blob: 151bea05e94630b42e0c1fe8c750095711bb19c4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Generic constraints file for simple testsynthesis flow
# note that we do not fix hold timing in this flow
puts "Applying constraints for AES block"
# main clock #
set MAIN_CLK_PIN clk_i
set MAIN_RST_PIN rst_ni
# set main clock to 125 MHz
set MAIN_TCK 8.0
set_ideal_network ${MAIN_CLK_PIN}
set_ideal_network ${MAIN_RST_PIN}
set_clock_uncertainty ${SETUP_CLOCK_UNCERTAINTY} ${MAIN_CLK_PIN}
# other timing constraint in ns
set IN_DEL 1.0
set OUT_DEL 1.0
create_clock ${MAIN_CLK_PIN} -period ${MAIN_TCK}
# in to out
set_max_delay ${DELAY} -from [all_inputs] -to [all_outputs]
# in to reg / reg to out
set_input_delay ${IN_DEL} [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] {${MAIN_CLK_PIN}}] -clock ${MAIN_CLK_PIN}
set_output_delay ${OUT_DEL} [all_outputs] -clock ${MAIN_CLK_PIN}
# I/O drive/load #
# attach load and drivers to IOs to get a more realistic estimate
set_driving_cell -no_design_rule -lib_cell ${driving_cell} -pin X [all_inputs]
set_load [load_of ${load_lib}/${load_cell}/A] [all_outputs]
# set a nonzero critical range to be able to spot the violating paths better
# in the report
set_critical_range 0.5 ${DUT}