| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| { |
| // Name of the sim cfg - typically same as the name of the DUT. |
| name: i2c |
| |
| // Top level dut name (sv module). |
| dut: i2c |
| |
| // Top level testbench name (sv module). |
| tb: tb |
| |
| // Simulator used to sign off this block |
| tool: xcelium |
| |
| // Fusesoc core file used for building the file list. |
| fusesoc_core: lowrisc:dv:i2c_sim:0.1 |
| |
| // Testplan hjson file. |
| testplan: "{proj_root}/hw/ip/i2c/data/i2c_testplan.hjson" |
| |
| // RAL spec - used to generate the RAL model. |
| ral_spec: "{proj_root}/hw/ip/i2c/data/i2c.hjson" |
| |
| // Import additional common sim cfg files. |
| import_cfgs: [// Project wide common sim cfg file |
| "{proj_root}/hw/dv/data/common_sim_cfg.hjson", |
| // Common CIP test lists |
| "{proj_root}/hw/dv/data/tests/csr_tests.hjson", |
| "{proj_root}/hw/dv/data/tests/intr_test.hjson", |
| //TODO: enable later in V2 |
| //"{proj_root}/hw/dv/data/tests/stress_tests.hjson", |
| "{proj_root}/hw/dv/data/tests/tl_access_tests.hjson"] |
| |
| // Add additional tops for simulation. |
| sim_tops: ["-top i2c_bind"] |
| |
| // Default iterations for all tests - each test entry can override this. |
| reseed: 50 |
| |
| // Default UVM test and seq class name. |
| uvm_test: i2c_base_test |
| uvm_test_seq: i2c_base_vseq |
| |
| // List of test specifications. |
| tests: [ |
| { |
| name: i2c_sanity |
| uvm_test_seq: i2c_sanity_vseq |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: i2c_override |
| uvm_test_seq: i2c_override_vseq |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: i2c_fifo_watermark |
| uvm_test_seq: i2c_fifo_watermark_vseq |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: i2c_fifo_overflow |
| uvm_test_seq: i2c_fifo_overflow_vseq |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: i2c_fifo_full |
| uvm_test_seq: i2c_fifo_full_vseq |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: i2c_perf |
| reseed: 10 |
| uvm_test_seq: i2c_perf_vseq |
| } |
| |
| { |
| name: i2c_stretch_timeout |
| uvm_test_seq: i2c_stretch_timeout_vseq |
| } |
| ] |
| |
| // List of regressions. |
| regressions: [ |
| { |
| name: sanity |
| tests: ["i2c_sanity"] |
| } |
| ] |
| } |