blob: 1125dc95e0cc1d12d1fe1249f639f7877720276f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class kmac_env_cfg extends cip_base_env_cfg #(.RAL_T(kmac_reg_block));
// ext interfaces
kmac_vif kmac_vif;
rand kmac_app_agent_cfg m_kmac_app_agent_cfg[kmac_pkg::NumAppIntf];
rand key_sideload_agent_cfg keymgr_sideload_agent_cfg;
// Masked KMAC is the default configuration
bit enable_masking = 1;
// For the unmasked KMAC, the software key is not masked by default.
bit sw_key_masked = 0;
// Disable scb cycle accurate check ("status" and "intr_state" registers).
bit do_cycle_accurate_check = 1;
// These values are used by the test vector tests to select the correct vector text files.
// These are unused by all other tests.
int sha3_variant;
int shake_variant;
virtual function void initialize(bit [31:0] csr_base_addr = '1);
num_edn = 1;
list_of_alerts = kmac_env_pkg::LIST_OF_ALERTS;
tl_intg_alert_name = "fatal_fault_err";
sec_cm_alert_name = "fatal_fault_err";
tl_intg_alert_fields[ral.status.alert_fatal_fault] = 1;
tl_intg_alert_fields[ral.cfg_regwen.en] = 0;
tl_intg_alert_fields[ral.status.sha3_idle] = 0;
shadow_update_err_status_fields[ral.status.alert_recov_ctrl_update_err] = 1;
shadow_storage_err_status_fields[ral.status.alert_fatal_fault] = 1;
shadow_storage_err_status_fields[ral.cfg_regwen.en] = 0;
shadow_storage_err_status_fields[ral.status.sha3_idle] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kmac_pkg::NumAppIntf; i++) begin
string name = $sformatf("m_kmac_app_agent_cfg[%0d]", i);
m_kmac_app_agent_cfg[i] = kmac_app_agent_cfg::type_id::create(name);
m_kmac_app_agent_cfg[i].if_mode = dv_utils_pkg::Host;
keymgr_sideload_agent_cfg = key_sideload_agent_cfg#(keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t)::type_id
void'($value$plusargs("enable_masking=%0d", enable_masking));
void'($value$plusargs("sw_key_masked=%0d", sw_key_masked));
void'($value$plusargs("test_vectors_sha3_variant=%0d", sha3_variant));
void'($value$plusargs("test_vectors_shake_variant=%0d", shake_variant));
// set num_interrupts & num_alerts
uvm_reg rg = ral.get_reg_by_name("intr_state");
if (rg != null) begin
num_interrupts = ral.intr_state.get_n_used_bits();
// only support 1 outstanding TL items in tlul_adapter
m_tl_agent_cfg.max_outstanding_req = 1;