| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| <% |
| page_width = (cfg.pages_per_bank-1).bit_length() |
| bank_width = (cfg.banks-1).bit_length() |
| total_pages = cfg.banks * cfg.pages_per_bank |
| bytes_per_page = cfg.words_per_page * cfg.word_bytes |
| total_byte_width = int(total_pages*bytes_per_page-1).bit_length() |
| info_type_width = (cfg.info_types-1).bit_length() |
| %> |
| |
| { name: "FLASH_CTRL", |
| clocking: [ |
| {clock: "clk_i", reset: "rst_ni", primary: true}, |
| {clock: "clk_otp_i", reset: "rst_otp_ni"} |
| ] |
| bus_interfaces: [ |
| { protocol: "tlul", direction: "device", name: "core" } |
| { protocol: "tlul", direction: "device", name: "prim" } |
| { protocol: "tlul", direction: "device", name: "mem" } |
| ], |
| available_input_list: [ |
| { name: "tck", desc: "jtag clock" }, |
| { name: "tms", desc: "jtag tms" }, |
| { name: "tdi", desc: "jtag input" }, |
| ], |
| available_output_list: [ |
| { name: "tdo", desc: "jtag output" }, |
| ], |
| interrupt_list: [ |
| { name: "prog_empty", desc: "Program FIFO empty" }, |
| { name: "prog_lvl", desc: "Program FIFO drained to level" }, |
| { name: "rd_full", desc: "Read FIFO full" }, |
| { name: "rd_lvl", desc: "Read FIFO filled to level" }, |
| { name: "op_done", desc: "Operation complete" }, |
| { name: "corr_err", desc: "Correctable error encountered"}, |
| ], |
| |
| alert_list: [ |
| { name: "recov_err", |
| desc: "flash recoverable errors", |
| }, |
| { name: "fatal_err", |
| desc: "flash fatal errors" |
| }, |
| ], |
| |
| // Define flash_ctrl <-> flash_phy struct package |
| inter_signal_list: [ |
| { struct: "flash_otp_key", |
| type: "req_rsp", |
| name: "otp", |
| act: "req", |
| package: "otp_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx", |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg", |
| type: "uni" |
| act: "rcv" |
| name: "lc_nvm_debug_en" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "mubi4" |
| package: "prim_mubi_pkg" |
| type: "uni" |
| act: "rcv" |
| name: "flash_bist_enable" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "logic" |
| package: "" |
| type: "uni" |
| act: "rcv" |
| name: "flash_power_down_h" |
| }, |
| { struct: "logic" |
| package: "" |
| type: "uni" |
| act: "rcv" |
| name: "flash_power_ready_h" |
| }, |
| { struct: "", |
| package: "", |
| width: "2", |
| type: "io" |
| act: "none" |
| name: "flash_test_mode_a" |
| }, |
| { struct: "", |
| package: "", |
| type: "io" |
| act: "none" |
| name: "flash_test_voltage_h" |
| }, |
| { struct: "ast_dif", |
| package: "ast_pkg", |
| type: "uni" |
| act: "req" |
| name: "flash_alert" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en" |
| act: "rcv" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en" |
| act: "rcv" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en" |
| act: "rcv" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en" |
| act: "rcv" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "lc_seed_hw_rd_en" |
| act: "rcv" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "lc_escalate_en" |
| act: "rcv" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "rma_req" |
| act: "rcv" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_tx" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "rma_ack" |
| act: "req" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "lc_flash_rma_seed" |
| type: "uni" |
| name: "rma_seed" |
| act: "rcv" |
| package: "lc_ctrl_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "pwr_flash", |
| type: "uni", |
| name: "pwrmgr", |
| act: "req", |
| package: "pwrmgr_pkg" |
| }, |
| |
| { struct: "keymgr_flash", |
| type: "uni", |
| name: "keymgr", |
| act: "req", |
| package: "flash_ctrl_pkg" |
| } |
| |
| ], |
| countermeasures: [ |
| { name: "BUS.INTEGRITY", |
| desc: "End-to-end bus integrity scheme." |
| } |
| |
| { name: "FSM.SPARSE", |
| desc: "sparse fsm encoding in life cycle interface." |
| } |
| |
| desc: "The scrambling key is sideloaded from OTP and thus unreadable by SW." |
| } |
| ] |
| |
| scan: "true", // Enable `scanmode_i` port |
| scan_en: "true", // Enable `scan_en_i` port |
| scan_reset: "true", // Enable `scan_rst_ni` port |
| param_list: [ |
| // The reg parameters can be modified directly through top_*.hjson. |
| // The template will automatically propagate the appropriate values. |
| |
| // Random netlist constants |
| { name: "RndCnstAddrKey", |
| desc: "Compile-time random bits for default address key", |
| type: "flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_key_t" |
| randcount: "128", |
| randtype: "data", // randomize randcount databits |
| }, |
| { name: "RndCnstDataKey", |
| desc: "Compile-time random bits for default data key", |
| type: "flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_key_t" |
| randcount: "128", |
| randtype: "data", // randomize randcount databits |
| }, |
| { name: "RndCnstLfsrSeed", |
| desc: "Compile-time random bits for initial LFSR seed", |
| type: "flash_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_seed_t" |
| randcount: "32", |
| randtype: "data", |
| }, |
| { name: "RndCnstLfsrPerm", |
| desc: "Compile-time random permutation for LFSR output", |
| type: "flash_ctrl_pkg::lfsr_perm_t" |
| randcount: "32", |
| randtype: "perm", |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "RegNumBanks", |
| desc: "Number of flash banks", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${cfg.banks}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "RegPagesPerBank", |
| desc: "Number of pages per bank", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${cfg.pages_per_bank}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "RegBusPgmResBytes", |
| desc: "Number of pages per bank", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${cfg.pgm_resolution_bytes}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "RegPageWidth", |
| desc: "Number of bits needed to represent the pages within a bank", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${page_width}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "RegBankWidth", |
| desc: "Number of bits needed to represent the number of banks", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${bank_width}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "NumRegions", |
| desc: "Number of configurable flash regions", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "8", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| // The following parameters are derived from topgen and should not be |
| // direclty modified. |
| % for type in range(cfg.info_types): |
| { name: "NumInfos${type}", |
| desc: "Number of configurable flash info pages for info type ${type}", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${cfg.infos_per_bank[type]}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| % endfor |
| |
| { name: "WordsPerPage", |
| desc: "Number of words per page", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${cfg.words_per_page}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "BytesPerWord", |
| desc: "Number of bytes per word", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${cfg.word_bytes}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "BytesPerPage", |
| desc: "Number of bytes per page", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${cfg.bytes_per_page}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "BytesPerBank", |
| desc: "Number of bytes per bank", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "${cfg.bytes_per_bank}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| |
| // hex value of 0xa26a38f7 |
| { name: "ExecEn", |
| desc: "Constant value that enables flash execution", |
| type: "int" |
| default: "${int("0xa26a38f7", 16)}", |
| local: "true" |
| }, |
| ], |
| |
| regwidth: "32", |
| registers: { |
| core: [ |
| { name: "DIS", |
| desc: "Disable flash functionality", |
| swaccess: "rw0c", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "3:0", |
| name: "VAL", |
| mubi: true, |
| desc: ''' |
| Disables flash functionality completely. |
| This is a shortcut mechanism used by the software to completely |
| kill flash in case of emergency. |
| |
| To disable, set this field to anything other than false. |
| ''' |
| resval: false, |
| tags: [// Dont touch disable, it has several side effects on the system |
| "excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclWrite"], |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "EXEC", |
| desc: "Controls whether flash can be used for code execution fetches", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "31:0", |
| name: "EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| A value of 0xa26a38f7 allows flash to be used for code execution. |
| Any other value prevents code execution. |
| ''' |
| resval: 0 |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "INIT", |
| desc: "Controller init register", |
| swaccess: "rw1s", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "VAL", |
| desc: ''' |
| Initializes the flash controller. |
| |
| During the initialization process, the flash controller requests the address and data |
| scramble keys and reads out the root seeds stored in flash before allowing other usage |
| of the flash controller. |
| |
| When the initialization sequence is complete, the flash read buffers are enabled |
| and turned on. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0" |
| tags: [// Dont init flash, it has several side effects on the status bits |
| "excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclWrite"], |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "CTRL_REGWEN", |
| swaccess: "ro", |
| hwaccess: "hwo", |
| hwext: "true", |
| desc: ''' |
| Controls the configurability of the !!CONTROL register. |
| |
| This register ensures the contents of !!CONTROL cannot be changed by software once a flash |
| operation has begun. |
| |
| It unlocks whenever the existing flash operation completes, regardless of success or error. |
| ''', |
| |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Configuration enable. |
| |
| This bit defaults to 1 and is set to 0 by hardware when flash operation is initiated. |
| When the controller completes the flash operation, this bit is set |
| back to 1 to allow software configuration of !!CONTROL |
| ''', |
| resval: "1", |
| }, |
| ] |
| tags: [// This regwen is completely under HW management and thus cannot be manipulated |
| // by software. |
| "excl:CsrNonInitTests:CsrExclCheck"] |
| }, |
| |
| |
| { name: "CONTROL", |
| desc: "Control register", |
| regwen: "CTRL_REGWEN", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| hwaccess: "hrw", |
| name: "START", |
| desc: ''' |
| Start flash transaction. This bit shall only be set at the same time or after the other |
| fields of the !!CONTROL register and !!ADDR have been programmed. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0" |
| tags: [// Dont enable flash - it causes several side-effects. |
| "excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclWrite"], |
| }, |
| { bits: "5:4", |
| name: "OP", |
| desc: "Flash operation selection", |
| resval: "0" |
| enum: [ |
| { value: "0", |
| name: "Read", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash Read. |
| |
| Read desired number of flash words |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { value: "1", |
| name: "Prog", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash Program. |
| |
| Program desired number of flash words |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { value: "2", |
| name: "Erase", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash Erase Operation. |
| |
| See ERASE_SEL for details on erase operation |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { bits: "6", |
| name: "PROG_SEL", |
| desc: "Flash program operation type selection", |
| resval: "0" |
| enum: [ |
| { value: "0", |
| name: "Normal program", |
| desc: ''' |
| Normal program operation to the flash |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { value: "1", |
| name: "Program repair", |
| desc: ''' |
| Repair program operation to the flash. Whether this is actually |
| supported depends on the underlying flash memory. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { bits: "7", |
| name: "ERASE_SEL", |
| desc: "Flash erase operation type selection", |
| resval: "0" |
| enum: [ |
| { value: "0", |
| name: "Page Erase", |
| desc: ''' |
| Erase 1 page of flash |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { value: "1", |
| name: "Bank Erase", |
| desc: ''' |
| Erase 1 bank of flash |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| { bits: "8", |
| name: "PARTITION_SEL", |
| desc: ''' |
| When doing a read, program or page erase operation, selects either info or data partition for operation. |
| When 0, select data partition - this is the portion of flash that is accessible both by the host and by the controller. |
| When 1, select info partition - this is the portion of flash that is only accessible by the controller. |
| |
| When doing a bank erase operation, selects info partition also for erase. |
| When 0, bank erase only erases data partition. |
| When 1, bank erase erases data partition and info partition. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "${9 + info_type_width -1}:9", |
| name: "INFO_SEL", |
| desc: ''' |
| Informational partions can have multiple types. |
| |
| This field selects the info type to be accessed. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "27:16", |
| name: "NUM", |
| desc: "Number of bus words the flash operation should read or program.", |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| { name: "ADDR", |
| desc: "Address for flash operation", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| resval: "0", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "${total_byte_width-1}:0", |
| name: "START", |
| desc: ''' |
| Start address of a flash transaction. This is a byte address relative to the flash |
| only. Ie, an address of 0 will access address 0 of the requested partition. |
| |
| For read operations, the flash controller will truncate to the closest, lower word |
| aligned address. For example, if 0x13 is supplied, the controller will perform a |
| read at address 0x10. |
| |
| Program operations behave similarly, the controller does not have read modified write |
| support. |
| |
| For page erases, the controller will truncate to the closest lower page aligned |
| address. Similarly for bank erases, the controller will truncate to the closest |
| lower bank aligned address. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| // Program type |
| { name: "PROG_TYPE_EN", |
| desc: "Enable different program types", |
| swaccess: "rw0c", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| resval: "1", |
| name: "NORMAL", |
| desc: ''' |
| Normal prog type available |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| resval: "1", |
| name: "REPAIR", |
| desc: ''' |
| Repair prog type available |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| // erase suspend support |
| { name: "ERASE_SUSPEND", |
| desc: "Suspend erase", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hrw", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| resval: "0", |
| name: "REQ", |
| desc: ''' |
| When 1, request erase suspend. |
| If no erase ongoing, the request is immediately cleared by hardware |
| If erase ongoing, the request is fed to the flash_phy and cleared when the suspend is handled. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ], |
| tags: [// Erase suspend must be directly tested |
| "excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclWrite"], |
| }, |
| |
| // Data partition memory properties region setup |
| { multireg: { |
| cname: "FLASH_CTRL", |
| desc: "Memory region registers configuration enable.", |
| count: "NumRegions", |
| swaccess: "rw0c", |
| hwaccess: "none", |
| compact: false, |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "REGION", |
| resval: "1" |
| desc: "Region register write enable. Once set to 0, it can longer be configured to 1", |
| enum: [ |
| { value: "0", |
| name: "Region locked", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can no longer be configured until next reset |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { value: "1", |
| name: "Region enabled", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be configured |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| |
| { multireg: { |
| cname: "FLASH_CTRL", |
| desc: "Memory property configuration for data partition", |
| count: "NumRegions", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| regwen: "REGION_CFG_REGWEN", |
| regwen_multi: true, |
| shadowed: "true", |
| update_err_alert: "recov_err", |
| storage_err_alert: "fatal_err", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region enabled, following fields apply |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "RD_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be read |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "PROG_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be programmed |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "3", |
| name: "ERASE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be erased |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "4", |
| name: "SCRAMBLE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is scramble enabled. |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "5", |
| name: "ECC_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is ECC enabled (both integrity and reliability ECC). |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "6", |
| name: "HE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is high endurance enabled. |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "${8 + bank_width + page_width - 1}:8", |
| name: "BASE", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region base page. Note the granularity is page, not byte or word |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "${8 + 2*bank_width + 2*page_width}:${8 + bank_width + page_width}", |
| name: "SIZE", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region size in number of pages |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| |
| // Default region properties for data partition |
| desc: "Default region properties", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| shadowed: "true", |
| update_err_alert: "recov_err", |
| storage_err_alert: "fatal_err", |
| resval: "0", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "RD_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be read |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "PROG_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be programmed |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "ERASE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be erased |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "3", |
| name: "SCRAMBLE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is scrambleenabled |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "4", |
| name: "ECC_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is ECC enabled (both integrity and reliability ECC) |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "5", |
| name: "HE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is high endurance enabled |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| // Info partition memory properties setup |
| % for bank in range(cfg.banks): |
| % for idx in range(cfg.info_types): |
| { multireg: { |
| cname: "FLASH_CTRL", |
| name: "BANK${bank}_INFO${idx}_REGWEN" |
| desc: "Memory region registers configuration enable.", |
| count: "NumInfos${idx}", |
| swaccess: "rw0c", |
| hwaccess: "none", |
| compact: false, |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "REGION", |
| resval: "1" |
| desc: "Info${idx} page write enable. Once set to 0, it can longer be configured to 1", |
| enum: [ |
| { value: "0", |
| name: "Page locked", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can no longer be configured until next reset |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { value: "1", |
| name: "Page enabled", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be configured |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| |
| { multireg: { |
| cname: "FLASH_CTRL", |
| name: "BANK${bank}_INFO${idx}_PAGE_CFG_SHADOWED", |
| desc: ''' |
| Memory property configuration for info partition in bank${bank}, |
| Unlike data partition, each page is individually configured. |
| ''' |
| count: "NumInfos${idx}", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| regwen: "BANK${bank}_INFO${idx}_REGWEN", |
| regwen_multi: true, |
| shadowed: "true", |
| update_err_alert: "recov_err", |
| storage_err_alert: "fatal_err", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region enabled, following fields apply |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "RD_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be read |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "PROG_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be programmed |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "3", |
| name: "ERASE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region can be erased |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "4", |
| name: "SCRAMBLE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is scramble enabled. |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "5", |
| name: "ECC_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is ECC enabled (both integrity and reliability ECC). |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| { bits: "6", |
| name: "HE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Region is high endurance enabled. |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| } |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| { name: "BANK_CFG_REGWEN" |
| desc: "Bank configuration registers configuration enable.", |
| swaccess: "rw0c", |
| hwaccess: "none", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "BANK", |
| resval: "1" |
| desc: "Bank register write enable. Once set to 0, it can longer be configured to 1", |
| enum: [ |
| { value: "0", |
| name: "Bank locked", |
| desc: ''' |
| Bank can no longer be configured until next reset |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { value: "1", |
| name: "Bank enabled", |
| desc: ''' |
| Bank can be configured |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| ], |
| }, |
| |
| { multireg: { |
| cname: "FLASH_CTRL", |
| desc: "Memory properties bank configuration", |
| count: "RegNumBanks", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| regwen: "BANK_CFG_REGWEN", |
| shadowed: "true", |
| update_err_alert: "recov_err", |
| storage_err_alert: "fatal_err", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "ERASE_EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Bank wide erase enable |
| ''', |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "OP_STATUS", |
| desc: "Flash Operation Status", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hwo", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", name: "done", |
| desc: "Flash operation done. Set by HW, cleared by SW" }, |
| { bits: "1", name: "err", |
| desc: "Flash operation error. Set by HW, cleared by SW. See !!ERR_CODE for more details."}, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "STATUS", |
| desc: "Flash Controller Status", |
| swaccess: "ro", |
| hwaccess: "hwo", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", name: "rd_full", desc: "Flash read FIFO full, software must consume data"}, |
| { bits: "1", name: "rd_empty", desc: "Flash read FIFO empty", resval: "1"}, |
| { bits: "2", name: "prog_full", desc: "Flash program FIFO full"}, |
| { bits: "3", name: "prog_empty", desc: "Flash program FIFO empty, software must provide data", resval: "1"}, |
| { bits: "4", name: "init_wip", desc: "Flash controller undergoing init, inclusive of phy init" |
| tags: [ // Bit changes immediately after start from reset value to 1b1 due to initialization |
| "excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclAll"] |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "ERR_CODE", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash error code register. |
| This register tabulates detailed error status of the flash. |
| This is separate from !!OP_STATUS, which is used to indicate the current state of the software initiated |
| flash operation. |
| |
| Note, all errors in this register are considered recoverable errors, ie, errors that could have been |
| generated by software. |
| ''' |
| swaccess: "rw1c", |
| hwaccess: "hwo", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "mp_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash access has encountered an access permission error. |
| Please see !!ERR_ADDR for exact address. |
| This is a synchronous error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "rd_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash read has an uncorrectable data error. |
| Please see !!ERR_ADDR for exact address. |
| This is a synchronous error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "3", |
| name: "prog_win_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash program has a window resolution error. Ie, the start of program |
| and end of program are in different windows. Please check !!ADDR. |
| This is a synchronous error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "4", |
| name: "prog_type_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash program selected unavailable type, see !!PROG_TYPE_EN. |
| This is a synchronous error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "5", |
| name: "flash_phy_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The flash access encountered a native flash error. |
| Please check the vendor specs for details of the error. |
| This is a synchronous error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "6", |
| name: "update_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| A shadow register encountered an update error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "FAULT_STATUS", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash fault status register. |
| This register tabulates detailed fault status of the flash. |
| |
| These are errors that are impossible to have been caused by software or unrecoverable |
| in nature. |
| ''' |
| swaccess: "ro", |
| hwaccess: "hrw", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "mp_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The flash hardware interface encountered a memory permission error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "rd_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The flash hardware interface encountered a read data error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "3", |
| name: "prog_win_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The flash hardware interface encountered a program resolution error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "4", |
| name: "prog_type_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The flash hardware interface encountered a program type error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "5", |
| name: "flash_phy_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The flash hardware interface encountered a native flash error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "6", |
| name: "reg_intg_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The flash controller encountered a register integrity error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "7", |
| name: "phy_intg_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The flash memory encountered a register integrity error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "8", |
| name: "lcmgr_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The life cycle management interface has encountered a fatal error. |
| There is an error with the RMA state machine or counts. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "9", |
| name: "arb_fsm_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The software / hardware interface has encountered a fatal error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "10", |
| name: "storage_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| A shadow register encountered a storage fault. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| { bits: "11", |
| name: "seed_err", |
| desc: ''' |
| The seed reading process encountered an unexpected error. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "ERR_ADDR", |
| desc: "Synchronous error address", |
| swaccess: "ro", |
| hwaccess: "hwo", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "${total_byte_width-1}:0", |
| resval: 0, |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { multireg: { |
| cname: "ECC_SINGLE_ERR", |
| name: "ECC_SINGLE_ERR_CNT", |
| desc: "Total number of single bit ECC error count", |
| count: "RegNumBanks", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hrw", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "7:0", |
| desc: "This count will not wrap when saturated", |
| resval: 0, |
| }, |
| ] |
| } |
| }, |
| |
| { multireg: { |
| cname: "ECC_SINGLE_ERR", |
| name: "ECC_SINGLE_ERR_ADDR", |
| desc: "Latest address of ECC single err", |
| count: "RegNumBanks", |
| swaccess: "ro", |
| hwaccess: "hwo", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "${total_byte_width-1}:0", |
| desc: "Latest single error address for this bank", |
| resval: 0, |
| }, |
| ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| { name: "PHY_ALERT_CFG", |
| desc: "Phy alert configuration", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "alert_ack", |
| desc: "Acknowledge flash phy alert" |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "alert_trig", |
| desc: "Trigger flash phy alert" |
| } |
| ] |
| tags: [ // alert triggers should be tested by directed tests |
| "excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclWrite"] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "PHY_STATUS", |
| desc: "Flash Phy Status", |
| swaccess: "ro", |
| hwaccess: "hwo", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "init_wip", |
| desc: "Flash phy controller initializing" |
| tags: [ // Bit changes immediately after start from reset value to 1b1 due to initialization |
| "excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclAll"] |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "prog_normal_avail", |
| resval: "0x1", |
| desc: "Normal program supported" |
| }, |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "prog_repair_avail", |
| resval: "0x1", |
| desc: "Program repair supported" |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "Scratch", |
| desc: "Flash Controller Scratch", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "31:0", name: "data", desc: "Flash ctrl scratch register" }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { name: "FIFO_LVL", |
| desc: "Programmable depth where FIFOs should generate interrupts", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "4:0", |
| name: "PROG", |
| desc: ''' |
| When the program FIFO drains to this level, trigger an interrupt. |
| Default value is set such that interrupt does not trigger at reset. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0xF" |
| }, |
| { bits: "12:8", |
| name: "RD", |
| desc: ''' |
| When the read FIFO fills to this level, trigger an interrupt. |
| Default value is set such that interrupt does not trigger at reset. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0xF" |
| }, |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| { name: "FIFO_RST", |
| desc: "Reset for flash controller FIFOs", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| resval: "0", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "EN", |
| desc: ''' |
| Active high resets for both program and read FIFOs. This is especially useful after the controller |
| encounters an error of some kind. |
| This bit will hold the FIFO in reset as long as it is set. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { window: { |
| name: "prog_fifo", |
| items: "1", |
| validbits: "32", |
| byte-write: "false", |
| unusual: "false" |
| swaccess: "wo", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash program FIFO. |
| |
| The FIFO is 16 entries of 4B flash words. This FIFO can only be programmed |
| by software after a program operation has been initiated via the !!CONTROL register. |
| This ensures accidental programming of the program FIFO cannot lock up the system. |
| ''' |
| }, |
| }, |
| |
| { window: { |
| name: "rd_fifo", |
| items: "1", |
| validbits: "32", |
| byte-write: "false", |
| unusual: "false" |
| swaccess: "ro", |
| desc: ''' |
| Flash read FIFO. |
| |
| The FIFO is 16 entries of 4B flash words |
| ''' |
| }, |
| }, |
| ], |
| |
| prim: [] |
| mem: [] |
| } |
| } |