| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // OTP Controller top. |
| // |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module otp_ctrl |
| import otp_ctrl_pkg::*; |
| import otp_ctrl_reg_pkg::*; |
| import otp_ctrl_part_pkg::*; |
| #( |
| // Enable asynchronous transitions on alerts. |
| parameter logic [NumAlerts-1:0] AlertAsyncOn = {NumAlerts{1'b1}}, |
| // Compile time random constants, to be overriden by topgen. |
| parameter lfsr_seed_t RndCnstLfsrSeed = RndCnstLfsrSeedDefault, |
| parameter lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPerm = RndCnstLfsrPermDefault, |
| // Hexfile file to initialize the OTP macro. |
| // Note that the hexdump needs to account for ECC. |
| parameter MemInitFile = "" |
| ) ( |
| // OTP clock |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| // EDN clock and interface |
| logic clk_edn_i, |
| logic rst_edn_ni, |
| output edn_pkg::edn_req_t edn_o, |
| input edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t edn_i, |
| // Bus Interface (device) |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o, |
| // Interrupt Requests |
| output logic intr_otp_operation_done_o, |
| output logic intr_otp_error_o, |
| // Alerts |
| input prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i, |
| output prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o, |
| // Macro-specific power sequencing signals to/from AST. |
| output otp_ast_req_t otp_ast_pwr_seq_o, |
| input otp_ast_rsp_t otp_ast_pwr_seq_h_i, |
| // Power manager interface (inputs are synced to OTP clock domain) |
| input pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_otp_req_t pwr_otp_i, |
| output pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_otp_rsp_t pwr_otp_o, |
| // Lifecycle transition command interface |
| input lc_otp_program_req_t lc_otp_program_i, |
| output lc_otp_program_rsp_t lc_otp_program_o, |
| // Lifecycle hashing interface for raw unlock |
| input lc_otp_token_req_t lc_otp_token_i, |
| output lc_otp_token_rsp_t lc_otp_token_o, |
| // Lifecycle broadcast inputs |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_dft_en_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_escalate_en_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_check_byp_en_i, |
| // OTP broadcast outputs |
| output otp_lc_data_t otp_lc_data_o, |
| output otp_keymgr_key_t otp_keymgr_key_o, |
| // Scrambling key requests |
| input flash_otp_key_req_t flash_otp_key_i, |
| output flash_otp_key_rsp_t flash_otp_key_o, |
| input sram_otp_key_req_t [NumSramKeyReqSlots-1:0] sram_otp_key_i, |
| output sram_otp_key_rsp_t [NumSramKeyReqSlots-1:0] sram_otp_key_o, |
| input otbn_otp_key_req_t otbn_otp_key_i, |
| output otbn_otp_key_rsp_t otbn_otp_key_o, |
| // Hardware config bits |
| output otp_hw_cfg_t otp_hw_cfg_o |
| ); |
| |
| import prim_util_pkg::vbits; |
| |
| //////////////////////// |
| // Integration Checks // |
| //////////////////////// |
| |
| // This ensures that we can transfer scrambler data blocks in and out of OTP atomically. |
| `ASSERT_INIT(OtpIfWidth_A, OtpIfWidth == ScrmblBlockWidth) |
| |
| // These error codes need to be identical. |
| `ASSERT_INIT(ErrorCodeWidth_A, OtpErrWidth == prim_otp_pkg::ErrWidth) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(OtpErrorCode0_A, NoError == prim_otp_pkg::NoError) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(OtpErrorCode1_A, MacroError == prim_otp_pkg::MacroError) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(OtpErrorCode2_A, MacroEccCorrError == prim_otp_pkg::MacroEccCorrError) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(OtpErrorCode3_A, MacroEccUncorrError == prim_otp_pkg::MacroEccUncorrError) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(OtpErrorCode4_A, MacroWriteBlankError == prim_otp_pkg::MacroWriteBlankError) |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Regfile // |
| ///////////// |
| |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_win_h2d[2]; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_win_d2h[2]; |
| |
| otp_ctrl_reg_pkg::otp_ctrl_reg2hw_t reg2hw; |
| otp_ctrl_reg_pkg::otp_ctrl_hw2reg_t hw2reg; |
| |
| otp_ctrl_reg_top u_reg ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .tl_i, |
| .tl_o, |
| .tl_win_o ( tl_win_h2d ), |
| .tl_win_i ( tl_win_d2h ), |
| .reg2hw ( reg2hw ), |
| .hw2reg ( hw2reg ), |
| .devmode_i ( 1'b1 ) |
| ); |
| |
| /////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Life Cycle Signal Synchronization // |
| /////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en, lc_seed_hw_rd_en, lc_check_byp_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [1:0] lc_dft_en; |
| // NumAgents + lfsr timer and scrambling datapath. |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [NumAgentsIdx+1:0] lc_escalate_en; |
| |
| prim_lc_sync #( |
| .NumCopies(NumAgentsIdx+2) |
| ) u_prim_lc_sync_escalate_en ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .lc_en_i(lc_escalate_en_i), |
| .lc_en_o(lc_escalate_en) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_lc_sync #( |
| .NumCopies(1) |
| ) u_prim_lc_sync_creator_seed_sw_rw_en ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .lc_en_i(lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i), |
| .lc_en_o(lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_lc_sync #( |
| .NumCopies(1) |
| ) u_prim_lc_sync_seed_hw_rd_en ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .lc_en_i(lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i), |
| .lc_en_o(lc_seed_hw_rd_en) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_lc_sync #( |
| .NumCopies(2) |
| ) u_prim_lc_sync_dft_en ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .lc_en_i(lc_dft_en_i), |
| .lc_en_o(lc_dft_en) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_lc_sync #( |
| .NumCopies(1) |
| ) u_prim_lc_sync_check_byp_en ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .lc_en_i(lc_check_byp_en_i), |
| .lc_en_o(lc_check_byp_en) |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////////////////////////////// |
| // TL-UL SW partition select logic // |
| ///////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // The SW partitions share the same TL-UL adapter. |
| logic tlul_req, tlul_gnt, tlul_rvalid; |
| logic [SwWindowAddrWidth-1:0] tlul_addr; |
| logic [1:0] tlul_rerror; |
| logic [31:0] tlul_rdata; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw ( SwWindowAddrWidth ), |
| .SramDw ( 32 ), |
| .Outstanding ( 1 ), |
| .ByteAccess ( 0 ), |
| .ErrOnWrite ( 1 ) // No write accesses allowed here. |
| ) u_tlul_adapter_sram ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .tl_i ( tl_win_h2d[0] ), |
| .tl_o ( tl_win_d2h[0] ), |
| .req_o ( tlul_req ), |
| .gnt_i ( tlul_gnt ), |
| .we_o ( ), // unused |
| .addr_o ( tlul_addr ), |
| .wdata_o ( ), // unused |
| .wmask_o ( ), // unused |
| .rdata_i ( tlul_rdata ), |
| .rvalid_i ( tlul_rvalid ), |
| .rerror_i ( tlul_rerror ) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [NumPart-1:0] tlul_part_sel_oh; |
| for (genvar k = 0; k < NumPart; k++) begin : gen_part_sel |
| localparam logic [OtpByteAddrWidth:0] PartEnd = (OtpByteAddrWidth+1)'(PartInfo[k].offset) + |
| (OtpByteAddrWidth+1)'(PartInfo[k].size); |
| assign tlul_part_sel_oh[k] = ({tlul_addr, 2'b00} >= PartInfo[k].offset) & |
| ({1'b0, {tlul_addr, 2'b00}} < PartEnd); |
| end |
| |
| `ASSERT(PartSelMustBeOnehot_A, $onehot0(tlul_part_sel_oh)) |
| |
| logic [NumPartWidth-1:0] tlul_part_idx; |
| prim_arbiter_fixed #( |
| .N(NumPart), |
| .EnDataPort(0) |
| ) u_part_sel_idx ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .req_i ( tlul_part_sel_oh ), |
| .data_i ( '{default: '0} ), |
| .gnt_o ( ), // unused |
| .idx_o ( tlul_part_idx ), |
| .valid_o ( ), // unused |
| .data_o ( ), // unused |
| .ready_i ( 1'b0 ) |
| ); |
| |
| logic tlul_oob_err_d, tlul_oob_err_q; |
| logic [NumPart-1:0] part_tlul_req, part_tlul_gnt, part_tlul_rvalid; |
| logic [SwWindowAddrWidth-1:0] part_tlul_addr; |
| logic [NumPart-1:0][1:0] part_tlul_rerror; |
| logic [NumPart-1:0][31:0] part_tlul_rdata; |
| |
| always_comb begin : p_tlul_assign |
| // Send request to the correct partition. |
| part_tlul_addr = tlul_addr; |
| part_tlul_req = '0; |
| tlul_oob_err_d = 1'b0; |
| if (tlul_req) begin |
| if (tlul_part_sel_oh != '0) begin |
| part_tlul_req[tlul_part_idx] = 1'b1; |
| end else begin |
| // Error out in the next cycle if address was out of bounds. |
| tlul_oob_err_d = 1'b1; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // aggregate TL-UL responses |
| tlul_gnt = |part_tlul_gnt | tlul_oob_err_q; |
| tlul_rvalid = |part_tlul_rvalid | tlul_oob_err_q; |
| tlul_rerror = '0; |
| tlul_rdata = '0; |
| for (int k = 0; k < NumPart; k++) begin |
| tlul_rerror |= part_tlul_rerror[k]; |
| tlul_rdata |= part_tlul_rdata[k]; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_tlul_reg |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| tlul_oob_err_q <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| tlul_oob_err_q <= tlul_oob_err_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| // Digests and LC State CSRs // |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] unused_digest; |
| logic [NumPart-1:0][ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] part_digest; |
| assign hw2reg.creator_sw_cfg_digest = part_digest[CreatorSwCfgIdx]; |
| assign hw2reg.owner_sw_cfg_digest = part_digest[OwnerSwCfgIdx]; |
| assign hw2reg.hw_cfg_digest = part_digest[HwCfgIdx]; |
| assign hw2reg.secret0_digest = part_digest[Secret0Idx]; |
| assign hw2reg.secret1_digest = part_digest[Secret1Idx]; |
| assign hw2reg.secret2_digest = part_digest[Secret2Idx]; |
| // LC partition has no digest |
| assign unused_digest = part_digest[LifeCycleIdx]; |
| |
| ////////////////////////////// |
| // Access Defaults and CSRs // |
| ////////////////////////////// |
| |
| part_access_t [NumPart-1:0] part_access_csrs; |
| always_comb begin : p_access_control |
| // Default (this will be overridden by partition-internal settings). |
| part_access_csrs = {{32'(2*NumPart)}{Unlocked}}; |
| // Permanently lock DAI write and read access to the life cycle partition. |
| // The LC partition can only be read from and written to via the LC controller. |
| part_access_csrs[LifeCycleIdx].write_lock = Locked; |
| part_access_csrs[LifeCycleIdx].read_lock = Locked; |
| |
| // Propagate CSR read enables down to the SW_CFG partitions. |
| if (!reg2hw.creator_sw_cfg_read_lock) part_access_csrs[CreatorSwCfgIdx].read_lock = Locked; |
| if (!reg2hw.owner_sw_cfg_read_lock) part_access_csrs[OwnerSwCfgIdx].read_lock = Locked; |
| // The SECRET2 partition can only be accessed (write&read) when provisioning is enabled. |
| if (lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en != lc_ctrl_pkg::On) part_access_csrs[Secret2Idx] = {2{Locked}}; |
| end |
| |
| ////////////////////// |
| // DAI-related CSRs // |
| ////////////////////// |
| |
| logic dai_idle, dai_prog_idle; |
| logic dai_req; |
| dai_cmd_e dai_cmd; |
| logic [OtpByteAddrWidth-1:0] dai_addr; |
| logic [NumDaiWords-1:0][31:0] dai_wdata, dai_rdata; |
| |
| // Any write to this register triggers a DAI command. |
| assign dai_req = reg2hw.direct_access_cmd.digest.qe | |
| reg2hw.direct_access_cmd.wr.qe | |
| reg2hw.direct_access_cmd.rd.qe; |
| |
| assign dai_cmd = dai_cmd_e'({reg2hw.direct_access_cmd.digest.q, |
| reg2hw.direct_access_cmd.wr.q, |
| reg2hw.direct_access_cmd.rd.q}); |
| |
| assign dai_addr = reg2hw.direct_access_address.q; |
| assign dai_wdata = reg2hw.direct_access_wdata; |
| assign hw2reg.direct_access_rdata = dai_rdata; |
| // This write-protects all DAI regs during pending operations. |
| assign hw2reg.direct_access_regwen.d = dai_idle; |
| |
| // The DAI and the LCI can initiate write transactions, which |
| // are critical and we must not power down if such transactions |
| // are pending. Hence, we signal the LCI/DAI idle state to the |
| // power manager. This signal is flopped here as it has to |
| // cross a clock boundary to the power manager. |
| logic lci_idle, otp_idle_d, otp_idle_q; |
| assign otp_idle_d = lci_idle & dai_prog_idle; |
| assign pwr_otp_o.otp_idle = otp_idle_q; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_idle_reg |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| otp_idle_q <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| otp_idle_q <= otp_idle_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Ctrl/Status CSRs, Errors, Alerts // |
| ////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // Status and error reporting CSRs, error interrupt generation and alerts. |
| otp_err_e [NumPart+1:0] part_error; |
| logic [NumPart+1:0] part_errors_reduced; |
| logic otp_operation_done, otp_error; |
| logic fatal_macro_error_d, fatal_macro_error_q; |
| logic fatal_check_error_d, fatal_check_error_q; |
| logic chk_pending, chk_timeout; |
| logic lfsr_fsm_err, key_deriv_fsm_err, scrmbl_fsm_err; |
| always_comb begin : p_errors_alerts |
| hw2reg.err_code = part_error; |
| // Note: since these are all fatal alert events, we latch them and keep on sending |
| // alert events via the alert senders. These regs can only be cleared via a system reset. |
| fatal_macro_error_d = fatal_macro_error_q; |
| fatal_check_error_d = fatal_check_error_q; |
| // Aggregate all the errors from the partitions and the DAI/LCI |
| for (int k = 0; k < NumPart+2; k++) begin |
| // Set the error bit if the error status of the corresponding partition is nonzero. |
| // Need to reverse the order here since the field enumeration in hw2reg.status is reversed. |
| part_errors_reduced[NumPart+1-k] = |part_error[k]; |
| // Filter for critical error codes that should not occur in the field. |
| fatal_macro_error_d |= part_error[k] inside {MacroError, MacroEccUncorrError}; |
| |
| // Filter for integrity and consistency check failures. |
| fatal_check_error_d |= part_error[k] inside {CheckFailError, FsmStateError} | |
| chk_timeout | |
| lfsr_fsm_err | |
| scrmbl_fsm_err | |
| key_deriv_fsm_err; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Assign these to the status register. |
| assign hw2reg.status = {part_errors_reduced, |
| chk_timeout, |
| lfsr_fsm_err, |
| scrmbl_fsm_err, |
| key_deriv_fsm_err, |
| dai_idle, |
| chk_pending}; |
| |
| // If we got an error, we trigger an interrupt. |
| assign otp_error = |part_errors_reduced | chk_timeout; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_alert_regs |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| fatal_macro_error_q <= '0; |
| fatal_check_error_q <= '0; |
| end else begin |
| fatal_macro_error_q <= fatal_macro_error_d; |
| fatal_check_error_q <= fatal_check_error_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////// |
| // Interrupts and Alert Senders // |
| ////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| prim_intr_hw #( |
| .Width(1) |
| ) u_intr_esc0 ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .event_intr_i ( otp_operation_done ), |
| .reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i ( reg2hw.intr_enable.otp_operation_done.q ), |
| .reg2hw_intr_test_q_i ( reg2hw.intr_test.otp_operation_done.q ), |
| .reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i ( reg2hw.intr_test.otp_operation_done.qe ), |
| .reg2hw_intr_state_q_i ( reg2hw.intr_state.otp_operation_done.q ), |
| .hw2reg_intr_state_de_o ( hw2reg.intr_state.otp_operation_done.de ), |
| .hw2reg_intr_state_d_o ( hw2reg.intr_state.otp_operation_done.d ), |
| .intr_o ( intr_otp_operation_done_o ) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_intr_hw #( |
| .Width(1) |
| ) u_intr_esc1 ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .event_intr_i ( otp_error ), |
| .reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i ( reg2hw.intr_enable.otp_error.q ), |
| .reg2hw_intr_test_q_i ( reg2hw.intr_test.otp_error.q ), |
| .reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i ( reg2hw.intr_test.otp_error.qe ), |
| .reg2hw_intr_state_q_i ( reg2hw.intr_state.otp_error.q ), |
| .hw2reg_intr_state_de_o ( hw2reg.intr_state.otp_error.de ), |
| .hw2reg_intr_state_d_o ( hw2reg.intr_state.otp_error.d ), |
| .intr_o ( intr_otp_error_o ) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [NumAlerts-1:0] alerts; |
| logic [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_test; |
| |
| assign alerts = { |
| fatal_check_error_q, |
| fatal_macro_error_q |
| }; |
| |
| assign alert_test = { |
| reg2hw.alert_test.fatal_check_error.q & |
| reg2hw.alert_test.fatal_check_error.qe, |
| reg2hw.alert_test.fatal_macro_error.q & |
| reg2hw.alert_test.fatal_macro_error.qe |
| }; |
| |
| for (genvar k = 0; k < NumAlerts; k++) begin : gen_alert_tx |
| prim_alert_sender #( |
| .AsyncOn(AlertAsyncOn[k]), |
| .IsFatal(1) |
| ) u_prim_alert_sender ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .alert_test_i ( alert_test[k] ), |
| .alert_req_i ( alerts[k] ), |
| .alert_ack_o ( ), |
| .alert_state_o ( ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx_i[k] ), |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx_o[k] ) |
| ); |
| end |
| |
| //////////////////////////////// |
| // LFSR Timer and CSR mapping // |
| //////////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic integ_chk_trig, cnsty_chk_trig; |
| logic [NumPart-1:0] integ_chk_req, integ_chk_ack; |
| logic [NumPart-1:0] cnsty_chk_req, cnsty_chk_ack; |
| logic lfsr_edn_req, lfsr_edn_ack; |
| logic [EdnDataWidth-1:0] edn_data; |
| |
| assign integ_chk_trig = reg2hw.check_trigger.integrity.q & |
| reg2hw.check_trigger.integrity.qe; |
| assign cnsty_chk_trig = reg2hw.check_trigger.consistency.q & |
| reg2hw.check_trigger.consistency.qe; |
| |
| otp_ctrl_lfsr_timer #( |
| .RndCnstLfsrSeed(RndCnstLfsrSeed), |
| .RndCnstLfsrPerm(RndCnstLfsrPerm) |
| ) u_otp_ctrl_lfsr_timer ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .edn_req_o ( lfsr_edn_req ), |
| .edn_ack_i ( lfsr_edn_ack ), |
| .edn_data_i ( edn_data ), |
| // We can enable the timer once OTP has initialized. |
| // Note that this is only the initial release that gets |
| // the timer FSM into an operational state. |
| // Whether or not the timers / background checks are |
| // activated depends on the CSR configuration (by default |
| // they are switched off). |
| .timer_en_i ( pwr_otp_o.otp_done ), |
| // This idle signal is the same that is output to the power |
| // manager, and indicates whether there is an ongoing OTP programming |
| // operation. It is used to pause the consistency check timeout |
| // counter in order to prevent spurious timeouts (OTP programming |
| // operations are very slow compared to readout operations and can |
| // hence interfere with the timeout mechanism). |
| .otp_prog_busy_i ( ~otp_idle_d ), |
| .integ_chk_trig_i ( integ_chk_trig ), |
| .cnsty_chk_trig_i ( cnsty_chk_trig ), |
| .chk_pending_o ( chk_pending ), |
| .timeout_i ( reg2hw.check_timeout.q ), |
| .integ_period_msk_i ( reg2hw.integrity_check_period.q ), |
| .cnsty_period_msk_i ( reg2hw.consistency_check_period.q ), |
| .integ_chk_req_o ( integ_chk_req ), |
| .cnsty_chk_req_o ( cnsty_chk_req ), |
| .integ_chk_ack_i ( integ_chk_ack ), |
| .cnsty_chk_ack_i ( cnsty_chk_ack ), |
| .escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en[NumAgents] ), |
| .chk_timeout_o ( chk_timeout ), |
| .fsm_err_o ( lfsr_fsm_err ) |
| ); |
| |
| /////////////////////////////////////// |
| // EDN Arbitration, Request and Sync // |
| /////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // Both the key derivation and LFSR reseeding are low bandwidth, |
| // hence they can share the same EDN interface. |
| logic edn_req, edn_ack; |
| logic key_edn_req, key_edn_ack; |
| prim_arbiter_tree #( |
| .N(2), |
| .EnDataPort(0) |
| ) u_edn_arb ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .req_i ( {lfsr_edn_req, key_edn_req} ), |
| .data_i ( '{default: '0} ), |
| .gnt_o ( {lfsr_edn_ack, key_edn_ack} ), |
| .idx_o ( ), // unused |
| .valid_o ( edn_req ), |
| .data_o ( ), // unused |
| .ready_i ( edn_ack ) |
| ); |
| |
| // This synchronizes the data coming from EDN and stacks the |
| // 32bit EDN words to achieve an internal entropy width of 64bit. |
| prim_edn_req #( |
| .OutWidth(EdnDataWidth) |
| ) u_prim_edn_req ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .req_i ( edn_req ), |
| .ack_o ( edn_ack ), |
| .data_o ( edn_data ), |
| .fips_o ( ), // unused |
| .clk_edn_i, |
| .rst_edn_ni, |
| .edn_o, |
| .edn_i |
| ); |
| |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| // OTP Macro and Arbitration // |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| prim_otp_pkg::cmd_e cmd; |
| logic [OtpSizeWidth-1:0] size; // Number of native words to write. |
| logic [OtpIfWidth-1:0] wdata; |
| logic [OtpAddrWidth-1:0] addr; // Halfword address. |
| } otp_bundle_t; |
| |
| logic [NumAgents-1:0] part_otp_arb_req, part_otp_arb_gnt; |
| otp_bundle_t part_otp_arb_bundle [NumAgents]; |
| logic otp_arb_valid, otp_arb_ready; |
| logic [vbits(NumAgents)-1:0] otp_arb_idx; |
| otp_bundle_t otp_arb_bundle; |
| |
| // The OTP interface is arbitrated on a per-cycle basis, meaning that back-to-back |
| // transactions can be completely independent. |
| prim_arbiter_tree #( |
| .N(NumAgents), |
| .DW($bits(otp_bundle_t)) |
| ) u_otp_arb ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .req_i ( part_otp_arb_req ), |
| .data_i ( part_otp_arb_bundle ), |
| .gnt_o ( part_otp_arb_gnt ), |
| .idx_o ( otp_arb_idx ), |
| .valid_o ( otp_arb_valid ), |
| .data_o ( otp_arb_bundle ), |
| .ready_i ( otp_arb_ready ) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_otp_pkg::err_e part_otp_err; |
| logic [OtpIfWidth-1:0] part_otp_rdata; |
| logic otp_rvalid; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_win_h2d_gated; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_win_d2h_gated; |
| |
| // Life cycle qualification of TL-UL test interface. |
| assign tl_win_h2d_gated = (lc_dft_en[0] == lc_ctrl_pkg::On) ? |
| tl_win_h2d[$high(tl_win_h2d)] : '0; |
| assign tl_win_d2h[$high(tl_win_h2d)] = (lc_dft_en[1] == lc_ctrl_pkg::On) ? |
| tl_win_d2h_gated : '0; |
| |
| prim_otp #( |
| .Width ( OtpWidth ), |
| .Depth ( OtpDepth ), |
| .SizeWidth ( OtpSizeWidth ), |
| .PwrSeqWidth ( OtpPwrSeqWidth ), |
| .TlDepth ( NumDebugWindowWords ), |
| .MemInitFile ( MemInitFile ) |
| ) u_otp ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| // Power sequencing signals to/from AST |
| .pwr_seq_o ( otp_ast_pwr_seq_o.pwr_seq ), |
| .pwr_seq_h_i ( otp_ast_pwr_seq_h_i.pwr_seq_h ), |
| // Test interface |
| .test_tl_i ( tl_win_h2d_gated ), |
| .test_tl_o ( tl_win_d2h_gated ), |
| // Read / Write command interface |
| .ready_o ( otp_arb_ready ), |
| .valid_i ( otp_arb_valid ), |
| .cmd_i ( otp_arb_bundle.cmd ), |
| .size_i ( otp_arb_bundle.size ), |
| .addr_i ( otp_arb_bundle.addr ), |
| .wdata_i ( otp_arb_bundle.wdata ), |
| // Read data out |
| .valid_o ( otp_rvalid ), |
| .rdata_o ( part_otp_rdata ), |
| .err_o ( part_otp_err ) |
| ); |
| |
| logic otp_fifo_valid; |
| logic [vbits(NumAgents)-1:0] otp_part_idx; |
| logic [NumAgents-1:0] part_otp_rvalid; |
| |
| // We can have up to two OTP commands in flight, hence we size this to be 2 deep. |
| // The partitions can unconditionally sink requested data. |
| prim_fifo_sync #( |
| .Width(vbits(NumAgents)), |
| .Depth(2) |
| ) u_otp_rsp_fifo ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .clr_i ( 1'b0 ), |
| .wvalid_i ( otp_arb_valid & otp_arb_ready ), |
| .wready_o ( ), |
| .wdata_i ( otp_arb_idx ), |
| .rvalid_o ( otp_fifo_valid ), |
| .rready_i ( otp_rvalid ), |
| .rdata_o ( otp_part_idx ), |
| .depth_o ( ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Steer response back to the partition where this request originated. |
| always_comb begin : p_rvalid |
| part_otp_rvalid = '0; |
| part_otp_rvalid[otp_part_idx] = otp_rvalid & otp_fifo_valid; |
| end |
| |
| // Note that this must be true by construction. |
| `ASSERT(OtpRespFifoUnderflow_A, otp_rvalid |-> otp_fifo_valid) |
| |
| ///////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Scrambling Datapath and Arbitration // |
| ///////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // Note: as opposed to the OTP arbitration above, we do not perform cycle-wise arbitration, but |
| // transaction-wise arbitration. This is implemented using a RR arbiter that acts as a mutex. |
| // I.e., each agent (e.g. the DAI or a partition) can request a lock on the mutex. Once granted, |
| // the partition can keep the the lock as long as needed for the transaction to complete. The |
| // partition must yield its lock by deasserting the request signal for the arbiter to proceed. |
| // Since this scheme does not have built-in preemtion, it must be ensured that the agents |
| // eventually release their locks for this to be fair. |
| // |
| // See also https://docs.opentitan.org/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/doc/index.html#block-diagram for details. |
| typedef struct packed { |
| otp_scrmbl_cmd_e cmd; |
| digest_mode_e mode; |
| logic [ConstSelWidth-1:0] sel; |
| logic [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] data; |
| logic valid; |
| } scrmbl_bundle_t; |
| |
| logic [NumAgents-1:0] part_scrmbl_mtx_req, part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt; |
| scrmbl_bundle_t part_scrmbl_req_bundle [NumAgents]; |
| scrmbl_bundle_t scrmbl_req_bundle; |
| logic [vbits(NumAgents)-1:0] scrmbl_mtx_idx; |
| logic scrmbl_mtx_valid; |
| |
| // Note that arbiter decisions do not change when backpressured. |
| // Hence, the idx_o signal is guaranteed to remain stable until ack'ed. |
| prim_arbiter_tree #( |
| .N(NumAgents), |
| .DW($bits(scrmbl_bundle_t)), |
| .EnReqStabA(0) |
| ) u_scrmbl_mtx ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .req_i ( part_scrmbl_mtx_req ), |
| .data_i ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle ), |
| .gnt_o ( ), |
| .idx_o ( scrmbl_mtx_idx ), |
| .valid_o ( scrmbl_mtx_valid ), |
| .data_o ( scrmbl_req_bundle ), |
| .ready_i ( 1'b0 ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Since the ready_i signal of the arbiter is statically set to 1'b0 above, we are always in a |
| // "backpressure" situation, where the RR arbiter will automatically advance the internal RR state |
| // to give the current winner max priority in subsequent cycles in order to keep the decision |
| // stable. Rearbitration occurs once the winning agent deasserts its request. |
| always_comb begin : p_mutex |
| part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt = '0; |
| part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt[scrmbl_mtx_idx] = scrmbl_mtx_valid; |
| end |
| |
| logic [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] part_scrmbl_rsp_data; |
| logic scrmbl_arb_req_ready, scrmbl_arb_rsp_valid; |
| logic [NumAgents-1:0] part_scrmbl_req_ready, part_scrmbl_rsp_valid; |
| |
| otp_ctrl_scrmbl u_scrmbl ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .cmd_i ( scrmbl_req_bundle.cmd ), |
| .mode_i ( scrmbl_req_bundle.mode ), |
| .sel_i ( scrmbl_req_bundle.sel ), |
| .data_i ( scrmbl_req_bundle.data ), |
| .valid_i ( scrmbl_req_bundle.valid ), |
| .ready_o ( scrmbl_arb_req_ready ), |
| .data_o ( part_scrmbl_rsp_data ), |
| .valid_o ( scrmbl_arb_rsp_valid ), |
| .escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en[NumAgents+1] ), |
| .fsm_err_o ( scrmbl_fsm_err ) |
| ); |
| |
| // steer back responses |
| always_comb begin : p_scmrbl_resp |
| part_scrmbl_req_ready = '0; |
| part_scrmbl_rsp_valid = '0; |
| part_scrmbl_req_ready[scrmbl_mtx_idx] = scrmbl_arb_req_ready; |
| part_scrmbl_rsp_valid[scrmbl_mtx_idx] = scrmbl_arb_rsp_valid; |
| end |
| |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| // Direct Access Interface // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic part_init_req; |
| logic [NumPart-1:0] part_init_done; |
| part_access_t [NumPart-1:0] part_access_dai; |
| |
| // The init request comes from the power manager, which lives in the AON clock domain. |
| logic pwr_otp_req_synced; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1) |
| ) u_otp_init_sync ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .d_i ( pwr_otp_i.otp_init ), |
| .q_o ( pwr_otp_req_synced ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Register this signal as it has to cross a clock boundary. |
| logic pwr_otp_rsp_d, pwr_otp_rsp_q; |
| assign pwr_otp_o.otp_done = pwr_otp_rsp_q; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_init_reg |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| pwr_otp_rsp_q <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| pwr_otp_rsp_q <= pwr_otp_rsp_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| otp_ctrl_dai u_otp_ctrl_dai ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .init_req_i ( pwr_otp_req_synced ), |
| .init_done_o ( pwr_otp_rsp_d ), |
| .part_init_req_o ( part_init_req ), |
| .part_init_done_i ( part_init_done ), |
| .escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en[DaiIdx] ), |
| .error_o ( part_error[DaiIdx] ), |
| .part_access_i ( part_access_dai ), |
| .dai_addr_i ( dai_addr ), |
| .dai_cmd_i ( dai_cmd ), |
| .dai_req_i ( dai_req ), |
| .dai_wdata_i ( dai_wdata ), |
| .dai_idle_o ( dai_idle ), |
| .dai_prog_idle_o ( dai_prog_idle ), |
| .dai_cmd_done_o ( otp_operation_done ), |
| .dai_rdata_o ( dai_rdata ), |
| .otp_req_o ( part_otp_arb_req[DaiIdx] ), |
| .otp_cmd_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[DaiIdx].cmd ), |
| .otp_size_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[DaiIdx].size ), |
| .otp_wdata_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[DaiIdx].wdata ), |
| .otp_addr_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[DaiIdx].addr ), |
| .otp_gnt_i ( part_otp_arb_gnt[DaiIdx] ), |
| .otp_rvalid_i ( part_otp_rvalid[DaiIdx] ), |
| .otp_rdata_i ( part_otp_rdata ), |
| .otp_err_i ( part_otp_err ), |
| .scrmbl_mtx_req_o ( part_scrmbl_mtx_req[DaiIdx] ), |
| .scrmbl_mtx_gnt_i ( part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt[DaiIdx] ), |
| .scrmbl_cmd_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[DaiIdx].cmd ), |
| .scrmbl_mode_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[DaiIdx].mode ), |
| .scrmbl_sel_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[DaiIdx].sel ), |
| .scrmbl_data_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[DaiIdx].data ), |
| .scrmbl_valid_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[DaiIdx].valid ), |
| .scrmbl_ready_i ( part_scrmbl_req_ready[DaiIdx] ), |
| .scrmbl_valid_i ( part_scrmbl_rsp_valid[DaiIdx] ), |
| .scrmbl_data_i ( part_scrmbl_rsp_data ) |
| ); |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////// |
| // Lifecycle Transition Interface // |
| //////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| otp_ctrl_lci #( |
| .Info(PartInfo[LifeCycleIdx]) |
| ) u_otp_ctrl_lci ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .lci_en_i ( pwr_otp_o.otp_done ), |
| .escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en[LciIdx] ), |
| .error_o ( part_error[LciIdx] ), |
| .lci_idle_o ( lci_idle ), |
| .lc_req_i ( lc_otp_program_i.req ), |
| .lc_state_i ( lc_otp_program_i.state ), |
| .lc_count_i ( lc_otp_program_i.count ), |
| .lc_ack_o ( lc_otp_program_o.ack ), |
| .lc_err_o ( lc_otp_program_o.err ), |
| .otp_req_o ( part_otp_arb_req[LciIdx] ), |
| .otp_cmd_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[LciIdx].cmd ), |
| .otp_size_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[LciIdx].size ), |
| .otp_wdata_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[LciIdx].wdata ), |
| .otp_addr_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[LciIdx].addr ), |
| .otp_gnt_i ( part_otp_arb_gnt[LciIdx] ), |
| .otp_rvalid_i ( part_otp_rvalid[LciIdx] ), |
| .otp_rdata_i ( part_otp_rdata ), |
| .otp_err_i ( part_otp_err ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Tie off unused connections. |
| assign part_scrmbl_mtx_req[LciIdx] = '0; |
| assign part_scrmbl_req_bundle[LciIdx] = '0; |
| |
| // This stops lint from complaining about unused signals. |
| logic unused_lci_scrmbl_sigs; |
| assign unused_lci_scrmbl_sigs = ^{part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt[LciIdx], |
| part_scrmbl_req_ready[LciIdx], |
| part_scrmbl_rsp_valid[LciIdx]}; |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////// |
| // Key Derivation Interface (KDI) // |
| //////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic scrmbl_key_seed_valid; |
| logic [SramKeySeedWidth-1:0] sram_data_key_seed; |
| logic [FlashKeySeedWidth-1:0] flash_data_key_seed, flash_addr_key_seed; |
| |
| otp_ctrl_kdi u_otp_ctrl_kdi ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .kdi_en_i ( pwr_otp_o.otp_done ), |
| .escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en[KdiIdx] ), |
| .fsm_err_o ( key_deriv_fsm_err ), |
| .scrmbl_key_seed_valid_i ( scrmbl_key_seed_valid ), |
| .flash_data_key_seed_i ( flash_data_key_seed ), |
| .flash_addr_key_seed_i ( flash_addr_key_seed ), |
| .sram_data_key_seed_i ( sram_data_key_seed ), |
| .edn_req_o ( key_edn_req ), |
| .edn_ack_i ( key_edn_ack ), |
| .edn_data_i ( edn_data ), |
| .lc_otp_token_i , |
| .lc_otp_token_o , |
| .flash_otp_key_i, |
| .flash_otp_key_o, |
| .sram_otp_key_i, |
| .sram_otp_key_o, |
| .otbn_otp_key_i, |
| .otbn_otp_key_o, |
| .scrmbl_mtx_req_o ( part_scrmbl_mtx_req[KdiIdx] ), |
| .scrmbl_mtx_gnt_i ( part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt[KdiIdx] ), |
| .scrmbl_cmd_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[KdiIdx].cmd ), |
| .scrmbl_mode_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[KdiIdx].mode ), |
| .scrmbl_sel_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[KdiIdx].sel ), |
| .scrmbl_data_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[KdiIdx].data ), |
| .scrmbl_valid_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[KdiIdx].valid ), |
| .scrmbl_ready_i ( part_scrmbl_req_ready[KdiIdx] ), |
| .scrmbl_valid_i ( part_scrmbl_rsp_valid[KdiIdx] ), |
| .scrmbl_data_i ( part_scrmbl_rsp_data ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Tie off OTP bus access, since this is not needed. |
| assign part_otp_arb_req[KdiIdx] = 1'b0; |
| assign part_otp_arb_bundle[KdiIdx] = '0; |
| |
| // This stops lint from complaining about unused signals. |
| logic unused_kdi_otp_sigs; |
| assign unused_kdi_otp_sigs = ^{part_otp_arb_gnt[KdiIdx], |
| part_otp_rvalid[KdiIdx]}; |
| |
| ///////////////////////// |
| // Partition Instances // |
| ///////////////////////// |
| |
| logic [2**OtpByteAddrWidth-1:0][7:0] part_buf_data; |
| |
| for (genvar k = 0; k < NumPart; k ++) begin : gen_partitions |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| if (PartInfo[k].variant == Unbuffered) begin : gen_unbuffered |
| otp_ctrl_part_unbuf #( |
| .Info(PartInfo[k]) |
| ) u_part_unbuf ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .init_req_i ( part_init_req ), |
| .init_done_o ( part_init_done[k] ), |
| .escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en[k] ), |
| .error_o ( part_error[k] ), |
| .access_i ( part_access_csrs[k] ), |
| .access_o ( part_access_dai[k] ), |
| .digest_o ( part_digest[k] ), |
| .tlul_req_i ( part_tlul_req[k] ), |
| .tlul_gnt_o ( part_tlul_gnt[k] ), |
| .tlul_addr_i ( part_tlul_addr ), |
| .tlul_rerror_o ( part_tlul_rerror[k] ), |
| .tlul_rvalid_o ( part_tlul_rvalid[k] ), |
| .tlul_rdata_o ( part_tlul_rdata[k] ), |
| .otp_req_o ( part_otp_arb_req[k] ), |
| .otp_cmd_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].cmd ), |
| .otp_size_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].size ), |
| .otp_wdata_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].wdata ), |
| .otp_addr_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].addr ), |
| .otp_gnt_i ( part_otp_arb_gnt[k] ), |
| .otp_rvalid_i ( part_otp_rvalid[k] ), |
| .otp_rdata_i ( part_otp_rdata ), |
| .otp_err_i ( part_otp_err ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Tie off unused connections. |
| assign part_scrmbl_mtx_req[k] = '0; |
| assign part_scrmbl_req_bundle[k] = '0; |
| // These checks do not exist in this partition type, |
| // so we always acknowledge the request. |
| assign integ_chk_ack[k] = 1'b1; |
| assign cnsty_chk_ack[k] = 1'b1; |
| |
| // No buffered data to expose. |
| assign part_buf_data[PartInfo[k].offset +: PartInfo[k].size] = '0; |
| |
| // This stops lint from complaining about unused signals. |
| logic unused_part_scrmbl_sigs; |
| assign unused_part_scrmbl_sigs = ^{part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt[k], |
| part_scrmbl_req_ready[k], |
| part_scrmbl_rsp_valid[k], |
| integ_chk_req[k], |
| cnsty_chk_req[k]}; |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| end else if (PartInfo[k].variant == Buffered) begin : gen_buffered |
| otp_ctrl_part_buf #( |
| .Info(PartInfo[k]), |
| .DataDefault(PartInvDefault[PartInfo[k].offset*8 +: PartInfo[k].size*8]) |
| ) u_part_buf ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .init_req_i ( part_init_req ), |
| .init_done_o ( part_init_done[k] ), |
| .integ_chk_req_i ( integ_chk_req[k] ), |
| .integ_chk_ack_o ( integ_chk_ack[k] ), |
| .cnsty_chk_req_i ( cnsty_chk_req[k] ), |
| .cnsty_chk_ack_o ( cnsty_chk_ack[k] ), |
| .escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en[k] ), |
| // Only supported by life cycle partition (see further below). |
| .check_byp_en_i ( lc_ctrl_pkg::Off ), |
| .error_o ( part_error[k] ), |
| .access_i ( part_access_csrs[k] ), |
| .access_o ( part_access_dai[k] ), |
| .digest_o ( part_digest[k] ), |
| .data_o ( part_buf_data[PartInfo[k].offset +: PartInfo[k].size] ), |
| .otp_req_o ( part_otp_arb_req[k] ), |
| .otp_cmd_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].cmd ), |
| .otp_size_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].size ), |
| .otp_wdata_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].wdata ), |
| .otp_addr_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].addr ), |
| .otp_gnt_i ( part_otp_arb_gnt[k] ), |
| .otp_rvalid_i ( part_otp_rvalid[k] ), |
| .otp_rdata_i ( part_otp_rdata ), |
| .otp_err_i ( part_otp_err ), |
| .scrmbl_mtx_req_o ( part_scrmbl_mtx_req[k] ), |
| .scrmbl_mtx_gnt_i ( part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt[k] ), |
| .scrmbl_cmd_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[k].cmd ), |
| .scrmbl_mode_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[k].mode ), |
| .scrmbl_sel_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[k].sel ), |
| .scrmbl_data_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[k].data ), |
| .scrmbl_valid_o ( part_scrmbl_req_bundle[k].valid ), |
| .scrmbl_ready_i ( part_scrmbl_req_ready[k] ), |
| .scrmbl_valid_i ( part_scrmbl_rsp_valid[k] ), |
| .scrmbl_data_i ( part_scrmbl_rsp_data ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Buffered partitions are not accessible via the TL-UL window. |
| logic unused_part_tlul_sigs; |
| assign unused_part_tlul_sigs = ^part_tlul_req[k]; |
| assign part_tlul_gnt[k] = 1'b0; |
| assign part_tlul_rerror[k] = '0; |
| assign part_tlul_rvalid[k] = 1'b0; |
| assign part_tlul_rdata[k] = '0; |
| end else if (PartInfo[k].variant == LifeCycle) begin : gen_lifecycle |
| otp_ctrl_part_buf #( |
| .Info(PartInfo[k]), |
| .DataDefault(PartInvDefault[PartInfo[k].offset*8 +: PartInfo[k].size*8]) |
| ) u_part_buf ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .init_req_i ( part_init_req ), |
| .init_done_o ( part_init_done[k] ), |
| .integ_chk_req_i ( integ_chk_req[k] ), |
| .integ_chk_ack_o ( integ_chk_ack[k] ), |
| .cnsty_chk_req_i ( cnsty_chk_req[k] ), |
| .cnsty_chk_ack_o ( cnsty_chk_ack[k] ), |
| .escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en[k] ), |
| // This is only supported by the life cycle partition. We need to prevent this partition |
| // from escalating once the life cycle state in memory is being updated (and hence not |
| // consistent with the values in the buffer regs anymore). |
| .check_byp_en_i ( lc_check_byp_en ), |
| .error_o ( part_error[k] ), |
| .access_i ( part_access_csrs[k] ), |
| .access_o ( part_access_dai[k] ), |
| .digest_o ( part_digest[k] ), |
| .data_o ( part_buf_data[PartInfo[k].offset +: PartInfo[k].size] ), |
| .otp_req_o ( part_otp_arb_req[k] ), |
| .otp_cmd_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].cmd ), |
| .otp_size_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].size ), |
| .otp_wdata_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].wdata ), |
| .otp_addr_o ( part_otp_arb_bundle[k].addr ), |
| .otp_gnt_i ( part_otp_arb_gnt[k] ), |
| .otp_rvalid_i ( part_otp_rvalid[k] ), |
| .otp_rdata_i ( part_otp_rdata ), |
| .otp_err_i ( part_otp_err ), |
| // The LC partition does not need any scrambling features. |
| .scrmbl_mtx_req_o ( ), |
| .scrmbl_mtx_gnt_i ( 1'b0 ), |
| .scrmbl_cmd_o ( ), |
| .scrmbl_mode_o ( ), |
| .scrmbl_sel_o ( ), |
| .scrmbl_data_o ( ), |
| .scrmbl_valid_o ( ), |
| .scrmbl_ready_i ( 1'b0 ), |
| .scrmbl_valid_i ( 1'b0 ), |
| .scrmbl_data_i ( '0 ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Buffered partitions are not accessible via the TL-UL window. |
| logic unused_part_tlul_sigs; |
| assign unused_part_tlul_sigs = ^part_tlul_req[k]; |
| assign part_tlul_gnt[k] = 1'b0; |
| assign part_tlul_rerror[k] = '0; |
| assign part_tlul_rvalid[k] = 1'b0; |
| assign part_tlul_rdata[k] = '0; |
| |
| // Tie off unused connections. |
| assign part_scrmbl_mtx_req[k] = '0; |
| assign part_scrmbl_req_bundle[k] = '0; |
| |
| // This stops lint from complaining about unused signals. |
| logic unused_part_scrmbl_sigs; |
| assign unused_part_scrmbl_sigs = ^{part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt[k], |
| part_scrmbl_req_ready[k], |
| part_scrmbl_rsp_valid[k]}; |
| |
| end else begin : gen_invalid |
| // This is invalid and should break elaboration |
| assert_static_in_generate_invalid assert_static_in_generate_invalid(); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////// |
| // Buffered Data Output Mapping // |
| ////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // Output complete hardware config partition. |
| // Actual mapping to other IPs is done via the intersignal topgen feature, |
| // selection of fields can be done using the otp_hw_cfg_t struct fields. |
| assign otp_hw_cfg_o.valid = (part_init_done[HwCfgIdx]) ? lc_ctrl_pkg::On : lc_ctrl_pkg::Off; |
| assign otp_hw_cfg_o.data = otp_hw_cfg_data_t'(part_buf_data[HwCfgOffset +: HwCfgSize]); |
| // Root keys |
| assign otp_keymgr_key_o.valid = part_digest[Secret2Idx] != '0; |
| assign otp_keymgr_key_o.key_share0 = (lc_seed_hw_rd_en == lc_ctrl_pkg::On) ? |
| part_buf_data[CreatorRootKeyShare0Offset +: |
| CreatorRootKeyShare0Size] : |
| PartInvDefault[CreatorRootKeyShare0Offset*8 +: |
| CreatorRootKeyShare0Size*8]; |
| assign otp_keymgr_key_o.key_share1 = (lc_seed_hw_rd_en == lc_ctrl_pkg::On) ? |
| part_buf_data[CreatorRootKeyShare1Offset +: |
| CreatorRootKeyShare1Size] : |
| PartInvDefault[CreatorRootKeyShare1Offset*8 +: |
| CreatorRootKeyShare1Size*8]; |
| |
| // Scrambling Keys |
| assign scrmbl_key_seed_valid = part_digest[Secret1Idx] != '0; |
| assign sram_data_key_seed = part_buf_data[SramDataKeySeedOffset +: |
| SramDataKeySeedSize]; |
| assign flash_data_key_seed = part_buf_data[FlashDataKeySeedOffset +: |
| FlashDataKeySeedSize]; |
| assign flash_addr_key_seed = part_buf_data[FlashAddrKeySeedOffset +: |
| FlashAddrKeySeedSize]; |
| |
| // Test unlock and exit tokens and RMA token |
| assign otp_lc_data_o.test_exit_token = part_buf_data[TestExitTokenOffset +: |
| TestExitTokenSize]; |
| assign otp_lc_data_o.test_unlock_token = part_buf_data[TestUnlockTokenOffset +: |
| TestUnlockTokenSize]; |
| assign otp_lc_data_o.rma_token = part_buf_data[RmaTokenOffset +: |
| RmaTokenSize]; |
| |
| // The device is personalized if the root key has been provisioned and locked |
| assign otp_lc_data_o.id_state = (part_digest[Secret2Idx] != '0) ? |
| lc_ctrl_state_pkg::LcIdPersonalized : |
| lc_ctrl_state_pkg::LcIdBlank; |
| |
| // Lifecycle state |
| assign otp_lc_data_o.state = lc_ctrl_state_pkg::lc_state_e'(part_buf_data[LcStateOffset +: |
| LcStateSize]); |
| assign otp_lc_data_o.count = lc_ctrl_state_pkg::lc_cnt_e'(part_buf_data[LcTransitionCntOffset +: |
| LcTransitionCntSize]); |
| |
| // Assert life cycle state valid signal only when all partitions have initialized. |
| assign otp_lc_data_o.valid = &part_init_done; |
| // Signal whether there are any errors in the life cycle partition (both correctable and |
| // uncorrectable ones). This bit is made available via the JTAG TAP, which is useful for |
| // production testing in RAW life cycle state where the OTP regs are not accessible. |
| assign otp_lc_data_o.error = |part_error[LifeCycleIdx]; |
| |
| // Not all bits of part_buf_data are used here. |
| logic unused_buf_data; |
| assign unused_buf_data = ^part_buf_data; |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Assertions // |
| //////////////// |
| |
| `ASSERT_INIT(CreatorRootKeyShare0Size_A, KeyMgrKeyWidth == CreatorRootKeyShare0Size * 8) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(CreatorRootKeyShare1Size_A, KeyMgrKeyWidth == CreatorRootKeyShare1Size * 8) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(FlashDataKeySeedSize_A, FlashKeySeedWidth == FlashDataKeySeedSize * 8) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(FlashAddrKeySeedSize_A, FlashKeySeedWidth == FlashAddrKeySeedSize * 8) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(SramDataKeySeedSize_A, SramKeySeedWidth == SramDataKeySeedSize * 8) |
| |
| `ASSERT_INIT(RmaTokenSize_A, lc_ctrl_state_pkg::LcTokenWidth == RmaTokenSize * 8) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(TestUnlockTokenSize_A, lc_ctrl_state_pkg::LcTokenWidth == TestUnlockTokenSize * 8) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(TestExitTokenSize_A, lc_ctrl_state_pkg::LcTokenWidth == TestExitTokenSize * 8) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(LcStateSize_A, lc_ctrl_state_pkg::LcStateWidth == LcStateSize * 8) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(LcTransitionCntSize_A, lc_ctrl_state_pkg::LcCountWidth == LcTransitionCntSize * 8) |
| |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpAstPwrSeqKnown_A, otp_ast_pwr_seq_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(TlOutKnown_A, tl_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(IntrOtpOperationDoneKnown_A, intr_otp_operation_done_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(IntrOtpErrorKnown_A, intr_otp_error_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(AlertTxKnown_A, alert_tx_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(PwrOtpInitRspKnown_A, pwr_otp_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(LcOtpProgramRspKnown_A, lc_otp_program_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpLcDataKnown_A, otp_lc_data_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpKeymgrKeyKnown_A, otp_keymgr_key_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(FlashOtpKeyRspKnown_A, flash_otp_key_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpSramKeyKnown_A, sram_otp_key_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpOtgnKeyKnown_A, otbn_otp_key_o) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpHwCfgKnown_A, otp_hw_cfg_o) |
| |
| endmodule : otp_ctrl |