err_q <= state_intg_err_d;
op_state_q <= op_state_d;
logic [StateWidth-1:0] state_raw_q;
assign state_q = keymgr_ctrl_state_e'(state_raw_q);
prim_flop #(
) u_state_regs (
.d_i ( state_d ),
.q_o ( state_raw_q )
// prevents unknowns from reaching the outside world.
// - whatever operation causes the input data select to be disabled should not expose the key
// state.
// - when there are no operations, the key state also should be exposed.
assign key_o.valid = op_req;
assign cdi_sel_o = advance_sel ? cdi_cnt : op_cdi_sel_i;
for (genvar i = 0; i < Shares; i++) begin : gen_key_out_assign
assign key_o.key[i] = stage_sel_o == Disable ?
{EntropyRounds{entropy_i[i]}} :
// key state is intentionally not reset
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
key_state_q <= key_state_d;
// root key valid sync
logic root_key_valid_q;
prim_flop_2sync # (
) u_key_valid_sync (
keymgr_key_update_e update_sel, op_update_sel;
logic key_update_vld;
assign update_sel = wipe_req ? KeyUpdateWipe :
init_o ? KeyUpdateRoot : op_update_sel;
// Do not let the count toggle unless an advance operation is
// selected
assign cdi_cnt = op_req ? cnt[CdiWidth-1:0] : '0;
always_comb begin
key_state_d = key_state_q;
data_valid_o = 1'b0;
wipe_key_o = 1'b0;
key_update_vld = 1'b0;
// if a wipe request arrives, immediately destroy the
// keys regardless of current state
unique case (update_sel)
KeyUpdateRandom: begin
for (int i = 0; i < CDIs; i++) begin
for (int j = 0; j < Shares; j++) begin
key_state_d[i][j][cnt[EntropyRndWidth-1:0]] = entropy_i[j];
KeyUpdateRoot: begin
if (root_key_valid_q) begin
for (int i = 0; i < CDIs; i++) begin
key_state_d[i][0] = root_key_i.key_share0;
key_state_d[i][1] = root_key_i.key_share1;
KeyUpdateKmac: begin
data_valid_o = data_update & ~op_err;
key_update_vld = key_update & ~op_err;
key_state_d[cdi_sel_o] = key_update_vld ? kmac_data_i : key_state_q[cdi_sel_o];
KeyUpdateInvalid: begin
data_valid_o = data_update;
key_update_vld = key_update;
key_state_d[cdi_sel_o] = key_update_vld ? kmac_data_i : key_state_q[cdi_sel_o];
KeyUpdateWipe: begin
wipe_key_o = 1'b1;
for (int i = 0; i < CDIs; i++) begin
for (int j = 0; j < Shares; j++) begin
key_state_d[i][j] = {EntropyRounds{entropy_i[j]}};
endcase // unique case (update_sel)
logic cnt_err;
keymgr_cnt #(
) u_cnt (
.clr_i(op_ack | random_ack),
// TODO: Create a no select option, do not leave this as binary
assign hw_sel_o = gen_out_hw_sel ? HwKey : SwKey;
// when in a state that accepts commands, look at op_ack for completion
// when in a state that does not accept commands, wait for other triggers.
assign op_done_o = op_req ? op_ack :
(init_o | invalid_op);
logic next_state;
logic invalid_state;
assign next_state = op_ack & advance_sel & key_update_vld;
assign invalid_state = op_ack & (disable_sel | op_fault_err);
always_comb begin
// persistent data
state_d = state_q;
// request to op handling
op_req = 1'b0;
random_req = 1'b0;
// request to key updates
wipe_req = 1'b0;
// invalid operation issued
invalid_op = 1'b0;
// data update and select signals
stage_sel_o = Disable;
// enable prng toggling
prng_reseed_req_o = 1'b0;
prng_en_o = 1'b0;
// initialization complete
init_o = 1'b0;
// Indicates the control state machine is disabled
disabled = 1'b0;
// if state is ever faulted, hold on to this indication
// until reset.
state_intg_err_d = state_intg_err_q;
unique case (state_q)
// Only advance can be called from reset state
StCtrlReset: begin
// in reset state, don't enable entropy yet, since there are no users.
prng_en_o = 1'b0;
// always use random data for advance, since out of reset state
// the key state will be randomized.
stage_sel_o = Disable;
// key state is updated when it is an advance call
// all other operations are invalid, including disable
if (advance_sel) begin
state_d = StCtrlEntropyReseed;
end else if (op_start_i) begin
invalid_op = 1'b1;
// reseed entropy
StCtrlEntropyReseed: begin
prng_reseed_req_o = 1'b1;
if (prng_reseed_ack_i) begin
state_d = StCtrlRandom;
// This state does not accept any command.
StCtrlRandom: begin
prng_en_o = 1'b1;
random_req = 1'b1;
if (random_ack) begin
state_d = StCtrlRootKey;
// load the root key.
StCtrlRootKey: begin
init_o = 1'b1;
state_d = StCtrlInit;
// Beginning from the Init state, operations are accepted.
// Only valid operation is advance state. If invalid command received,
// random data is selected for operation and no persistent state is changed.
StCtrlInit: begin
op_req = op_start_i;
// when advancing select creator data, otherwise use random input
stage_sel_o = advance_sel ? Creator : Disable;
invalid_op = op_start_i & ~(advance_sel | disable_sel);
if (!en_i) begin
state_d = StCtrlWipe;
end else if (invalid_state) begin
state_d = StCtrlDisabled;
end else if (next_state) begin
state_d = StCtrlCreatorRootKey;
// all commands are valid during this stage
StCtrlCreatorRootKey: begin
op_req = op_start_i;
// when generating, select creator data input
// when advancing, select owner intermediate key as target
// when disabling, select random data input
stage_sel_o = disable_sel ? Disable :
advance_sel ? OwnerInt : Creator;
if (!en_i) begin
state_d = StCtrlWipe;
end else if (invalid_state) begin
state_d = StCtrlDisabled;
end else if (next_state) begin
state_d = StCtrlOwnerIntKey;
// all commands are valid during this stage
StCtrlOwnerIntKey: begin
op_req = op_start_i;
// when generating, select owner intermediate data input
// when advancing, select owner as target
// when disabling, select random data input
stage_sel_o = disable_sel ? Disable :
advance_sel ? Owner : OwnerInt;
if (!en_i) begin
state_d = StCtrlWipe;
end else if (invalid_state) begin
state_d = StCtrlDisabled;
end else if (next_state) begin
state_d = StCtrlOwnerKey;
// all commands are valid during this stage
// however advance goes directly to disabled state
StCtrlOwnerKey: begin
op_req = op_start_i;
// when generating, select owner data input
// when advancing, select disable as target
// when disabling, select random data input
stage_sel_o = disable_sel | advance_sel ? Disable : Owner;
if (!en_i) begin
state_d = StCtrlWipe;
end else if (next_state || invalid_state) begin
state_d = StCtrlDisabled;
// The wipe state immediately clears out the key state, but waits for any ongoing
// transaction to finish before going to disabled state.
// Unlike the random state, this is an immedaite shutdown request, so all parts of the
// key are wiped.
StCtrlWipe: begin
wipe_req = 1'b1;
stage_sel_o = Disable;
invalid_op = op_start_i;
// If the enable is dropped during the middle of a transaction, we clear and wait for that
// transaction to gracefully complete (if it can).
// There are two scenarios:
// 1. the operation completed right when we started wiping, in which case the done would
// clear the start.
// 2. the operation completed before we started wiping, or there was never an operation to
// begin with (op_start_i == 0), in this case, don't wait and immediately transition
if (!op_start_i) begin
state_d = StCtrlInvalid;
// (StCtrlDisabled and StCtrlInvalid included)
// Continue to kick off random transactions
// All transactions are treated as invalid despite completing
StCtrlDisabled, StCtrlInvalid: begin
stage_sel_o = Disable;
op_req = op_start_i;
invalid_op = op_req;
disabled = 1'b1;
// latch the fault indication and start to wipe the key manager
default: begin
state_intg_err_d = 1'b1;
state_d = StCtrlWipe;
endcase // unique case (state_q)
end // always_comb
// Current working state provided for software read
// Certain states are collapsed for simplicity
always_comb begin
working_state_o = StInvalid;
unique case (state_q)
StCtrlReset, StCtrlEntropyReseed, StCtrlRandom, StCtrlRootKey:
working_state_o = StReset;
working_state_o = StInit;
working_state_o = StCreatorRootKey;
working_state_o = StOwnerIntKey;
working_state_o = StOwnerKey;
working_state_o = StDisabled;
StCtrlWipe, StCtrlInvalid:
working_state_o = StInvalid;
working_state_o = StInvalid;
endcase // unique case (state_q)
// If working over multiple CDIs, a fault of any
// is considered an overall fault
// faults are always permanently retained, and will be used
// to transition to control FSM back into DISABLED state
// if it is somehow glitched OUT of it.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
op_fault_err_q <= '0;
end else begin
op_fault_err_q <= op_fault_err_d;
always_comb begin
op_state_d = op_state_q;
op_update = 1'b0;
op_ack = 1'b0;
op_update_sel = KeyUpdateIdle;
random_ack = 1'b0;
// output to kmac interface
adv_en_o = 1'b0;
id_en_o = 1'b0;
gen_en_o = 1'b0;
unique case (op_state_q)
StIdle: begin
if (random_req) begin
op_state_d = StRandomize;
end else if (adv_req) begin
op_state_d = StAdv;
end else if (id_req || gen_req) begin
op_state_d = StWait;
StRandomize: begin
op_update_sel = KeyUpdateRandom;
if (cnt < EntropyRounds-1) begin
op_update = 1'b1;
// when mask population is complete, xor the root_key into the zero share
// if in the future the root key is updated to 2 shares, it will direclty overwrite
// the values here
else begin
random_ack = 1'b1;
op_state_d = StIdle;
StAdv: begin
adv_en_o = 1'b1;
if (kmac_done_i && (cdi_cnt == CDIs-1)) begin
op_ack = 1'b1;
op_state_d = StIdle;
end else if (kmac_done_i && (cdi_cnt < CDIs-1)) begin
op_update = 1'b1;
op_state_d = StAdvAck;
// Invalidate keys under the following conditions
if (op_ack || op_update) begin
op_update_sel = disabled ? KeyUpdateInvalid :
op_fault_err ? KeyUpdateWipe : KeyUpdateKmac;
// drop adv_en_o to allow kmac interface handshake
StAdvAck: begin
op_state_d = StAdv;
// Not an advanced operation
StWait: begin
id_en_o = id_req;
gen_en_o = gen_req;
if (kmac_done_i) begin
op_ack = 1'b1;
op_state_d = StIdle;
if (op_ack) begin
op_update_sel = disabled ? KeyUpdateInvalid :
op_fault_err ? KeyUpdateWipe : KeyUpdateKmac;
// What should go here?
endcase // unique case (adv_state_q)
// data errors are not relevant when operation was not accepted.
// invalid operation errors can happen even when operations are not accepted.
assign state_intg_err_o = state_intg_err_q;
assign error_o[ErrInvalidOp] = op_done_o & invalid_op;
assign error_o[ErrInvalidStates] = op_ack & op_fault_err;
assign error_o[ErrInvalidIn] = op_ack & kmac_input_invalid_i;
assign error_o[ErrInvalidOut] = op_ack & ~kmac_out_valid;
assign fault_o[FaultCmd] = kmac_cmd_err_i;
assign fault_o[FaultKmacFsm] = kmac_fsm_err_i;
assign fault_o[FaultKmacOp] = kmac_op_err_i;
assign fault_o[FaultRegFileIntg] = regfile_intg_err_i;
assign fault_o[FaultShadow] = shadowed_err_i;
assign fault_o[FaultCtrlFsm] = state_intg_err_o;
assign fault_o[FaultCtrlCnt] = cnt_err;
always_comb begin
status_o = OpIdle;
if (op_done_o) begin
status_o = |error_o ? OpDoneFail : OpDoneSuccess;
end else if (op_start_i) begin
status_o = OpWip;
// Suppress kmac return data
// This is a separate data path from the FSM used to control the data_en_o output
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
} keymgr_ctrl_data_state_e;
keymgr_ctrl_data_state_e data_st_d, data_st_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
data_st_q <= StCtrlDataIdle;
end else begin
data_st_q <= data_st_d;
// The below control path is used for modulating the datapath to sideload and sw keys.
// This path is separate from the data_valid_o path, thus creating two separate attack points.
// The data is only enabled when a non-advance operation is invoked.
// When an advance operation is called, the data is disabled. It will stay disabled until an
// entire completion sequence is seen (op_done_o assert -> start_i de-assertion).
// When a generate operation is called, the data is enabled. However, any indication of this
// supposedly being an advance call will force the path to disable again.
always_comb begin
data_st_d = data_st_q;
data_en_o = 1'b0;
unique case (data_st_q)
StCtrlDataIdle: begin
if (adv_en_o) begin
data_st_d = StCtrlDataDis;
end else if (id_en_o || gen_en_o) begin
data_st_d = StCtrlDataEn;
StCtrlDataEn: begin
data_en_o = 1'b1;
if (adv_en_o) begin
data_st_d = StCtrlDataDis;
StCtrlDataDis: begin
if (op_done_o) begin
data_st_d = StCtrlDataWait;
StCtrlDataWait: begin
if (!op_start_i) begin
data_st_d = StCtrlDataIdle;
endcase // unique case (data_st_q)
// Functions
// unclear what this is supposed to be yet
// right now just check to see if it not all 0's and not all 1's
function automatic logic valid_data_chk (logic [KeyWidth-1:0] value);
return |value & ~&value;
endfunction // byte_mask
// Assertions
// stage select should always be Disable whenever it is not enabled
`ASSERT(StageDisableSel_A, !en_i |-> stage_sel_o == Disable)
// Unless it is a legal command, only select disable
`ASSERT(InitLegalCommands_A, op_start_i & en_i & state_q inside {StCtrlInit} &
!(op_i inside {OpAdvance}) |-> stage_sel_o == Disable)
// All commands are legal, so select disable only if operation is disable
`ASSERT(GeneralLegalCommands_A, op_start_i & en_i &
state_q inside {StCtrlCreatorRootKey, StCtrlOwnerIntKey} &
(op_i inside {OpDisable}) |-> stage_sel_o == Disable)
`ASSERT(OwnerLegalCommands_A, op_start_i & en_i & state_q inside {StCtrlOwnerKey} &
(op_i inside {OpAdvance, OpDisable}) |-> stage_sel_o == Disable)
// load_key should not be high if there is no ongoing operation
`ASSERT(LoadKey_A, key_o.valid |-> op_start_i)
// The count value should always be 0 when a transaction start
`ASSERT(CntZero_A, $rose(op_start_i) |-> cnt == '0)