blob: c95364030767bcd990b4bd32d8040c28c9905155 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# List of self-checking test applications, which return PASS or FAIL after
# completion.
# Each list entry is a dict with the following keys:
# name:
# Name of the test (required)
# binary_name:
# Basename of the test binary. Default: name (optional)
# verilator_extra_args:
# A list of additional command-line arguments passed to the Verilator
# simulation (optional).
# targets:
# List of targets for which the test is executed. The test will be executed
# on all targets if not given (optional).
"name": "crt_test",
"name": "dif_otbn_smoketest_rtl",
"binary_name": "dif_otbn_smoketest",
"verilator_extra_args": ['+OTBN_USE_MODEL=0'],
"targets": ["sim_verilator"],
"name": "dif_otbn_smoketest_model",
"binary_name": "dif_otbn_smoketest",
"verilator_extra_args": ['+OTBN_USE_MODEL=1'],
"targets": ["sim_verilator"],
# The OTBN end-to-end tests can be run in simulation, but take a long time
# there. Run them on FPGAs only for faster test results.
# "name": "otbn_rsa_test",
# "targets": ["fpga_nexysvideo"],
# "name": "otbn_ecdsa_p256_test",
# "targets": ["fpga_nexysvideo"],
"name": "dif_aes_smoketest",
"name": "dif_aon_timer_smoketest",
"name": "dif_otp_ctrl_smoketest",
"name": "dif_plic_smoketest",
"name": "dif_rstmgr_smoketest",
"name": "dif_rv_timer_smoketest",
"name": "dif_uart_smoketest",
"name": "dif_clkmgr_smoketest",
"name": "dif_csrng_smoketest",
"name": "dif_entropy_smoketest",
"targets": ["sim_verilator"],
"name": "flash_ctrl_test",
"name": "pmp_smoketest_napot",
"name": "pmp_smoketest_tor",
"name": "usbdev_test",
"targets": ["sim_verilator"],
# Cannot run on sim_verilator due to the differences in the top level.
"name": "dif_gpio_smoketest",
"targets": ["fpga_nexysvideo"],