blob: 2a5af6d9f49fff821112769f472beee55e3e2175 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# TCL file invoked from VCS's simv at run-time using this: -ucli -do <this file>
# Syntax: fsdbDumpvars [depth] [instance] [option]*
# Option Description
# +mda Dumps memory and MDA signals in all scopes.
# +packedmda Dumps packed signals
# +struct Dumps structs
# +skip_cell_instance=mode Enables or disables cell dumping
# +strength Enables strength dumping
# +parameter Dumps parameters
# +power Dumps power-related signals
# +trace_process Dumps VHDL processes
# +no_functions Disables dumping of functions
# +sva Dumps assertions
# +Reg_Only Dumps only reg type signals
# +IO_Only Dumps only IO port signals
# +by_file=<filename> File to specify objects to add
# +all Dumps memories, MDA signals, structs, unions,power, and packed structs
if {[info exists ::env(WAVES)]} {
if {$::env(WAVES) == 1} {
fsdbDumpfile $::env(DUMP_FILE)
fsdbDumpvars 0 $::env(TB_TOP) +all
fsdbDumpSVA 0 $::env(TB_TOP)