blob: 5327d794271052bb99f05606d5933f94b75fcd37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package hmac_pkg;
localparam int MsgFifoDepth = 16;
localparam int NumRound = 64; // SHA-224, SHA-256
typedef logic [31:0] sha_word_t;
localparam int WordByte = $bits(sha_word_t)/8;
typedef struct packed {
sha_word_t data;
logic [WordByte-1:0] mask;
} sha_fifo_t;
localparam sha_word_t InitHash [8]= '{
32'h 6a09_e667, 32'h bb67_ae85, 32'h 3c6e_f372, 32'h a54f_f53a,
32'h 510e_527f, 32'h 9b05_688c, 32'h 1f83_d9ab, 32'h 5be0_cd19
localparam sha_word_t CubicRootPrime [64] = '{
32'h 428a_2f98, 32'h 7137_4491, 32'h b5c0_fbcf, 32'h e9b5_dba5,
32'h 3956_c25b, 32'h 59f1_11f1, 32'h 923f_82a4, 32'h ab1c_5ed5,
32'h d807_aa98, 32'h 1283_5b01, 32'h 2431_85be, 32'h 550c_7dc3,
32'h 72be_5d74, 32'h 80de_b1fe, 32'h 9bdc_06a7, 32'h c19b_f174,
32'h e49b_69c1, 32'h efbe_4786, 32'h 0fc1_9dc6, 32'h 240c_a1cc,
32'h 2de9_2c6f, 32'h 4a74_84aa, 32'h 5cb0_a9dc, 32'h 76f9_88da,
32'h 983e_5152, 32'h a831_c66d, 32'h b003_27c8, 32'h bf59_7fc7,
32'h c6e0_0bf3, 32'h d5a7_9147, 32'h 06ca_6351, 32'h 1429_2967,
32'h 27b7_0a85, 32'h 2e1b_2138, 32'h 4d2c_6dfc, 32'h 5338_0d13,
32'h 650a_7354, 32'h 766a_0abb, 32'h 81c2_c92e, 32'h 9272_2c85,
32'h a2bf_e8a1, 32'h a81a_664b, 32'h c24b_8b70, 32'h c76c_51a3,
32'h d192_e819, 32'h d699_0624, 32'h f40e_3585, 32'h 106a_a070,
32'h 19a4_c116, 32'h 1e37_6c08, 32'h 2748_774c, 32'h 34b0_bcb5,
32'h 391c_0cb3, 32'h 4ed8_aa4a, 32'h 5b9c_ca4f, 32'h 682e_6ff3,
32'h 748f_82ee, 32'h 78a5_636f, 32'h 84c8_7814, 32'h 8cc7_0208,
32'h 90be_fffa, 32'h a450_6ceb, 32'h bef9_a3f7, 32'h c671_78f2
function automatic sha_word_t conv_endian( input sha_word_t v, input logic swap);
sha_word_t conv_data = {<<8{v}};
conv_endian = (swap) ? conv_data : v ;
endfunction : conv_endian
function automatic sha_word_t rotr( input sha_word_t v , input int amt );
rotr = (v >> amt) | (v << (32-amt));
endfunction : rotr
function automatic sha_word_t shiftr( input sha_word_t v, input int amt );
shiftr = (v >> amt);
endfunction : shiftr
function automatic sha_word_t [7:0] compress( input sha_word_t w, input sha_word_t k,
input sha_word_t [7:0] h_i);
automatic sha_word_t sigma_0, sigma_1, ch, maj, temp1, temp2;
sigma_1 = rotr(h_i[4], 6) ^ rotr(h_i[4], 11) ^ rotr(h_i[4], 25);
ch = (h_i[4] & h_i[5]) ^ (~h_i[4] & h_i[6]);
temp1 = (h_i[7] + sigma_1 + ch + k + w);
sigma_0 = rotr(h_i[0], 2) ^ rotr(h_i[0], 13) ^ rotr(h_i[0], 22);
maj = (h_i[0] & h_i[1]) ^ (h_i[0] & h_i[2]) ^ (h_i[1] & h_i[2]);
temp2 = (sigma_0 + maj);
compress[7] = h_i[6]; // h = g
compress[6] = h_i[5]; // g = f
compress[5] = h_i[4]; // f = e
compress[4] = h_i[3] + temp1; // e = (d + temp1)
compress[3] = h_i[2]; // d = c
compress[2] = h_i[1]; // c = b
compress[1] = h_i[0]; // b = a
compress[0] = (temp1 + temp2); // a = (temp1 + temp2)
endfunction : compress
function automatic sha_word_t calc_w(input sha_word_t w_0,
input sha_word_t w_1,
input sha_word_t w_9,
input sha_word_t w_14);
automatic sha_word_t sum0, sum1;
sum0 = rotr(w_1, 7) ^ rotr(w_1, 18) ^ shiftr(w_1, 3);
sum1 = rotr(w_14, 17) ^ rotr(w_14, 19) ^ shiftr(w_14, 10);
calc_w = w_0 + sum0 + w_9 + sum1;
endfunction : calc_w
typedef enum logic [31:0] {
NoError = 32'h 0000_0000,
// SwPushMsgWhenShaDisabled is not used in this version. The error code is
// guarded by the HW. HW drops the message write request if `sha_en` is
// off. eunchan@ left the error code to not corrupt the code sequence.
// Need to rename to DeprecatedSwPush...
// Issue #3022
SwPushMsgWhenShaDisabled = 32'h 0000_0001,
SwHashStartWhenShaDisabled = 32'h 0000_0002,
SwUpdateSecretKeyInProcess = 32'h 0000_0003,
SwHashStartWhenActive = 32'h 0000_0004,
SwPushMsgWhenDisallowed = 32'h 0000_0005
} err_code_e;
endpackage : hmac_pkg