blob: 6b6631136f6d5a5ee1046c1461b1c8df2e210f27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief <a href="/hw/ip/lc_ctrl/doc/">Lifecycle Controller</a> Device
* Interface Functions
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_warn_unused_result.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
* A lifecycle controller status code.
* See `dif_lc_ctrl_get_status()`.
typedef enum dif_lc_ctrl_status_code {
* Indicates that the controller has been successfully initialized.
* Indicates that the last lifecycle transition succeeded.
* Indicates that too many hardware transitions have occurred, and the
* hardware will not transition the lifecycle any further.
* Indicates that an invalid lifecycle transition was attempted.
* Indicates that a bad token was supplied for conditional transition.
* Indicates a flash RMA request error.
* Indicates an error during an OTP operation.
* This error will raise an alert.
* Indicates an error in the controller's internal state.
* This error will raise an alert.
* Indicates a bus integrity error.
* This error will raise an alert.
* Indicates an ECC error in the lifecycle OTP partition.
} dif_lc_ctrl_status_code_t;
* A bit-vector of `dif_lc_ctrl_status_code_t`s.
* Whether a particular status is contained in this vector can be discovered by
* using it as a bit index: `bitfield_bit32_read(status, status_code);`.
typedef uint32_t dif_lc_ctrl_status_t;
* A lifecycle state.
* This enum represents all states that the lifecycle state register can be in;
* some of these do not correspond to "real" lifecycle states, and cannot be
* transitioned to.
typedef enum dif_lc_ctrl_state_t {
* The initial post-manufacture state.
* All functions are disabled.
* The zeroth test state.
* Debug functions are enabled.
* The zeroth locked test state.
* All functions are disabled.
* The first test state.
* Debug functions are enabled.
* The first locked test state.
* All functions are disabled.
* The second test state.
* Debug functions are enabled.
* The second locked test state.
* All functions are disabled.
* The third test state.
* Debug functions are enabled.
* The third locked test state.
* All functions are disabled.
* The fourth test state.
* Debug functions are enabled.
* The fourth locked test state.
* All functions are disabled.
* The fifth test state.
* Debug functions are enabled.
* The fifth locked test state.
* All functions are disabled.
* The sixth test state.
* Debug functions are enabled.
* The sixth locked test state.
* All functions are disabled.
* The seventh test state.
* Debug functions are enabled.
* The development state.
* Some debug functions are enabled.
* The main production state.
* No debug functions are enabled.
* The EOL production state.
* Same as Prod, except Rma cannot be transitioned to.
* RMA manufacturer analysis state.
* The scrap EOL state.
* Cannot be transitioned from; all functions are disabled.
* State entered immediately after a transition occurs.
* Not a real state.
* State entered immediately after an alert is raised.
* Not a real state.
* Indicates that the encoded lifecycle is invalid.
* Not a real state.
} dif_lc_ctrl_state_t;
* A personalization state, indicating whether the device has been successfully
* personalized.
typedef enum dif_lc_ctrl_id_state {
* Indicates that the device has not yet been personalized.
* Indicates that the device has been personalized.
* Indicates that the personalization state is corrupt.
} dif_lc_ctrl_id_state_t;
* A 128-bit unlock token used for certain kinds of lifecycle transitions.
typedef struct dif_lc_ctrl_token {
uint8_t data[128 / 8];
} dif_lc_ctrl_token_t;
* A 256-bit device id stored in OTP's hw_cfg partition.
typedef struct dif_lc_ctrl_device_id {
uint32_t data[256 / 32];
} dif_lc_ctrl_device_id_t;
* Hardware instantiation parameters for a lifecycle controller.
* This struct describes information about the underlying hardware that is
* not determined until the hardware design is used as part of a top-level
* design.
typedef struct dif_lc_ctrl_params {
* The base address for the lifecycle controller hardware registers.
mmio_region_t base_addr;
} dif_lc_ctrl_params_t;
* A handle to a lifecycle controller.
* This type should be treated as opaque by users.
typedef struct dif_lc_ctrl {
dif_lc_ctrl_params_t params;
} dif_lc_ctrl_t;
* The result of a lifecycle controller operation.
typedef enum dif_lc_ctrl_result {
* Indicates that the operation succeeded.
kDifLcCtrlOk = 0,
* Indicates some unspecified failure.
kDifLcCtrlError = 1,
* Indicates that some parameter passed into a function failed a
* precondition.
* When this value is returned, no hardware operations occurred.
kDifLcCtrlBadArg = 2,
} dif_lc_ctrl_result_t;
* The result of a lifecycle attempt counter operation.
typedef enum dif_lc_ctrl_attempts_result {
* Indicates that the operation succeeded.
kDifLcCtrlAttemptsOk = kDifLcCtrlOk,
* Indicates some unspecified failure.
kDifLcCtrlAttemptsError = kDifLcCtrlError,
* Indicates that some parameter passed into a function failed a
* precondition.
* When this value is returned, no hardware operations occurred.
kDifLcCtrlAttemptsBadArg = kDifLcCtrlBadArg,
* Indicates that too many lifecycle transitions have occurred, such that the
* hardware can no longer keep a count.
} dif_lc_ctrl_attempts_result_t;
* The result of a lifecycle controller operation involving the hardware mutex.
typedef enum dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_result {
* Indicates that the operation succeeded.
kDifLcCtrlMutexOk = kDifLcCtrlOk,
* Indicates some unspecified failure.
kDifLcCtrlMutexError = kDifLcCtrlError,
* Indicates that some parameter passed into a function failed a
* precondition.
* When this value is returned, no hardware operations occurred.
kDifLcCtrlMutexBadArg = kDifLcCtrlBadArg,
* Indicates that a mutex-guarded operation failed because someone (other
* than software) is holding it.
kDifLcCtrlMutexAlreadyTaken = 3,
} dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_result_t;
* An alert that can be raised by the hardware.
typedef enum dif_lc_ctrl_alert {
* The alert triggered by a `kDifLcCtrlStatusCodeOtpError`.
* The alert triggered by a `kDifLcCtrlStatusCodeCorrupt`.
* The alert triggered by a `kDifLcCtrlStatusCodeBusIntegError`.
} dif_lc_ctrl_alert_t;
* Creates a new handle for the lifecycle controller.
* This function does not actuate the hardware.
* @param params Hardware instantiation parameters.
* @param[out] lc Out param for the initialized handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_init(dif_lc_ctrl_params_t params,
dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc);
* Returns the current state of the lifecycle controller.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param[out] state Out-param for the controller's state.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_get_state(const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc,
dif_lc_ctrl_state_t *state);
* Returns the number of lifecycle transitions that this device has attempted,
* up to 16.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param[out] count Out-param for the number of attempts.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_attempts_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_get_attempts(const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc,
uint8_t *count);
* Returns the current status of the lifecycle controller.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param[out] status Out-param for the controller's status.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_get_status(const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc,
dif_lc_ctrl_status_t *status);
* Returns the current personalization state of the lifecycle controller.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param[out] state Out-param for the controller's personalization state.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_get_id_state(const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc,
dif_lc_ctrl_id_state_t *state);
* Returns the current device id reading from lifecycle controller's device id
* registers.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param[out] device_id Out-param for the device id.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_get_device_id(
const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc, dif_lc_ctrl_device_id_t *device_id);
* Forces a particular alert, causing it to be escalated as if the hardware had
* raised it.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param alert The alert to force.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_alert_force(const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc,
dif_lc_ctrl_alert_t alert);
* Attempts to acquire the lifecycle controller's HW mutex.
* Returns `kDifLcCtrlMutexHeld` if acquisition fails. It is recommended to
* call this function in a busy loop to acquire the mutex.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
// Open Q: do we want to be checking REGWEN for all operations dependent on the
// mutex?
dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_try_acquire(
const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc);
* Releases the lifecycle controller's HW mutex.
* Calls to this function must be sequenced with successful calls to
* `dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_try_acquire()`.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_release(const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc);
* Performs a lifecycle transition.
* Note that not all transitions require an unlock token; in that case, NULL
* should be passed as the token.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param state The state to transition to.
* @param token A token for unlocking the transition; may be null.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_transition(
const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc, dif_lc_ctrl_state_t state,
const dif_lc_ctrl_token_t *token);
* Writes settings to the vendor-specific OTP test control register.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param settings The settings to write to the register.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_mutex_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_set_otp_test_reg(const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc,
uint32_t settings);
* Reads settings from the vendor-specific OTP test control register.
* @param lc A lifecycle handle.
* @param settings Output parameter for the settings.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_lc_ctrl_result_t dif_lc_ctrl_get_otp_test_reg(const dif_lc_ctrl_t *lc,
uint32_t *settings);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus