blob: 960647b936f14e05c45364a9a3f37bf0a96bed9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// CSR suite of sequences that do writes and reads to csrs
// includes hw_reset, rw, bit_bash and aliasing tests for csrs, and mem_walk for uvm_mems
// TODO: when mem backdoor is implemented, add uvm_mem_access_seq for backdoor rd
// The sequences perform csr writes and reads and follow the standard csr test suite. If external
// checker is enabled, then the external entity is required to update the mirrored value on
// writes. If not enabled, the sequences themselves call predict function to update the mirrored
// value. Consequently, the read values are checked against the mirrored value and not the
// previously written value. This approach is better since it takes care of special
// register and field access policies. Also, we use csr_rd_check task instead of csr_mirror to take
// field exclusions into account.
// Csrs to be tested is accumulated and shuffled from the supplied reg models.
// What / how many csrs to test can be further controlled in 3 ways -
// 1. Externally add specific csrs to test_csrs queue (highest prio)
// 2. Set num_test_csrs test a randomly picked set of csrs from the supplied models
// 3. Set / pass via plusarg, num_csr_chunks / test_csr_chunk
// Exclusions are to be provided using the csr_excl_item item (see class for more details).
class csr_base_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #(uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item));
uvm_reg_block models[$];
uvm_reg all_csrs[$];
uvm_reg test_csrs[$];
csr_excl_item m_csr_excl_item;
// By default, assume external checker (example, scoreboard) is turned off. If that is the case,
// then writes are followed by call to predict function to update the mirrored value. Reads are
// then checked against the mirrored value using csr_rd_check task. If external checker is
// enabled, then we let the external checker do the predict and compare.
// In either case, we should be able to do completely non-blocking writes and reads.
bit external_checker = 1'b0;
// either use num_test_csrs or {test_csr_chunk, num_csr_chunks} to test slice of all csrs
int num_test_csrs = 0;
int test_csr_chunk = 1;
int num_csr_chunks = 1;
// pre_start
virtual task pre_start();
// create test_csrs list only if its empty
if (test_csrs.size() == 0) set_csr_test_range();
// create dummy m_csr_excl_item if not supplied
if (m_csr_excl_item == null) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, "m_csr_excl_item is null, creating a dummy one locally", UVM_LOW)
m_csr_excl_item = csr_excl_item::type_id::create("m_csr_excl_item");
// post_start
virtual task post_start();
function void set_csr_excl_item(csr_excl_item item);
this.m_csr_excl_item = item;
// extract csrs and split and prune to a specified test_csr_chunk
virtual function void set_csr_test_range();
int start_idx;
int end_idx;
int chunk_size;
// extract all csrs from the model
// TODO: add and use function here instead that allows pre filtering csrs
foreach (models[i]) begin
if (num_test_csrs != 0) begin
num_csr_chunks = all_csrs.size / num_test_csrs + 1;
test_csr_chunk inside {[1:num_csr_chunks]};)
else begin
// extract test_csr_chunk, num_csr_chunks from plusargs
void'($value$plusargs("test_csr_chunk=%0d", test_csr_chunk));
void'($value$plusargs("num_csr_chunks=%0d", num_csr_chunks));
if (!(test_csr_chunk inside {[1:num_csr_chunks]})) begin
`uvm_fatal(`gtn, $sformatf({{"invalid opt +test_csr_chunk=%0d, +num_csr_chunks=%0d "},
{"(1 <= test_csr_chunk <= num_csr_chunks)"}},
test_csr_chunk, num_csr_chunks))
chunk_size = (num_test_csrs != 0) ? num_test_csrs : (all_csrs.size / num_csr_chunks + 1);
start_idx = (test_csr_chunk - 1) * chunk_size;
end_idx = test_csr_chunk * chunk_size;
if (end_idx >= all_csrs.size())
end_idx = all_csrs.size() - 1;
test_csrs = all_csrs[start_idx:end_idx];
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("testing %0d csrs [%0d - %0d] in all supplied models",
test_csrs.size(), start_idx, end_idx), UVM_MEDIUM)
foreach (test_csrs[i]) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("test_csrs list: %0s, reset: 0x%0x", test_csrs[i].get_full_name(),
test_csrs[i].get_mirrored_value()), UVM_HIGH)
// Class: csr_hw_reset_seq
// Brief Description: This sequence reads all CSRs and checks it against the reset value provided
// in the RAL specification. Note that this does not sufficiently qualify as the CSR HW reset test.
// The 'full' CSR HW reset test is constructed externally by running the csr_write_seq below first,
// issuing reset and only then running this sequence.
class csr_hw_reset_seq extends csr_base_seq;
virtual task body();
foreach (test_csrs[i]) begin
uvm_reg_data_t compare_mask;
// check if parent block or register is excluded from init check
if (m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(test_csrs[i], CsrExclInitCheck, CsrHwResetTest)) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Skipping register %0s due to CsrExclInitCheck exclusion",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Verifying reset value of register %0s",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
compare_mask = get_mask_excl_fields(test_csrs[i], CsrExclInitCheck, CsrHwResetTest,
csr_rd_check(.ptr (test_csrs[i]),
.blocking (0),
.compare (!external_checker),
.compare_mask (compare_mask));
// Class: csr_write_seq
// Brief Description: This sequence writes a random value to all CSRs. It does not perform any
// checks. It is run as the first step of the CSR HW reset test.
class csr_write_seq extends csr_base_seq;
static bit test_backdoor_path_done; // only run once
bit en_rand_backdoor_write;
virtual task body();
uvm_reg_data_t wdata;
// check all hdl paths are valid
if (!test_backdoor_path_done) begin
uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq hdl_check_seq;
hdl_check_seq = uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq::type_id::create("hdl_check_seq");
foreach (models[i]) begin
hdl_check_seq.model = models[i];
test_backdoor_path_done = 1;
foreach (test_csrs[i]) begin
dv_base_reg dv_csr;
bit backdoor;
// check if parent block or register is excluded from write
if (m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(test_csrs[i], CsrExclWrite, CsrHwResetTest)) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Skipping register %0s due to CsrExclWrite exclusion",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Writing random data to register %0s",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
wdata &= get_mask_excl_fields(test_csrs[i], CsrExclWrite, CsrHwResetTest, m_csr_excl_item);
`downcast(dv_csr, test_csrs[i])
if (en_rand_backdoor_write && !dv_csr.get_is_ext_reg()) begin
backdoor dist {0 :/ 7, 1 :/ 3};)
csr_wr(.ptr(test_csrs[i]), .value(wdata), .blocking(0), .backdoor(backdoor));
// Class: csr_rw_seq
// Brief Description: This seq writes a random value to a CSR and reads it back. The read value
// is checked for correctness while adhering to its access policies. A random choice is made between
// reading back the CSR as a whole or reading fields individually, so that partial accesses are made
// into the DUT as well.
class csr_rw_seq extends csr_base_seq;
virtual task body();
foreach (test_csrs[i]) begin
uvm_reg_data_t wdata;
uvm_reg_data_t compare_mask;
uvm_reg_field test_fields[$];
// check if parent block or register is excluded from write
if (m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(test_csrs[i], CsrExclWrite, CsrRwTest)) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Skipping register %0s due to CsrExclWrite exclusion",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Verifying register read/write for %0s",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
wdata &= get_mask_excl_fields(test_csrs[i], CsrExclWrite, CsrRwTest, m_csr_excl_item);
// if external checker is not enabled and writes are made non-blocking, then we need to
// pre-predict so that the mirrored value will be updated. if we dont, then csr_rd_check task
// might pick up stale mirrored value
// the pre-predict also needs to happen after the register is being written, to make sure the
// register is getting the updated access information.
csr_wr(.ptr(test_csrs[i]), .value(wdata), .blocking(0), .predict(!external_checker));
// Class: csr_bit_bash_seq
// Brief Description: This sequence walks a 1 through each CSR by writing one bit at a time and
// reading the CSR back. The read value is checked for correctness while adhering to its access
// policies. This verifies that there is no aliasing within the fields / bits of a CSR.
class csr_bit_bash_seq extends csr_base_seq;
virtual task body();
foreach (test_csrs[i]) begin
// check if parent block or register is excluded from write
if (m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(test_csrs[i], CsrExclWrite, CsrBitBashTest) ||
m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(test_csrs[i], CsrExclWriteCheck, CsrBitBashTest)) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Skipping register %0s due to CsrExclWrite/WriteCheck exclusion",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Verifying register bit bash for %0s",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
uvm_reg_field fields[$];
string mode[`UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH];
uvm_reg_data_t dc_mask; // dont write or read
uvm_reg_data_t cmp_mask; // read but dont compare
int n_bits;
string field_access;
int next_lsb;
n_bits = test_csrs[i].get_n_bytes() * 8;
// Let's see what kind of bits we have...
next_lsb = 0;
dc_mask = 0;
cmp_mask = 0;
foreach (fields[j]) begin
int lsb, w, dc, cmp;
field_access = fields[j].get_access(test_csrs[i].get_default_map());
cmp = (fields[j].get_compare() == UVM_NO_CHECK);
lsb = fields[j].get_lsb_pos();
w = fields[j].get_n_bits();
// Exclude write-only fields from compare because you are not supposed to read them
case (field_access)
"WO", "WOC", "WOS", "WO1", "NOACCESS", "": cmp = 1;
// skip fields that are wr-excluded
if (m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(fields[j], CsrExclWrite, CsrBitBashTest)) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Skipping field %0s due to CsrExclWrite exclusion",
fields[j].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
dc = 1;
// ignore fields that are init or rd-excluded
cmp = m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(fields[j], CsrExclInitCheck, CsrBitBashTest) ||
m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(fields[j], CsrExclWriteCheck, CsrBitBashTest) ;
// Any unused bits on the right side of the LSB?
while (next_lsb < lsb) mode[next_lsb++] = "RO";
repeat (w) begin
mode[next_lsb] = field_access;
dc_mask[next_lsb] = dc;
cmp_mask[next_lsb] = cmp;
// Any unused bits on the left side of the MSB?
while (next_lsb < `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH)
mode[next_lsb++] = "RO";
// Bash the kth bit
for (int k = 0; k < n_bits; k++) begin
// Cannot test unpredictable bit behavior
if (dc_mask[k]) continue;
bash_kth_bit(test_csrs[i], k, mode[k], cmp_mask);
task bash_kth_bit(uvm_reg rg,
int k,
string mode,
uvm_reg_data_t mask);
uvm_reg_data_t val;
string err_msg;
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("bashing %0s bit #%0d", mode, k), UVM_HIGH)
repeat (2) begin
val = rg.get();
val[k] = ~val[k];
err_msg = $sformatf("Wrote %0s[%0d]: %0b", rg.get_full_name(), k, val[k]);
csr_wr(.ptr(rg), .value(val), .blocking(1), .predict(!external_checker));
// TODO, outstanding access to same reg isn't supported in uvm_reg. Need to add another seq
// uvm_reg waits until transaction is completed, before start another read/write in same reg
csr_rd_check(.ptr (rg),
.blocking (0),
.compare (!external_checker),
.compare_mask (~mask),
.err_msg (err_msg));
endtask: bash_kth_bit
// Class: csr_aliasing_seq
// Brief Description: For each CSR, this sequence writes a random value to it and reads ALL CSRs
// back. The read value of the CSR that was written is checked for correctness while adhering to its
// access policies. The read value of all other CSRs are compared against their previous values.
// This verifies that there is no aliasing across the address bits within the valid CSR space.
class csr_aliasing_seq extends csr_base_seq;
virtual task body();
foreach(test_csrs[i]) begin
uvm_reg_data_t wdata;
// check if parent block or register is excluded
if (m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(test_csrs[i], CsrExclWrite, CsrAliasingTest)) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Skipping register %0s due to CsrExclWrite exclusion",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Verifying register aliasing for %0s",
test_csrs[i].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
wdata &= get_mask_excl_fields(test_csrs[i], CsrExclWrite, CsrAliasingTest, m_csr_excl_item);
csr_wr(.ptr(test_csrs[i]), .value(wdata), .blocking(0), .predict(!external_checker));
foreach (all_csrs[j]) begin
uvm_reg_data_t compare_mask;
// check if parent block or register is excluded
if (m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(all_csrs[j], CsrExclInitCheck, CsrAliasingTest) ||
m_csr_excl_item.is_excl(all_csrs[j], CsrExclWriteCheck, CsrAliasingTest)) begin
`uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("Skipping register %0s due to CsrExclInit/WriteCheck exclusion",
all_csrs[j].get_full_name()), UVM_MEDIUM)
compare_mask = get_mask_excl_fields(all_csrs[j], CsrExclWriteCheck, CsrAliasingTest,
csr_rd_check(.ptr (all_csrs[j]),
.blocking (0),
.compare (!external_checker),
.compare_mask (compare_mask));
// Class: csr_mem_walk_seq
// Brief Description: This seq walks through each address of the memory by running the default
// UVM mem walk sequence.
class csr_mem_walk_seq extends csr_base_seq;
uvm_mem_walk_seq mem_walk_seq;
virtual task body();
mem_walk_seq = uvm_mem_walk_seq::type_id::create("mem_walk_seq");
foreach (models[i]) begin
mem_walk_seq.model = models[i];
endtask : body