blob: 479e3b1dcd5163af85c7b7da745c28f0a6608b00 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
r"""SECDED encoder/decoder generator
Current version doesn't optimize Fan-In. It uses Hsiao code (modified version
of Hamming code + parity). Please refer
For some further background and info on the differences between Hamming and
Hsiao SECDED codes, refer to
import argparse
import itertools
import logging as log
import math
import random
import hjson
import subprocess
COPYRIGHT = """// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
C_SRC_TOP = """#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "secded_enc.h"
// Calculates even parity for a 64-bit word
static uint8_t calc_parity(uint64_t word) {
bool parity = false;
while (word) {
if (word & 1) {
parity = !parity;
word >>= 1;
return parity;
C_H_TOP = """
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
// Integrity encode functions for varying bit widths matching the functionality
// of the RTL modules of the same name. Each takes an array of bytes in
// little-endian order and returns the calculated integrity bits.
C_H_FOOT = """
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus
CODE_OPTIONS = {'hsiao': '', 'hamming': '_hamming'}
PRINT_OPTIONS = {"logic": "assign ", "function": " "}
# secded configurations
SECDED_CFG_FILE = "util/design/data/secded_cfg.hjson"
# The seed we use to initialise the PRNG when running the randomised algorithm
# to choose constants for Hsiao codes.
_RND_SEED = 123
def min_paritysize(k):
# SECDED --> Hamming distance 'd': 4
# 2^(m-1) should cover (m+k)
for m in range(2, 10):
if 2**m >= (k + m + 1):
return m + 1
return -1
def ideal_fanin(k, m):
"""Compute Ideal Max Fanin of any bit in the ecc codes."""
fanin = 0
needed = k
for select in range(3, m + 1, 2):
combinations = list(itertools.combinations(range(m), select))
if len(combinations) <= needed:
fanin += int(math.ceil(float(len(combinations) * select) / m))
needed -= len(combinations)
fanin += int(math.ceil(float(needed * select) / m))
needed = 0
if not needed:
return fanin
def calc_fanin(width, codes):
"""Sum the ones in a column"""
fanins = [0] * width"Calc Code: {}".format(codes))
for i in codes:
for e in i:
fanins[e] += 1
return fanins
def calc_bitmasks(k, m, codes, dec):
# Transform fanin indices into bitmask.
fanin_masks = [0] * m
for i, c in enumerate(codes):
for j in c:
fanin_masks[j] += 1 << i
# For decode ops, include ECC bit position.
if dec:
for j in range(m):
fanin_masks[j] += 1 << (k + j)
return fanin_masks
def print_secded_enum_and_util_fns(cfgs):
enum_vals = [" SecdedNone"]
parity_width_vals = []
data_width_vals = []
for cfg in cfgs:
k = cfg['k']
m = cfg['m']
n = k + m
suffix = CODE_OPTIONS[cfg['code_type']]
formatted_suffix = suffix.replace('_', '').capitalize()
enum_name = " Secded%s_%s_%s" % (formatted_suffix, n, k)
parity_width = " %s: return %s;" % (enum_name, m)
data_width = " %s: return %s;" % (enum_name, k)
enum_str = ",\n".join(enum_vals)
parity_width_fn_str = "\n".join(parity_width_vals)
data_width_fn_str = "\n".join(data_width_vals)
enum_str = '''
typedef enum int {{
}} prim_secded_e;
function automatic int get_ecc_data_width(prim_secded_e ecc_type);
case (ecc_type)
// Return a non-zero width to avoid VCS compile issues
default: return 32;
function automatic int get_ecc_parity_width(prim_secded_e ecc_type);
case (ecc_type)
default: return 0;
'''.format(enum_str, data_width_fn_str, parity_width_fn_str)
return enum_str
def print_pkg_types(n, k, m, codes, suffix, codetype):
typename = "secded%s_%d_%d_t" % (suffix, n, k)
typestr = '''
typedef struct packed {{
logic [{}:0] data;
logic [{}:0] syndrome;
logic [1:0] err;
}} {};
'''.format((k - 1), (m - 1), typename)
return typestr
def print_fn(n, k, m, codes, suffix, codetype):
enc_out = print_enc(n, k, m, codes)
dec_out = print_dec(n, k, m, codes, codetype, "function")
typename = "secded_%d_%d_t" % (n, k)
module_name = "prim_secded%s_%d_%d" % (suffix, n, k)
outstr = '''
function automatic logic [{}:0] {}_enc (logic [{}:0] data_i);
logic [{}:0] data_o;
{} return data_o;
function automatic {} {}_dec (logic [{}:0] data_i);
logic [{}:0] data_o;
logic [{}:0] syndrome_o;
logic [1:0] err_o;
{} dec;
{} = data_o;
dec.syndrome = syndrome_o;
dec.err = err_o;
return dec;
'''.format((n - 1), module_name, (k - 1), (n - 1), enc_out,
typename, module_name, (n - 1), (k - 1), (m - 1), typename, dec_out)
return outstr
def print_enc(n, k, m, codes):
outstr = " data_o = {}'(data_i);\n".format(n)
format_str = " data_o[{}] = ^(data_o & " + str(n) + "'h{:0" + str(
(n + 3) // 4) + "X});\n"
# Print parity computation
for j, mask in enumerate(calc_bitmasks(k, m, codes, False)):
outstr += format_str.format(j + k, mask)
return outstr
def calc_syndrome(code):"in syndrome {}".format(code))
return sum(map((lambda x: 2**x), code))
def print_dec(n, k, m, codes, codetype, print_type="logic"):
preamble = PRINT_OPTIONS[print_type]
outstr = ""
if codetype == "hsiao":
outstr += " {}logic single_error;\n".format(
preamble if print_type == "function" else "")
outstr += "\n"
outstr += " {}// Syndrome calculation\n".format(
preamble if print_type == "function" else "")
format_str = " {}".format(preamble) + "syndrome_o[{}] = ^(data_i & " \
+ str(n) + "'h{:0" + str((n + 3) // 4) + "X});\n"
# Print syndrome computation
for j, mask in enumerate(calc_bitmasks(k, m, codes, True)):
outstr += format_str.format(j, mask)
outstr += "\n"
outstr += " {}// Corrected output calculation\n".format(
preamble if print_type == "function" else "")
for i in range(k):
outstr += " {}".format(preamble)
outstr += "data_o[%d] = (syndrome_o == %d'h%x) ^ data_i[%d];\n" % (
i, m, calc_syndrome(codes[i]), i)
outstr += "\n"
outstr += " {}// err_o calc. bit0: single error, bit1: double error\n".format(
preamble if print_type == "function" else "")
# The Hsiao and Hamming syndromes are interpreted slightly differently.
if codetype == "hamming":
outstr += " {}".format(preamble) + "err_o[0] = syndrome_o[%d];\n" % (m - 1)
outstr += " {}".format(preamble) + "err_o[1] = |syndrome_o[%d:0] & ~syndrome_o[%d];\n" % (
m - 2, m - 1)
outstr += " {}".format(preamble) + "single_error = ^syndrome_o;\n"
outstr += " {}".format(preamble) + "err_o[0] = single_error;\n"
outstr += " {}".format(preamble) + "err_o[1] = ~single_error & (|syndrome_o);\n"
return outstr
# return whether an integer is a power of 2
def is_pow2(n):
return (n & (n - 1) == 0) and n != 0
def is_odd(n):
return (n % 2) > 0
def verify(cfgs):
error = 0
for cfg in cfgs['cfgs']:
if (cfg['k'] <= 1 or cfg['k'] > 120):
error += 1
log.error("Current tool doesn't support the value k (%d)", cfg['k'])
if (cfg['m'] <= 1 or cfg['m'] > 20):
error += 1
log.error("Current tool doesn't support the value m (%d)", cfg['m'])
# Calculate 'm' (parity size)
min_m = min_paritysize(cfg['k'])
if (cfg['m'] < min_m):
error += 1
log.error("given \'m\' argument is smaller than minimum requirement " +
"using calculated minimum (%d)", min_m)
# Error check code selection
if (cfg['code_type'] not in CODE_OPTIONS):
error += 1
log.error("Invalid code {} selected, use one of {}".format(
cfg['code_type'], CODE_OPTIONS))
return error
def gen_code(codetype, k, m):
# The hsiao_code generator uses (pseudo)random values to pick good ECC
# constants. Rather than exposing the seed, we pick a fixed one here to
# ensure everything stays stable in future.
old_rnd_state = random.getstate()
return globals()["_{}_code".format(codetype)](k, m)
def generate(cfgs, args):
pkg_out_str = ""
pkg_type_str = ""
c_src_filename = args.c_outdir + "/" + "secded_enc.c"
c_h_filename = args.c_outdir + "/" + "secded_enc.h"
with open(c_src_filename, "w") as f:
f.write("// SECDED encode code generated by\n")
f.write(f"// util/design/ from {SECDED_CFG_FILE}\n\n")
with open(c_h_filename, "w") as f:
f.write("// SECDED encode code generated by\n")
f.write(f"// util/design/ from {SECDED_CFG_FILE}\n")
for cfg in cfgs['cfgs']:
log.debug("Working on {}".format(cfg))
k = cfg['k']
m = cfg['m']
n = k + m
codetype = cfg['code_type']
suffix = CODE_OPTIONS[codetype]
codes = gen_code(codetype, k, m)
# write out rtl files
write_enc_dec_files(n, k, m, codes, suffix, args.outdir, codetype)
# write out C files, only hsiao codes are supported
if codetype == "hsiao":
write_c_files(n, k, m, codes, suffix, c_src_filename, c_h_filename)
# write out package typedefs
pkg_type_str += print_pkg_types(n, k, m, codes, suffix, codetype)
# print out functions
pkg_out_str += print_fn(n, k, m, codes, suffix, codetype)
if not args.no_fpv:
write_fpv_files(n, k, m, codes, suffix, args.fpv_outdir)
with open(c_h_filename, "a") as f:
format_c_files(c_src_filename, c_h_filename)
# create enum of various ECC types - useful for DV purposes in mem_bkdr_if
enum_str = print_secded_enum_and_util_fns(cfgs['cfgs'])
# write out package file
full_pkg_str = enum_str + pkg_type_str + pkg_out_str
write_pkg_file(args.outdir, full_pkg_str)
# k = data bits
# m = parity bits
# generate hsiao code
def _hsiao_code(k, m):
# using itertools combinations, generate odd number of 1 in a row
required_row = k # k rows are needed, decreasing everytime when it acquite
fanin_ideal = ideal_fanin(k, m)"Ideal Fan-In value: %d" % fanin_ideal)
# Each entry represents a row in below parity matrix
# Entry is tuple and the value inside is the position of ones
# e.g. (0,1,2) in m:=7
# row -> [1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
codes = []
# Find code matrix =======================================================
# This is main part to find the parity matrix.
# For example, find SECDED for 4bit message is to find 4x4 matrix as below
# | 1 0 0 0 x x x x |
# | 0 1 0 0 x x x x |
# | 0 0 1 0 x x x x |
# | 0 0 0 1 x x x x |
# Then message _k_ X matrix_code ==> original message with parity
# Make a row to have even number of 1 including the I matrix.
# This helps to calculate the syndrom at the decoding stage.
# To reduce the max fan-in, Starting with smallest number 3.
# the number means the number of one in a row.
# Small number of ones means smaller fan-in overall.
for step in range(3, m + 1, 2):
# starting from 3 as I matrix represents data
# Increased by 2 as number of 1 should be even in a row (odd excluding I)
# get the list of combinations [0, .., m-1] with `step`
# e.g. step := 3 ==> [(0,1,2), (0,1,3), ... ]
candidate = list(itertools.combinations(range(m), step))
if len(candidate) <= required_row:
# we need more round use all of them
required_row -= len(candidate)
# Find optimized fan-in ==========================================
# Calculate each row fan-in with current
fanins = calc_fanin(m, codes)
while required_row != 0:
# Let's shuffle
# Shuffling makes the sequence randomized --> it reduces the
# fanin as the code takes randomly at the end of the round
# TODO: There should be a clever way to find the subset without
# random retrying.
# Suggested this algorithm
# Take a subset
subset = candidate[0:required_row]
subset_fanins = calc_fanin(m, subset)
# Check if it exceeds Ideal Fan-In
ideal = True
for i in range(m):
if fanins[i] + subset_fanins[i] > fanin_ideal:
# Exceeded. Retry
ideal = False
if ideal:
required_row = 0
# Append to the code matrix
if required_row == 0:
# Found everything!
break"Hsiao codes {}".format(codes))
return codes
# n = total bits
# k = data bits
# m = parity bits
# generate hamming code
def _hamming_code(k, m):
n = k + m
# construct a list of code tuples.
# Tuple corresponds to each bit position and shows which parity bit it participates in
# Only the data bits are shown, the parity bits are not.
codes = []
for pos in range(1, n + 1):
# this is a valid parity bit position or the final parity bit
if (is_pow2(pos) or pos == n):
code = ()
for p in range(m):
# this is the starting parity position
parity_pos = 2**p
# back-track to the closest parity bit multiple and see if it is even or odd
# If even, we are in the skip phase, do not include
# If odd, we are in the include phase
parity_chk = int((pos - (pos % parity_pos)) / parity_pos)
log.debug("At position {} parity value {}, {}".format(
pos, parity_pos, parity_chk))
# valid for inclusion or final parity bit that includes everything
if is_odd(parity_chk) or p == m - 1:
code = code + (p, )"add {} to tuple {}".format(p, code))
# final parity bit includes all ECC bits
for p in range(m - 1):
codes.append((m - 1, ))"Hamming codes {}".format(codes))
return codes
def write_pkg_file(outdir, pkg_str):
with open(outdir + "/" + "", "w") as f:
outstr = '''{}// SECDED package generated by
// util/design/ from {}
package prim_secded_pkg;
'''.format(COPYRIGHT, SECDED_CFG_FILE, pkg_str)
def bytes_to_c_type(num_bytes):
if num_bytes == 1:
return 'uint8_t'
elif num_bytes <= 2:
return 'uint16_t'
elif num_bytes <= 4:
return 'uint32_t'
elif num_bytes <= 8:
return 'uint64_t'
return None
def write_c_files(n, k, m, codes, suffix, c_src_filename, c_h_filename):
in_bytes = math.ceil(k / 8)
out_bytes = math.ceil(m / 8)
if (k > 64):
log.warning(f"Cannot generate C encoder for k = {k}."
" The tool has no support for k > 64 for C encoder "
in_type = bytes_to_c_type(in_bytes)
out_type = bytes_to_c_type(out_bytes)
assert in_type
assert out_type
with open(c_src_filename, "a") as f:
# Write out function prototype in src
f.write(f"\n{out_type} enc_secded_{n}_{k}{suffix}"
f"(const uint8_t bytes[{in_bytes}]) {{\n")
# Form a single word from the incoming byte data
f.write(f"{in_type} word = ")
f.write(" | ".join(
[f"(({in_type})bytes[{i}] << {i*8})" for i in range(in_bytes)]))
# AND the word with the codes, calculating parity of each and combine
# into a single word of integrity bits
f.write("return ")
parity_bit_masks = enumerate(calc_bitmasks(k, m, codes, False))
f.write(" | ".join(
[f"(calc_parity(word & 0x{mask:x}) << {par_bit})" for par_bit,
mask in parity_bit_masks]))
with open(c_h_filename, "a") as f:
# Write out function declaration in header
f.write(f"{out_type} enc_secded_{n}_{k}{suffix}"
f"(const uint8_t bytes[{in_bytes}]);\n")
def format_c_files(c_src_filename, c_h_filename):
# Call clang-format to in-place format generated C code. If there are
# any issues log a warning.
result =['clang-format', '-i', c_src_filename,
c_h_filename], stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
except Exception as e:
stderr = ''
if result:
stderr = '\n' + result.stderr
log.warning(f"Could not format generated C source: {e}{stderr}")
def write_enc_dec_files(n, k, m, codes, suffix, outdir, codetype):
enc_out = print_enc(n, k, m, codes)
module_name = "prim_secded%s_%d_%d" % (suffix, n, k)
with open(outdir + "/" + module_name + "", "w") as f:
outstr = '''{}// SECDED encoder generated by util/design/
module {}_enc (
input [{}:0] data_i,
output logic [{}:0] data_o
always_comb begin : p_encode
{} end
endmodule : {}_enc
'''.format(COPYRIGHT, module_name, (k - 1), (n - 1), enc_out, module_name)
dec_out = print_dec(n, k, m, codes, codetype)
with open(outdir + "/" + module_name + "", "w") as f:
outstr = '''{}// SECDED decoder generated by util/design/
module {}_dec (
input [{}:0] data_i,
output logic [{}:0] data_o,
output logic [{}:0] syndrome_o,
output logic [1:0] err_o
endmodule : {}_dec
'''.format(COPYRIGHT, module_name, (n - 1), (k - 1), (m - 1),
dec_out, module_name)
def write_fpv_files(n, k, m, codes, suffix, outdir):
module_name = "prim_secded%s_%d_%d" % (suffix, n, k)
with open(outdir + "/tb/" + module_name + "", "w") as f:
outstr = '''{}// SECDED FPV testbench generated by util/design/
module {}_fpv (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input [{}:0] data_i,
output logic [{}:0] data_o,
output logic [{}:0] syndrome_o,
output logic [1:0] err_o,
input [{}:0] error_inject_i
logic [{}:0] data_enc;
{}_enc {}_enc (
{}_dec {}_dec (
.data_i(data_enc ^ error_inject_i),
endmodule : {}_fpv
'''.format(COPYRIGHT, module_name, (k - 1), (k - 1), (m - 1), (n - 1), (n - 1),
module_name, module_name, module_name, module_name, module_name)
with open(outdir + "/vip/" + module_name + "", "w") as f:
outstr = '''{}// SECDED FPV assertion file generated by util/design/
module {}_assert_fpv (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input [{}:0] data_i,
input [{}:0] data_o,
input [{}:0] syndrome_o,
input [1:0] err_o,
input [{}:0] error_inject_i
// Inject a maximum of two errors simultaneously.
`ASSUME_FPV(MaxTwoErrors_M, $countones(error_inject_i) <= 2)
// This bounds the input data state space to make sure the solver converges.
`ASSUME_FPV(DataLimit_M, $onehot0(data_i) || $onehot0(~data_i))
// Single bit error detection
`ASSERT(SingleErrorDetect_A, $countones(error_inject_i) == 1 |-> err_o[0])
`ASSERT(SingleErrorDetectReverse_A, err_o[0] |-> $countones(error_inject_i) == 1)
// Double bit error detection
`ASSERT(DoubleErrorDetect_A, $countones(error_inject_i) == 2 |-> err_o[1])
`ASSERT(DoubleErrorDetectReverse_A, err_o[1] |-> $countones(error_inject_i) == 2)
// Single bit error correction (implicitly tests the syndrome output)
`ASSERT(SingleErrorCorrect_A, $countones(error_inject_i) < 2 |-> data_i == data_o)
// Basic syndrome check
`ASSERT(SyndromeCheck_A, |syndrome_o |-> $countones(error_inject_i) > 0)
`ASSERT(SyndromeCheckReverse_A, $countones(error_inject_i) > 0 |-> |syndrome_o)
endmodule : {}_assert_fpv
'''.format(COPYRIGHT, module_name, (k - 1), (k - 1), (m - 1), (n - 1),
with open(outdir + "/tb/" + module_name + "", "w") as f:
outstr = '''{}// SECDED FPV bind file generated by util/design/
module {}_bind_fpv;
bind {}_fpv
{}_assert_fpv {}_assert_fpv (
endmodule : {}_bind_fpv
'''.format(COPYRIGHT, module_name, module_name, module_name, module_name,
with open(outdir + "/" + module_name + "_fpv.core", "w") as f:
outstr = '''CAPI=2:
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "lowrisc:fpv:{}_fpv:0.1"
description: "SECDED FPV target"
- lowrisc:prim:all
- lowrisc:prim:secded
- vip/{}
- tb/{}
- tb/{}
file_type: systemVerilogSource
default: &default_target
# note, this setting is just used
# to generate a file list for jg
default_tool: icarus
- files_formal
- {}_fpv
<<: *default_target
<<: *default_target
'''.format(module_name, module_name, module_name, module_name, module_name)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='''This tool generates Single Error Correction Double Error
Detection(SECDED) encoder and decoder modules in SystemVerilog.
help='Do not generate FPV testbench.')
Output directory. The output file will be named
`prim_secded_<n>_<k>_enc/` (default: %(default)s)
FPV output directory. The output files will have
the base name `prim_secded_<n>_<k>_*_fpv` (default: %(default)s)
C output directory. The output files are named secded_enc.c and
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='Verbose')
args = parser.parse_args()
if (args.verbose):
log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=log.DEBUG)
log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
with open(SECDED_CFG_FILE, 'r') as infile:
config = hjson.load(infile)
# Error checking
error = verify(config)
if (error):
# Generate outputs
generate(config, args)
if __name__ == "__main__":