| # Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| # |
| # Azure Pipelines CI build configuration |
| # Documentation at https://aka.ms/yaml |
| |
| variables: |
| # |
| # definitions in util/container/Dockerfile as well. |
| # |
| TOOLCHAIN_PATH: /opt/buildcache/riscv |
| VERIBLE_VERSION: v0.0-2135-gb534c1fe |
| RUST_VERSION: 1.60.0 |
| # Release tag from https://github.com/lowRISC/lowrisc-toolchains/releases |
| TOOLCHAIN_VERSION: 20220210-1 |
| # This controls where builds happen, and gets picked up by build_consts.sh. |
| BUILD_ROOT: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) |
| VIVADO_VERSION: "2020.2" |
| |
| trigger: |
| batch: true |
| branches: |
| include: |
| - "*" |
| tags: |
| include: |
| - "*" |
| pr: |
| branches: |
| include: |
| - "*" |
| |
| jobs: |
| - job: checkout |
| displayName: Checkout repository |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| steps: |
| - checkout: self |
| path: opentitan-repo |
| - bash: | |
| tar -C $(Pipeline.Workspace)/opentitan-repo -czf $(Pipeline.Workspace)/opentitan-repo.tar.gz . |
| displayName: Pack up repository |
| - publish: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/opentitan-repo.tar.gz |
| artifact: opentitan-repo |
| displayName: Upload repository |
| - job: lint |
| displayName: Quality (quick lint) |
| # Run code quality checks (quick lint) |
| dependsOn: checkout |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - bash: | |
| sudo apt-get remove -y clang-6.0 libclang-common-6.0-dev libclang1-6.0 libllvm6.0 |
| displayName: Uninstall Clang |
| # Remove existing Clang installation |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| ## !!! |
| ## |
| ## The steps below here are duplicated in ci/jobs/quick-lint.sh |
| ## to allow developers to "run CI" locally. Keep them in sync. |
| ## |
| ## !!! |
| - bash: ci/scripts/show-env.sh |
| displayName: Environment Info |
| # Display environment information |
| - bash: ci/scripts/lint-commits.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Commit metadata |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-licence-headers.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Licence Headers |
| - bash: ci/scripts/exec-check.sh |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Executable Bits |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-ascii.sh |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: ASCII Chars |
| # Check for non-ASCII characters in source code |
| - bash: ci/scripts/python-lint.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: flake8 (Python lint) |
| # Run Python lint (flake8) |
| - bash: ci/scripts/mypy.sh |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: mypy (Python lint) |
| # Run Python lint (mypy) |
| - bash: ci/scripts/clang-format.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: clang-format (C/C++ lint) |
| # Use clang-format to check C/C++ coding style |
| - bash: ci/scripts/rust-format.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: rustfmt |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| # Azure-specific installation: |
| # The latest version of shellcheck available to ubuntu-18.04 is 0.4.6-1. |
| # We need a newer version that provides the --warning flag. |
| SC_VERSION="v0.8.0" |
| SHELLCHECK_FILE="shellcheck-$SC_VERSION.linux.x86_64.tar.xz" |
| SHELLCHECK_URL="https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/releases/download/$SC_VERSION/$SHELLCHECK_FILE" |
| SC_SHA256=ab6ee1b178f014d1b86d1e24da20d1139656c8b0ed34d2867fbb834dad02bf0a |
| echo "Installing Shellcheck $SC_VERSION" |
| curl -L -o "$SHELLCHECK_FILE" "$SHELLCHECK_URL" --silent --show-error |
| echo "${SC_SHA256} ${SHELLCHECK_FILE}" | sha256sum -c |
| sudo cp "shellcheck-$SC_VERSION/shellcheck" /usr/bin |
| # Run shellcheck |
| echo "Checking shell scripts..." |
| ci/scripts/run-shellcheck.sh || { |
| echo -n "##vso[task.logissue type=error]" |
| echo "Shellcheck failed. Run ci/scripts/run-shellcheck.sh to see errors." |
| exit 1 |
| } |
| displayName: shellcheck |
| - bash: ci/scripts/include-guard.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Header guards |
| # Check formatting on header guards |
| - bash: ci/scripts/whitespace.sh $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Check trailing whitespace |
| - bash: ci/scripts/build-docs.sh |
| displayName: Render documentation |
| - bash: ci/scripts/build-site.sh |
| displayName: Render landing site |
| - bash: ci/scripts/get-build-type.sh "$SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH" "$(Build.Reason)" |
| displayName: Type of change |
| # Check what kinds of changes the PR contains |
| name: DetermineBuildType |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-no-bazelrc-site.sh |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Confirm no .bazelrc-site files |
| |
| - job: airgapped_bazel_build |
| displayName: Test an airgapped Bazel build |
| timeoutInMinutes: 90 |
| dependsOn: checkout |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: ci/scripts/test-airgapped-build.sh |
| |
| - job: slow_lints |
| displayName: Quality (in-depth lint) |
| # Run code quality checks (in-depth lint) |
| dependsOn: lint |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| # Bazel test suites are a common cause of problematic tags. Check test suites |
| # before checking for other tag issues. |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check_bazel_test_suites.py |
| displayName: Check Bazel test suites (Experimental) |
| continueOnError: True |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-bazel-tags.sh |
| displayName: Check Bazel Tags (Experimental) |
| continueOnError: True |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-bazel-banned-rules.sh |
| displayName: Check for banned rules |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check_bazel_target_names.py |
| displayName: Check Bazel target names (Experimental) |
| continueOnError: True |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-generated.sh |
| displayName: Check Generated |
| # Ensure all generated files are clean and up-to-date |
| - bash: ci/bazelisk.sh test //quality:buildifier_check --test_output=streamed |
| displayName: Buildifier (Bazel lint) |
| - bash: ci/scripts/check-vendoring.sh |
| displayName: Vendored directories |
| - bash: ci/scripts/verible-lint.sh rtl |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Verible RTL (Verilog lint) |
| - bash: ci/scripts/verible-lint.sh dv |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Verible DV (Verilog lint) |
| - bash: ci/scripts/verible-lint.sh fpv |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') |
| displayName: Verible FPV (Verilog lint) |
| |
| - job: sw_build |
| displayName: Earl Grey SW Build & Test |
| # Build and test Software for Earl Grey toplevel design |
| timeoutInMinutes: 120 |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyCdcChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| variables: |
| - name: bazelCacheGcpKeyPath |
| value: '' |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - task: DownloadSecureFile@1 |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master') |
| name: bazelCacheGcpKey |
| inputs: |
| secureFile: "bazel_cache_gcp_key.json" |
| - bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=bazelCacheGcpKeyPath]$(bazelCacheGcpKey.secureFilePath)" |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master') |
| displayName: GCP key path |
| # Set the remote cache GCP key path |
| - bash: | |
| set -x -e |
| # This command builds all software and runs all unit tests that run on the |
| # host, with a few exceptions: |
| # * It excludes //quality because that's the purview of `slow_lints`. |
| # * It excludes the tests from //third_party/riscv-compliance because |
| # they're already covered by `execute_fpga_tests_cw310`. |
| # * It excludes //hw:all to avoid building Verilator, which is pulled in |
| # because //... effectively asks to build //hw:verilator_real and other |
| # targets in //hw:all that depend on it. Note that this is only a |
| # shallow exclusion; tests deeper under //hw will still be found. |
| export GCP_BAZEL_CACHE_KEY=$(bazelCacheGcpKeyPath) |
| ci/bazelisk.sh test \ |
| --build_tests_only=false \ |
| --test_output=errors \ |
| --define DISABLE_VERILATOR_BUILD=true \ |
| --build_tag_filters=-vivado \ |
| --test_tag_filters=-broken,-cw310,-verilator,-dv \ |
| -- //... \ |
| -//quality/... \ |
| -//third_party/riscv-compliance/... \ |
| -//hw:all |
| displayName: Build & test SW |
| - bash: | |
| set -x -e |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| # copy the rom to a specific location |
| ROM_TARGET=${BIN_DIR}/sw/device/silicon_creator/rom |
| mkdir -p ${ROM_TARGET} |
| ROM=$(ci/scripts/target-location.sh //sw/device/silicon_creator/rom:rom_with_fake_keys_fpga_cw310_scr_vmem) |
| cp $ROM $ROM_TARGET/rom_with_fake_keys_fpga_cw310.scr.39.vmem |
| ROM_DIR=$(dirname $ROM) |
| cp $ROM_DIR/rom_with_fake_keys_fpga_cw310.elf $ROM_TARGET/rom_with_fake_keys_fpga_cw310.elf |
| cp $ROM_DIR/rom_with_fake_keys_fpga_cw310.bin $ROM_TARGET/rom_with_fake_keys_fpga_cw310.bin |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/sw/***" |
| |
| - job: chip_englishbreakfast_verilator |
| displayName: Verilated English Breakfast |
| # Build Verilator simulation of the English Breakfast toplevel design |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyCdcChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| python3 --version |
| fusesoc --version |
| verilator --version |
| verible-verilog-lint --version |
| displayName: Display environment |
| - bash: ci/scripts/build-chip-verilator.sh englishbreakfast |
| displayName: Build simulation with Verilator |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/top_englishbreakfast/Vchip_englishbreakfast_verilator" |
| |
| - job: execute_verilated_tests |
| displayName: Fast Verilated Earl Grey tests |
| # Build and run fast tests on sim_verilator |
| pool: ci-public |
| timeoutInMinutes: 120 |
| dependsOn: lint |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - task: DownloadSecureFile@1 |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master') |
| name: bazelCacheGcpKey |
| inputs: |
| secureFile: "bazel_cache_gcp_key.json" |
| - bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=bazelCacheGcpKeyPath]$(bazelCacheGcpKey.secureFilePath)" |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master') |
| displayName: GCP key path |
| # Set the remote cache GCP key path |
| - bash: | |
| set -x -e |
| export GCP_BAZEL_CACHE_KEY=$(bazelCacheGcpKeyPath) |
| ci/scripts/run-verilator-tests.sh |
| displayName: Build & execute tests |
| # TODO: build and cache the verilator model to avoid building twice (#12574) |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/" |
| cp $(ci/scripts/target-location.sh //hw:verilator) \ |
| "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/Vchip_earlgrey_verilator" |
| displayName: Copy //hw:verilator to $BIN_DIR |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/top_earlgrey/Vchip_earlgrey_verilator" |
| |
| # Software targeting the English Breakfast top level is produced by patching |
| # the source tree before building. This builds a selected subset of software |
| # only. |
| # TODO: This is a rather ugly hack, which will go away once we properly support |
| # building more than one top-level design with different parametrizations. |
| # Work towards this goal is tracked in issue #4669. |
| - job: build_and_execute_verilated_tests_englishbreakfast |
| displayName: Verilated English Breakfast |
| # Build and execute tests on the Verilated English Breakfast toplevel design with Bazel |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| dependsOn: chip_englishbreakfast_verilator |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_englishbreakfast_verilator |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ci/scripts/run-english-breakfast-verilator-tests.sh |
| displayName: Execute tests |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR/sw/device/lib/testing/test_rom" |
| cp $(ci/scripts/target-location.sh //sw/device/lib/testing/test_rom:test_rom_fpga_nexysvideo_vmem) \ |
| "$BIN_DIR/sw/device/lib/testing/test_rom" |
| displayName: Copy test_rom_fpga_nexysvideo_vmem to $BIN_DIR |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/sw/device/lib/testing/test_rom/test_rom_fpga_nexysvideo.32.vmem" |
| |
| - job: otbn_standalone_tests |
| displayName: Run OTBN Smoke Test |
| dependsOn: lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyCdcChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| timeoutInMinutes: 10 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| set -x |
| sudo util/get-toolchain.py \ |
| --install-dir="$TOOLCHAIN_PATH" \ |
| --release-version="$TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" \ |
| --update |
| echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$TOOLCHAIN_PATH/bin" |
| displayName: Install toolchain |
| - bash: | |
| python3 --version |
| fusesoc --version |
| verilator --version |
| displayName: Display environment |
| - bash: | |
| make -C hw/ip/otbn/dv/otbnsim test |
| displayName: OTBN ISS Test |
| - bash: | |
| ./hw/ip/otbn/dv/smoke/run_smoke.sh |
| displayName: OTBN Smoke Test |
| - bash: | |
| make -C hw/ip/otbn/util asm-check |
| displayName: Assemble & link code snippets |
| |
| - job: chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| displayName: CW310's Earl Grey Bitstream |
| # Build CW310 variant of the Earl Grey toplevel design using Vivado |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDvChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyCdcChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: ci-public |
| timeoutInMinutes: 180 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| ci/scripts/get-bitstream-strategy.sh "@bitstreams//:bitstream_test_rom" ':!/sw/' ':!/*testplan.hjson' ':!/site/' ':!/doc/' ':!/COMMITTERS' ':!/CLA' ':!/*.md' ':!/hw/**/dv/*' |
| displayName: Configure bitstream strategy |
| - bash: | |
| set -ex |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| ci/scripts/prepare-cached-bitstream.sh |
| condition: eq(variables.bitstreamStrategy, 'cached') |
| displayName: Prepare cached bitstream |
| - bash: | |
| set -ex |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| SUB_PATH=hw/top_earlgrey |
| mkdir -p "$OBJ_DIR/$SUB_PATH" "$BIN_DIR/$SUB_PATH" |
| ci/bazelisk.sh build //hw/bitstream/vivado:standard |
| cp -rLvt "$OBJ_DIR/$SUB_PATH/" \ |
| $($REPO_TOP/bazelisk.sh outquery-all //hw/bitstream/vivado:fpga_cw310) |
| cp -rLvt "$BIN_DIR/$SUB_PATH/" \ |
| $($REPO_TOP/bazelisk.sh outquery-all //hw/bitstream/vivado:standard) |
| # Rename bitstreams to be compatible with subsequent steps |
| # TODO(#13807): replace this after choosing a naming scheme |
| mv "$BIN_DIR/$SUB_PATH/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.bit" "$BIN_DIR/$SUB_PATH/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.bit.orig" |
| mv "$BIN_DIR/$SUB_PATH/fpga_cw310_rom.bit" "$BIN_DIR/$SUB_PATH/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.bit.splice" |
| condition: ne(variables.bitstreamStrategy, 'cached') |
| displayName: Build and splice bitstream with Vivado |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| echo Synthesis log |
| cat $OBJ_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/build.fpga_cw310/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.runs/synth_1/runme.log || true |
| |
| echo Implementation log |
| cat $OBJ_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/build.fpga_cw310/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.runs/impl_1/runme.log || true |
| condition: ne(variables.bitstreamStrategy, 'cached') |
| displayName: Display synthesis & implementation logs |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/***" |
| - publish: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)" |
| artifact: chip_earlgrey_cw310-build-out |
| displayName: Upload artifacts for CW310 |
| condition: failed() |
| |
| - job: chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug |
| displayName: CW310's Earl Grey Bitstream for Hyperdebug |
| # Build CW310-hyperdebug variant of the Earl Grey toplevel design using Vivado |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDvChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyCdcChanges'], '0'), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master')) |
| pool: ci-public |
| timeoutInMinutes: 180 |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| mkdir -p $OBJ_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/ |
| mkdir -p $BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/ |
| ci/bazelisk.sh build //hw/bitstream/vivado:fpga_cw310_hyperdebug |
| cp -rLvt $OBJ_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/ \ |
| $($REPO_TOP/bazelisk.sh outquery-all //hw/bitstream/vivado:fpga_cw310_hyperdebug) |
| cp -rLvt $BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/ \ |
| $($REPO_TOP/bazelisk.sh outquery-all //hw/bitstream/vivado:hyperdebug) |
| displayName: Build bitstream with Vivado |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| echo Synthesis log |
| cat $OUT_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/build.fpga_cw310_hyperdebug/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug_0.1.runs/synth_1/runme.log || true |
| echo Implementation log |
| cat $OUT_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey/chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/build.fpga_cw310_hyperdebug/synth-vivado/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug_0.1.runs/impl_1/runme.log || true |
| displayName: Display synthesis & implementation logs |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/***" |
| - publish: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)" |
| artifact: chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug-build-out |
| displayName: Upload artifacts for CW310 |
| condition: failed() |
| - job: chip_englishbreakfast_cw305 |
| displayName: CW305's Bitstream |
| # Build CW305 variant of the English Breakfast toplevel design using Vivado |
| dependsOn: build_and_execute_verilated_tests_englishbreakfast |
| condition: and(succeeded(), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDvChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyCdcChanges'], '0')) |
| pool: ci-public |
| timeoutInMinutes: 120 # 2 hours |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - build_and_execute_verilated_tests_englishbreakfast |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| ci/scripts/build-bitstream-vivado.sh top_englishbreakfast cw305 |
| displayName: Build bitstream |
| - template: ci/upload-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| includePatterns: |
| - "/hw/top_englishbreakfast/lowrisc_systems_chip_englishbreakfast_cw305_0.1.bit" |
| |
| - job: cache_bitstreams |
| displayName: Cache bitstreams to GCP |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| dependsOn: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug |
| condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master') |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug |
| - bash: | |
| set -x |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| - template: ci/gcp-upload-bitstream-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| parentDir: "$BIN_DIR/hw/top_earlgrey" |
| includeFiles: |
| - "lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.bit.orig" |
| - "lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_0.1.bit.splice" |
| - "rom.mmi" |
| - "otp.mmi" |
| - "chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/lowrisc_systems_chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug_0.1.bit" |
| - "chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/rom.mmi" |
| - "chip_earlgrey_cw310_hyperdebug/otp.mmi" |
| gcpKeyFile: "gcpkey.json" |
| bucketURI: "gs://opentitan-bitstreams/master" |
| |
| - job: execute_test_rom_fpga_tests_cw310 |
| displayName: CW310 Test ROM Tests |
| pool: FPGA |
| timeoutInMinutes: 45 |
| dependsOn: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - sw_build |
| condition: succeeded( 'chip_earlgrey_cw310', 'sw_build' ) |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - sw_build |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ci/scripts/run-fpga-cw310-tests.sh cw310_test_rom,-jtag || { res=$?; echo "To reproduce failures locally, follow the instructions at https://docs.opentitan.org/doc/getting_started/setup_fpga/#reproducing-fpga-ci-failures-locally"; exit "${res}"; } |
| displayName: Execute tests |
| |
| - job: execute_rom_fpga_jtag_tests_cw310 |
| displayName: Experimental CW310 ROM JTAG Tests |
| pool: FPGA |
| timeoutInMinutes: 45 |
| dependsOn: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - sw_build |
| condition: succeeded( 'chip_earlgrey_cw310', 'sw_build' ) |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - sw_build |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| ci/scripts/run-fpga-cw310-tests.sh jtag || { res=$?; echo "To reproduce failures locally, follow the instructions at https://docs.opentitan.org/doc/getting_started/setup_fpga/#reproducing-fpga-ci-failures-locally"; exit "${res}"; } |
| displayName: Execute tests |
| # TODO(lowRISC/opentitan#16067) Fail CI when JTAG tests fail. |
| continueOnError: True |
| |
| - job: execute_rom_fpga_tests_cw310 |
| displayName: CW310 ROM Tests |
| pool: FPGA |
| timeoutInMinutes: 45 |
| dependsOn: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - sw_build |
| condition: succeeded( 'chip_earlgrey_cw310', 'sw_build' ) |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - sw_build |
| - bash: | |
| set -e |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| module load "xilinx/vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)" |
| ci/scripts/run-fpga-cw310-tests.sh cw310_rom,-jtag || { res=$?; echo "To reproduce failures locally, follow the instructions at https://docs.opentitan.org/doc/getting_started/setup_fpga/#reproducing-fpga-ci-failures-locally"; exit "${res}"; } |
| displayName: Execute tests |
| |
| - job: deploy_release_artifacts |
| displayName: Package & deploy release |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| - sw_build |
| - execute_verilated_tests |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| condition: and(eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDocChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyDvChanges'], '0'), eq(dependencies.lint.outputs['DetermineBuildType.onlyCdcChanges'], '0')) |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - template: ci/install-package-dependencies.yml |
| - template: ci/download-artifacts-template.yml |
| parameters: |
| downloadPartialBuildBinFrom: |
| - sw_build |
| - execute_verilated_tests |
| - chip_earlgrey_cw310 |
| - chip_englishbreakfast_verilator |
| - bash: | |
| . util/build_consts.sh |
| ci/scripts/make_distribution.sh |
| tar --list -f $BIN_DIR/opentitan-*.tar.xz |
| # Put the resulting tar file into a directory the |publish| step below can reference. |
| mkdir "$BUILD_ROOT/dist-final" |
| mv $BIN_DIR/opentitan-*.tar.xz "$BUILD_ROOT/dist-final" |
| displayName: Create final dist |
| - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/dist-final |
| artifact: opentitan-dist |
| displayName: Upload release |
| - task: GithubRelease@0 |
| displayName: Upload to GitHub releases (only tags) |
| condition: and(succeeded(), startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/tags/')) |
| inputs: |
| gitHubConnection: opentitan-release-upload |
| repositoryName: lowrisc/opentitan |
| addChangeLog: false |
| assets: | |
| $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/dist-final/* |
| |
| - job: build_docker_containers |
| displayName: "Build Docker Containers" |
| pool: |
| vmImage: ubuntu-20.04 |
| dependsOn: |
| - lint |
| steps: |
| - template: ci/checkout-template.yml |
| - task: Docker@2 |
| displayName: Build Developer Utility Container |
| continueOnError: True |
| inputs: |
| command: build |
| Dockerfile: ./util/container/Dockerfile |
| buildContext: . |
| - task: Docker@2 |
| displayName: Build Documentation Builder Container |
| inputs: |
| command: build |
| tags: gcr.io/active-premise-257318/builder |
| Dockerfile: ./site/docs/builder.Dockerfile |
| buildContext: . |
| - task: Docker@2 |
| displayName: Build Documentation Redirector Container |
| inputs: |
| command: build |
| Dockerfile: ./site/redirector/Dockerfile |
| buildContext: ./site/redirector |