blob: 5e2c73ce4502aff401239ad079ed080d38ff82ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Life cycle interface for performing life cycle transitions in OTP.
`include ""
module otp_ctrl_lci
import otp_ctrl_pkg::*;
import otp_ctrl_reg_pkg::*;
// Lifecycle partition information
parameter part_info_t Info
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input lci_en_i,
// Escalation input. This moves the FSM into a terminal state and locks down
// the partition.
input lc_tx_t escalate_en_i,
// Life cycle transition request. In order to perform a state transition,
// the LC controller signals the differential value with respect to the
// current state. The OTP controller then only programs the non-zero
// state differential.
input lc_req_i,
input lc_state_e lc_state_diff_i,
input lc_value_e [NumLcCountValues-1:0] lc_count_diff_i,
output logic lc_ack_o,
output logic lc_err_o,
// Output error state of partition, to be consumed by OTP error/alert logic.
// Note that most errors are not recoverable and move the partition FSM into
// a terminal error state.
output otp_err_e error_o,
output logic lci_idle_o,
// OTP interface
output logic otp_req_o,
output prim_otp_cmd_e otp_cmd_o,
output logic [OtpSizeWidth-1:0] otp_size_o,
output logic [OtpIfWidth-1:0] otp_wdata_o,
output logic [OtpAddrWidth-1:0] otp_addr_o,
input otp_gnt_i,
input otp_rvalid_i,
input [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] otp_rdata_i,
input otp_err_e otp_err_i
// Integration Checks //
import prim_util_pkg::vbits;
localparam int NumLcOtpWords = Info.size >> OtpAddrShift;
localparam int CntWidth = vbits(NumLcOtpWords);
// Controller FSM //
// Encoding generated with ./ -d 5 -m 5 -n 9 -s 558234734
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: --
// 4: --
// 5: |||||||||||||||||||| (60.00%)
// 6: ||||||||||||| (40.00%)
// 7: --
// 8: --
// 9: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 5
// Maximum Hamming distance: 6
localparam int StateWidth = 9;
typedef enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
ResetSt = 9'b010110111,
IdleSt = 9'b101010010,
WriteSt = 9'b111101110,
WriteWaitSt = 9'b100011101,
ErrorSt = 9'b010000000
} state_e;
logic cnt_clr, cnt_en;
logic [CntWidth-1:0] cnt_d, cnt_q;
otp_err_e error_d, error_q;
logic diff_data_is_set;
state_e state_d, state_q;
// Output LCI errors
assign error_o = error_q;
always_comb begin : p_fsm
state_d = state_q;
// Counter
cnt_en = 1'b0;
cnt_clr = 1'b0;
// Idle status
lci_idle_o = 1'b0;
// OTP signals
otp_req_o = 1'b0;
otp_cmd_o = OtpRead;
// Respone to LC controller
lc_err_o = 1'b0;
lc_ack_o = 1'b0;
// Error Register
error_d = error_q;
unique case (state_q)
// State right after reset. Wait here until LCI gets enabled.
ResetSt: begin
if (lci_en_i) begin
state_d = IdleSt;
// Wait for a request from the life cycle controller
IdleSt: begin
if (lc_req_i) begin
state_d = WriteSt;
cnt_clr = 1'b1;
// Loop through the lifecycle sate and burn in the words that are set.
WriteSt: begin
// Check whether the OTP word is nonzero.
if (diff_data_is_set) begin
otp_req_o = 1'b1;
otp_cmd_o = OtpWrite;
if (otp_gnt_i) begin
state_d = WriteWaitSt;
// Check whether we examined all OTP words.
// If yes, we are done and can go back to idle.
end else if (cnt_q == NumLcOtpWords-1) begin
state_d = IdleSt;
lc_ack_o = 1'b1;
// Otherwise we increase the OTP word counter.
end else begin
cnt_en = 1'b1;
// Wait for OTP response, and check whether there are more words to burn in.
// In case an OTP transaction fails, latch the OTP error code, and jump to
// terminal error state.
WriteWaitSt: begin
if (otp_rvalid_i) begin
// Check OTP return code. We do not tolerate any errors here.
if (otp_err_i != NoErr) begin
state_d = ErrorSt;
error_d = otp_err_i;
lc_ack_o = 1'b1;
lc_err_o = 1'b1;
end else begin
// Check whether we examined all OTP words.
// If yes, we are done and can go back to idle.
if (cnt_q == NumLcOtpWords-1) begin
state_d = IdleSt;
lc_ack_o = 1'b1;
// Otherwise we increase the OTP word counter.
end else begin
state_d = WriteSt;
cnt_en = 1'b1;
// Terminal Error State. This locks access to the partition.
// Make sure the partition signals an error state if no error
// code has been latched so far, and lock the buffer regs down.
ErrorSt: begin
if (!error_q) begin
error_d = FsmErr;
// We should never get here. If we do (e.g. via a malicious
// glitch), error out immediately.
default: begin
state_d = ErrorSt;
endcase // state_q
if (state_q != ErrorSt) begin
// Unconditionally jump into the terminal error state in case of escalation.
if (escalate_en_i != Off) begin
state_d = ErrorSt;
error_d = EscErr;
// Counter and address calc //
// Native OTP word counter
assign cnt_d = (cnt_clr) ? '0 :
(cnt_en) ? cnt_q + 1'b1 : cnt_q;
// Note that OTP works on halfword (16bit) addresses, hence need to
// shift the addresses appropriately.
assign otp_addr_o = (Info.offset >> OtpAddrShift) + cnt_q;
// Always transfer 16bit blocks.
assign otp_size_o = '0;
logic [NumLcOtpWords-1:0][OtpWidth-1:0] diff_data;
assign diff_data = {lc_count_diff_i, lc_state_diff_i};
assign otp_wdata_o = OtpIfWidth'(diff_data[cnt_q]);
assign diff_data_is_set = (diff_data[cnt_q] != Blk);
logic unused_rdata;
assign unused_rdata = ^otp_rdata_i;
// Registers //
// This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the
// flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations.
prim_flop #(
) u_state_regs (
.d_i ( state_d ),
.q_o ( state_q )
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_regs
if (!rst_ni) begin
error_q <= NoErr;
cnt_q <= '0;
end else begin
error_q <= error_d;
cnt_q <= cnt_d;
// Assertions //
`ASSERT_KNOWN(LcAckKnown_A, lc_ack_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(LcErrKnown_A, lc_err_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(ErrorKnown_A, error_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(LciIdleKnown_A, lci_idle_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpReqKnown_A, otp_req_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpCmdKnown_A, otp_cmd_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpSizeKnown_A, otp_size_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpWdataKnown_A, otp_wdata_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(OtpAddrKnown_A, otp_addr_o)
endmodule : otp_ctrl_lci