blob: 5c1d3864b2ed7af215844bdaa63ca9875e503fcf [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
import logging as log
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
# Display INFO log messages and up.
log.basicConfig(level=log.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
def get_tool_requirements_path():
'''Return the path to, at the top of the repo'''
# top_src_dir is the top of the repository
top_src_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
return os.path.join(top_src_dir, '')
class ReqErr(Exception):
def __init__(self, path, msg):
self.path = path
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return ('Error parsing tool requirements from {!r}: {}'
.format(self.path, self.msg))
class ToolReq:
# A subclass can set this to configure the command that's run to get the
# version of a tool. If tool_cmd is None, get_version will call "self.tool
# --version".
tool_cmd = None
# Used by get_version. If not None, this is a dictionary that's added to
# the environment when running the command.
tool_env = None
# A subclass can set this to configure _parse_version_output. If set, it
# should be a Regex object with a single capturing group that captures the
# version.
version_regex = None
def __init__(self, tool, min_version):
self.tool = tool
self.min_version = min_version
self.optional = False
def _get_tool_cmd(self):
'''Return the command to run to get the installed version'''
return self.tool_cmd or [self.tool, '--version']
def _get_version(self):
'''Run the tool to get the installed version.
Raises a RuntimeError on failure. The default version uses the class
variable tool_cmd to figure out what to run.
def _parse_version_output(self, stdout):
'''Parse the nonempty stdout to get a version number
Raises a ValueError on failure. The default implementation returns the
last word of the first line if version_regex is None or the first match
for version_regex if it is not None.
if self.version_regex is None:
line0 = stdout.split('\n', 1)[0]
words = line0.rsplit(None, 1)
if not words:
raise ValueError('Empty first line.')
return words[-1]
for line in stdout.split('\n'):
match = self.version_regex.match(line.rstrip())
if match is not None:
raise ValueError('No line matched version regex.')
def get_version(self):
'''Run the tool to get a version.
Returns a version string on success. Raises a RuntimeError on failure.
The default version uses the class variable tool_cmd to figure out what
to run.
cmd = self._get_tool_cmd()
cmd_txt = ' '.join(shlex.quote(w) for w in cmd)
env = None
if self.tool_env is not None:
env = os.environ.copy()
proc =,
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError) as err:
env_msg = ('' if not self.tool_env else
' (with environment overrides: {})'
.format(', '.join('{}={}'.format(k, v)
for k, v in self.tool_env.items())))
raise RuntimeError('Failed to run {!r}{} to check version: {}'
.format(cmd_txt, env_msg, err))
if not proc.stdout:
raise RuntimeError('No output from running {!r} to check version.'
return self._parse_version_output(proc.stdout)
except ValueError as err:
raise RuntimeError('Bad output from running {!r} '
'to check version: {}'
.format(cmd_txt, err))
def to_semver(self, version, from_req):
'''Convert a tool version to semantic versioning format
If from_req is true, this version comes from the requirements file
(rather than being reported from an installed application). That might
mean stricter checking. If version is not a known format, raises a
return version
def check(self):
'''Get the installed version and check it matches the requirements
Returns (is_good, msg). is_good is true if we matched the requirements
and false otherwise. msg describes what happened (an error message on
failure, or extra information on success).
min_semver = self.to_semver(self.min_version, True)
except ValueError as err:
return (False,
'Failed to convert requirement to semantic version: {}'
min_sv = StrictVersion(min_semver)
except ValueError as err:
return (False,
'Bad semver inferred from required version ({}): {}'
.format(min_semver, err))
actual_version = self.get_version()
except RuntimeError as err:
return (False, str(err))
actual_semver = self.to_semver(actual_version, False)
except ValueError as err:
return (False,
'Failed to convert installed to semantic version: {}'
actual_sv = StrictVersion(actual_semver)
except ValueError as err:
return (False,
'Bad semver inferred from installed version ({}): {}'
.format(actual_semver, err))
if actual_sv < min_sv:
return (False,
'Installed version is too old: '
'found version {}, but need at least {}'
.format(actual_version, self.min_version))
return (True,
'Sufficiently recent version (found {}; needed {})'
.format(actual_version, self.min_version))
class VerilatorToolReq(ToolReq):
def get_version(self):
# Note: "verilator" needs to be called through a shell and with all
# arguments in a string, as it doesn't have a shebang, but instead
# relies on perl magic to parse command line arguments.
version_str ='verilator --version', shell=True,
check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to call Verilator to check version: {}'
.format(err)) from None
return version_str.stdout.split(' ')[1].strip()
class VeribleToolReq(ToolReq):
tool_cmd = ['verible-verilog-lint', '--version']
def to_semver(self, version, from_req):
# Drop the hash suffix and convert into version string that
# is compatible with StrictVersion in check_version below.
# Example: v0.0-808-g1e17daa -> 0.0.808
m = re.fullmatch(r'v([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-g[0-9a-f]+$', version)
if m is None:
raise ValueError("{} has invalid version string format."
return '.'.join(, 2, 3))
class VcsToolReq(ToolReq):
tool_cmd = ['vcs', '-full64', '-ID']
tool_env = {'VCS_ARCH_OVERRIDE': 'linux'}
version_regex = re.compile(r'Compiler version = VCS [A-Z]-(.*)')
def to_semver(self, version, from_req):
# VCS has a rather strange numbering scheme, where the most general
# versions look something like this:
# Q-2020.03-SP1-2
# Our version_regex strips out the "Q" part (a "platform prefix")
# already. A version always has the "2020.03" (year and month) part,
# and may also have an -SP<n> and/or -<patch> suffix.
# Since StrictVersion expects a 3 digit versioning scheme, we multiply
# any SP number by 100, which should work as long as the patch version
# isn't greater than 99.
# Some VCS builds also report other cruft (like _Full64) after this
# version number. If from_req is False, allow (and ignore) that too.
regex = r'([0-9]+).([0-9]+)(?:-SP([0-9]+))?(?:-([0-9]+))?'
if from_req:
regex += '$'
match = re.match(regex, version)
if match is None:
raise ValueError("{!r} is not a recognised VCS version string."
major =
minor =
sp = int( or 0)
patch = int( or 0)
comb = str(sp * 100 + patch)
return '{}.{}{}'.format(major, minor, comb)
class PyModuleToolReq(ToolReq):
'''A tool in a Python module (its version can be found by running pip)'''
version_regex = re.compile(r'Version: (.*)')
def _get_tool_cmd(self):
return ['pip3', 'show', self.tool]
def dict_to_tool_req(path, tool, raw):
'''Parse a dict (as read from Python) as a ToolReq
Required keys: version. Optional keys: as_needed.
where = 'Dict for {} in __TOOL_REQUIREMENTS__'.format(tool)
# We operate in place on the dictionary. Take a copy to avoid an
# obnoxious API.
raw = raw.copy()
if 'min_version' not in raw:
raise ReqErr(path,
'{} is missing required key: "min_version".'
min_version = raw['min_version']
if not isinstance(min_version, str):
raise ReqErr(path,
'{} has min_version that is not a string.'
del raw['min_version']
as_needed = False
if 'as_needed' in raw:
as_needed = raw['as_needed']
if not isinstance(as_needed, bool):
raise ReqErr(path,
'{} has as_needed that is not a bool.'
del raw['as_needed']
if raw:
raise ReqErr(path,
'{} has unexpected keys: {}.'
.format(where, ', '.join(raw.keys())))
classes = {
'edalize': PyModuleToolReq,
'vcs': VcsToolReq,
'verible': VeribleToolReq,
'verilator': VerilatorToolReq
cls = classes.get(tool, ToolReq)
ret = cls(tool, min_version)
ret.as_needed = as_needed
return ret
def read_tool_requirements(path=None):
'''Read tool requirements from a Python file'''
if path is None:
path = get_tool_requirements_path()
with open(path, 'r') as pyfile:
globs = {}
exec(, globs)
# We expect the exec call to have populated globs with a
# __TOOL_REQUIREMENTS__ dictionary.
raw = globs.get('__TOOL_REQUIREMENTS__')
if raw is None:
raise ReqErr(path,
'The Python file at did not define '
# raw should be a dictionary (keyed by tool name)
if not isinstance(raw, dict):
raise ReqErr(path, '__TOOL_REQUIREMENTS__ is not a dict.')
reqs = {}
for tool, raw_val in raw.items():
if not isinstance(tool, str):
raise ReqErr(path,
'Invalid key in __TOOL_REQUIREMENTS__: {!r}'
if isinstance(raw_val, str):
# Shorthand notation: value is just a string, which we
# interpret as a minimum version
raw_val = {'min_version': raw_val}
if not isinstance(raw_val, dict):
raise ReqErr(path,
'Value for {} in __TOOL_REQUIREMENTS__ '
'is not a string or dict.'.format(tool))
reqs[tool] = dict_to_tool_req(path, tool, raw_val)
return reqs
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('tool', nargs='*')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Get tool requirements
tool_requirements = read_tool_requirements()
except ReqErr as err:
return 1
pending_tools = set(args.tool)
missing_tools = []
for tool, req in tool_requirements.items():
if req.as_needed and tool not in pending_tools:
good, msg = req.check()
if not good:
log.error('Failed tool requirement for {}: {}'
.format(tool, msg))
else:'Tool {} present: {}'
.format(tool, msg))
all_good = True
if missing_tools:
log.error("Tool requirements not fulfilled. "
"Please update tools ({}) and retry."
.format(', '.join(missing_tools)))
all_good = False
if pending_tools:
log.error("Some tools specified on command line don't appear in "
"tool requirements file: {}"
.format(', '.join(sorted(pending_tools))))
all_good = False
return 0 if all_good else 1
if __name__ == "__main__":