blob: 070840b64a1611e2628a59bf11d2a8938d629bbc [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
* Constant time modular multiplication for P-384 based on Solinas reduction
* algorithm.
.section .text
* Unrolled 768=384x384 bit multiplication.
* Returns c = a x b.
* Flags: Flags have no meaning beyond the scope of this subroutine.
* @param[in] [w9, w8]: a, first operand, max. length 384 bit.
* @param[in] [w11, w10]: b, second operand, max. length 384 bit.
* @param[in] w31: all-zero.
* @param[out] [w16, w15, w14]: c, result, max. length 768 bit.
* Clobbered flag groups: FG0
bn.mulqacc.z w8.0, w10.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.0, w10.1, 64 w14.L, w8.1, w10.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.0, w10.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.1, w10.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.2, w10.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.0, w10.3, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.1, w10.2, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.2, w10.1, 64 w14.U, w8.3, w10.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.0, w11.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.1, w10.3, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.2, w10.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.3, w10.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w9.0, w10.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.0, w11.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.1, w11.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.2, w10.3, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.3, w10.2, 64
bn.mulqacc w9.0, w10.1, 64 w15.L, w9.1, w10.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.1, w11.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.2, w11.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.3, w10.3, 0
bn.mulqacc w9.0, w10.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w9.1, w10.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w8.2, w11.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.3, w11.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w9.0, w10.3, 64 w15.U, w9.1, w10.2, 64
bn.mulqacc w8.3, w11.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w9.0, w11.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w9.1, w10.3, 0
bn.mulqacc w9.0, w11.1, 64 w16.L, w9.1, w11.0, 64 w16.U, w9.1, w11.1, 0
* Multiplication by the Solinas constant for P-384.
* Returns xK = x * (2^128 + 2^96 - 2^32 + 1)
* For P-384, Solinas reduction involves multiplying by the constant K (K =
* 2^384 - modulus). We can efficiently compute the product x * K by expanding
* to:
* xK = (x << 128) + (x << 96) - (x << 32) + x
* This routine runs in constant time.
* Flags: Flags correspond to the subtraction of (x << 32) from the high limb.
* @param[in] w4 x, input operand
* @param[in] w31 all-zero
* @param[out] [w7:w6] result
* Clobbered registers: w6, w7
* Clobbered flag groups: FG0
/* [w7:w6] <= x + (x << 128) */
bn.add w6, w4, w4 << 128
bn.addc w7, w31, w4 >> 128
/* [w7:w6] <= x + (x << 128) + (x << 96) */
bn.add w6, w6, w4 << 96
bn.addc w7, w7, w4 >> 160
/* [w7:w6] <= x + (x << 128) + (x << 96) - (x << 32) = xK */
bn.sub w6, w6, w4 << 32
bn.subb w7, w7, w4 >> 224
* 384-bit modular multiplication based on Solinas reduction algorithm.
* Returns c = a x b % m.
* Expects the two 384-bit operands a and b to be in "unsaturated" form: rather
* than having 256 bits in the first limb and 128 bits in the second, we expect
* 192 bits in each limb, so that a = w8 + w9 << 192 and b = w10 + w11 << 192.
* The result c is returned in the same format (c = w29 + w30 << 192).
* This routine runs in constant time.
* Flags: Flags have no meaning beyond the scope of this subroutine.
* @param[in] [w9, w8]: a, first operand, max. length 384 bit, a < m.
* @param[in] [w11, w10]: b, second operand, max. length 384 bit, b < m.
* @param[in] [w13, w12]: m, modulus, max. length 384 bit, 2^384 > m > 2^383.
* @param[in] [p384_k]: k, precomputed reduction constant
* @param[in] w31: all-zero.
* @param[out] [w30, w29]: c, result, max. length 384 bit.
* Clobbered registers: w4 to w7, w14 to w16, w29, w30, acc
* Clobbered flag groups: FG0
/* Compute the raw 768-bit product:
ab = [w16:w14] <= a * b */
jal x1, mul384
/* Construct a 256-bit mask that will be useful later on:
w30 <= 2^256 - 1 */
bn.not w30, w31
/* Solinas reduction step. Based on the observation that:
(x + 2^384 * y) mod (2^384 - K) = (x + K * y) mod (2^384 - K). */
/* Extract the high 128 bits from the middle term and the low 128 bits from
the high term, then multiply by K:
[w7:w6] <= ab[639:384] * K */
bn.rshi w4, w16, w15 >> 128
jal x1, mul_k
/* Isolate the lower 384 bits:
w15 <= ab[383:256] */
bn.and w15, w15, w30 >> 128
/* Add product to the lower 384 bits:
[w15:w14] = ab[384:0] + (ab[639:384] * K) */
bn.add w14, w14, w6
bn.addc w15, w15, w7
/* Multiply the highest 128 bits of the product by K:
[w7:w6] <= ab[767:640] * K */
bn.rshi w4, w31, w16 >> 128
jal x1, mul_k
/* Add product to the result to complete the reduction step:
[w16:w14] = ab[384:0] + (ab[767:384] * K) */
bn.add w15, w15, w6
bn.addc w16, w31, w7
/* At this point, the intermediate result (henceforth "r") has at most 513
bits (i.e. w16 is at most 1). Start another Solinas reduction step to
reduce the bound further. */
/* Multiply the high 129 bits by K:
[w7:w6] <= r[512:384] * K */
bn.rshi w4, w16, w15 >> 128
jal x1, mul_k
/* Isolate the lower 384 bits:
w15 <= r[383:256] */
bn.and w15, w15, w30 >> 128
/* Add product to the lower 384 bits to complete the reduction step:
[w15:w14] = r[384:0] + (r[513:384] * K) */
bn.add w14, w14, w6
bn.addc w15, w15, w7
/* At this point, the result is at most 385 bits, and a conditional
subtraction is sufficient to fully reduce. */
bn.sub w29, w14, w12
bn.subb w30, w15, w13
/* If the subtraction underflowed (C is set), select the pre-subtraction
result; otherwise, select the result of the subtraction. */
bn.sel w29, w14, w29, C
bn.sel w30, w15, w30, C
/* return result: c =[w29, w30] = a * b % m. */
* Externally callable wrapper for modular multiplication with
* Solinas reduction.
* Returns c = a x b % m.
* @param[in] dmem[first]: a, first operand, max. length 384 bit
* @param[in] dmem[second]: b, second operand, max. length 384 bit
* @param[in] dmem[modulus]: m, modulus, max. length 384 bit
* with 2^384 > m > 2^383
* @param[out] dmem[first]: c, result, max. length 384 bit.
.section .text.start
.globl wrap_solinas384
/* Initialize all-zero register. */
bn.xor w31, w31, w31
/* load first operand from dmem to [w9, w8] */
li x4, 8
la x5, first
bn.lid x4++, 0(x5)
bn.lid x4++, 32(x5)
/* load second operand from dmem to [w11, w10] */
la x5, second
bn.lid x4++, 0(x5)
bn.lid x4++, 32(x5)
/* load modulus from dmem to [w13, w12] */
la x5, modulus
bn.lid x4++, 0(x5)
bn.lid x4++, 32(x5)
jal x1, solinas384
la x5, out
li x4, 29
bn.sid x4++, 0(x5)
bn.sid x4++, 32(x5)
.section .data
/* First operand. */
.balign 32
.word 0x8f122951
.word 0x73ff314c
.word 0x7a097999
.word 0x2051536e
.word 0xb64b9530
.word 0xdce2294e
.word 0x005c06ab
.word 0x95b1756b
.word 0x69821679
.word 0x628540cf
.word 0x1eb1d98b
.word 0x24509793
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
/* Second operand. */
.balign 32
.word 0x4d815c86
.word 0x7c37aa39
.word 0x0e92397c
.word 0xf6da2fc9
.word 0x617835eb
.word 0x52bcdb9c
.word 0xbb7f6aaa
.word 0xca809d63
.word 0x4c28c407
.word 0x476e9732
.word 0xd0face3d
.word 0x922eb7ed
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
/* Modulus.*/
.balign 32
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xfffffffe
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
/* Output buffer. */
.balign 32
.zero 64
Expected result in buffers [w30:w29]:
w29 | 0x5054372a_ba0d9ce3_b0d94772_06992345_c7b24eb1_f1fae9f6_2b1edb3d_83a27cdb
w30 | 0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_a4fcf2c0_9d974be4_1adb3a1d_d50e68c1