blob: b81adcc90081638bafcf34097e46a78f14d74654 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for otbn
waive -rules {IFDEF_CODE} -location {} \
-regexp {'otbn_core' instance 'u_otbn_core' contained within `else block} \
-comment {It's true, and expected.}
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE RESET_USE} -location {} \
-regexp {'(clk_i|rst_ni)' is connected to 'otbn_decoder'} \
-comment {The module is fully combinatorial, clk/rst are only used for assertions.}
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE RESET_USE} -location {} \
-regexp {'(clk_i|rst_ni)' is connected to 'otbn_lsu'} \
-comment {The module is fully combinatorial, clk/rst are only used for assertions.}
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE RESET_USE} -location {} \
-regexp {'(clk_i|rst_ni)' is connected to 'otbn_alu_base'} \
-comment {The module is fully combinatorial, clk/rst are only used for assertions.}
waive -rules {RESET_USE} -location {} \
-regexp {'rst_ni' is connected to 'otbn_instruction_fetch'} \
-comment {The only flop in this module is not reset.}
waive -rules {ONE_BRANCH} -location {} \
-comment {For consistency in the decoder some case statements have only one branch.}
waive -rules {HIER_NET_NOT_READ NOT_READ} -location {} \
-regexp {(Net|Signal) 'imem_wmask_bus' is not read from} \
-comment {Signal is used in an assertion.}
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE RESET_USE} -location {} \
-regexp {'(clk_i|rst_ni)' is connected to '(prim_onehot_mux|otbn_mac_bignum)' port} \
-comment {The module is fully combinatorial, clk/rst are only used for assertions.}
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE RESET_USE} -location {} \
-regexp {'(clk_i|rst_ni)' is connected to 'otbn_predecode' port} \
-comment {The module is fully combinatorial, clk/rst are only used for assertions.}