blob: 83205be70cbf3b8237ce3374e78a9e62a0264947 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
export SHELL := /bin/bash
LOCK_ROOT_DIR ?= flock --timeout 3600 ${proj_root} --command
all: build run
## sim build and run targets ##
build: build_result
@echo "[make]: pre_build"
mkdir -p ${build_dir}
ifneq (${pre_build_cmds},)
# pre_build_cmds are likely changing the in-tree sources. We hence use FLOCK
# utility to prevent multiple builds that may be running in parallel from
# stepping on each other. TODO: Enforce the list of pre_build_cmds is
# identical across all build modes.
${LOCK_ROOT_DIR} "cd ${build_dir} && ${pre_build_cmds}"
gen_sv_flist: pre_build
@echo "[make]: gen_sv_flist"
ifneq (${sv_flist_gen_cmd},)
cd ${build_dir} && ${sv_flist_gen_cmd} ${sv_flist_gen_opts}
do_build: gen_sv_flist
@echo "[make]: build"
cd ${sv_flist_gen_dir} && ${build_cmd} ${build_opts}
post_build: do_build
@echo "[make]: post_build"
ifneq (${post_build_cmds},)
cd ${build_dir} && ${post_build_cmds}
build_result: post_build
@echo "[make]: build_result"
run: run_result
@echo "[make]: pre_run"
mkdir -p ${run_dir}
ifneq (${pre_run_cmds},)
cd ${run_dir} && ${pre_run_cmds}
sw_build: pre_run
@echo "[make]: sw_build"
ifneq (${sw_images},)
# Loop through the list of sw_images and invoke Bazel on each.
# `sw_images` is a space-separated list of tests to be built into an image.
# Optionally, each item in the list can have additional metadata / flags using
# the delimiter ':'. The format is as follows:
# <Bazel label>:<index>:<flag1>:<flag2>
# If one delimiter is detected, then the full string is considered to be the
# <Bazel label>. If two delimiters are detected, then it must be <Bazel label>
# followed by <index>. The <flag> is considered optional.
# After the images are built, we use `bazel cquery ...` to locate the built
# software artifacts so they can be copied to the test bench run directory.
# We only copy device SW images, and do not copy host-side artifacts (like
# opentitantool) that are also dependencies of the Bazel test target that
# encode the software image targets.
set -e; \
for sw_image in ${sw_images}; do \
if [[ -z $$sw_image ]]; then \
echo "ERROR: SW image \"$$sw_image\" is malformed."; \
echo "Expected format: <Bazel label>:<index>:<optional-flags>."; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
prebuilt_path=`echo $$sw_image | cut -d: -f 1`; \
bazel_target=`echo $$sw_image | cut -d: -f 2`; \
index=`echo $$sw_image | cut -d: -f 3`; \
flags=(`echo $$sw_image | cut -d: -f 4- --output-delimiter " "`); \
bazel_label="`echo $$sw_image | cut -d: -f 1-2`"; \
if [[ $${index} != 4 ]]; then \
bazel_label="$${bazel_label}_$${sw_build_device}"; \
bazel_cquery="labels(data, $${bazel_label}) union labels(srcs, $${bazel_label})"; \
else \
bazel_cquery="$${bazel_label}"; \
fi; \
cd ${proj_root}; \
if [[ $${flags[@]} =~ "prebuilt" ]]; then \
echo "SW image \"$$bazel_label\" is prebuilt - copying sources."; \
cp ${proj_root}/$${prebuilt_path} $${run_dir}/`basename $${prebuilt_path}`; \
else \
echo "Building SW image \"$${bazel_label}\"."; \
bazel_opts="${sw_build_opts} --define DISABLE_VERILATOR_BUILD=true"; \
bazel_opts+=" --//hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data:img_seed=${seed}"; \
if [[ "${build_seed}" != "None" ]]; then \
bazel_opts+=" --//hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data:lc_seed=${build_seed}"; \
bazel_opts+=" --//hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data:otp_seed=${build_seed}"; \
fi; \
if [[ -z $${BAZEL_PYTHON_WHEELS_REPO} ]]; then \
echo "Building \"$${bazel_label}\" on network connected machine."; \
bazel_cmd="./"; \
else \
echo "Building \"$${bazel_label}\" on air-gapped machine."; \
bazel_opts+=" --define SPECIFY_BINDGEN_LIBSTDCXX=true"; \
bazel_opts+=" --distdir=$${BAZEL_DISTDIR} --repository_cache=$${BAZEL_CACHE}"; \
bazel_cmd="bazel"; \
fi; \
echo "Building with command: $${bazel_cmd} build $${bazel_opts} $${bazel_label}"; \
$${bazel_cmd} build $${bazel_opts} $${bazel_label}; \
for dep in $$($${bazel_cmd} cquery \
$${bazel_cquery} \
--ui_event_filters=-info \
--noshow_progress \
--output=starlark); do \
if [[ $$dep != //hw* ]] && [[ $$dep != //util* ]] && [[ $$dep != //sw/host* ]]; then \
for artifact in $$($${bazel_cmd} cquery $${dep} \
--ui_event_filters=-info \
--noshow_progress \
--output=starlark \
--starlark:expr="\"\\n\".join([f.path for f in target.files.to_list()])"); do \
cp -f $${artifact} $${run_dir}/$$(basename $${artifact}); \
if [[ $$artifact == *.bin && \
-f "$$(echo $${artifact} | cut -d. -f 1).elf" ]]; then \
cp -f "$$(echo $${artifact} | cut -d. -f 1).elf" \
$${run_dir}/$$(basename "$${artifact%.bin}.elf"); \
fi; \
done; \
fi; \
done; \
fi; \
simulate: sw_build
@echo "[make]: simulate"
cd ${run_dir} && ${run_cmd} ${run_opts}
post_run: simulate
@echo "[make]: post_run"
ifneq (${post_run_cmds},)
cd ${run_dir} && ${post_run_cmds}
run_result: post_run
@echo "[make]: run_result"
## Load waves target ##
${debug_waves_cmd} ${debug_waves_opts}
## coverage rated targets ##
cov_unr_build: gen_sv_flist
@echo "[make]: cov_unr_build"
cd ${sv_flist_gen_dir} && ${cov_unr_build_cmd} ${cov_unr_build_opts}
cov_unr_vcs: cov_unr_build
@echo "[make]: cov_unr"
cd ${sv_flist_gen_dir} && ${cov_unr_run_cmd} ${cov_unr_run_opts}
@echo "[make]: cov_unr"
mkdir -p ${cov_unr_dir}
cd ${cov_unr_dir} && ${cov_unr_run_cmd} ${cov_unr_run_opts}
cd ${cov_unr_dir} && ${job_prefix} ${cov_merge_cmd} -init ${cov_unr_dir}/jgproject/sessionLogs/session_0/unr_imc_coverage_merge.cmd
ifeq (${SIMULATOR}, xcelium)
cov_unr: cov_unr_xcelium cov_unr_merge
cov_unr: cov_unr_vcs
# Merge coverage if there are multiple builds.
@echo "[make]: cov_merge"
${job_prefix} ${cov_merge_cmd} ${cov_merge_opts}
# Generate coverage reports.
@echo "[make]: cov_report"
${cov_report_cmd} ${cov_report_opts}
# Open coverage tool to review and create report or exclusion file.
@echo "[make]: cov_analyze"
${cov_analyze_cmd} ${cov_analyze_opts}
.PHONY: build \
pre_build \
gen_sv_flist \
do_build \
post_build \
build_result \
run \
pre_run \
sw_build \
simulate \
post_run \
run_result \
debug_waves \
cov_merge \
cov_analyze \