blob: c51c12a9c2dc8f2de54de52d2dc980bc2ae8f417 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Include our common coverage CCF.
include_ccf ${dv_root}/tools/xcelium/common.ccf
// Only collect code coverage on the *_reg_top instance.
deselect_coverage -betfs -module ${DUT_TOP}...
select_coverage -befs -module *_reg_top...
// TODO: The intent below is to only enable coverage on the DUT's TL interfaces (tests using this
// ccf file are meant to fully exercise the TL interfaces, but they do not verify the rest of the
// functionality of the block). We enable coverage on all DUT ports but exclude ports that do not
// contain tl_i or tl_o in the port name using a separate excludefile that supports regexes.
select_coverage -toggle -module ${DUT_TOP}
set_toggle_excludefile ${dv_root}/tools/xcelium/cover_reg_top_toggle_excl