blob: 861f29caba1053ff08a8a8d494b625b454f1bb3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Interrupt handler vector, set up so that all interrupts are
* caught and loop forever.
* See the Ibex manual, Chapter 11, for more information.
// NOTE: The "ax" flag below is necessary to ensure that this section
// is allocated executable space in ROM by the linker.
.section .vectors, "ax"
.option push
// Disable RISC-V instruction compression: we need all instructions to
// be exactly word wide in the interrupt vector.
.option norvc
// Disable RISC-V linker relaxation, as it can compress instructions at
// link-time, which we also really don't want.
.option norelax
// Exception handler.
.org 0x00
j exception_handler
// Software interrupt handler.
.org 0x0c
j default_irq_handler
// Timer interrupt handler.
.org 0x1c
j default_irq_handler
// External interrupt handler
.org 0x2c
j default_irq_handler
// Fast interrupts, 0 through 14.
// Since there are 15 of these in a continuous block,
// we just repeat the same instruction.
.org 0x40
.rept 15
j default_irq_handler
// Non-maskable interrupt (NMI) handler.
.org 0x7c
j default_irq_handler
// Reset vector, the initial entry point after reset.
.org 0x80
j _reset_start
.option pop
// Put these handlers in the code section.
* Default exception handler; loops forever.
j exception_handler
* Default interrupt handler; loops forever.
j default_irq_handler