blob: 23168809784d3277338049e5e4140bfa5f954723 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Interface: pins_if
// Description: Pin interface for driving and sampling individual pins such as interrupts, alerts
// and gpios.
interface pins_if #(
parameter int Width = 1,
parameter bit [8*4-1:0] PullStrength = "Pull"
) (
inout [Width-1:0] pins
`include ""
`ASSERT_INIT(PullStrengthParamValid, PullStrength inside {"Weak", "Pull"})
logic [Width-1:0] pins_o; // value to be driven out
bit [Width-1:0] pins_oe = '0; // output enable
bit [Width-1:0] pins_pd = '0; // pull down enable
bit [Width-1:0] pins_pu = '0; // pull up enable
// function to set pin output enable for specific pin (useful for single pin interface)
function automatic void drive_en_pin(int idx = 0, bit val);
pins_oe[idx] = val;
// function to set pin output enable for all pins
function automatic void drive_en(bit [Width-1:0] val);
pins_oe = val;
// function to drive a specific pin with a value (useful for single pin interface)
function automatic void drive_pin(int idx = 0, logic val);
pins_oe[idx] = 1'b1;
pins_o[idx] = val;
endfunction // drive_pin
// function to drive all pins
function automatic void drive(logic [Width-1:0] val);
pins_oe = {Width{1'b1}};
pins_o = val;
endfunction // drive
// function to drive all pull down values
function automatic void set_pulldown_en(bit [Width-1:0] val);
pins_pd = val;
endfunction // set_pulldown_en
// function to drive all pull up values
function automatic void set_pullup_en(bit [Width-1:0] val);
pins_pu = val;
endfunction // set_pullup_en
// function to drive the pull down value on a specific pin
function automatic void set_pulldown_en_pin(int idx = 0, bit val);
pins_pd[idx] = val;
endfunction // set_pulldown_en_pin
// function to drive the pull up value on a specific pin
function automatic void set_pullup_en_pin(int idx = 0, bit val);
pins_pu[idx] = val;
endfunction // set_pullup_en_pin
// function to sample a specific pin (useful for single pin interface)
function automatic logic sample_pin(int idx = 0);
return pins[idx];
// function to sample all pins
function automatic logic [Width-1:0] sample();
return pins;
// Fully disconnect this interface, including the pulls.
function automatic void disconnect();
pins_oe = {Width{1'b0}};
pins_pu = {Width{1'b0}};
pins_pd = {Width{1'b0}};
// make connections
for (genvar i = 0; i < Width; i++) begin : gen_each_pin
assign pins[i] = pins_oe[i] ? pins_o[i] :
pins_pu[i] ? 1'b1 :
pins_pd[i] ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
// Drive the pin based on whether pullup / pulldown is enabled.
// If output is not enabled, then the pin is pulled up or down with the `PullStrength` strength
// Pullup has priority over pulldown.
if (PullStrength == "Pull") begin : gen_pull_strength_pull
assign (pull0, pull1) pins[i] = ~pins_oe[i] ? (pins_pu[i] ? 1'b1 :
pins_pd[i] ? 1'b0 : 1'bz) : 1'bz;
end : gen_pull_strength_pull
else if (PullStrength == "Weak") begin : gen_pull_strength_weak
assign (weak0, weak1) pins[i] = ~pins_oe[i] ? (pins_pu[i] ? 1'b1 :
pins_pd[i] ? 1'b0 : 1'bz) : 1'bz;
end : gen_pull_strength_weak
// If output enable is 1, strong driver assigns pin to 'value to be driven out';
// the external strong driver can still affect pin, if exists.
// Else if output enable is 0, weak pullup or pulldown is applied to pin.
// By doing this, we make sure that weak pullup or pulldown does not override
// any 'x' value on pin, that may result due to conflicting values
// between 'value to be driven out' and the external driver's value.
assign pins[i] = pins_oe[i] ? pins_o[i] : 1'bz;
end : gen_each_pin