blob: bbb1bb8d53e37d9e62b55e85a97658a1195cef97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// 'name' is mandatory field
name: "foo"
intf: ["", "_jtag"]
// 'import_testplans' is a list of imported common testplans
// paths are relative to repo top
// all key_value pairs in this file other than 'import_testplans' and 'entries'
// can be used for wildcard substitutions in imported testplans
import_testplans: ["util/testplanner/examples/common_testplan.hjson"]
entries: [
// name of the testplan entry - should be unique
name: sanity
desc: '''Basic FOO sanity test. Describe this test in sufficient detail. You can
split the description on multiple lines like this (with 3 single-inverted
commas. Note that the subsequent lines are indented right below where the
inverted commas start.'''
// milestone for which this test is targeted for - V1, V2 or V3
milestone: V1
// tests of actual written tests that maps to this entry
tests: ["foo_sanity"]
name: feature1
desc: "A single line description with single double-inverted commas."
milestone: V2
// testplan entry with no tests added
tests: []
name: feature2
desc: '''**Goal**: How-to description
**Stimulus**: If possible, in the description indicate a brief one-liner
goal on the first line. Then, describe the stimulus and check procedures like
**Check**: This style is not mandatory, but highly recommended. Also note that
the description supports markdown formatting. Add things:
- like bullets
- something in **bold** and in *italic*
- A sub-bullet item<br>
Continue describing above bullet on a new line with a html line break.
Start a new para with with 2 newlines.
milestone: V2
// testplan entry with multiple tests added
tests: ["foo_feature2_type1",