| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| class aes_env_cfg extends cip_base_env_cfg #(.RAL_T(aes_reg_block)); |
| |
| `uvm_object_utils_begin(aes_env_cfg) |
| `uvm_object_utils_end |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| // TODO sort knobs into test/SEQUENCE/message/item |
| |
| // test environment constraints // |
| typedef enum { VerySlow, Slow, Fast, VeryFast } tl_ul_access_e; |
| |
| |
| // Message Knobs // |
| int num_messages_min = 1; |
| int num_messages_max = 1; |
| int message_len_min = 128; |
| int message_len_max = 128; |
| bit use_key_mask = 0; |
| bit use_c_model_pct = 0; |
| |
| // clear registers with 0's or rand |
| bit clear_reg_w_rand = 1; |
| // if set the order of which key iv and data is written will be randomized and interleaved |
| bit random_data_key_iv_order = 1; |
| |
| // Mode distribution // |
| // There are 5 modes (ecb, cbc, ofb, cfb, ctr). The weight for mode X is called X_weight. By |
| // default, all weights are set equal at 10 (so each is selected 10/50 = 20% of the time). |
| int ecb_weight = 10; |
| int cbc_weight = 10; |
| int ofb_weight = 10; |
| int cfb_weight = 10; |
| int ctr_weight = 10; |
| |
| // KEYLEN weights |
| // change of selecting 128b key |
| // 128b/(128+192+256) = 10/30 = (33%) |
| int key_128b_weight = 10; |
| int key_192b_weight = 10; |
| int key_256b_weight = 10; |
| |
| // use manual operation mode percentage |
| int manual_operation_pct = 10; |
| |
| // debug / directed test knobs |
| // use fixed key |
| bit fixed_key_en = 0; |
| // use fixed data (same data for each block in a message) |
| bit fixed_data_en = 0; |
| // fixed operation |
| bit fixed_operation_en = 0; |
| bit fixed_operation = 1'b0; |
| // fixed iv (will set all to bits 0) |
| bit fixed_iv_en = 0; |
| |
| bit fixed_keylen_en = 0; |
| bit [2:0] fixed_keylen = 3'b001; |
| |
| |
| // [0]: configuration errors |
| // [1]: malicous injection |
| // [2]: random resets |
| error_types_t error_types = 3'b111; |
| |
| // [1]: mode error |
| // [0]: key_len |
| cfg_error_type_t config_error_type = 2'b00; |
| |
| // number of messages that was selected to be corrupt |
| // these should be excluded from the num_messages count |
| // when checking that all messages was processed |
| int num_corrupt_messages = 0; |
| // percentage of configuration errors |
| int config_error_pct = 10; |
| int mal_error_pct = 5; |
| int random_reset_pct = 10; |
| |
| // clear register percentage |
| // percentage of items that will try to clear |
| // one or more registers |
| int clear_reg_pct = 0; |
| |
| // should the read vs write be unbalanced. |
| bit unbalanced = 0; |
| // chance of reading valid output (for each status poll) |
| int read_prob = 80; |
| // chance of writing data when DUT is ready (for each status poll) |
| int write_prob = 90; |
| |
| |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| // dont touch updated by env // |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // keep track of how many packets was split |
| int split_cnt = 0; |
| |
| // rand variables |
| // 0: C model 1: OPEN_SSL/BORING_SSL |
| rand bit ref_model; |
| // randomly select if we force unused key bits to 0 |
| rand bit key_mask; |
| // number of messages to encrypt/decrypt |
| rand int num_messages; |
| |
| // TL UL contraints // |
| rand tl_ul_access_e host_resp_speed; |
| |
| |
| // constraints |
| constraint c_num_messages {num_messages inside {[num_messages_min : num_messages_max]};} |
| constraint c_ref_model {ref_model dist { 0 :/ use_c_model_pct, |
| 1 :/ (100 - use_c_model_pct)};} |
| |
| |
| function void post_randomize(); |
| if (use_key_mask) key_mask = 1; |
| |
| case(host_resp_speed) |
| VerySlow: begin |
| m_tl_agent_cfg.d_ready_delay_min = 10; |
| m_tl_agent_cfg.d_ready_delay_max = 10; |
| end |
| Slow: begin |
| m_tl_agent_cfg.d_ready_delay_min = 4; |
| m_tl_agent_cfg.d_ready_delay_max = 10; |
| end |
| Fast: begin |
| m_tl_agent_cfg.d_ready_delay_min = 0; |
| m_tl_agent_cfg.d_ready_delay_max = 5; |
| end |
| VeryFast: begin |
| m_tl_agent_cfg.d_ready_delay_min = 0; |
| m_tl_agent_cfg.d_ready_delay_max = 0; |
| end |
| endcase |
| |
| if (config_error_type[0] == 1'b1) num_corrupt_messages += 1; |
| endfunction |
| |
| |
| virtual function string convert2string(); |
| string str = ""; |
| str = super.convert2string(); |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| AES ENVIRONMENT CONFIG \t ") }; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| Max Number of message %d \t ", num_messages_max)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| Min Number of message %d \t ", num_messages_min)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| Max message len %d bytes \t ", message_len_max)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| Min message len %d bytes \t ", message_len_min)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| Host response speed %s \t ", host_resp_speed.name())}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| Reference model:\t %s \t ", |
| (ref_model==0) ? "C-MODEL" : "OPEN_SSL" )}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| num_messages # %d \t ", num_messages)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| ECB Weight: %d \t ", ecb_weight)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| CBC Weight: %d \t ", cbc_weight)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| CFB Weight: %d \t ", cfb_weight)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| OFB Weight: %d \t ", ofb_weight)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| CTR Weight: %d \t ", ctr_weight)}; |
| str = {str, $sformatf("\n\t ----| key mask: %b \t ", key_mask)}; |
| str = {str, "\n"}; |
| return str; |
| endfunction |
| |
| virtual function void initialize(bit [TL_AW-1:0] csr_base_addr = '1); |
| list_of_alerts = aes_env_pkg::LIST_OF_ALERTS; |
| super.initialize(csr_base_addr); |
| endfunction |
| |
| endclass |