blob: 4e049918ec6e53aed397558797d8891679deb0ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package edn_pkg;
// Peripheral Interfaces //
parameter int unsigned ENDPOINT_BUS_WIDTH = 32;
parameter int unsigned FIPS_ENDPOINT_BUS_WIDTH = entropy_src_pkg::FIPS_BUS_WIDTH +
// EDN request interface
typedef struct packed {
logic edn_req;
} edn_req_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic edn_ack;
logic edn_fips;
logic [ENDPOINT_BUS_WIDTH-1:0] edn_bus;
} edn_rsp_t;
parameter edn_req_t EDN_REQ_DEFAULT = '0;
parameter edn_rsp_t EDN_RSP_DEFAULT = '0;
typedef enum logic [8:0] {
Idle = 9'b110000101, // idle
BootLoadIns = 9'b110110111, // boot: load the instantiate command
BootLoadGen = 9'b000000011, // boot: load the generate command
BootInsAckWait = 9'b011010010, // boot: wait for instantiate command ack
BootCaptGenCnt = 9'b010111010, // boot: capture the gen fifo count
BootSendGenCmd = 9'b011100100, // boot: send the generate command
BootGenAckWait = 9'b101101100, // boot: wait for generate command ack
BootPulse = 9'b100001010, // boot: signal a done pulse
BootDone = 9'b011011111, // boot: stay in done state until reset
AutoLoadIns = 9'b001110000, // auto: load the instantiate command
AutoFirstAckWait = 9'b001001101, // auto: wait for first instantiate command ack
AutoAckWait = 9'b101100011, // auto: wait for instantiate command ack
AutoDispatch = 9'b110101110, // auto: determine next command to be sent
AutoCaptGenCnt = 9'b000110101, // auto: capture the gen fifo count
AutoSendGenCmd = 9'b111111000, // auto: send the generate command
AutoCaptReseedCnt = 9'b000100110, // auto: capture the reseed fifo count
AutoSendReseedCmd = 9'b101010110, // auto: send the reseed command
SWPortMode = 9'b100111001, // swport: no hw request mode
Error = 9'b010010001 // illegal state reached and hang
} state_e;
endpackage : edn_pkg