blob: 1c0bf83228913ad73c1e5e8127bf57d57a68bbd3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""TileLink-Uncached Lightweight Xbar self document
import logging as log
from .validate import *
doc_intro = """
(start of output generated by `{}`)
The tables describe each key and the type of the value. The following
types are used:
Type | Description
---- | -----------
doc_tail = """
(end of output generated by `{}`)
def print_control(control, heading):
"""Print a control group and its subgroup recursively
subgroup = [] # added if the field hit sub control group
outstr = '#' * heading + ' ' + control['name'] + '\n'
outstr += '\n'
outstr += control['description']
outstr += '\n\n'
items = {**control['required'], **control['optional'], **control['added']}
if len(items) > 0:
outstr += """
Field | Kind | Type | Description
----- | ---- | ---- | ------------
for k, v in items.items():
if k in control['required']:
kind = "required"
elif k in control['optional']:
kind = "optional"
kind = "added by tool"
v_type = val_types[v[0]][0]
if v[0] == 'lg':
outstr += '{} | {} | {} | List of {} group\n'.format(
k, kind, v_type, k)
elif v[0] == 'g':
if not isinstance(v[1], str):
outstr += '{} | {} | {} | {} group\n'.format(
k, kind, v_type, k)
# Generic string print
outstr += '{} | {} | {} | {}\n'.format(k, kind, v_type, v[1])
outstr += "\n\n"
# recursive subgroup
for e in subgroup:
outstr += print_control(e, heading)
return outstr
def selfdoc(heading, cmd=""):
# heading : markdown header depth
# value type
outstr = doc_intro.format(cmd)
for k, v in val_types.items():
outstr += v[0] + " | " + v[1] + "\n"
# root + subgroup
outstr += print_control(root, heading)
# connections: Needs custom as the key are hosts (can vary)
outstr += doc_tail.format(cmd)
return outstr