blob: 10637c1786e20c2512e46aad7efc6b4dd5f441ed [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import logging as log
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Tuple
from reggen.validate import check_int
from topgen import lib
IM_TYPES = ['uni', 'req_rsp']
IM_ACTS = ['req', 'rsp', 'rcv']
IM_VALID_TYPEACT = {'uni': ['req', 'rcv'], 'req_rsp': ['req', 'rsp']}
IM_CONN_TYPE = ['1-to-1', '1-to-N', 'broadcast']
class ImType(Enum):
Uni = 1
ReqRsp = 2
class ImAct(Enum):
Req = 1
Rsp = 2
Rcv = 3
class ImConn(Enum):
OneToOne = 1 # req <-> {rsp,rcv} with same width
OneToN = 2 # req width N <-> N x {rsp,rcv}s width 1
Broadcast = 3 # req width 1 <-> N x rcvs width 1
def intersignal_format(req: Dict) -> str:
"""Determine the signal format of the inter-module connections
@param[req] Request struct. It has instance name, package format
and etc.
# TODO: Handle array signal
result = "{req}_{struct}".format(req=req["inst_name"], struct=req["name"])
# check signal length if exceeds 100
# 7 : space + .
# 3 : _{i|o}(
# 6 : _{req|rsp}),
req_length = 7 + len(req["name"]) + 3 + len(result) + 6
if req_length > 100:
logmsg = "signal {0} length cannot be greater than 100"
log.warning("Please consider shorten the instance name")
return result
def elab_intermodule(topcfg: OrderedDict):
"""Check the connection of inter-module and categorize them
In the top template, it uses updated inter_module fields to create
connections between the modules (incl. memories). This function is to
create and check the validity of the connections `inter_module` using IPs'
list_of_intersignals = []
if "inter_signal" not in topcfg:
topcfg["inter_signal"] = OrderedDict()
# Gather the inter_signal_list
instances = topcfg["module"] + topcfg["memory"]
intermodule_instances = [x for x in instances if "inter_signal_list" in x]
for x in intermodule_instances:
for sig in x["inter_signal_list"]:
# Add instance name to the entry and add to list_of_intersignals
sig["inst_name"] = x["name"]
# Add field to the topcfg
topcfg["inter_signal"]["signals"] = list_of_intersignals
# TODO: Cross check Can be done here not in validate as ipobj is not
# available in validate
error = check_intermodule(topcfg, "Inter-module Check")
assert error == 0, "Inter-module validation is failed cannot move forward."
# intermodule
definitions = []
# Check the originator
# As inter-module connection allow only 1:1, 1:N, or N:1, pick the most
# common signals. If a requester connects to multiple responders/receivers,
# the requester is main connector so that the definition becomes array.
# For example:
# inter_module: {
# 'connect': {
# 'pwr_mgr.pwrup': ['lc.pwrup', 'otp.pwrup']
# }
# }
# The tool adds `struct [1:0] pwr_mgr_pwrup`
# It doesn't matter whether `pwr_mgr.pwrup` is requester or responder.
# If the key is responder type, then the connection is made in reverse,
# such that `lc.pwrup --> pwr_mgr.pwrup[0]` and
# `otp.pwrup --> pwr_mgr.pwrup[1]`
uid = 0 # Unique connection ID across the top
for req, rsps in topcfg["inter_module"]["connect"].items():"{req} --> {rsps}".format(req=req, rsps=rsps))
# Split index
req_module, req_signal, req_index = filter_index(req)
# get the module signal
req_struct = find_intermodule_signal(list_of_intersignals, req_module,
rsp_len = len(rsps)
# decide signal format based on the `key`
sig_name = intersignal_format(req_struct)
req_struct["top_signame"] = sig_name
# Find package in req, rsps
if "package" in req_struct:
package = req_struct["package"]
for rsp in rsps:
rsp_module, rsp_signal, rsp_index = filter_index(rsp)
rsp_struct = find_intermodule_signal(list_of_intersignals,
rsp_module, rsp_signal)
if "package" in rsp_struct:
package = rsp_struct["package"]
if not package:
package = ""
# Add to definition
if req_struct["type"] == "req_rsp":
# Add two definitions
OrderedDict([('package', package),
('struct', req_struct["struct"] + "_req"),
('signame', sig_name + "_req"),
('width', req_struct["width"]),
('type', req_struct["type"]),
('default', req_struct["default"])]))
OrderedDict([('package', package),
('struct', req_struct["struct"] + "_rsp"),
('signame', sig_name + "_rsp"),
('width', req_struct["width"]),
('type', req_struct["type"]),
('default', req_struct["default"])]))
# unidirection
OrderedDict([('package', package),
('struct', req_struct["struct"]),
('signame', sig_name),
('width', req_struct["width"]),
('type', req_struct["type"]),
('default', req_struct["default"])]))
req_struct["index"] = -1
for i, rsp in enumerate(rsps):
# Split index
rsp_module, rsp_signal, rsp_index = filter_index(rsp)
rsp_struct = find_intermodule_signal(list_of_intersignals,
rsp_module, rsp_signal)
# determine the signal name
rsp_struct["top_signame"] = sig_name
if req_struct["type"] == "uni" and req_struct[
"top_type"] == "broadcast":
rsp_struct["index"] = -1
elif rsp_struct["width"] == req_struct["width"] and len(rsps) == 1:
rsp_struct["index"] = -1
rsp_struct["index"] = -1 if req_struct["width"] == 1 else i
# Assume it is logic
# req_rsp doesn't allow logic
if req_struct["struct"] == "logic":
assert req_struct[
"type"] != "req_rsp", "logic signal cannot have req_rsp type"
if rsp_len != 1:
log.warning("{req}[{i}] -> {rsp}".format(req=req, i=i,
log.warning("{req} -> {rsp}".format(req=req, rsp=rsp))
# increase Unique ID
uid += 1
# TODO: Check unconnected port
if "top" not in topcfg["inter_module"]:
topcfg["inter_module"]["top"] = []
for s in topcfg["inter_module"]["top"]:
sig_m, sig_s, sig_i = filter_index(s)
assert sig_i == -1, 'top net connection should not use bit index'
sig = find_intermodule_signal(list_of_intersignals, sig_m, sig_s)
sig_name = intersignal_format(sig)
sig["top_signame"] = sig_name
if "index" not in sig:
sig["index"] = -1
if sig["type"] == "req_rsp":
# Add two definitions
OrderedDict([('package', sig["package"]),
('struct', sig["struct"] + "_req"),
('signame', sig_name + "_req"),
('width', sig["width"]),
('type', sig["type"]),
('default', sig["default"])]))
OrderedDict([('package', sig["package"]),
('struct', sig["struct"] + "_rsp"),
('signame', sig_name + "_rsp"),
('width', sig["width"]),
('type', sig["type"]),
('default', sig["default"])]))
else: # if sig["type"] == "uni":
OrderedDict([('package', sig["package"]),
('struct', sig["struct"]), ('signame', sig_name),
('width', sig["width"]),
('type', sig["type"]),
('default', sig["default"])]))
if "external" not in topcfg["inter_module"]:
topcfg["inter_module"]["external"] = []
topcfg["inter_signal"]["external"] = []
if "external" not in topcfg["inter_signal"]:
topcfg["inter_signal"]["external"] = []
for s in topcfg["inter_module"]["external"]:
sig_m, sig_s, sig_i = filter_index(s)
assert sig_i == -1, 'top net connection should not use bit index'
sig = find_intermodule_signal(list_of_intersignals, sig_m, sig_s)
sig_name = intersignal_format(sig)
sig["top_signame"] = sig_name
if "index" not in sig:
sig["index"] = -1
# Add the port definition to top external ports
# TODO: Handle the suffix `_i`, `_o` correctly.
# For now, external doesn't create _i, _o
if sig["type"] == "req_rsp":
OrderedDict([('package', sig["package"]),
('struct', sig["struct"] + "_req"),
('signame', sig_name + "_req"),
('width', sig["width"]), ('type', sig["type"]),
('default', sig["default"]),
'out' if sig['act'] == "req" else 'in')]))
OrderedDict([('package', sig["package"]),
('struct', sig["struct"] + "_rsp"),
('signame', sig_name + "_rsp"),
('width', sig["width"]), ('type', sig["type"]),
('default', sig["default"]),
'in' if sig['act'] == "req" else 'out')]))
else: # uni
OrderedDict([('package', sig["package"]),
('struct', sig["struct"]), ('signame', sig_name),
('width', sig["width"]), ('type', sig["type"]),
('default', sig["default"]),
'out' if sig['act'] == "req" else 'in')]))
for sig in topcfg["inter_signal"]["signals"]:
# Check if it exist in definitions
if "top_signame" in sig:
# Set index to -1
sig["index"] = -1
# TODO: Handle the unconnected port rule
if "definitions" not in topcfg["inter_signal"]:
topcfg["inter_signal"]["definitions"] = definitions
def filter_index(signame: str) -> Tuple[str, str, int]:
"""If the signal has array indicator `[N]` then split and return name and
array index. If not, array index is -1.
param signame module.sig{[N]}
result (module_name, signal_name, array_index)
m = re.match(r'(\w+)\.(\w+)(\[(\d+)\])*', signame)
if not m:
# Cannot match the pattern
return "", "", -1
# array index is not None
return,, -1
def find_intermodule_signal(sig_list, m_name, s_name) -> Dict:
"""Return the intermodule signal structure
filtered = [
x for x in sig_list if x["name"] == s_name and x["inst_name"] == m_name
if len(filtered) == 1:
return filtered[0]
log.error("Found {num} entry/entries for {m_name}.{s_name}:".format(
num=len(filtered), m_name=m_name, s_name=s_name))
return None
# Validation
def check_intermodule_field(obj: OrderedDict, prefix: str = "") -> int:
error = 0
# type check
if obj["type"] not in IM_TYPES:
log.error("{prefix} Inter_signal {name} "
"type {type} is incorrect.".format(prefix=prefix,
error += 1
if obj["act"] not in IM_ACTS:
log.error("{prefix} Inter_signal {name} "
"act {act} is incorrect.".format(prefix=prefix,
error += 1
# Check if type and act are matched
if error == 0:
if obj["act"] not in IM_VALID_TYPEACT[obj['type']]:
log.error("{type} and {act} of {name} are not a valid pair."
error += 1
# Check 'width' field
width = 1
if "width" not in obj:
obj["width"] = 1
elif not isinstance(obj["width"], int):
width, err = check_int(obj["width"], obj["name"])
if err:
log.error("{prefix} Inter-module {inst}.{sig} 'width' "
"should be int type.".format(prefix=prefix,
error += 1
# convert to int value
obj["width"] = width
# Add empty string if no explicit default for dangling pins is given.
# In that case, dangling pins of type struct will be tied to the default
# parameter in the corresponding package, and dangling pins of type logic
# will be tied off to '0.
if "default" not in obj:
obj["default"] = ""
return error
def check_intermodule(topcfg: Dict, prefix: str) -> int:
if "inter_module" not in topcfg:
return 0
total_error = 0
for req, rsps in topcfg["inter_module"]["connect"].items():
error = 0
# checking the key, value are in correct format
# Allowed format
# 1. module.signal
# 2. module.signal[index] // Remember array is not yet supported
# // But allow in format checker
# Example:
# inter_module: {
# 'connect': {
# 'flash_ctrl.flash': ['eflash.flash_ctrl'],
# 'life_cycle.provision': ['debug_tap.dbg_en', 'dft_ctrl.en'],
# 'otp.pwr_hold': ['pwrmgr.peri[0]'],
# 'flash_ctrl.pwr_hold': ['pwrmgr.peri[1]'],
# }
# }
# If length of value list is > 1, then key should be array (width need to match)
# If key is format #2, then lenght of value list shall be 1
# If one of the value is format #2, then the key should be 1 bit width and
# entries of value list should be 1
req_m, req_s, req_i = filter_index(req)
if req_s == "":
"Cannot parse the inter-module signal key '{req}'".format(
error += 1
# Check rsps signal format is list
if not isinstance(rsps, list):
log.error("Value of key '{req}' should be a list".format(req=req))
error += 1
req_struct = find_intermodule_signal(topcfg["inter_signal"]["signals"],
req_m, req_s)
error += check_intermodule_field(req_struct)
if req_i != -1 and len(rsps) != 1:
# Array format should have one entry
"If key {req} has index, only one entry is allowed.".format(
error += 1
total_width = 0
widths = []
# Check rsp format
for i, rsp in enumerate(rsps):
rsp_m, rsp_s, rsp_i = filter_index(rsp)
if rsp_s == "":
"Cannot parse the inter-module signal key '{req}->{rsp}'".
format(req=req, rsp=rsp))
error += 1
rsp_struct = find_intermodule_signal(
topcfg["inter_signal"]["signals"], rsp_m, rsp_s)
error += check_intermodule_field(rsp_struct)
total_width += rsp_struct["width"]
# Type check
if "package" not in rsp_struct:
rsp_struct["package"] = req_struct["package"]
elif req_struct["package"] != rsp_struct["package"]:
"Inter-module package should be matched: "
"{req}->{rsp} exp({expected}), actual({actual})".format(
error += 1
if req_struct["type"] != rsp_struct["type"]:
"Inter-module type should be matched: "
"{req}->{rsp} exp({expected}), actual({actual})".format(
error += 1
# If len(rsps) is 1, then the width should be matched to req
if req_struct["width"] != 1:
if rsp_struct["width"] not in [1, req_struct["width"]]:
"If req {req} is an array, "
"rsp {rsp} shall be non-array or array with same width"
.format(req=req, rsp=rsp))
error += 1
elif rsp_i != -1:
# If rsp has index, req should be width 1
"If rsp {rsp} has an array index, only one-to-one map is allowed."
error += 1
# Determine if "uni" is broadcast or one-to-N
if req_struct["type"] == "uni" and len(rsps) != 1:
# If req width is same as total width of rsps ==> one-to-N
if req_struct["width"] == total_width:
req_struct["top_type"] = "one-to-N"
# If req width is same to the every width of rsps ==> broadcast
elif len(rsps) * [req_struct["width"]] == widths:
req_struct["top_type"] = "broadcast"
# If not, error
log.error("'uni' type connection {req} should be either"
"OneToN or Broadcast".format(req=req))
error += 1
elif req_struct["type"] == "uni":
# one-to-one connection
req_struct["top_type"] = "broadcast"
# If req is array, it is not allowed to have partial connections.
# Doing for loop again here: Make code separate from other checker
# for easier maintenance
total_error += error
if error != 0:
# Skip the check
rsps_width = 0
for rsp in rsps:
rsp_m, rsp_s, rsp_i = filter_index(rsp)
rsp_struct = find_intermodule_signal(
topcfg["inter_signal"]["signals"], rsp_m, rsp_s)
# Update total responses width
rsps_width += rsp_struct["width"]
if req_struct["width"] != rsps_width:
"Request {} width is not matched with total responses width {}"
.format(req_struct["width"], rsps_width))
error += 1
for item in topcfg["inter_module"]["top"] + topcfg["inter_module"][
sig_m, sig_s, sig_i = filter_index(item)
if sig_i != -1:
log.error("{item} cannot have index".format(item=item))
total_error += 1
sig_struct = find_intermodule_signal(topcfg["inter_signal"]["signals"],
sig_m, sig_s)
total_error += check_intermodule_field(sig_struct)
return total_error
# Template functions
def im_defname(obj: OrderedDict) -> str:
"""return definition struct name
e.g. flash_ctrl::flash_req_t
if obj["package"] == "":
# should be logic
return "logic"
return "{package}::{struct}_t".format(package=obj["package"],
def im_netname(obj: OrderedDict, suffix: str = "") -> str:
"""return top signal name with index
# sanity check and add missing fields
# Floating signals
# TODO: Find smarter way to assign default?
if "top_signame" not in obj:
if obj["act"] == "req" and suffix == "req":
return ""
if obj["act"] == "rsp" and suffix == "rsp":
return ""
if obj["act"] == "req" and suffix == "rsp":
# custom default has been specified
if obj["default"]:
return obj["default"]
return "{package}::{struct}_RSP_DEFAULT".format(
package=obj["package"], struct=obj["struct"].upper())
if obj["act"] == "rsp" and suffix == "req":
# custom default has been specified
if obj["default"]:
return obj["default"]
return "{package}::{struct}_REQ_DEFAULT".format(
package=obj["package"], struct=obj["struct"].upper())
if obj["act"] == "rcv" and suffix == "" and obj["struct"] == "logic":
# custom default has been specified
if obj["default"]:
return obj["default"]
return "'0"
if obj["act"] == "rcv" and suffix == "":
# custom default has been specified
if obj["default"]:
return obj["default"]
return "{package}::{struct}_DEFAULT".format(
package=obj["package"], struct=obj["struct"].upper())
return ""
# Connected signals
assert suffix in ["", "req", "rsp"]
suffix_s = "_{suffix}".format(suffix=suffix) if suffix != "" else suffix
return "{top_signame}{suffix}{index}".format(
def im_portname(obj: OrderedDict, suffix: str = "") -> str:
"""return IP's port name
e.g signame_o for requester req signal
if suffix == "":
suffix_s = "_o" if obj["act"] == "req" else "_i"
elif suffix == "req":
suffix_s = "_o" if obj["act"] == "req" else "_i"
suffix_s = "_o" if obj["act"] == "rsp" else "_i"
return "{signame}{suffix}".format(signame=obj["name"], suffix=suffix_s)