blob: c0cbf9994138f2cf39383d27c424ffda9c89d189 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/rom_exts/manifest.h"
* @file
* @brief Parser for the ROM_EXT Image Format
* This parser is intended to parse in-memory ROM_EXT images, from either Slot A
* or Slot B. The fields it is parsing are defined in
* `sw/device/rom_exts/` and `sw/device_rom_exts/manifest.hjson`.
* This parser does minimal validity checking of the returned values, which must
* always be checked by the caller to ensure do not contain incorrect or
* insecure values.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
* ROM Extension manifest slot type.
typedef uintptr_t rom_ext_manifest_slot_t;
* ROM Extension manifest slots base addresses.
* These are intended to be used as an input parameter to
* `rom_ext_parameters_get`.
extern const rom_ext_manifest_slot_t kRomExtManifestSlotA;
extern const rom_ext_manifest_slot_t kRomExtManifestSlotB;
* ROM Extension parameters required for the manifest parsing.
typedef struct rom_ext_manifest {
* Base address of the manifest in memory.
mmio_region_t base_addr;
rom_ext_manifest_slot_t slot;
} rom_ext_manifest_t;
* ROM Extension Memory Extents.
* This information is needed for calculating the signature of the entire
typedef struct rom_ext_ranges {
* Image Start Address
uintptr_t image_start;
* Signed Area Start Address
* Not all of a ROM_EXT is signed. This is the address of the first signed
* byte of the ROM_EXT, in memory.
uintptr_t signed_area_start;
* Image End Address
* This is also the Signed Area End Address.
* This is parsed from user-provided data, and must be checked to ensure it
* the value is within the expected range, and has not overflowed.
uintptr_t image_end;
} rom_ext_ranges_t;
* ROM Extension image signature.
typedef struct rom_ext_signature {
} rom_ext_signature_t;
* ROM Extension lockdown information.
* TODO - probably would eventually become an internal type, and there will
* be another public type with more finely parsed information.
typedef struct rom_ext_lockdown_info {
} rom_ext_lockdown_info_t;
* ROM Extension Signature Key Modulus.
typedef struct rom_ext_signature_key_modulus {
} rom_ext_signature_key_modulus_t;
* ROM Extension image extension IDs.
typedef enum rom_ext_extension_id {
* Image extension 0.
kRomExtExtensionId0 = 0,
* Image extension 1.
* Image extension 2.
* Image extension 3.
} rom_ext_extension_id_t;
* ROM Extension image extension.
typedef struct rom_ext_extension {
* Image extension address in memory.
void *address;
* Image extension checksum.
uint32_t checksum;
} rom_ext_extension_t;
* Creates the ROM extension manifest parameters.
* Required for all ROM Extension manifest parser API.
* @param slot ROM Extension manifest slot base address.
* @return `rom_ext_manifest_t`.
rom_ext_manifest_t rom_ext_get_parameters(rom_ext_manifest_slot_t slot);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT identifier.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT identifier field resides, is relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @return ROM_EXT identifier.
uint32_t rom_ext_get_identifier(rom_ext_manifest_t params);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT signature.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT identifier field resides, is relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @param dst The destination address where the signature is copied to.
* @return `true` on success, `false` on failure.
bool rom_ext_get_signature(rom_ext_manifest_t params, rom_ext_signature_t *dst);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT image address ranges.
* This uses the ROM_EXT image length field, and the offset of the signed area.
* The results provided are absolute addresses, not relative.
* This assumes that the slot identified by `params` is a valid ROM_EXT, and
* does not check the ROM_EXT image identifier.
* @param params Parameters required to identify the ROM_EXT.
* @return The address ranges of the specific ROM_EXT.
rom_ext_ranges_t rom_ext_get_ranges(rom_ext_manifest_t params);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT image version.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT image version field resides, is relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @return ROM_EXT image version.
uint32_t rom_ext_get_version(rom_ext_manifest_t params);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT image timestamp.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT image timestamp field resides, is relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @return ROM_EXT image timestamp.
uint64_t rom_ext_get_timestamp(rom_ext_manifest_t params);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT Signature Key Public Exponent.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT exponent field resides, is relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @return ROM_EXT Signature Key Public Exponent.
uint32_t rom_ext_get_signature_key_public_exponent(rom_ext_manifest_t params);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT usage constraints.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT usage constraints field resides, is
* relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @return ROM_EXT usage constraints.
uint32_t rom_ext_get_usage_constraints(rom_ext_manifest_t params);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT lockdown info.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT lockdown info field resides, is relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @param dst The destination address where the lockdown info is copied to.
* @return `true` on success, `false` on failure.
bool rom_ext_get_peripheral_lockdown_info(rom_ext_manifest_t params,
rom_ext_lockdown_info_t *dst);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT Signature Key Modulus.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT key modulus field resides, is relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @param dst The destination address where the key modulus is copied to.
* @return `true` on success, `false` on failure.
bool rom_ext_get_signature_key_modulus(rom_ext_manifest_t params,
rom_ext_signature_key_modulus_t *dst);
* Retrieves the ROM_EXT image extension specified in `id`.
* The memory address where ROM_EXT image extension information fields reside,
* is relative.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @param id Extension identifier.
* @param extension Parsed `rom_ext_extension_t` output.
* @return `true` on success, `false` on failure.
bool rom_ext_get_extension(rom_ext_manifest_t params, rom_ext_extension_id_t id,
rom_ext_extension_t *extension);
* Calculates the ROM_EXT interrupt vector value.
* This value is based upon the absolute address of the ROM_EXT interrupt
* vector, for this particular ROM_EXT.
* The value returned does not need extra processing to be used for vectored
* interrupts in Ibex - the least significant two bits will have the correct
* value.
* @param param Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @return The value to write to the `mtvec` RISC-V CSR.
uintptr_t rom_ext_get_interrupt_vector(rom_ext_manifest_t params);
* Calculates the ROM_EXT image code entry point.
* @param params Parameters required for manifest parsing.
* @return The absolute address to jump to to begin execution of the ROM_EXT.
uintptr_t rom_ext_get_entry(rom_ext_manifest_t params);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus