blob: eeb76e2b2f32f02db7149d1f09c10c42e6d1176e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This is sourced by all supported simulators. The driver scripts
# ( need to make sure that we don't ask for an unsupported
# dumping format (SHM with VCS, for example). The adjoining common.tcl
# must be sourced prior to sourcing this file.
if {[info proc setDefault] ne "setDefault"} {
puts "ERROR: Please ensure that common.tcl is sourced."
# A procedure that provides a wave-format-agnostic way to enable a scope (design heirarchy).
# In large designs, dumping waves on the entire hierarchy can significantly slow down the
# simulation. It is useful in that case to only dump the relevant scopes of interest during debug.
# waves : The wave-format (fsdb, shm, vpd, vcd, evcd, etc).
# simulator : The simulator used for running the simulation (vcs, xcelium, etc).
# scope : Design / testbench hierarchy to dump waves. Defaults to $tb_top.
# depth : Levels in the hierarchy to dump waves. Defaults to 0 (dump all levels).
# fsdb_flags : Additional string flags passed to fsdbDumpVars. Defaults to "+all", which enables
# dumping of memories, MDAs, structs, unions, power, packed structs, and SVAs.
# probe_flags : Additional string flags passed to probe command (Xcelium). Defaults to "-all".
# dump_flags : Additional string flags passed to dump command (VCS). Defaults to "-aggregates",
# which enables dumping of structs and arrays.
# Depending on the need, more such technology specific flags can be added in future.
proc wavedumpScope {waves simulator scope {depth 0} {fsdb_flags "+all"} {probe_flags "-all"}
{dump_flags "-aggregates"}} {
switch $waves {
"none" {
"fsdb" {
if {$simulator eq "xcelium"} {
call fsdbDumpvars $depth $scope $fsdb_flags
call fsdbDumpSVA $depth $scope
} else {
fsdbDumpvars $depth $scope $fsdb_flags
fsdbDumpSVA $depth $scope
"shm" {
if {$depth == 0} {
set depth "all"
probe "$scope" $probe_flags -depth $depth -memories -shm
"vpd" {
global vpd_fid
dump -add "$scope" -fid $vpd_fid -depth $depth $dump_flags
"vcd" {
if {$simulator eq "xcelium"} {
if {$depth == 0} {
set depth "all"
probe "$scope" $probe_flags -depth $depth -memories -vcd
"evcd" {
if {$simulator eq "xcelium"} {
if {$depth == 0} {
set depth "all"
probe "$scope" $probe_flags -depth $depth -evcd
default {
puts "ERROR: Unknown wave format: ${waves}."
puts "INFO: Dumping waves in scope \"$scope:$depth\"."
# A global variable representing the file id (fid) of the waves dumped in VPD format.
setDefault vpd_fid 0
# The entry point to enable dumping waves.
# If waves are not enabled (i.e. $waves == "none"), we do nothing. If enabled, then first, we run
# the tcl command to establish the dump file. Then, we run `wavedumpScope args...` to enable dumping
# the required hierarchies.
global waves
global simulator
if {$waves ne "none"} {
set wavedump_db "waves.$waves"
puts "INFO: Dumping waves in [string toupper $waves] format to $wavedump_db."
# If waves are enabled, then issue the necessary tcl commands to enable the generation of waves.
# To explicitly list the hierarchies to dump, use the wavedumpScope proc instead.
switch $waves {
"fsdb" {
if {$simulator eq "xcelium"} {
call fsdbDumpfile $wavedump_db
} else {
fsdbDumpfile $wavedump_db
"shm" {
checkEq simulator "xcelium"
database -open $wavedump_db -default -shm
"vpd" {
checkEq simulator "vcs"
global vpd_fid
set vpd_fid [dump -file $wavedump_db -type VPD]
"vcd" {
if {$simulator eq "xcelium"} {
database -open $wavedump_db -default -vcd
} else {
puts "ERROR: Simulator $simulator does not support dumping waves in VCD."
"evcd" {
if {$simulator eq "xcelium"} {
database -open $wavedump_db -default -evcd
} else {
puts "ERROR: Simulator $simulator does not support dumping waves in EVCD."
default {
puts "ERROR: Unknown wave format: ${waves}."
# Decide whether to dump the entire testbench hierarchy by default.
# If this variable is not set externally, it is set to 1 by default here. When set to 1, it adds
# the entire top-level testbench instance for dumping waves. For larger designs, this may slow
# down the simulation. The user can if needed, set it to 0 in the external tcl script that sources
# this script and manually add the hierarchies of interest in there, using the wavedumpScope proc.
# See the adjoining sim.tcl for an example.
setDefault dump_tb_top 1
if {$dump_tb_top == 1} {
global tb_top
wavedumpScope $waves $simulator $tb_top 0
} else {
puts "INFO: the hierarchies to be dumped are expected to be indicated externally."