blob: 35a32c4151fd4c428809501c7fb3ab73765e33e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// [UNSUPPORTED] Based on our Comportable IP spec, these TL pins are reserved / unused and hence,
// tied off.
-node tb.dut *tl_i.a_user.rsvd
-node tb.dut *tl_i.a_param
// [UNR] design ties these outputs to zeros.
-node tb.dut *tl_o.d_param
-node tb.dut *tl_o.d_opcode[1]
-node tb.dut *tl_o.d_opcode[2]
-node tb.dut *tl_o.d_sink
// [UNR] due to the ECC logics
-node tb.dut *tl_o.d_user.rsp_intg[6]
// [UNR] unused inputs at prim_secded_* in reg_top and mem.
-node tb.dut*_chk.u_chk data_i[56:43]
// [LOW_RISK] Verified in prim_alert_sender/receiver TB."
-node tb.dut* *alert_rx_i*.ping_p
-node tb.dut* *alert_rx_i*.ping_n