| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| { name: "spi_host", |
| clock_primary: "clk_i", |
| other_clock_list: [ "clk_core_i" ], |
| reset_primary: "rst_ni", |
| other_reset_list: [ "rst_core_ni" ], |
| bus_interfaces: [ |
| { protocol: "tlul", direction: "device" } |
| ], |
| inter_signal_list: [ |
| { struct: "passthrough", |
| package: "spi_device_pkg", |
| type: "req_rsp", |
| name: "passthrough", |
| act: "rsp", |
| width: "1" |
| } |
| ] |
| alert_list: [ |
| { name: "fatal_fault", |
| desc: ''' |
| This fatal alert is triggered when a fatal TL-UL bus integrity fault is detected inside the KMAC unit. |
| ''' |
| } |
| ], |
| regwidth: "32", |
| scan: "true", |
| param_list: [ |
| { name: "ByteOrder", |
| desc: '''Byte order to use when transmitting or receiving data. If ByteOrder = 0, |
| the IP uses a Big-Endian ordering for the bytes in DATA. |
| The most significant byte (MSB) of DATA is transmitted first, and |
| received data is placed in the MSB location of DATA. If ByteOrder = 1, |
| a Little-Endian ordering is used for these registers, and the LSB of each |
| gets priority for receiving and transmitting data.''' |
| type: "logic", |
| default: "1" |
| }, |
| { name: "NumCS", |
| desc: "The number of active-low chip select (cs_n) lines to create.", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "1" |
| }, |
| { name: "TxDepth", |
| desc: "The size of the Tx FIFO (in words)", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "72" |
| }, |
| { name: "RxDepth", |
| desc: "The size of the Rx FIFO (in words)", |
| type: "int", |
| default: "64" |
| }, |
| ], |
| available_output_list: [ |
| { name: "sck" |
| desc: "SPI Clock" |
| }, |
| { name: "csb" |
| desc: '''Chip Select# (One hot, active low). The size of this port should match NumCS.''' |
| width: "1" |
| } |
| ], |
| available_inout_list: [ |
| { name: "sd", |
| desc: "SPI data bus", |
| width: "4" |
| }, |
| ], |
| interrupt_list: [ |
| { name: "error", |
| desc: '''Error-related interrupts, see !!ERROR_ENABLE register for more |
| information.''' |
| }, |
| { name: "spi_event", |
| desc: '''Event-related interrupts, see !!EVENT_ENABLE register for more |
| information.''' |
| } |
| ], |
| alert_list: [ |
| { name: "fatal_fault", |
| desc: ''' |
| This fatal alert is triggered when a fatal TL-UL bus integrity fault is detected inside the HMAC unit. |
| ''' |
| } |
| ], |
| registers: [ |
| { name: "CONTROL", |
| desc: "Control register", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "31", |
| name: "SPIEN", |
| desc: '''Enables the SPI host. On reset, this field is 0, meaning |
| that no transactions can proceed.''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "30", |
| name: "SW_RST", |
| desc: '''Clears the entire IP to the reset state when set to 1, including |
| the FIFOs, the CDC's, the core state machine and the shift register. |
| In the current implementation, the CDC FIFOs are drained not reset. |
| Therefore software must confirm that both FIFO's empty before releasing |
| clearing this bit.''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "29", |
| name: "PASSTHRU", |
| desc: '''Enables Pass-through mode, wherein the SPI_HOST IP surrenders |
| control of the SPI bus to another block. In this mode the |
| `sck`, `cs_n` and `sd` signals are no longer driven by |
| the SPI_HOST IP, rather they are multiplexed out to match the |
| on-chip inputs `pt_sck_i`, `pt_cs_n_i`, `pt_sden_i`, `pt_sdo_i`, |
| and `pt_sdi_o`. (Since the `sd` bus is bidirectional, there are |
| separate input, output and tri-state controls for this bus.)''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "15:8", |
| name: "TX_WATERMARK" |
| desc: '''If !!EVENT_ENABLE.TXWM is set, the IP will send |
| an interrupt when the depth of the RX FIFO drops below |
| TX_WATERMARK words (32b each).''' |
| resval: "0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "7:0", |
| name: "RX_WATERMARK" |
| desc: '''If !!EVENT_ENABLE.RXWM is set, the IP will send |
| an interrupt when the depth of the RX FIFO reaches |
| RX_WATERMARK words (32b each).''' |
| resval: "127" |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| { name: "STATUS", |
| desc: "Status register", |
| swaccess: "ro", |
| hwaccess: "hwo", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "31", |
| name: "READY", |
| desc: '''When high, indicates the SPI host is ready to receive |
| commands. Writing to COMMAND when READY is low is |
| an error, and will trigger an interrupt. |
| ''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "30", |
| name: "ACTIVE", |
| desc: '''When high, indicates the SPI host is processing a previously |
| issued command.''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "29", |
| name: "TXFULL", |
| desc: '''When high, indicates that the transmit data fifo is full. |
| Any further writes to !!DATA will create an error interrupt. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "28", |
| name: "TXEMPTY", |
| desc: '''When high, indicates that the transmit data fifo is empty. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "27" |
| name: "TXSTALL", |
| desc: '''If high, signifies that an ongoing transaction has stalled |
| due to lack of data in the TX FIFO''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "26", |
| name: "TXWM", |
| desc: '''If high, the amount of data in the TX FIFO has fallen below the |
| level of !!CONTROL.TX_WATERMARK words (32b each).''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "25", |
| name: "RXFULL", |
| desc: '''When high, indicates that the receive fifo is full. Any |
| ongoing transactions will stall until firmware reads some |
| data from !!DATA.''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "24", |
| name: "RXEMPTY", |
| desc: '''When high, indicates that the receive fifo is empty. |
| Any reads from RX FIFO will cause an error interrupt. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "23", |
| name: "RXSTALL", |
| desc: '''If high, signifies that an ongoing transaction has stalled |
| due to lack of available space in the RX FIFO''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "22", |
| name: "BYTEORDER", |
| desc: '''The value of the ByteOrder parameter, provided so that firmware |
| can confirm proper IP configuration.''' |
| } |
| { bits: "20", |
| name: "RXWM", |
| desc: '''If high, the number of 32-bits in the RX FIFO now exceeds the |
| !!CONTROL.RX_WATERMARK entries (32b each).''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "15:8", |
| name: "RXQD", |
| desc: '''Receive queue depth. Indicates how many unread 32-bit words are |
| currently in the RX FIFO. When active, this result may an |
| underestimate due to synchronization delays.''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "7:0", |
| name: "TXQD", |
| desc: '''Transmit queue depth. Indicates how many unsent 32-bit words |
| are currently in the TX FIFO. When active, this result may |
| be an overestimate due to synchronization delays, |
| ''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| } |
| ] |
| tags: [// Updated by the hw. Exclude from init and write-checks. |
| "excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclCheck"] |
| |
| }, |
| { multireg: { name: "CONFIGOPTS", |
| desc: '''Configuration options register. |
| |
| Contains options for controlling each peripheral. One register per |
| cs_n line''', |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| cname: "configopts", |
| count: "NumCS", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "31", |
| name: "CPOL", |
| desc: '''The polarity of the sck clock signal. When CPOL is 0, |
| sck is low when idle, and emits high pulses. When CPOL |
| is low, sck is high when idle, and emits a series of low |
| pulses. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "30", |
| name: "CPHA", |
| desc: '''The phase of the sck clock signal relative to the data. When |
| CPHA = 0, the data changes on the trailing edge of sck |
| and is typically sampled on the leading edge. Conversely |
| if CPHA = 1 high, data lines change on the leading edge of |
| sck and are typically sampled on the trailing edge. |
| CPHA should be chosen to match the phase of the selected |
| device. The sampling behavior is modified by the |
| ''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "29", |
| name: "FULLCYC", |
| desc: '''Full cycle. Modifies the CPHA sampling behaviour to allow |
| for longer device logic setup times. Rather than sampling the SD |
| bus a half cycle after shifting out data, the data is sampled |
| a full cycle after shifting data out. This means that if |
| CPHA = 0, data is shifted out on the trailing edge, and |
| sampled a full cycle later. If CPHA = 1, data is shifted and |
| sampled with the trailing edge, also separated by a |
| full cycle.''', |
| resval: 0 |
| }, |
| { bits: "27:24", |
| name: "CSNLEAD", |
| desc: '''CS_N Leading Time. Indicates the number of half sck cycles, |
| CSNLEAD+1, to leave between the falling edge of cs_n and |
| the first edge of sck. Setting this register to zero |
| corresponds to the minimum delay of one-half sck cycle''' |
| resval: 0 |
| }, |
| { bits: "23:20", |
| name: "CSNTRAIL" |
| desc: '''CS_N Trailing Time. Indicates the number of half sck cycles, |
| CSNTRAIL+1, to leave between last edge of sck and the rising |
| edge of cs_n. Setting this register to zero corresponds |
| to the minimum delay of one-half sck cycle.''' |
| resval: 0 |
| }, |
| { bits: "19:16", |
| name: "CSNIDLE" |
| desc: '''Minimum idle time between commands. Indicates the minimum |
| number of sck half-cycles to hold cs_n high between commands. |
| Setting this register to zero creates a minimally-wide CS_N-high |
| pulse of one-half sck cycle.''' |
| resval: 0 |
| }, |
| { bits: "15:0", |
| name: "CLKDIV", |
| desc: '''Core clock divider. Slows down subsequent SPI transactions by a |
| factor of (CLKDIV+1) relative to the core clock frequency. The |
| period of sck, T(sck) then becomes `2*(CLK_DIV+1)*T(core)`''' |
| resval: 0 |
| }, |
| ] |
| } |
| }, |
| { name: "CSID", |
| desc: '''Chip-Select ID |
| |
| Controls which device to target with the next command. This register |
| is passed to the core whenever !!COMMAND is written. The core then |
| asserts cio_csb_o[!!CSID] during the execution of the command.''', |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "31:0", |
| name: "CSID", |
| desc: "Chip Select ID", |
| resval: "0x0" |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| { name: "COMMAND", |
| desc: '''Command Register |
| |
| Parameters specific to each command segment. One common register for all |
| devices''', |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| hwqe: "true", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "13:12", |
| name: "DIRECTION", |
| desc: '''The direction for the following command: "0" = Dummy cycles |
| (no TX/RX). "1" = Rx only, "2" = Tx only, "3" Bidirectional |
| Tx/Rx (Standard SPI mode only).''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| } |
| { bits: "11:10", |
| name: "SPEED", |
| desc: '''The speed for this command segment: "0" = Standard SPI. "1" = Dual SPI. |
| "2"=Quad SPI, "3": RESERVED.''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "9", |
| name: "CSAAT", |
| desc: '''Chip select active after transaction. If CSAAT = 0, the |
| chip select line is raised immediately at the end of the |
| command segment. If !!COMMAND.CSAAT = 1, the chip select |
| line is left low at the end of the current transaction |
| segment. This allows the creation longer, more |
| complete SPI transactions, consisting of several separate |
| segments for issuing instructions, pausing for dummy cycles, |
| and transmitting or receiving data from the device.''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "8:0", |
| name: "LEN", |
| desc: '''Segment Length. |
| |
| For read or write segments, this field controls the |
| number of 1-byte bursts to transmit and or receive in |
| this command segment. The number of cyles required |
| to send or received a byte will depend on !!COMMAND.SPEED. |
| For dummy segments, (!!COMMAND.DIRECTION == 0), this register |
| controls the number of dummy cycles to issue. |
| ''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| { window: { |
| name: "DATA", |
| items: "1", |
| validbits: "32", |
| byte-write: "true", |
| desc: '''SPI Transmit and Receive Data. |
| |
| Write data to this window to place it in the TXFIFO. |
| Reads from this register pull data from the RXFIFO. |
| Byte-enables are supported for writes. |
| |
| The serial order of bit transmission |
| is chosen to match SPI flash devices. Individual bytes |
| are always transmitted with the most significant bit first. |
| Multi-byte writes are also supported, and if ByteOrder = 0, |
| the bits of !!DATA are transmitted strictly in order of |
| decreasing signficance (i.e. most signicant bit first). |
| For some processor architectures, this could lead to shuffling |
| of flash data as compared to how it is written in memory. |
| In which case, choosing ByteOrder = 1 can reverse the |
| byte-order of multi-byte data writes. (Though within |
| each byte the most significant bit is always sent first.) |
| ''' |
| swaccess: "wo", |
| unusual: "false" |
| } |
| }, |
| { name: "ERROR_ENABLE", |
| desc: "Controls which classes of errors raise an interrupt." |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "4", |
| name: "CSIDINVAL", |
| desc: '''Invalid CSID: If this bit is set, the block sends an error interrupt whenever |
| a command is submitted, but CSID exceeds NumCS.''', |
| resval: "0x1" |
| } |
| { bits: "3", |
| name: "CMDINVAL", |
| desc: '''Invalid Command Errors: If this bit is set, the block sends an |
| error interrupt whenever a command is sent with invalid values for |
| resval: "0x1" |
| }, |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "UNDERFLOW", |
| desc: '''Underflow Errors: If this bit is set, the block sends an |
| error interrupt whenever there is a read from !!DATA |
| but the RX FIFO is empty.''' |
| resval: "0x1" |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "OVERFLOW", |
| desc: '''Overflow Errors: If this bit is set, the block sends an |
| error interrupt whenever the TX FIFO overflows.''' |
| resval: "0x1" |
| }, |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "CMDBUSY", |
| desc: '''Command Error: If this bit is set, the block sends an error |
| interrupt whenever a command is issued while busy (i.e. a 1 is |
| when !!STATUS.READY is not asserted.)''', |
| resval: "0x1" |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| { name: "ERROR_STATUS", |
| desc: '''Indicates that any errors that have occurred. |
| When an error |
| occurs, the corresponding bit must be cleared here before |
| issuing any further commands.''' |
| swaccess: "rw1c", |
| hwaccess: "hrw", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "4", |
| name: "CSIDINVAL", |
| desc: '''Indicates a command was attempted with an invalid value for !!CSID.''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "3", |
| name: "CMDINVAL", |
| desc: '''Indicates an invalid command segment, meaning either an invalid value of |
| !!COMMAND.SPEED or a request for bidirectional data transfer at dual or quad |
| speed''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "UNDERFLOW", |
| desc: '''Indicates that firmware has attempted to read from |
| !!DATA when the RX FIFO is empty.''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "OVERFLOW", |
| desc: '''Indicates that firmware has overflowed the TX FIFO''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "CMDBUSY", |
| desc: '''Indicates a write to !!COMMAND when !!STATUS.READY = 0. |
| ''' |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| ] |
| }, |
| { name: "EVENT_ENABLE", |
| desc: "Controls which classes of SPI events raise an interrupt.", |
| swaccess: "rw", |
| hwaccess: "hro", |
| fields: [ |
| { bits: "5", |
| name: "IDLE", |
| desc: '''Assert to send a spi_event interrupt whenever !!STATUS.ACTIVE |
| goes low''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| } |
| { bits: "4", |
| name: "READY", |
| desc: '''Assert to send a spi_event interrupt whenever !!STATUS.READY |
| goes high''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "3", |
| name: "TXWM", |
| desc: '''Assert to send a spi_event interrupt whenever the number of 32-bit words in |
| the TX FIFO is less than !!CONTROL.TX_WATERMARK. To prevent the |
| reassertion of this interrupt add more data to the TX FIFO, or |
| reduce !!CONTROL.TX_WATERMARK.''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "2", |
| name: "RXWM", |
| desc: '''Assert to send a spi_event interrupt whenever the number of 32-bit words in |
| the RX FIFO is greater than !!CONTROL.RX_WATERMARK. To prevent the |
| reassertion of this interrupt, read more data from the RX FIFO, or |
| increase !!CONTROL.RX_WATERMARK.''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "1", |
| name: "TXEMPTY", |
| desc: '''Assert to send a spi_event interrupt whenever !!STATUS.TXEMPTY |
| goes high''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| { bits: "0", |
| name: "RXFULL", |
| desc: '''Assert to send a spi_event interrupt whenever !!STATUS.RXFULL |
| goes high''', |
| resval: "0x0" |
| }, |
| ] |
| } |
| ] |
| } |