blob: 98e673a22739bbae049e3f8e7d42b33fd61e0628 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Flash Controllber Arbiter for read
`include ""
// flash read and erase functionality is shared betewen the hardware (life cycle
// and key manager) and software interfaces.
// This module arbitrates and muxes the controls between the two interfaces.
module flash_ctrl_arb import flash_ctrl_pkg::*; (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t disable_i,
// error address shared between interfaces
output logic [BusAddrW-1:0] ctrl_err_addr_o,
// software interface to rd_ctrl / erase_ctrl
input flash_ctrl_reg_pkg::flash_ctrl_reg2hw_control_reg_t sw_ctrl_i,
input [BusAddrByteW-1:0] sw_addr_i,
output logic sw_ack_o,
output flash_ctrl_err_t sw_err_o,
// software interface to prog_fifo
input sw_wvalid_i,
output logic sw_wready_o,
input [BusFullWidth-1:0] sw_wdata_i,
// hardware interface to rd_ctrl / erase_ctrl
input hw_req_i,
input flash_ctrl_reg_pkg::flash_ctrl_reg2hw_control_reg_t hw_ctrl_i,
input flash_lcmgr_phase_e hw_phase_i,
input [BusAddrByteW-1:0] hw_addr_i,
output logic hw_ack_o,
output flash_ctrl_err_t hw_err_o,
// hardware interface to prog_fifo
input hw_wvalid_i,
input [BusFullWidth-1:0] hw_wdata_i,
output logic hw_wready_o,
// muxed interface to rd_ctrl / erase_ctrl
output flash_ctrl_reg_pkg::flash_ctrl_reg2hw_control_reg_t muxed_ctrl_o,
output logic [BusAddrByteW-1:0] muxed_addr_o,
input prog_ack_i,
input flash_ctrl_err_t prog_err_i,
input [BusAddrW-1:0] prog_err_addr_i,
input rd_ack_i,
input flash_ctrl_err_t rd_err_i,
input [BusAddrW-1:0] rd_err_addr_i,
input erase_ack_i,
input flash_ctrl_err_t erase_err_i,
input [BusAddrW-1:0] erase_err_addr_i,
// muxed interface to prog_fifo
output logic prog_fifo_wvalid_o,
output logic [BusFullWidth-1:0] prog_fifo_wdata_o,
input logic prog_fifo_wready_i,
// flash phy initialization ongoing
input logic flash_phy_busy_i,
// clear fifo contents
output logic fifo_clr_o,
// output to memory protection
output flash_lcmgr_phase_e phase_o,
// indication that sw has been selected
output flash_sel_e sel_o,
// fsm sparse error
output logic fsm_err_o
// arbitration FSM
// Encoding generated with:
// $ ./util/design/ -d 5 -m 5 -n 10 \
// -s 1044018132 --language=sv --avoid-zero
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: --
// 4: --
// 5: |||||||||||||||||||| (50.00%)
// 6: |||||||||||||||| (40.00%)
// 7: |||| (10.00%)
// 8: --
// 9: --
// 10: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 5
// Maximum Hamming distance: 7
// Minimum Hamming weight: 5
// Maximum Hamming weight: 7
localparam int StateWidth = 10;
typedef enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
StReset = 10'b0011010110,
StHw = 10'b1111101110,
StSwActive = 10'b1100101001,
StSwIdle = 10'b1000000010,
StDisabled = 10'b0100010101
} arb_state_e;
flash_sel_e func_sel;
arb_state_e state_q, state_d;
logic sw_req;
assign sw_req = sw_ctrl_i.start.q;
`PRIM_FLOP_SPARSE_FSM(u_state_regs, state_d, state_q, arb_state_e, StReset)
always_comb begin
func_sel = NoneSel;
fifo_clr_o = 1'b0;
state_d = state_q;
fsm_err_o = 1'b0;
unique case (state_q)
StReset: begin
// until the flash phy is done with its own iniitlization,
// no flash controller activity is allowed to commence
if (!flash_phy_busy_i) begin
// after flash is ready, the HW interface always takes
// precedence for flash control initiliazation
state_d = StHw;
StHw: begin
func_sel = HwSel;
if (!hw_req_i) begin
state_d = StSwIdle;
StSwIdle: begin
// software is still selected to enable access to Fifos
func_sel = SwSel;
if (prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_loose(disable_i)) begin
// Do not randomly switch unless idle as it may cause stateful operations to be
// disturbed
state_d = StDisabled;
end else if (hw_req_i) begin
// if hardware request comes in the middle, wipe fifos and enable
// switch to hardware interface
fifo_clr_o = 1'b1;
state_d = StHw;
end else if (sw_req) begin
state_d = StSwActive;
StSwActive: begin
func_sel = SwSel;
// Stay in software active mode until operation completes.
// While operations are ongoing, the interface cannot be switched
if (prog_ack_i || rd_ack_i || erase_ack_i) begin
state_d = StSwIdle;
StDisabled: begin
state_d = StDisabled;
default: begin
fsm_err_o = 1'b1;
endcase // unique case (state_q)
end // always_comb
logic ctrl_ack;
flash_ctrl_err_t ctrl_err;
always_comb begin
muxed_ctrl_o = '0;
muxed_addr_o = '0;
sw_ack_o = '0;
sw_err_o = '0;
sw_wready_o = '0;
hw_ack_o = '0;
hw_err_o = '0;
hw_wready_o = '0;
prog_fifo_wvalid_o = '0;
prog_fifo_wdata_o = '0;
unique case (func_sel)
HwSel: begin
// ctrl related muxing
muxed_ctrl_o = hw_ctrl_i;
muxed_addr_o = hw_addr_i;
hw_ack_o = ctrl_ack;
hw_err_o = ctrl_err;
// fifo related muxing
hw_wready_o = prog_fifo_wready_i;
prog_fifo_wvalid_o = hw_wvalid_i;
prog_fifo_wdata_o = hw_wdata_i;
SwSel: begin
// ctrl related muxing
muxed_ctrl_o = sw_ctrl_i;
muxed_addr_o = sw_addr_i;
sw_ack_o = ctrl_ack;
sw_err_o = ctrl_err;
// fifo related muxing
sw_wready_o = prog_fifo_wready_i;
prog_fifo_wvalid_o = sw_wvalid_i;
prog_fifo_wdata_o = sw_wdata_i;
endcase // unique case (func_sel)
// pick appropriate feedback
always_comb begin
ctrl_ack = '0;
ctrl_err = '0;
ctrl_err_addr_o = '0;
unique case (muxed_ctrl_o.op.q)
FlashOpProgram: begin
ctrl_ack = prog_ack_i;
ctrl_err = prog_err_i;
ctrl_err_addr_o = prog_err_addr_i;
FlashOpErase: begin
ctrl_ack = erase_ack_i;
ctrl_err = erase_err_i;
ctrl_err_addr_o = erase_err_addr_i;
FlashOpRead: begin
ctrl_ack = rd_ack_i;
ctrl_err = rd_err_i;
ctrl_err_addr_o = rd_err_addr_i;
default: begin
// if operation is started but does not match
// any valid operation, error back
if (muxed_ctrl_o.start) begin
ctrl_ack = 1'b1;
ctrl_err.invalid_op_err = 1'b1;
endcase // unique case (muxed_ctrl_o.op.q)
assign sel_o = func_sel;
// At the moment there is no software control indicating phase.
assign phase_o = func_sel == SwSel ? PhaseInvalid : hw_phase_i;
endmodule // flash_ctrl_rd_arb