blob: fb9023653c6241fefb5bc7fc90f461da02fd9a49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`include ""
* OTBN random number coordination
* This module implements the RND, RND_PREFETCH and URND CSRs/WSRs. The EDN (entropy distribution
* network) provides the bits for random numbers. RND gives direct access to EDN bits. URND provides
* bits from a PRNG that is seeded with bits from the EDN.
// //
// This is an initial prototype of the random number functionality in OTBN. Details are still //
// under discussion and subject to change. It has not yet been verified this provides the //
// necessary guarantees required for the various uses of random numbers in OTBN software. //
module otbn_rnd import otbn_pkg::*;
parameter urnd_prng_seed_t RndCnstUrndPrngSeed = RndCnstUrndPrngSeedDefault
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
input logic opn_start_i,
input logic opn_end_i,
input logic rnd_req_i,
input logic rnd_prefetch_req_i,
output logic rnd_valid_o,
output logic [WLEN-1:0] rnd_data_o,
output logic rnd_rep_err_o,
output logic rnd_fips_err_o,
// Request URND PRNG reseed from the EDN
input logic urnd_reseed_req_i,
// Acknowledge URND PRNG reseed from the EDN
output logic urnd_reseed_ack_o,
// When asserted PRNG state advances. It is permissible to advance the state whilst
// reseeding.
input logic urnd_advance_i,
// URND data from PRNG
output logic [WLEN-1:0] urnd_data_o,
// URND lockup state detected
output logic urnd_all_zero_o,
// Entropy distribution network (EDN)
output logic edn_rnd_req_o,
input logic edn_rnd_ack_i,
input logic [EdnDataWidth-1:0] edn_rnd_data_i,
input logic edn_rnd_fips_i,
input logic edn_rnd_err_i,
output logic edn_urnd_req_o,
input logic edn_urnd_ack_i,
input logic [EdnDataWidth-1:0] edn_urnd_data_i
logic rnd_valid_q, rnd_valid_d;
logic [WLEN-1:0] rnd_data_q, rnd_data_d;
logic rnd_fips_d, rnd_fips_q;
logic rnd_err_d, rnd_err_q;
logic rnd_data_en;
logic rnd_req_complete;
logic edn_rnd_req_complete;
logic edn_rnd_req_start;
logic edn_rnd_req_q, edn_rnd_req_d;
logic rnd_req_queued_d, rnd_req_queued_q;
logic edn_rnd_data_ignore_d, edn_rnd_data_ignore_q;
// RND Implementation //
assign rnd_req_complete = rnd_req_i & rnd_valid_o;
assign edn_rnd_req_complete = edn_rnd_req_o & edn_rnd_ack_i;
assign rnd_data_en = edn_rnd_req_complete & ~edn_rnd_data_ignore_q;
// RND becomes valid when EDN request completes and provides new bits. Valid is cleared when OTBN
// starts a new run (opn_start_i) or when OTBN reads RND (rnd_req_complete).
assign rnd_valid_d =
opn_start_i || rnd_req_complete ? 1'b0 :
edn_rnd_req_complete && !edn_rnd_data_ignore_q ? 1'b1 : rnd_valid_q;
assign rnd_data_d = edn_rnd_data_i;
assign rnd_fips_d = edn_rnd_fips_i;
assign rnd_err_d = edn_rnd_err_i;
// Start an EDN request when there is a prefetch or an attempt at reading RND when RND data is
// not available. Signalling `edn_rnd_req_start` whilst there is an outstanding request is
// harmless. However, a prefetch may still be outstanding from the last OTBN run which may have
// used a different configuration for EDN, CSRNG or the entropy source. At the start of a new
// OTBN run, RND data is thus always invalidated and outstanding prefetches are marked such that
// the RND data returned for the first prefetch is thrown away. When throwing away data, we need
// to keep requesting RND data from EDN if another request got queued in the meantime.
assign edn_rnd_req_start = (rnd_prefetch_req_i | rnd_req_i | rnd_req_queued_q) & ~rnd_valid_q;
// When seeing a wipe with an outstanding request (which must have been a prefetch), we are going
// to ignore the RND data that comes back from that request. Any RND data returned clears the
// ignore status.
assign edn_rnd_data_ignore_d =
opn_start_i && edn_rnd_req_q ? 1'b1 :
edn_rnd_req_complete ? 1'b0 : edn_rnd_data_ignore_q;
// rnd_req_queued_q shows that there's an outstanding RND prefetch whose result we are going to
// ignore and also another request pending. Once the prefetch is done, we want to send out that
// second request.
// The signal is set if we get a request (edn_rnd_req_start) when we're ignoring the current
// prefetch (edn_rnd_data_ignore_q). It should be cleared when we actually start a request when
// we're not ignoring a prefetch. It should also be cleared when finishing an operation. If that
// happens, we were waiting to send a second prefetch and it turns out that no-one actually needed
// the result.
assign rnd_req_queued_d =
opn_end_i ? 1'b0 :
edn_rnd_data_ignore_q ? edn_rnd_req_start :
edn_rnd_req_start ? 1'b0 : rnd_req_queued_q;
// Assert `edn_rnd_req_o` when a request is started and keep it asserted until the request is
// done.
assign edn_rnd_req_d = (edn_rnd_req_q | edn_rnd_req_start) & ~edn_rnd_req_complete;
assign edn_rnd_req_o = edn_rnd_req_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
if (rnd_data_en) begin
rnd_data_q <= rnd_data_d;
rnd_fips_q <= rnd_fips_d;
rnd_err_q <= rnd_err_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
rnd_valid_q <= 1'b0;
rnd_req_queued_q <= 1'b0;
edn_rnd_req_q <= 1'b0;
edn_rnd_data_ignore_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
rnd_valid_q <= rnd_valid_d;
rnd_req_queued_q <= rnd_req_queued_d;
edn_rnd_req_q <= edn_rnd_req_d;
edn_rnd_data_ignore_q <= edn_rnd_data_ignore_d;
assign rnd_valid_o = rnd_valid_q;
assign rnd_data_o = rnd_data_q;
// Detect and forward RND error conditions.
assign rnd_rep_err_o = rnd_req_complete & rnd_err_q;
assign rnd_fips_err_o = rnd_req_complete & ~rnd_fips_q;
// PRNG Implementation //
logic edn_urnd_req_complete;
logic edn_urnd_req_q, edn_urnd_req_d;
assign edn_urnd_req_complete = edn_urnd_req_o & edn_urnd_ack_i;
// Keep EDN URND request high even if input URND reseed request goes low before the reseed has
// completed.
assign edn_urnd_req_d = (edn_urnd_req_q | urnd_reseed_req_i) & ~edn_urnd_req_complete;
assign edn_urnd_req_o = edn_urnd_req_q;
assign urnd_reseed_ack_o = edn_urnd_ack_i;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
edn_urnd_req_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
edn_urnd_req_q <= edn_urnd_req_d;
logic xoshiro_seed_en;
assign xoshiro_seed_en = edn_urnd_req_complete;
prim_xoshiro256pp #(
.OutputDw (WLEN),
) u_xoshiro256pp(
.seed_en_i (xoshiro_seed_en),
.seed_i (edn_urnd_data_i),
.xoshiro_en_i (urnd_advance_i),
.entropy_i ('0),
.data_o (urnd_data_o),
.all_zero_o (urnd_all_zero_o)
`ASSERT(rnd_clear_on_req_complete, rnd_req_complete |=> ~rnd_valid_q)