| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| /** |
| * Covergoups that are dependent on run-time parameters that may be available |
| * only in build_phase can be defined here |
| * Covergroups may also be wrapped inside helper classes if needed. |
| */ |
| |
| // Covers various configuration combinations for the masked version of KMAC. |
| // |
| // Declare this outside of `kmac_env_cov` so that we can conditionally instantiate this in the |
| // `build_phase` depending on a value in the env_cfg object. |
| |
| // macro for the common KMAC configuration fields |
| `define COMMON_CFG_CGS \ |
| kmac_en: coverpoint kmac; \ |
| xof_en: coverpoint xof; \ |
| strength: coverpoint kstrength; \ |
| mode: coverpoint kmode; \ |
| key_len: coverpoint key; \ |
| msg_endian: coverpoint msg_endianness; \ |
| state_endian: coverpoint state_endianness; \ |
| sideload: coverpoint en_sideload; |
| |
| // creates the cross bins for all XOF functions |
| `define XOF_CROSS_CG(strength_cg, valid_mode_expr) \ |
| bins valid = ``valid_mode_expr`` && binsof(``strength_cg``) intersect {sha3_pkg::L128, sha3_pkg::L256}; \ |
| ignore_bins invalid_mode = !``valid_mode_expr``; \ |
| ignore_bins invalid_strength = !binsof(``strength_cg``) intersect {sha3_pkg::L128, sha3_pkg::L256}; |
| |
| // creates the cross bins for SHA3 functions |
| `define SHA3_CROSS_CG(mode_cg, strength_cg) \ |
| bins valid = binsof(``mode_cg``) intersect {sha3_pkg::Sha3}; \ |
| ignore_bins invalid_mode = !binsof(``mode_cg``) intersect {sha3_pkg::Sha3}; \ |
| ignore_bins invalid_strength = binsof(``strength_cg``) intersect {sha3_pkg::L128}; |
| |
| // creates a coverpoint to cover different TLUL access granularities |
| `define MASK_CP(name, mask) \ |
| ``name``: coverpoint ``mask`` { \ |
| bins byte_access = {'b0001, 'b0010, 'b0100, 'b1000}; \ |
| bins halfword_access = {'b0011, 'b0110, 'b1100}; \ |
| bins triple_byte_access = {'b0111, 'b1110}; \ |
| bins word_access = {'b1111}; \ |
| } |
| |
| |
| covergroup config_masked_cg with function sample(bit kmac, bit xof, |
| sha3_pkg::keccak_strength_e kstrength, |
| sha3_pkg::sha3_mode_e kmode, |
| kmac_pkg::key_len_e key, |
| bit msg_endianness, |
| bit state_endianness, |
| bit en_sideload, |
| kmac_pkg::entropy_mode_e entr_mode, |
| bit fast_entropy); |
| |
| entropy_mode: coverpoint entr_mode; |
| |
| entropy_fast_process: coverpoint fast_entropy; |
| |
| // cross the various configuration settings |
| |
| kmac_cross: cross kmac_en, xof_en, strength, key_len, msg_endian, |
| state_endian, entropy_mode, entropy_fast_process { |
| `XOF_CROSS_CG(strength, binsof(kmac_en) intersect {1}) |
| } |
| |
| cshake_cross: cross mode, strength, msg_endian, state_endian, |
| entropy_mode, entropy_fast_process { |
| `XOF_CROSS_CG(strength, binsof(mode) intersect {sha3_pkg::CShake}) |
| } |
| |
| shake_cross: cross mode, strength, msg_endian, state_endian, |
| entropy_mode, entropy_fast_process { |
| `XOF_CROSS_CG(strength, binsof(mode) intersect {sha3_pkg::Shake}) |
| } |
| |
| sha3_cross: cross mode, strength, msg_endian, state_endian, |
| entropy_mode, entropy_fast_process { |
| `SHA3_CROSS_CG(mode, strength) |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| |
| // Covers various configuration combinations for the unmasked version of KMAC. |
| // |
| // Declare this outside of `kmac_env_cov` so that we can conditionally instantiate this in the |
| // `build_phase` depending on a value in the env_cfg object. |
| covergroup config_unmasked_cg with function sample(bit kmac, bit xof, |
| sha3_pkg::keccak_strength_e kstrength, |
| sha3_pkg::sha3_mode_e kmode, |
| kmac_pkg::key_len_e key, |
| bit msg_endianness, |
| bit state_endianness, |
| bit en_sideload); |
| |
| // cross the various configuration settings |
| |
| kmac_cross: cross kmac_en, xof_en, strength, key_len, msg_endian, state_endian { |
| `XOF_CROSS_CG(strength, binsof(kmac_en) intersect {1}) |
| } |
| |
| cshake_cross: cross mode, strength, msg_endian, state_endian { |
| `XOF_CROSS_CG(strength, binsof(mode) intersect {sha3_pkg::CShake}) |
| } |
| |
| shake_cross: cross mode, strength, msg_endian, state_endian { |
| `XOF_CROSS_CG(strength, binsof(mode) intersect {sha3_pkg::Shake}) |
| } |
| |
| sha3_cross: cross mode, strength, msg_endian, state_endian { |
| `SHA3_CROSS_CG(mode, strength) |
| } |
| |
| endgroup |
| |
| // Wrapper class for the covergroup for the application interface. |
| // |
| // We do this so that we can create an array of these covergroups for each app interface |
| // present in the testbench environment. |
| class app_cg_wrap; |
| // done signal is sent while kecak rounds are running |
| covergroup app_cg(string name) with function sample(bit single_beat, |
| bit [keymgr_pkg::KmacDataIfWidth/8-1:0] strb, |
| bit err, |
| bit is_done, |
| bit in_keccak); |
| option.per_instance = 1; |
| option.name = name; |
| |
| single_data_beat: coverpoint single_beat; |
| |
| data_strb: coverpoint strb { |
| bins one_byte = {'b0000_0001}; |
| bins two_bytes = {'b0000_0011}; |
| bins three_bytes = {'b0000_0111}; |
| bins four_bytes = {'b0000_1111}; |
| bins five_bytes = {'b0001_1111}; |
| bins six_bytes = {'b0011_1111}; |
| bins seven_bytes = {'b0111_1111}; |
| bins full_data_beat = {'1}; |
| illegal_bins invalid = default; |
| } |
| |
| app_err: coverpoint err; |
| |
| done: coverpoint is_done; |
| |
| in_keccak_rounds: coverpoint in_keccak; |
| |
| partial_data_on_last_beat: cross done, data_strb { |
| bins valid = binsof(done) intersect {1}; |
| |
| ignore_bins invalid = !binsof(done) intersect {1}; |
| } |
| |
| done_in_keccak_rounds: cross done, in_keccak_rounds { |
| bins valid = binsof(done) intersect {1}; |
| |
| ignore_bins invalid = !binsof(done) intersect {1}; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| function new(string name = "app_cg"); |
| app_cg = new(name); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function void sample(bit single_beat, |
| bit [keymgr_pkg::KmacDataIfWidth/8-1:0] strb, |
| bit err, |
| bit is_done, |
| bit in_keccak); |
| app_cg.sample(single_beat, strb, err, is_done, in_keccak); |
| endfunction |
| endclass |
| |
| |
| // Covers whether we see an EDN response while keccak rounds are active/inactive. |
| // Create this covergroup outside of the class as its instantiation relies on a field in the |
| // env.cfg. |
| covergroup edn_cg with function sample(bit in_keccak_rounds); |
| edn_in_keccak: coverpoint in_keccak_rounds; |
| endgroup |
| |
| |
| class kmac_env_cov extends cip_base_env_cov #(.CFG_T(kmac_env_cfg)); |
| `uvm_component_utils(kmac_env_cov) |
| |
| // the base class provides the following handles for use: |
| // kmac_env_cfg: cfg |
| |
| // covergroups |
| |
| config_masked_cg config_masked_cg; |
| config_unmasked_cg config_unmasked_cg; |
| |
| edn_cg edn_cg; |
| |
| app_cg_wrap app_cg_wrappers[kmac_pkg::NumAppIntf]; |
| |
| covergroup msg_len_cg with function sample(int len); |
| msg_len: coverpoint len { |
| bins len_0 = {0}; |
| bins len_1 = {1}; |
| bins len_keccak_block_sizes[] = {72, 104, 136, 144, 168}; |
| bins len_0_256 = {[0 : 256]}; |
| bins len_257_512 = {[257 : 512]}; |
| bins len_513_768 = {[513 : 768]}; |
| bins len_769_1024 = {[769 : 1024]}; |
| bins len_1025_2500 = {[1025 : 2500]}; |
| bins len_2501_5000 = {[2501 : 5000]}; |
| bins len_5001_7500 = {[5001 : 7500]}; |
| bins len_7501_10000 = {[7501 : 10_000]}; |
| bins remainder = default; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup output_digest_len_cg with function sample(int len); |
| output_digest_len: coverpoint len { |
| bins len_1 = {1}; |
| bins len_2_63 = {[2 : 63]}; |
| bins len_datapath_width = {64}; |
| bins len_keccak_block_sizes[] = {72, 104, 136, 144, 168}; |
| bins len_min_for_xof_require_squeeze = {137, 169}; |
| bins len_65_200 = {[65 : 200]}; |
| bins len_201_400 = {[201 : 400]}; |
| bins len_401_600 = {[401 : 600]}; |
| bins len_601_800 = {[601 : 800]}; |
| bins len_801_1000 = {[801 : 1_000]}; |
| bins remainder = default; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup prefix_range_cg with function sample(byte b); |
| prefix_range: coverpoint b { |
| bins space = {32}; |
| bins capital_letters = {[65 : 90]}; |
| bins lowercase_letters = {[97 : 122]}; |
| bins rest = default; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup msgfifo_write_mask_cg with function sample(bit [TL_DBW-1:0] mask); |
| `MASK_CP(msgfifo_write_mask, mask) |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup msgfifo_level_cg with function sample(bit fifo_empty, bit fifo_full, bit [4:0] fifo_depth, |
| sha3_pkg::sha3_mode_e mode, bit kmac_en); |
| kmac_mode: coverpoint kmac_en; |
| hash_mode: coverpoint mode { |
| bins sha3 = {sha3_pkg::Sha3}; |
| bins shake = {sha3_pkg::Shake}; |
| bins cshake = {sha3_pkg::CShake}; |
| } |
| msgfifo_empty: coverpoint fifo_empty; |
| msgfifo_full: coverpoint fifo_full; |
| msgfifo_depth: coverpoint fifo_depth { |
| bins depth[] = {[0 : KMAC_FIFO_DEPTH]}; |
| bins invalid = default; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup sha3_status_cg with function sample(bit sha3_idle, bit sha3_absorb, bit sha3_squeeze); |
| idle: coverpoint sha3_idle; |
| absorb: coverpoint sha3_absorb; |
| squeeze: coverpoint sha3_squeeze; |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup state_read_mask_cg with function sample(bit [TL_DBW-1:0] mask, bit share_num); |
| share: coverpoint share_num; |
| `MASK_CP(state_read_mask, mask) |
| state_mask_share_cross: cross share, state_read_mask; |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup cmd_process_cg with function sample(bit in_keccak_rounds, bit keccak_complete_cycle); |
| in_keccak: coverpoint in_keccak_rounds; |
| |
| in_keccak_complete_cycle: coverpoint keccak_complete_cycle; |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup sideload_cg with function sample(bit en_sideload, bit in_kmac, bit app_keymgr); |
| sideload: coverpoint en_sideload; |
| kmac_mode: coverpoint in_kmac; |
| in_app_keymgr: coverpoint app_keymgr; |
| |
| sideload_cross: cross sideload, kmac_mode, in_app_keymgr { |
| bins sw_kmac_valid_sideload = binsof(sideload) intersect {1} && binsof(kmac_mode); |
| bins sw_kmac_invalid_sideload = binsof(sideload) intersect {1} && binsof(kmac_mode); |
| bins app_valid_sideload = binsof(sideload) intersect {1} && binsof(in_app_keymgr); |
| bins app_invalid_sideload = binsof(sideload) intersect {1} && binsof(in_app_keymgr); |
| |
| ignore_bins invalid = !binsof(sideload) intersect {1}; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup app_cg with function sample(); |
| |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup error_cg with function sample(kmac_pkg::err_code_e kmac_err, |
| sha3_pkg::err_code_e sha3_err); |
| // placeholder comment |
| kmac_err_code: coverpoint kmac_err { |
| bins err_none = {kmac_pkg::ErrNone}; |
| bins err_key_not_valid = {kmac_pkg::ErrKeyNotValid}; |
| bins err_sw_pushed_msg_fifo = {kmac_pkg::ErrSwPushedMsgFifo}; |
| bins err_sw_pushed_wrong_cmd = {kmac_pkg::ErrSwPushedWrongCmd}; |
| bins err_wait_timer_expired = {kmac_pkg::ErrWaitTimerExpired}; |
| bins err_incorrect_entropy_mode = {kmac_pkg::ErrIncorrectEntropyMode}; |
| |
| bins invalid = default; |
| } |
| |
| sha3_err_code: coverpoint sha3_err { |
| bins err_none = {sha3_pkg::ErrNone}; |
| bins err_sha3_sw_control = {sha3_pkg::ErrSha3SwControl}; |
| |
| bins invalid = default; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| function sample_cfg(bit kmac, |
| bit xof, |
| sha3_pkg::keccak_strength_e kstrength, |
| sha3_pkg::sha3_mode_e kmode, |
| kmac_pkg::key_len_e key_len, |
| bit msg_endianness, |
| bit state_endianness, |
| bit en_sideload, |
| kmac_pkg::entropy_mode_e entropy_mode, |
| bit fast_entropy); |
| |
| if (cfg.enable_masking) begin |
| config_masked_cg.sample(kmac, xof, kstrength, kmode, key_len, msg_endianness, |
| state_endianness, en_sideload, entropy_mode, |
| fast_entropy); |
| end else begin |
| config_unmasked_cg.sample(kmac, xof, kstrength, kmode, key_len, |
| msg_endianness, state_endianness, |
| en_sideload); |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| |
| function new(string name, uvm_component parent); |
| kmac_app_e app_name = app_name.first; |
| super.new(name, parent); |
| // [instantiate covergroups here] |
| msg_len_cg = new(); |
| output_digest_len_cg = new(); |
| prefix_range_cg = new(); |
| msgfifo_write_mask_cg = new(); |
| msgfifo_level_cg = new(); |
| sha3_status_cg = new(); |
| state_read_mask_cg = new(); |
| cmd_process_cg = new(); |
| sideload_cg = new(); |
| error_cg = new(); // TODO sample this in scb |
| do begin |
| app_cg_wrappers[app_name] = new({app_name.name(), "_cg"}); |
| app_name = app_name.next; |
| end while (app_name != app_name.first); |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); |
| super.build_phase(phase); |
| // [or instantiate covergroups here] |
| // Please instantiate sticky_intr_cov array of objects for all interrupts that are sticky |
| // See cip_base_env_cov for details |
| if (cfg.enable_masking) begin |
| config_masked_cg = new(); |
| edn_cg = new(); |
| end else begin |
| config_unmasked_cg = new(); |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| endclass |
| |
| `undef MASK_CP |
| `undef SHA3_CROSS_CG |
| `undef XOF_CROSS_CG |
| `undef COMMON_CFG_CGS |