blob: af976ae09ec969d044d10a1819312eac7a2422ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class hmac_env_cov extends cip_base_env_cov #(.CFG_T(hmac_env_cfg));
covergroup cfg_cg with function sample (bit [TL_DW-1:0] cfg);
hmac_en: coverpoint cfg[HmacEn];
endian_swap: coverpoint cfg[EndianSwap];
digest_swap: coverpoint cfg[DigestSwap];
cfg_cross: cross hmac_en, endian_swap, digest_swap;
endgroup : cfg_cg
covergroup status_cg with function sample (bit [TL_DW-1:0] sta, bit [TL_DW-1:0] cfg);
hmac_en: coverpoint cfg[HmacEn];
endian_swap: coverpoint cfg[EndianSwap];
digest_swap: coverpoint cfg[DigestSwap];
sta_fifo_empty: coverpoint sta[HmacStaMsgFifoEmpty];
sta_fifo_full: coverpoint sta[HmacStaMsgFifoFull];
sta_fifo_depth: coverpoint sta[HmacStaMsgFifoDepth + 4 : HmacStaMsgFifoDepth] {
bins fifo_depth[] = {[0:16]};
fifo_empty_cross: cross sta_fifo_empty, hmac_en, endian_swap, digest_swap;
fifo_full_cross: cross sta_fifo_full, hmac_en, endian_swap, digest_swap;
fifo_depth_cross: cross sta_fifo_depth, hmac_en, endian_swap, digest_swap;
endgroup : status_cg
covergroup msg_len_cg with function sample (bit [TL_DW-1:0] msg_len_lower, bit [TL_DW-1:0] cfg);
hmac_en: coverpoint cfg[HmacEn];
msg_len: coverpoint (msg_len_lower / 8) {
bins len_0 = {0};
bins len_1 = {1};
bins len_256 = {256};
bins len_257 = {257};
bins len_512 = {512};
bins len_513 = {513};
bins len_768 = {768};
bins len_769 = {769};
bins len_1024 = {1024};
bins len_1025 = {1025};
bins len_1280 = {1280};
bins len_1281 = {1281};
bins len_1536 = {1536};
bins len_1537 = {1537};
bins len_1792 = {1792};
bins len_1793 = {1793};
bins len_2048 = {2048};
bins len_2049 = {2049};
bins len_2304 = {2304};
bins len_2305 = {2305};
bins len_2560 = {2560};
bins len_2561 = {2561};
bins len_2816 = {2816};
bins len_2817 = {2817};
bins len_3072 = {3072};
bins len_3073 = {3073}; // up to 3000 for the most SW usage
bins auto_lens[50] = {[1:10000]};
msg_len_cross: cross hmac_en, msg_len;
endgroup : msg_len_cg
function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
cfg_cg = new();
status_cg = new();
msg_len_cg = new();
endfunction : new